
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


Big Government GOPism

Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) says obesity is a threat to America’s “national security”. And the only way to fix this problem is to get the government involved. For the children. And for the country.


Here’s an idea. Instead of getting the government involved yet again — because let’s face it, they’ve already involved themselvs, having created a feminized culture in their previous war on boys, on competitive sports, on dodge ball, and on and on — let’s have more of this:

Problem solved.

18 Replies to “Big Government GOPism”

  1. Carin says:

    Ha- I don’t think I mentioned it, but at my boy’s high school Wednesday is dodge ball day. If you hit someone in the face, you get a sucker – lol. Both the hitter and the “hittee” get a sucker, but that just cracks me up.

  2. B. Moe says:

    I thought that was what boot camp was for. Do they not have boot camp any more?

  3. Pablo says:

    Maybe getting government out of the way would help. especially if it stops paying for X-boxes and mandating subsidized broadband.

  4. JHoward says:

    Maybe when the little trollop’s party finishes up making everything you do a component of the commerce clause, s/he can make diet a component of the national highway system.

    Cause only if we bus even fatter welfare dependents to Hawaii can we not fend off the ChiComs. Or something.

    That clown deserves no respect, only in-his-face ridicule. And worse.

  5. Crawford says:

    I thought that was what boot camp was for. Do they not have boot camp any more?

    Boot camp would kill the seriously out of shape.

    They’ve made it so the primary way to engage in heroic fantasies is to sit on the couch twiddling a controller, and they’re shocked, SHOCKED, that boys who dream of being heroes are out of shape.

  6. happyfeet says:

    our obscenely bloated government is gonna thin down the kiddies? These are the losers what can’t even put a man in space at present, to say nothing of passing a budget or requisitioning an airline refueling tanker or fighting a war on drugs or producing an electric vehicle what’s not a joke.

    So what we know first off is there’s no danger of kids getting thinner.

  7. LBascom says:

    “Boot camp would kill the seriously out of shape.”

    I remember being told once PE classes in public school came about after they discovered this was a problem with WWI(I think) draftees. The military was shocked at how out of shape the average youngster was.

    Anyway, that’s just what I heard once, I’m not sure it’s even true.

  8. mojo says:

    “Get the FUCK off of my obstacle course, Private Pyle!”

  9. Slartibartfast says:

    Here’s what our TKD school does for after-school care:

    A certain period of time for doing homework, and nothing else. An hour, maybe; plenty for grade school.

    Followed by a certain period of time for exercise, and nothing else. I think it’s about an hour.

    They can watch TV or read from then until their parents pick them up.

    The time for 60 minutes of play every day is before homework consumes all else.

  10. Crawford says:

    Dunno, LBascom. The original German model of public schooling was as much about healthy body as healthy mind. Perhaps it’s something the Germans discovered…

  11. BuddyPC says:

    …says obesity is a threat to America’s “national security”. And the only way to fix this problem is to get the government involved. For the children. And for the country.

    CharlesFuckin’Darwin, are these people insistent on natural selection informing every aspect of both the material and spiritual worlds, or aren’t they?
    It’d be really nice if they’d make up their minds already.

  12. Libby says:

    It amazes me that our government betters think that they can actually control their citizens’ weight. Every time Michelle Obama claims that she will eliminate childhood obesity in a generation I ant to ask her if she’s familiar with the bell curve. Then again, these are the same people who think they can control the weather.

  13. leigh says:

    I thought one of the biggest problems in our country was food insecurity and hungry children? Which is it? Are we too fat or are we starving?

  14. cranky-d says:

    Are we too fat or are we starving?


  15. leigh says:


    At the same time! What a great country!

    Mrs. Hussein spotted having a highly caloric lunch with seven intimate friends at a DC bistro yesterday. She’s doing her part to keep her weight up.

  16. NoisyAndrew says:

    It’s all just a bad dream, fat boy.

  17. Look out Sarge! That’s a space cockroach in an Egger suit!

  18. Don’t we already have this scenario with Bill Frist and friends standing there eating jelly donuts and the rest of us paying for it?

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