
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


Todays Administration Wagon Circle (a.m. edition)

1. “Obama Admin Defends $529 Million Taxpayer Loan To Company Building Electric Cars in Finland”
2. “White House backs Biden’s rape, murder remarks”
3. “White House defends its record on poverty”
4. “DOE Continues to Thwart Solyndra Investigation”
5. “LightSquared refuses to release communications with White House”
6. “ABC Spikes Tapper’s Fast and Furious Question to Obama but Makes Time for Exchange on Children’s Books”

17 Replies to “Todays Administration Wagon Circle (a.m. edition)”

  1. DarthLevin says:

    These idiots would double-down on a pair of deuces.

  2. Joe says:

    I hope these issues get raised at that BlogCon convention in Denver. They offered Stacy a “scholarship” when he complained he was not invited as a speaker. Apparently they think he needs from blog training from the experts.

  3. Ernst Schreiber says:

    These idiots would double-down on a pair of deuces.

    OF COURSE they would. It’s not like they’re gambling with their money. And anyways, when was the last the Republicans called one of their bluffs?

    So who’re the idiots here, really?

  4. Ernst Schreiber says:

    last time.

    Damn that was a good rant ruined by a failure to proof read.

  5. DarthLevin says:

    To be fair, Ernst, proofreading and ranting don’t mesh well. My best rants are minimum 15% typo.

  6. Slartibartfast says:

    From The Hill:

    But in LightSquared’s response, the company worried that the GPS industry would only try to distort any documents that the company released.

    “Given the transparent efforts of the GPS industry to politicize this issue, I admittedly have concerns that any materials we provide may be used selectively or taken out of context,” wrote Mark Paoletta, a lawyer representing LightSquared.

    A LightSquared executive told The Hill last week he believes the GPS industry has pushed negative political stories about LightSquared in an attempt to discredit the company and prevent the launch of its network.

    Or it could just be, LightSquared, that your network screws with GPS, and lives actually rely on GPS operating unfucked-with, and that the GPS industry is justifiably concerned about that? The issue, dudes, is that your network interferes with GPS; that it’s leaking signal all over the GPS band.

  7. Ernst Schreiber says:

    No excuses Darth. I intend to pitch a fit of loathful self-piteousness worthy of Stacy McCain.

  8. LTC John says:

    #7 – The more weaselly LightSquared acts, the more I am ready to believe they don’t give a good God-#$%* about how much they would screw up Medivac, Arty calls, ship navigation, etc. They appear to have weighed lives of Soldiers, medical patients and sailors against their being uncovered as political dirt slurpers….and the Soldiers, patients and sailors lose.

  9. sdferr says:

    Creating the appearance of an Owwie win:

    House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) abruptly cancelled a planned economic address Friday at the University of Pennsylvania after learning that the event could be flooded with protesters aligned with the Occupy Wall Street movement.
    [. . .]
    Cantor’s office said it scheduled the speech several months ago with the understanding that the audience would be comprised of about 250 “members of the Wharton community,” including students, faculty and invited guests. But on Thursday, the university’s student newspaper, the Daily Pennsylvanian, reported that between 500 and 1,000 protesters affiliated with Occupy Philadelphia planned to rally outside the hall where Cantor was to speak.

    Cantor’s office also said it learned Thursday night that university security planned to allow the first 300 people in line to attend the speech, regardless of affiliation, raising the possibility that Cantor would be addressing a room full of protesters.
    [. . .]

  10. Slartibartfast says:

    I really doubt that anything LightSquared is doing will impact military GPS in the near future, John. Still: military isn’t even close to all of GPS applications. From what I’ve heard, domestic agriculture is a fairly major user. Probably there’s some domestic aviation as well.

  11. motionview says:

    well sdferr from the Academic’s point of view this is a confluence of their long-term success, converting our kids into dumbed-down, pinked-up proles, and their rapid-reaction capabilities: we’ll decide who gets shouted down and who gets a Center.

  12. Slartibartfast says:

    The worrying thing to me is that c^2 is coming up with a solution that requires the fitting of a filter on every system that might be confuzzled by their broadcast signal. Imagine that, if you will: every military aircraft, every PLUGR, every frickin’ phone with GPS built-in, every TomTom…just imagine the time and effort that will require.

    The few million bucks c^2 has offered to kick in won’t make a scratch. And we’re not even considering that the military jets tend to want to test HW/SW changes fairly thoroughly before flying, on each and every aircraft type seeing the change.

    Oy vey.

  13. motionview says:

    From the Tapper link

    ABC’s Jake Tapper on Tuesday pressed Barack Obama on the Fast and Furious gun scandal, but his network didn’t allow the question to appear on Nightline, World News or Good Morning America. (All played clips of the interview.)

    So this had to be spiked by someone up the chain who has authority over all three shows, unless all of those producers have the exact same news judgement. Or both, I guess, damn drones. Tapper sometime responsed on Twitter to non-anonymous accounts. I know he won’t report who spiked the story, but I wonder if he thinks the children’s book questions was more news-worthy that the F&F question?

  14. LTC John says:


    If one end of Blue Force Tracker gets messed up by these morons, just one time – I’ll take the case pro-bono for the widow and orphans.

  15. JimK says:

    If a Republican administration had this many scandals swirling about, impeachment would be the top story in the MBM.

  16. geoffb says:

    How do you get a top post in the Obama administration? Resume enhancement technique #1. Use it often and well.

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