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November 2024


"Why I didn't take to the streets with my Occupy Wall Street comrades": confessions of a displaced, underprivileged working man fighting to stay afloat in today's unjust hyper-capitalist America

Honestly? Because I was working.

Plus, the smell. I mean, yes, street tacos and hot dogs are the People’s food. But that doesn’t mean they don’t tend to, you know, repeat on a brother or sister.

11 Replies to “"Why I didn't take to the streets with my Occupy Wall Street comrades": confessions of a displaced, underprivileged working man fighting to stay afloat in today's unjust hyper-capitalist America”

  1. happyfeet says:

    what is NOT the People’s food are Cedarlane Spinach and Mushroom Egg White Omelettes cause of they are disgusting

  2. LTC John says:

    Fight the (gastric) Power!

  3. Abe Froman says:

    What the in the hell made you think that something as unambiguously gay as egg white omelettes could be improved by corporate involvement?

  4. Abe Froman says:

    There’s an extra “the” in there. I blame alcohol.

  5. happyfeet says:

    cause of I been having these and they are very very tasty and not awful for you but not like super-healthy either so I thought I’d try the cedarlane one from the trader joe’s

    I was naive. I’m wiser now.

  6. motionview says:

    I was wondering why Trumka and Hoffa had to meet at the White House every week. Those crazy hippie anarchists blak blokers, so far out in front of us. Oh well, that’s long enough, might as well join them lead from behind. To the barricades for Dear Leader!

  7. serr8d says:

    I can’t link (damned Droid) but Blow was on #OWS today in the NYT. His take is that those chumps can be useful idjits for Democrats if only someone could inject correct political direction into their efforts. But they now are mostly comprised of anarchists and Anonymous, with union thugs pledging support.

    He wistfully wishes they could be more like the TEA party.

  8. urthshu says:

    >> Honestly? Because I was working.

    Not on this. Too many typos.

  9. serr8d says:

    Seven Hundred stupids were ‘accidentally’ arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge; led there by 20 anarcho-morons who decided on the fly to to ‘take the bridge’. They marched right in the face of police with bullhorns explaining that they couldn’t block traffics and that they would likely be arrested. The police then politely took ’em in custody.

    Do even Democrats want to ‘community organize’ people with stupidity that’s this thick ?

  10. McGehee says:

    They’re the only people left the Democrats can count on. Once the IQ gets up into the double digits they’re too smart to fall for it anymore.

  11. Pellegri says:

    I was listening last night to people being extremely disappointed that Google and Twitter were censoring coverage of #OWS.

    Because, you know, it’s not like Google and Twitter are large corporations that would be cutting their own throats by supporting the movement to remove corporate personhood or anything. Nor are they privately held and permitted to police what content they show. I mean really, haven’t they realized that they’re supposed to be the voice of the People and can’t do things like this?

    If I wanted to get into a huge bitchfight I could explain to the social justice tards that the reason Al-Jazeera is providing full uncensored coverage of all of this is because it forwards the implosion of the Great Satan, not because they have any sympathy for #OWS’s cause. They barely blinked, though, when one of their really good friends went “why the f*** are you praising the quality of news from a network that supports TERRORISTS” and ragequit on them so I doubt I will be able to penetrate their bubble.

    I can just sit off to one side and smile at the irony as they once again think they’ve got allies in people who think the only answer to homosexuality is a stoning and the rights of women extend to “wearing a burkha” and “whatever her male relatives tell her to do”.

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