
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


A re-unified Germany turns 21

Has its first dozen or so legal pints and Jaeger shots with friends, then makes a late-night Taco Bell run before returning home to watch a DVD of old Beavis and Butthead episodes and pass out on the couch.

Poland breathes a sigh of relief.

13 Replies to “A re-unified Germany turns 21”

  1. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Greece is still sweating bullets however.

  2. McGehee says:

    These days Poland might prefer Germany over that big mach bully to her east — the same one that held her against her will for the better part of half a century and barely even got a slap on the wrist.

    It’s as if the couple that snatched Elizabeth Smart were fined and had their driver’s licenses suspended instead of going to prison.

  3. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Actually, Greece is sweating out the Ouzo after another long weekend of partying and gorging themselves on the public dole.
    Once they sleep off the hangover, it’s back into the streets to protest “austerity”, destroy some more commercial businesses, smash windows and generally make asses of themselves.

    Not to worry though, the Germans will pick up the tab.

  4. Ernst Schreiber says:

    At some point though, the Germans are going to decide to call the tune they’ve been paying the piper for.

  5. pdbuttons says:

    here i am-rock u like a hurricane
    fun fun fun on the autobahn
    99 luftballons
    save us germany-patton didn’t get there first
    love ur uniforms

  6. pdbuttons says:

    ich bin sehr,sehr gebrochen berliner

  7. Carin says:

    My mil just got back from a visit (home) to Germany. It was “interesting.”

  8. Ernst Schreiber says:

    a very very broken jelly donut?

  9. pdbuttons says:

    i just google translate
    that’s what they said
    krapfen was jelly donut
    i..of course, cannot be held accountable for my actions
    just following orders

  10. Silver Whistle says:

    The chance of any of my relatives knowing about tacos or Beavis and Butthead is beyond remote. So, don’t get too comfy, Silesia. Yeah, that’s right, and you too, Bohemia.

  11. mojo says:

    Holland stomps it’s feet with frustration and sighs. That Germany is so dreamy

  12. LTC John says:

    And I remember the first few years, so fondly… now, already tired, overworked and haggard at 21.

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