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November 2024


"Obama campaign abandons white working-class voters in favor of minorities and the educated"

So. Obama wants a permanent big government client state that keeps the poor dependent and keep the ideological left, churned out by the institutions its overrun and coopted as “educational” organs, employed as its propaganda arm — challenged with keeping those on the taking end of the centralized redistributive model with “voting their economic interests”

And more, he and his campaign are actually willing to come right out and profess it.

Meaning, ObamaCo believes what we here at protein wisdom have been fretting over for years now — that the nation has finally reached its self-interested, ideologically-retooled tipping point, wherein the number of those willing to vote themselves other people’s shit surpasses the number of those who believe in a system of government that protects unalienable rights and provides the framework for equal opportunity under the law.

For the first time in my lifetime, we will have a President running on a message that he doesn’t represent all Americans, but rather, that he is hoping that, for those who vote with him, he and the New Left will be able to complete their decades-long attempt at a soft coup.

This is startling. But for those of us who were brazen enough to warn back in 2007-9 that this was the inevitable trajectory of an Obama presidency (and who were as a result of our “unhelpfulness” kicked out of polite “conservative” company), it is hardly surprising.

The way to beat back such an attempt at paradigmatic change has always been to challenge the assumptions of the emergent paradigm threatening to swallow up the extant epistemological structure. And doing this involves challenging incoherent linguistic assumptions that have gained purchase by passing themselves off as “democratizing” — when in fact what they’ve done is institutionalized a form of mob rule at the expense and legitimacy of individual sovereignty and personal autonomy.

From these linguistic follies, popularly institutionalized, have grown a host of ideologically-predictable tentacles, from the PC movement with and its Orwellian inversion of “tolerance” to the multiculturalist and diversity movements, with their deconstruction and reformation of “fairness,” “equality,” and individual authenticity. And it is this vast net of tentacles that has — quite intentionally — worked to constrain and bracket Constitutional first principles in order to re-imagine (or “fundamentally transform”) the US from a constitutional republic to collectivist would-be Utopia in which group dynamics, identity politics, and consensus truths are deemed more legitimate grounds for policy making than individual liberty, rugged individualism, and Enlightenment reliance on appeals to (the metaphysical ideal) objectivity and logic to ascertain foundational truths.

We cannot, simply by way of horse-race electioneering, fix what ideologically ails us. To do so is to commit ourselves to losing more slowly.

— Which, from what I gather, is a perfectly acceptable course of action for the GOP, who en route to that eventual loss, will nevertheless profit along the way.

59 Replies to “"Obama campaign abandons white working-class voters in favor of minorities and the educated"”

  1. Uh, is this a variant of reparations? With the right people administering them, of course.

  2. sdferr says:

    It’s interesting to contrast the new Obama push to the old Obama push, represented here in a Shelby Steele analysis at the time of Obama’s election: Obama’s post-racial promise

    But there is an inherent contradiction in all this. When whites — especially today’s younger generation — proudly support Obama for his post-racialism, they unwittingly embrace race as their primary motivation. They think and act racially, not post-racially. The point is that a post-racial society is a bargainer’s ploy: It seduces whites with a vision of their racial innocence precisely to coerce them into acting out of a racial motivation. A real post-racialist could not be bargained with and would not care about displaying or documenting his racial innocence. Such a person would evaluate Obama politically rather than culturally. [. . .]

    But what about black Americans? Won’t an Obama presidency at last lead us across a centuries-old gulf of alienation into the recognition that America really is our country? Might this milestone not infuse black America with a new American nationalism? And wouldn’t this be revolutionary in itself? Like most Americans, I would love to see an Obama presidency nudge things in this direction. But the larger reality is the profound disparity between black and white Americans that will persist even under the glow of an Obama presidency. The black illegitimacy rate remains at 70%. Blacks did worse on the SAT in 2000 than in 1990. Fifty-five percent of all federal prisoners are black, though we are only 13% of the population. The academic achievement gap between blacks and whites persists even for the black middle class. All this disparity will continue to accuse blacks of inferiority and whites of racism — thus refueling our racial politics — despite the level of melanin in the president’s skin.

  3. JHoward says:

    I’m going to have to run all this past SEK before I can believe it, JG.

  4. geoffb says:

    1968 was when this course was set by the New Left as they needed to kick to the curb and or control they blue collar workers in order to take over the Democratic Party. I wrote in the pub on this based mostly on this piece from the 1972 Commentary.

    The fact is, however, that the purpose of the McGovern quotas was not to make the convention more representative of the Democratic electorate as a whole, but to favor the affluent liberals within the party and to diminish the influence of its lower-middle and working-class constituents.

    Those who take up the vocation of politics, as Max Weber? insisted, first must have an extraordinary amount of free time. Such time is readily available to the suburban housewives and the subsidized students who have provided so many second-level leaders and foot soldiers to the New-Politics movement—and who, in practice, are the “women” and the “young” singled out by the McGovern quotas. The working-class woman has no free time to speak of: she faces consuming responsibilities in the home—without the benefit of maids, appliances, and child-care services—and she often holds a job as well. As to the working-class youth, he also bears economic burdens which do not weigh on the charmed “kids” of the New Politics, and he hasn’t had formal training in law school or experience in the National Student Association to ease him into a political role.

    After 43 years they have finally decided that they not only don’t need the blue collar workers in the Party itself but don’t even need their votes in any election. Progress!

  5. sdferr says:

    “and educated white professionals […] voters who have gotten ahead on the basis of educational attainment . . . “

    Isn’t it interesting too to see “education” abandoned as a marker of education as such, and more forthrightly substituted by “education” as a marker of ideological indoctrination! They unwittingly speak a truth better kept concealed.

  6. […] We Are Probably Boned Posted on November 28, 2011 10:57 am by Bill Quick “Obama campaign abandons white working-class voters in favor of minorities and the educated” For the first time in my lifetime, we will have a President running on a message that he doesn’t […]

  7. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Well it’s all fun and games until

    the China bubble bursts
    the EU disintegrates
    Iran goes nuclear
    global warming drowns us all
    global cooling freezes us out
    the ozone layer disappears and we burn up
    CO2 chokes us to death

  8. Ernst Schreiber says:

    After 43 years they have finally decided that they not only don’t need the blue collar workers in the Party itself but don’t even need their votes in any election. Progress!

    Just imagine how great it’ll be when they do away with elections!

  9. Pablo says:

    I’m going to have to run all this past SEK before I can believe it, JG.

    In that case, it’s going to need another 5000 words.

  10. Alec Leamas says:

    After 43 years they have finally decided that they not only don’t need the blue collar workers in the Party itself but don’t even need their votes in any election. Progress!

    They didn’t like the American electorate because it wouldn’t give them the cultural and political revolution that they wanted. Then they went about the project of importing the third world into the United States in order to give them the electorate that they wanted.

    Think about that for a minute – the Left actually changed the electorate to suit its ends, rather than appealing to the electorate that was. Now they don’t need you, crackas.

  11. happyfeet says:

    this is just same ole identity politics I think … it’s the flip side of Team R targeting the people what are all a flustered about the illegal immigrants I think

  12. Ernst Schreiber says:

    You’re a fucking idiot.

  13. sdferr says:

    I don’t think it’s a question of “don’t need”, so much as a fact of “can’t get”. The fortunate “blue-collar” workers are largely unindoctrinated sufficiently in fact, so uninfected with bullshit, and therefore simply can’t be obtained. The “don’t need” is a racist whitewash.

  14. DarthLevin says:

    It’s all about the spendings. So if the Team R doofus really and for true wants to fix the spendings, I don’t care if s/he wants to bugger all the illegals with an electric fence or buy Inclusive Festival tickets for all the illegals. Compared to the spendings, the illegals really aren’t that important to me right now.

  15. happyfeet says:

    I guess maybe the general will be all about the spendings but all they ever do in the Team R debates is yammer about the immigrants.

  16. Jeff G. says:

    Everyone: please bookmark this comment and use if from now until ever to answer happyfeet, who persists in pretending no one has ever answered his objections to at least one plank of the conservative platform.

    happyfeet writes (yet again):

    I guess maybe the general will be all about the spendings but all they ever do in the Team R debates is yammer about the immigrants.

    To which we respond, for the thousandth time: securing our borders, clamping down on illegal immigration, and enforcing our immigration laws — all while supporting legal immigration, particularly for skilled labor — will all help control spending by curtailing the drain on state resources, defeating the panders of politicians pitching ever new “compassionate” entitlements in exchange for “the Hispanic vote,” and assimilating those people who wish to come to the US for an opportunity, not to find a more protected base from which to preach racial separatism and collect government entitlements.

  17. happyfeet says:

    I’m not sold. They never really talk about how much money they’re gonna save by cracking down on the immigrant folk … and mostly they skirt the subject of how much their fences and security guard monkeys will cost.

  18. Carin says:

    In the article, they state that the top priorities of the New Obama Coalition (everyone but the white middle class) are : health care, food stamps, infant nutrition, unemployment compensation, self-expression rights (?), demilitarization, and freedom from “repressive norms” – sexual, and gender – that are “promoted by the conservative movement.

    Looking at that list – right there – we’re fucked. Or,the left should be fucked.

    These aren’t the concerns of a country on the edge of economic collapse. Or a country facing threats from a variety of courses.

  19. Jeff G. says:

    They talk about the drain on resources all the time. You continue to pretend they don’t while ignoring that they do.

  20. sdferr says:

    Those who take up the vocation of politics, as Max Weber? insisted, first must have an extraordinary amount of free time.

    This makes another contrast, and another progressive/positivist inversion of the intent of the concept’s originators. The “free time” under consideration was formerly known as “schole” (the root of scholar), leisure time, understood by the Greeks as time away from politics (which far from freeing one’s time to allow for the intense study of nature, say, sucks it up by the buckets). This distinction lays at the heart of the insoluble (therefore nullifying) paradox of the Philosopher King, which once had a grip on political thinkers, but has been lost for centuries now.

  21. newrouter says:

    i don’t think moats cost that much. its the alligators what bend the costs upward.

  22. happyfeet says:

    the more you know

  23. newrouter says:

    that’s ok baracky we bitter clingers didn’t like you.

  24. JohnInFirestone says:


    The irony, it burns!

  25. LBascom says:

    Personally I think, while the spending incurred by refugees pouring uncontrolled across the border is a spending concern, that’s not my main problem.

    As long as we continue to treat the border as a law enforcement endeavor, with agents subject to rules such as those outlined in the Supreme Court decision in Tennessee versus Garner, with criminals imprisoned or sent back to Mexico to try it all again, we will continue to lose the war at the border. Imprisonment of drug traffickers and illegals won’t work any more than prisons work in counterinsurgency. Prisons are a costly ruse.

    Make no mistake about it. This isn’t a war against drugs, or a war against the drug cartels, or a war against illegal immigration, or even a war against human trafficking or Hezbollah fighters entering the U.S. at the Southern border. This is a war for national sovereignty – a border war.


  26. Alec Leamas says:

    I’m all for Amnesty as permanent legal residents for the Mexicans living here.

    I just think we should get something of value in return from the Mexican government that can’t support its people. I propose that as a condition for Amnesty, the Mexican Federal Government relinquish the states of Baja California and Baja California Sur in trade. The U.S. would then annex these areas as territories, impose the rule of law and basic government services, and sell charters to Federal land in the states for agricultural development.

    Viola, a nice, unfucked place for poor Mexicans to live and pick lettuce.

  27. JohnInFirestone says:

    @ JeffG,

    Erstwhile former Conservative Dave Weigel, now says news organizations accurately reporting Thomas Edsall’s article in the NYT outlining the same strategy reported in your DailyMail article above are RAAAACIST!!!!1!!eleventy!

    Weird, that.

  28. LBascom says:

    Remember when the Marine Choir Hymn was inspiring?

  29. LBascom says:

    Oops, Corps, not Choir…

  30. cranky-d says:

    If we truly have a border war, and I agree that it appears that way, than we’re losing.

  31. Ernst Schreiber says:


    I prefer “you’re a fucking idiot.” More to the point and saves time.

  32. LBascom says:

    If we truly have a border war, and I agree that it appears that way, then we’re losing happyfeet and our own government are surrendering.

    [If I may…]

  33. I thought Jeff was referring to Ernst’s comment as well.

    An ironic aside, most fo the people commenting here are amongst the, ahem, “educated.” Resistance is futile.

  34. LBascom says:

    Actually, if you get down to it, our government has been arming the enemy.

    But, still, pandering to illegals is important.

  35. JD says:

    He is not abandoning white people, as he only got 43% of their support in 2008. It is racist to suggest that he is doing so.

  36. motionview says:

    Yeah I thought you nailed it Ernst.

  37. happyfeet says:

    Team R is all about identity politics, same as the socialists

    it’s just what America has devolved to I think

  38. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Not only are you a fucking idiot, you’re a lazy fucking idiot.

  39. LBascom says:

    It’s like he sticks his fingers in his ears and goes “na-na-na-na-na…”

  40. happyfeet says:

    yeah well you are

  41. LBascom says:

    Hell, I totally sympathize with red states that hate to see Californians move in.


  42. happyfeet says:

    I sympathize too but usually the Californians move to the bluest parts of the red states, if you follow… that’s just how they roll

  43. McGehee says:

    For the first time in my lifetime, we will have a President running on a message that he doesn’t represent all Americans, but rather, that he is hoping that, for those who vote with him, he and the New Left will be able to complete their decades-long attempt at a soft coup.

    So if he wins, we won’t have to listen to his boosters telling us he’s our president too?

  44. Crawford says:

    It’s like he sticks his fingers in his ears and goes “na-na-na-na-na…”

    I don’t think it’s fingers he sticks in his ears.

  45. happyfeet says:

    you’re like the grumpiest man on the whole internet

  46. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Or maybe no one’s in the mood to suffer fools —gladly or otherwise— today.

  47. happyfeet says:

    you’re a strong number two Mr. Ernst you’re just not as consistent

  48. TmjUtah says:

    For the first time in my lifetime, we will have a President running on a message that he doesn’t represent all Americans, but rather, that he is hoping that, for those who vote with him, he and the New Left will be able to complete their decades-long attempt at a soft coup.

    Yep. A coup. Not an administration.

    Sometimes I HATE being first.

  49. guinspen says:


    35. happyfeet publicado en 18.11 pm @ 17:12

    Me siento mal por su presidente coulda sido si la gente que no había sido tan malo.

    36. Jeff G. publicado en 18.11 pm @ 17:17

    ng me dijo que era un buen lugar cercano para los granos exóticos y traté de los granos y se exótica que es sorprendente dado lo ng es por lo general una mierda cunting estúpido de puta lo que se acostó y que Jesús la follan entre las tetas si eso es lo que el rapto titularse para que no todo corría a su confianza en los granos exóticos.

    37. happyfeet publicado en 11/18 @ 17:21

    cómo es que una cosa buena que decir?

    38. Jeff G. publicado en 18.11 pm @ 17:27

    i como las lentejas, pero a veces me hacen enojado porque no son tan sabrosas sin tener algún indio Curry Esperma en todo ellos y algunos de ellos no me gusta el curry indios jizzing en ellos y que presenta un dilema porque me gusta los sabores.

    But wait, there’s more!

  50. guinspen says:

    Dick Butkus!

  51. Pellegri says:

    I like this idea of annexing Baja California. We could do a good job with it, I think.

  52. dicentra says:


    I was going to straighten out the translation but decided not to on account of it would require handling various inmundicias.

  53. dicentra says:

    Also, ‘feets, the GOP is every bit as eager to lock up all that sweet Latino vote by pandering to them with talk of amnesty or the equivalent. Recall, if you will, that big immigration bill that the GOP touted and the beltway types including the WSJ editorial staff accused everyone who didn’t want to be fooled again (a la Reagan in 1986) of being knuckle-dragging racists.

    And yes they are too a drain on our social services and education and such. They can’t NOT be unless they’re unable to access them at all.

    Furthermore, many Latinos are really not who we want in our country. Consider the family who loads up on plasma TVs and entertainment centers and furniture and such under long-term installment payments, but instead of paying their bills they load all the loot into a truck and go back to Mexico. Having not paid for jack. Yes they do.

    Or the others who live in McMansions and other houses in my neighborhood that are nicer than mine, and they can’t pay the mortgage even with several breadwinners in the home because they’ve got a television bigger than my garage door in an entertainment center bigger than that, plus new furniture every few weeks that’s nicer than mine, with every member of the family with a SmartPhone (which I do not have), and other unwise excesses.

    So they go on foodstamps because a kid or two was born in this country, and the bolder ones join the LDS church to take advantage of a second welfare program (besides the gubmint one), and half the time they’re not even using their own name or Social Security number.

    On the other hand, there are those who don’t ask for a dime and do the best they can and don’t live above their means, but they’re in the minority. Them we want. The others we don’t. Good luck finding a way to get rid of the latter but not the former.

  54. John Bradley says:

    you’re a strong number two Mr. Ernst you’re just not as consistent

    And who doesn’t enjoy a strong number two…

  55. happyfeet says:

    people who sell the tired poor huddled latino masses plasma tvs on the installment plan have a certain loss ratio built into their business plan I think dicentra

    plus they charge ungodly interest rates on the ones who don’t leave

    it’s all good

    and remember here in America there’s a good half-dozen homegrown pieces of trash for every maladjusted wetback you can point at

    it all comes out in the wash

  56. dicentra says:

    people who sell the tired poor huddled latino masses plasma tvs on the installment plan have a certain loss ratio built into their business plan I think dicentra

    Theft is theft is theft, and them what does it is thieves. We don’t need it and neither do the good ones, who are mortified by the bad ones.

    and remember here in America there’s a good half-dozen homegrown pieces of trash for every maladjusted wetback you can point at

    Don’t know about the actual ratio of homegrown trash to Latino trash, nor do I have the means to determine it. But it does destroy the “they’re all good people who want to make a better life for themselves” meme.

    it all comes out in the wash

    No, it doesn’t. My original reaction to illegal immigration was that I didn’t care on account of I knew how lousy their home economies were and how their culture has something to offer ours (some good, some bad). But I also recognized that I didn’t know what the downside of illegal immigration was. When I found out that emergency rooms and maternity wards at bordertown hospitals were forced to close down because of all the non-payment, that was enough for me to say it ain’t right. That plus the prisons filled with actual Latino criminals (not just folks caught without papers) and the depression of wages and read what VDH says has happened since the uncontrolled influx (as opposed to the controlled influx, which they used to have).

    Besides, nobody is saying Latinos can’t come live here. We’re just saying we want to say who lives here and who doesn’t, same as we do with Africans and Asians and Polynesians and all of the other lovely, poor, deserving folks who would make a nice complement to all the Latinos.

    All the other countries including Mexico get to say who immigrates and who doesn’t. No reason why we can’t.

  57. alppuccino says:

    Someone sets up a tent anywhere on my property, I get the grenade launcher. It’s just a property rights issue. If the border were broken into 2 acre lots, given to those who serve our country, homes built, walls built, I’m sure those fine soldiers would protect their 2 acres like it was their home.

    Strange that Obama does not protect his “acreage”.

    It’s like “C’mon in. It’s a party.”

    “Who’s house is this?”

    “Some white guy. Don’t worry about cleaning up. Just get you’re drink on and stay as long as you want.”

  58. […] “abandoning” the white working class? Well, it’d be a welcome relief from his usual MO of assaulting it outright, I guess. Meaning, ObamaCo believes what we here at […]

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