
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024



Pass the bill!

Do it now!

In what is turning into the kind of culturally surreal moment of which Andy Kaufman could only have dreamed, we have a sitting President running for re-election by excoriating his own record — while his campaign team works desperately to label the electorate, whose blind trust in a carfully-managed and glitteringly-presented polished turd led them to elect to the most important leadership position in the world a facile symbol of racial healing, a would-be lynch mob comprised of unrepentant racists.

Does anyone else half expect the 2012 election to end with zombie Allen Funt emerging naked from a giant cake?

(h/t JD)

update: Good news for Obama: he hasn’t yet lost “conservative” David Brooks.

Every time the jug-eared Boy King finds himself on the media ropes, seems he can always count on a handful of pragmatic conservatives to bail him out.


39 Replies to “(BREAKING: MUST CREDIT PROTEIN WISDOM) PRESIDENTIAL JOBS SPEECH SHOCKER: Obama fact-checked, found to be full of shit”

  1. Alec Leamas says:

    I suppose then that I’m not the only one who really wants to see Warren Buffet’s secretary’s pay stubbs, W-2s, and tax returns?

    I think we could use some verification there. What are the chances she makes $8.50 an hour?

  2. mojo says:

    Done. Over. See ya, pal. You’re outta there. Hasta la whatever.

  3. Carin says:

    From the “fact sheet” on Obama’s PASS IT NOW Job’s bill:

    Prohibiting Employers from Discriminating Against Unemployed Workers: The President’s plan calls for legislation that would make it unlawful to refuse to hire applicants solely because they are unemployed or to include in a job posting a provision that unemployed persons will not be considered.

  4. JD says:

    Boehner should call for a vote on OBarcky’s bill this morning. Vote on it RIGHT NOW!

  5. JD says:

    Carin – that is the greatest stimulus proposal ever. Why, it will ceate or sav 3846382452468154 jobs.

  6. Darleen says:

    Essentially, the jobs plan is an IOU from a president and lawmakers who may not even be in office down the road when the bills come due. Today’s Congress cannot bind a later one for future spending. A future Congress could simply reverse it.

    Writers from Associated Press wrote that???

    Uh oh.

  7. Curmudgeon Geographer says:

    The bipartisan massive national/international centralization experiment has failed. Time to undo the State/Business incest project before more damage is done.

  8. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    But, but, but….

    Isn’t supposed to be the time that “the rise of the oceans starts to slow and our planet began to heal”????


  9. DarthLevin says:

    Silly me, I didn’t know the President could write a bill and demand a vote on it. Here I am thinking that’s what the Legislative branch is for. I feel like such an idiot.

  10. Carin says:


  11. Darleen says:

    Here’s a fun headline:

    961 days in, Obama becomes sick and tired of someone dawdling about jobs

  12. motionview says:

    They found that banking-crisis recessions are worse than normal recessions.
    This is not a banking crisis recession. The banking crisis is a symptom. This is a 45 years out of 50 running a deficit recession. This is a 241 trillion dollar unfunded liability recession. This is a government kabuki-accounting recession.
    This is a progressive recession. They last until the progs are fired.

  13. Squid says:

    Brooksie wrote: “Thursday night the president gave one of the most forceful and compelling domestic policy speeches of his presidency.”

    What’s the name of the guy who was caught filing articles about events that hadn’t yet happened? ‘Cuz that’s the only explanation I can think of for this golden nugget of “analysis*.”

    *Analysis: 1) The separation of a complex entity into its component parts; from Greek ana- “throughout,” and -lysis “unfastening; loosening.” 2) Whatever falls out of a political hack’s ass; from Latin anus “exit of the alimentary canal,” and -lysis “breaking down, loosening, decomposition.”

  14. Ernst Schreiber says:

    After all that haranguing he must be exhausted. I bet he’s looking forward to a well deserved three day weekend at Camp David.

  15. happyfeet says:

    funt funt in the bundt

  16. JHoward says:

    I can’t get the image out of my head of a scrawny chain-smoking Manchurean’s naked skinny calves and flip-flopped flippers thrown over the arm of a much larger-than-he chair while ESPN blares brackets into a room made cavernous by his and Jarrett’s sole occupancy, their eyes darting nervously to every knock at the door, inspecting it for potential harms to Reelection 2012.

    Hope. Change. Leadership.

    The kind of which the planet has long since abandoned while the US somehow trusts what’s left of its establishment Press to keep Barry’s poll numbers out of single digits.

    Foolish = us. Bill of goods, sold.

  17. Can we just give Brooks a DVD of Mandingo and leave him alone?

  18. A fine scotch says:

    Pass this bill, the Re-Mix!

  19. A fine scotch says:

    Whoops, wrong thread!

  20. Carin says:

    Personally, my bottom line is this: I think the president has earned a second date. He’s put together a moderate set of stimulus ideas. His plan may not be enough to jolt prosperity, but it might maintain its current slow growth.

    Maybe Brooks will let Obama get to second base?

    If he comes up with his own deficit proposal that pays for his programs with some serious entitlement reforms (and not merely with some boilerplate “let’s tax the rich” plan), then Republicans would be wise to work with him to make his growth ideas more effective

    Yea,that’s a big “if”. Keep the hope alive!

  21. Dave in SoCal says:

    #12 Darleen, this sentence in Andrew Malcolm’s story was even funnier:

    “Seriously. Now that his Martha’s Vineyard vacation is over, this situation is urgent.”

  22. Squid says:

    He’s put together a moderate set of stimulus ideas.

    What gets me is that it’s the same set of stimulus ideas he puts together every goddamn month! “I’ve got a great idea: let’s steal $300,000,000,000 from our children and give it to the teachers who are currently miseducating them!”

    Moderate, my ass.

  23. Darleen says:

    Dave in SoCal

    Each day I read the LATimes and still find Malcolm there is a surprising one … ;-)

  24. cranky-d says:

    Apparently David Brooks saw a much different speech than I did. Anyone who thinks that speech was even remotely good has already O.D.’d on the koolaid.

  25. geoffb says:

    Perhaps they should print out the transcript of Obama’s speech and introduce it as a non-binding resolution.

  26. DarthLevin says:

    Perhaps they could pass a “Sense of the House” resolution.

    “RESOLVED: It is the Sense of the House of Representatives that President Jug-Ears is a mendoucheous asshat what is full of fail.”

  27. cranky-d says:

    How can one pass a “Sense of the House” when as far as I can tell, most of them don’t HAVE any sense?

  28. Slartibartfast says:

    As far as I’m able to tell, there isn’t a bill; at most, there’s a Fact Sheet about the bill.

    When are those stodgy, obstructionist Republicans going to bring this nonexistent bill to a vote? Why are they afraid to vote on it?

    Obama is, by all appearances, asking Congress to pass a bill in advance of its being written.

  29. poppa india says:

    Get to second base? He’s already giving him bi-weekly hummers! Seriously, a “compelling domestic policy speech” about employment three years into his administration. That’s enough time to get thru medical school and learn to perform those tonsillectomies and amputations MDs do for money. And all he has done is continue to talk about jobs and spend other people’s money.

  30. A fine scotch says:

    I saw a funny comment somewhere about how Congress has gone from voting on bills that weren’t read to voting on bills that weren’t written in just two years.

  31. McGehee says:

    Obama has a plan.

    To submit a plan.

    That offers a roadmap to a plan.

    To develop a plan.

    For establishing a timeline for presenting a plan.

    That will detail concrete steps we must take to formulate a plan.

  32. Dave in SoCal says:

    Did anyone get a good look at Obama’s pants creases during the speech? That may best explain Brooks’ swooning. Like a woman flashing some leg to a normal man.

  33. Dave in SoCal says:


    Malcolm is the lone voice of reason at the LAT and I also am surprised every time I click on an LAT link and see that he’s still there and just as sarcastic as ever towards Obama.

  34. mojo says:

    “Uh-uh-uh. Second date – no tongue!”
    — Hellboy

  35. Caecus Caesar says:




  36. Caecus Caesar says:




  37. Caecus Caesar says:



  38. zino3 says:

    “DarthLevin posted on9/9 @ 9:20 am

    Silly me, I didn’t know the President could write a bill and demand a vote on it. Here I am thinking that’s what the Legislative branch is for. I feel like such an idiot.”

    Wait! Wait! Obama, as usual, has no bill to vote on. What a surprise! Let the crazy lady and the calm sociopath write it for him, as always. After we pass it, we can read it (and weep)!

    As they say, talk is cheap. And every day, more and more people are waking up to what a cheap, lying piece of shit ObaMao is.

    His words are but fantasy farts in a Disney movie.

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