
Jeff's Wish List

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January 2025


Media Darling


update:  more here and here.

11 Replies to “Media Darling”

  1. There went my appetite for lunch.

  2. Joe says:

    C’mon, Robin. Ya gotta love the virginal, white, lacy dress at least. It just screams “good little bad girl”, doesn’t it ?

    Good to see the WaPo providing such solidly feminist role models as the Sleazettes for our daughters to emulate, eh ?

  3. SpoogeDemon says:

    Run the headline through the spellchecker again—you misspelled “whore”.

  4. Assfucking!  Assfucking!  Assfucking!

    (I can’t believe I’m the first one to say that.)

  5. Ian Wood says:

    Man, do y’all have any idea how complicated this is?  We’re talking thorough showers, enemas, restricted diets…Jesus Christ, getting a good anal on requires a lot of prepwork.  Props to this horrid slut and her amoral media handlers for further debasing our political landscape.

  6. Chrees says:

    I question the timing of her taking it up the ass…

  7. kelly says:

    Hey, Jeff. Have you actually read any of this journalistic masterpiece? Ace apparently forced down some anti-nausea meds and turned up this nugget: she claims a 140 IQ.

    Oh, and she wears hoop earrings “bigger than a fist.”

    Keys word: “fist” and “ass.”

  8. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Sure, 140 IQ—if by IQ she means “the number of times I’ve been told I’m a skeezy whorelette this month.”

  9. Isn’t that how IQ is formulated?  (Anal + office sex)3 – (BJs in Wendy’s bathroom)/cogent explanation of Heisenburg uncertainty principle=140

  10. Jeff B. says:

    Oh, Mr. Goldstein, I do believe you’ve earned yourself another trip to the PayPal button when I get home…

    I ran into Ms. Cutler once, downtown (through acquaintances), and since we’re all being collegially bitchy here I can now reveal that she’s even less attractive in person than she is in digitally-airbrushed pictures.  In particular, when I saw her she had an acne problem that was rather unfortunate for a lady of her relatively advanced age.  Hey, I had zits too – when I was 19.  (Er, I’m 23 now, so it’s still a sore spot, you see…)

    Honestly, she reminded me, both then and now, of no one so much as that Vietnamese hooker in Full Metal Jacket

    Me so horny!  Me love you long time!

  11. Will Collier says:

    Just wow.  Makes you wish standing ovations could occur over the internet…

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