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October 2024


"Rick Perry Backs AT&T Merger Plan With T-Mobile"

As he should. But what’s more interesting here — to me, at least — is that both Perry’s campaign strategy, and that of the Obama Administration, are both coming in to sharp relief: for Perry’s part, the idea is to seize on what the Obama Administration is doing, and propose the exact opposite (which is hardly a bad plan, all things considered); while for their part, the Administration is leaving its dirty work to the Justice Department and all the various bureaucratic agencies it has larded with far left ideologues and activists, then sitting back and pretending to be above the partisan fray, “frustrated” by the politics of a divided Congress.

Obama, you see, is post-partisan. A man of the people. Beyond the dirty business of politics. A visionary, if you will, forced to try to Get Things Done is a political landscape dominated by squabbling children who simply refuse to give him everything he wants.

And in the reality he hopes to create (to be accomplished by way of a media and popular culture manipulation of perceptions), we’re to embrace this manufactured spectacle — meaning, we’re to forget that he is the leader of the Democrat party, and that his party had a supermajority in Congress for several years, during which time the GOP could not, for all intents and purposes, stop a single one of the Democrats’ policies from being enacted — and as a nation sign on to what he’s really selling here, namely, the notion that government can best help “the people” once it is left to a wise, benevolent dictator who is unburdened by the impediments our constitutional form of government has set in his way.

The Constitution is, after all, a flawed document. And the ChiComs, why, those bastards can simply bypass any will of the people and get shit done!

Obama, though he’ll try to tap into a disdain for politics, pretending himself to ride that wave as its Messianic champion, is really running not as an anti-government populist — ironically, he wants you to think of him as a kind of non-racist, non-hickish version of a TEA Party candidate — but rather as a would-be King.

And honestly, wouldn’t taking the US back to its colonial days of centralized rule by a wise and distant authority be a kind of “fundamental transformation”?

Surely Tom Friedman can get behind such a thing. Representative democracy is messy. Authoritarianism? Well, it sounds bad, sure. But come on: look at its upside! Obama, unchained!


(thanks to JHo)

4 Replies to “"Rick Perry Backs AT&T Merger Plan With T-Mobile"”

  1. Jeff G. says:

    Testing, one two three testing.

    Is this thing on?

  2. LTC John says:

    It appears to be on…

    Mr. Perry sure seems to be lining a fair amount of people up to support him, you know, like anyone who uses a phone. Cripes, I swear O! would take us back to the Bell System/AT&T monopoly if he could have the “correct” people running it.

  3. Squid says:

    Doesn’t the combined company still depend on the federal government for its slice of bandwidth? Wouldn’t that leverage be enough to keep the combined company in line?

    Wait — what am I saying? That’s just begging for a Public Utility Commission to regulate cellphone monopolies, which is how we get our awesome rates and service in water, sewer, electricity, cable television, &c…

    I guess we’re just screwed.

  4. mojo says:

    The “Perfect Negative Barometer”

    Jack Crabb: General, you go down there.
    General Custer: You’re advising me to go into the Coulee?
    Jack Crabb: Yes sir.
    General Custer: There are no Indians there, I suppose.
    Jack Crabb: I didn’t say that. There are thousands of Indians down there, and when they get done with you, there won’t be nothing left but a greasy spot. This ain’t the Washita River, General, and them ain’t helpless women and children waiting for you. They’re Cheyenne brave, and Sioux. You go down there, General, if you’ve got the nerve.

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