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November 2024


"John Kerry Requests That The Media Quit Giving 'Fair And Balanced' Coverage To Idiots (A.K.A. The Tea Party)"

The First Amendment is for purists and extremists, evidently. And sensible, sober, realistic political thinkers like John Kerry know when it’s time to call a Hobbit a Hobbit and boot those hairy-footed, do-gooder midgets back to the idealistic fantasy land that belched them forth, lest people begin taking them too seriously as an alternative to the sensible, sober, realistic political establishment — one that believes unemployment benefits create jobs, and that cuts in government spending mean the destruction of the private sector.

Unsurprisingly, the writer covering this, Business Insider’s Glynnis MacNicol, seems to find Kerry’s reimagining of the First Amendment sensible, sober, and realistic, herself obliquely decrying the rise of talk radio and the internet.

Up is down. Black is white. Benny is the Jets.

30 Replies to “"John Kerry Requests That The Media Quit Giving 'Fair And Balanced' Coverage To Idiots (A.K.A. The Tea Party)"”

  1. Patrick Chester says:

    Why is “f*@# you” sounding more and more like a reasonable response to these creatures? Yes, “f asterisk-at-crosshatch you” is exactly what I mean.

  2. sdferr says:

    “The media has got to begin to not give equal time or equal balance to an absolutely absurd notion just because somebody asserts it or simply because somebody says something which everybody knows is not factual.”

    How precious is that?

    Pretty damn precious, all in all. Just as special as that first little turd the potty training tyke deposits in the toilet for all to see. A gem, a diadem of insight, utterly exempt from its own purpose.

  3. dicentra says:

    Well, to people like John Kerry, who want all the power, all the time, we ARE dangerous extremists.

    Wear it proudly, outlaws. We are known by our enemies.

  4. Squid says:

    Would it really be so bad if Big Media just ignored us? I mean, as things stand now, when we’re not painted as a rampaging horde of vicious racist ignorant God-bothering gay-bashing zombie pedophiles clinging bitterly to our guns and Bibles, we’re credited with “historic victories” that bring the economy crashing down.

    I honestly think we’d have an easier time getting our message out without all the “help” from the Blatherers Guild.

  5. Squid says:

    Yes, “f asterisk-at-crosshatch you” is exactly what I mean.

    Is that how that’s pronounced? I’ve always said “eff-star-at-pound you!”

  6. Roddy Boyd says:

    If you shrink government, these people are in a LOT of trouble.

    Sort of like these guys will be, after all is said and done:

  7. sdferr says:

    Someone should beat John Kerry to death. And the media should ignore the event, because John Kerry is an inconsequential pimple on the ass of America. Work for you, John?

  8. Physics Geek says:

    Remember: this douchebag was the Democrat’s nominee for president in 2004. With John Edwards for VP, no less.

    If shame existed for the donkeys, the memory above would cause them all to drown themselves. Fortunately for the cleanliness of our navigable waters, they have zero shame.

  9. Brian L. says:

    It should be pointed out that Glynnis MacNicol is not actually a business “insider,” but is instead the former editor of the liberal blogs Mediaite and FishbowlNY. In fact, if you look at most of the “insiders” that write at Business Insider, I think you’ll find that very few of them seem to have actual “business” experience.

    But hey, the site loves to focus on tabloid-like stories, so why not? It’s not like all the REAL business insiders, as opposed to the Liberal Arts pretenders, aren’t hanging out at Zero Hedge all day or anything… ;)

  10. newrouter says:

    too bad the mbm doesn’t have the balls to ask j’effin’kerry about this:

    Ben Smith catches a Navy Times report that Capt. Wade Sanders — best known for vouching for John Kerry’s dubious war record and introducing the candidate at the 2004 convention — has been stripped of his Silver Star by the Navy:

    “Had the subsequently determined facts and evidence surrounding both the incident for which the award was made and the processing of the award itself been known to the Secretary of the Navy in 1992, those facts would have prevented the award of the Silver Star,” [Mabus spokeswoman Pamela] Kunze said.

    Aside from improperly receiving a medal, and Sanders is currently in jail for child pornography. Remind me again why dozens of Swift Boat vets that served with Kerry were so objectionable for questioning his war record?


  11. Brian L. says:

    Business Insider trying to deconstruct Rick Perry some more.

    Written by a super elite former Newsweek intern business “insider.”

    Other than aggregating random stories about who bought what house, that site really is a joke.

  12. Jeff G. says:

    Let’s not forget Krauthammer told us we should go home, too. And he greatly fears Palin and Bachmann, but considered Huntsman a top tier candidate. But he’s on “our” side, so.


  13. Darleen says:

    Uh oh…. HuffPo is mocking Obama

    anyone check the temperature in Hell lately?

  14. happyfeet says:

    that is Henry Blodget’s site he’s an ethically-challenged douche

    but Perry is working very hard to pander to some very questionable elements

  15. Darleen says:


    who? how? define “pander”

  16. cranky-d says:

    Don’t forget that anyone who is actually running invokes the ire of the lightning pokemon.

  17. Curmudgeon says:

    but Perry is working very hard to pander to some very questionable elements

    Gee, I thought you *liked* the Hispandering immigration romantics.

  18. McGehee says:

    I think the media should stop covering idiots. Starting with Sen. Kerry.

  19. MissFixit says:

    You know, I often get Kerry confused with Biden.

    I don’t know why that is. huh.

  20. guinsPen says:

    pander[ing] to…

    what number?
    and which colors?

  21. sdferr says:

    I need help with John Kerry’s revolutionary nom de guerre?

    I got the “o.b.a.” part down pat (being “Old Boston Asshole” — easy to remember). But I can’t recall whether he settled on a “K” for Kerry, so’s he could use it as a mnemonic to remember his own name (you New Englanders who’ve run into him in a queue didn’t fall for his rhetorical trick when he asks “Don’t you know who I am?” did you? He really can’t remember, but disguises that with this ruse to appear to want to get ahead in line, on the odd chance someone will blurt his name out.) Or an “S” for wet noddle, being a sort of truth-in-advertizing for the younger set, who appreciate that sort of thing.

    So which is it? Koba? Or Soba?

  22. zino3 says:

    Physics Geek,

    I think you have hit the nail on the head.

    The death of shame in America is the driving force behind these fascist assholes, and the general acceptance of their fantasy world.


  23. JD says:

    Fuck that horse-faced mother fucking douchenozzle. Good Allah, between him and Wunderkind Ezra Klein, they made my ears bleed. 2+ years of unemployment creates jobs. that kind of asshattery should fucking hurt.

  24. guinsPen says:

    K for ????????.

  25. guinsPen says:

    some very questionable elements

    Good deal.

    Hopefully they’ll have loose tungsten we’ll garner something.

  26. guinsPen says:

    Or gleen, even.

  27. Seth says:

    “The media has got to begin to not give equal time or equal balance to an absolutely absurd notion just because somebody asserts it or simply because somebody says something which everybody knows is not factual.”

    Wait, were the lefties all for equal time on the radio, especially since Air America folded?

  28. Swen says:

    You shouldn’t be too hard on Kerry. He’s probably still suffering some post-traumatic stress from the Christmas he spent in Cambodia.

  29. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Kerry’s about half right, which is as close to being right as he’s likely to get.

  30. SDN says:

    Soap box. Ballot box. Jury box. Cartridge box.

    Soap box? Not for thee, says the traitor.

    Ballot box? We’ll just station your friendly Black Panther outside. It’s not like he’s intimidating, after all.

    Jury box? Regulators don’t need juries.

    That leaves the cartridge box.

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