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November 2024


"NBC's Gregory: Occupy Wall Street Will 'Dovetail Nicely' With Obama's Campaign Message"

Well, let’s be fair. It will also dovetail nicely with Romney’s!

So. Allow me to briefly describe the positions of the inevitable candidate being pushed by the GOP establishment.

1. Social Security? Not a Ponzi scheme. Why do right-wingers want to kill the old people?
2. AGW/carbon emissions are real problems. Science says so, and I’m not anti-science. In fact, I’m very very pro science — so much so that I met with Obama’s science czar to discuss the issue. He’s a scientist. Who believes in de-development and population control.
3. Speaking of meeting with Obama’s people, my health care reform people met with Obama’s people, and even Obama himself, to help draw up ObamaCare. Which I’ll now repeal, if that’s what all you carping assholes insist I do. Staunch!
4. TARP? Hells yes! But if people are mad at Wall Street, I’m against it. And as the President, I’ll look into the problem of wealth disparity. And the Jews.
5. I’m very pro-Second Amendment. Except for assault weapons. Which are of the devil and need to be banned banned banned. For the children!
6. It is absolutely the role of government to fix what ails you. What ails you? Tell me, and I’ll be for something to fix it!
7. I think you’d better let me and the GOP apparatus decide when the primaries and caucuses (cauci?) should be held. Otherwise, it’s going to be difficult orchestrating my nomination. Which, as you know, is inevitable, my being the only electable candidate.

Glad we held those Tea Party rallies. The GOP establishment is nothing if not totally responsive to its base.

16 Replies to “"NBC's Gregory: Occupy Wall Street Will 'Dovetail Nicely' With Obama's Campaign Message"”

  1. Squid says:

    Wasn’t Romney the “Two Americas” guy who was schtupping his press flak while his wife had cancer?

    I have such trouble telling these guys apart any more…

  2. JHoward says:

    Team R’s platform is the political Gideon Bible of our time. It comes with the room.

  3. happyfeet says:

    somewhere deep deep under globulous gobs of sweating swollen adipose Chris Christie just chubbed up ever so little

  4. BBHunter says:

    – Yes, and by “dovetail”, Dick means niether Bummblefuck or OWS have a coherent message, and as a consequence, Romney’s message is an amalgum of confused incoherence.

    – Try to keep up.

  5. A fine scotch says:

    Maybe somebody could ask Davey-boy (or, more importantly, the O’bumblefuck admin) about this? Hide the emails that hide the decline.

    I’m sure this will be pursued with the same vigilance as the Abramoff scandal…

  6. LBascom says:

    Wow, I just saw this at Ace of Spades. A 2009 post from Pravda.

    Prime Minister Putin, less then two months ago, warned Obama and UK’s Blair, not to follow the path to Marxism […]

    Again, the American public has taken this with barely a whimper…but a “freeman” whimper […]

    The proud American will go down into his slavery with out a fight, beating his chest and proclaiming to the world, how free he really is. The world will only snicker.

    And that was before OWS.

    I’d be mad at Russians mocking u…if I weren’t so ashamed.

  7. LBascom says:

    mocking us

  8. motionview says:

    I have been wondering if the right course of action going forward is to treat the press as it is.

    In just the first eleven days of October, ABC, CBS and NBC flooded their morning and evening newscasts with a whopping 33 full stories or interview segments on the protesters. This was a far cry from the greeting the Tea Party received from the Big Three as that conservative protest movement was initially ignored (only 13 total stories in all of 2009) and then reviled.

    The MBM is on the other side. They do not want to be your friend; if it seems like it, it is just to get in close and stab you more effectively. They despise you and everything you stand for. When you are talking to a reporter, you are talking to someone who is willing to risk it all to keep the progressive or liberal dream alive. They can think of no greater professional accolade than to be the reporter who took you down.

    No more MBM moderated Republican debates.

  9. motionview says:

    That’s some really different point of view LB and yet the conclusion is hard to disagree with.

  10. motionview says:

    Mara Liasson on Special Report just nearly had a stroke at the thought that these community organizers were the same kind of community organizers as BHO. She grimaced and wrinkled her nose that the very idea! The only difference she managed to mumble out was something about Barack going block-by-block I think.

  11. sdferr says:

    What I got a kick out of motionview was that they began with the premise that the Owwies find “greed is bad” as their primary point of agreement, but as the conversation moves on, it eventually arrives at “bail me out on my student loan, just like you bailed out the banks”, all without the tiniest hint of recognition of any irony.

    gimme gimme gimme

    but it’s ok, good morning good morning good morningah.

  12. newrouter says:

    “The only difference she managed to mumble out was something about Barack going block-by-block I think.”

    yea these npr tools might have reported on what “communist organizing” was all about in 2008

  13. John Bradley says:

    No more MBM moderated Republican debates.

    So… a CNN debate hosted by Anderson Cooper is right out.

    As someone (or perhaps everyone) has said, why can’t the GOP hold a primary debate moderated by, you know, anyone that a GOP primary-voter has any interest in listening to. Someone who might ask the sort of questions relevant to said voters?

    Steyn? Limbaugh? Hannity? Krauthammer? The combined staffs of the WSJ editorial page, NRO, and Weekly Standard?

    Hell, even ersatz “republicans” like Brooksie and Frum would be an improvement…

  14. McGehee says:

    Steyn won’t work because the viewers will all get bored listening to the answers, waiting for the next question.

    Limbaugh won’t work because he’d talk for the first hour and then let one of the candidates ask him a question that he’d take the rest of the second hour answering.

    Brooks would be fun, as all the candidates insist on showing him their pants creases.

  15. mojo says:

    The moderator needs to be neutral. Good luck with that.

    I’d try some cow college in Montana, myself. The AG faculty.

  16. […] at Protein Wisdom, Jeff has a nice and succinct list of Mr. Romney’s positions that is a helpful reminder of what we’re fighting […]

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