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October 2024


Wednesday morning open thread, because I have nothing to say, and because some of you might


32 Replies to “Wednesday morning open thread, because I have nothing to say, and because some of you might”

  1. Squid says:

    Weather here in the Cities is finally starting to warm up, which means it’s time for the rivers to flood. Watching folks make preparations, and thinking back on Spring floods in recent years, makes me appreciate just how massive a problem they have in Sendai and Fukushima Prefectures.

    People talk about the dual nature of fire — its utility and danger, and the need to keep it under control. I gotta say that I’ve come to realize that fire ain’t got nothing on water.

  2. Benedick says:

    I actually found a guy’s resume on the printer this morning. I, of course, went into his office and sang to him: “I need to speak with you privately . . . I found your resume on the printer. All together . . .”

  3. zino3 says:


    Nope. Nuttin’ to say over here on the east coast, either.

    Except I notice that, visually, “YAWN” is a very strange word.


  4. Carin says:

    I’ve got nothing.

    I think I’m overloaded.

  5. Joe says:

    Japan is still there. No deadly clouds of radioactive waste drifting over the Pacific (yet) but give it time, the day is early.

  6. Joe says:

    If an alleged cease and desist letter gets mailed in the woods and no mail carrier is there, was it ever really sent?

  7. Ella says:

    My indoor tomato plant has 5 blooms on it. I’m really proud of the sucker; it bloomed last autumn from a fallen cherry tomato off my tomato plant from last year. It gave me two cherry tomatoes over the winter, so it’s a good little plant. And I ran out to Home Depot this morning before work to get a hand trowl to plan some daisy seeds in pots, and I splurged and bought some geraniums.

    Good morning, spring!

    Next stop: herbs.

  8. A fine scotch says:

    Who’s up for a craptacularly campy “sci-fi” movie?

    Debbie Gibson, Tiffany, a Mega-Python, and a ginormous alligator? I’m in!

  9. Silver Whistle says:

    So that’s what happened to Tiffany. I’m in too!

  10. A fine scotch says:

    SW, she was also in Playboy in April 2002. Not really worth googling the pictures…

  11. Silver Whistle says:

    Thanks, mate. She seems to have enjoyed her food in the interim.

  12. mojo says:


    Yeah, you! Put that down!

    You’ll put your eye out.

  13. A fine scotch says:

    If Debbie Gibson weren’t in the movie, I’d worry that Tiffany had eaten her. Tiffany is huge!

  14. Silver Whistle says:

    Round these parts, we call that “bonny”. It’s a long dreary winter.

  15. zino3 says:

    Mega Python vs. Gator-Ade?


  16. Sophie has left the containment area. and someone(s?) has been ringing the doorbell this morning. I don’t think the two are related though.

  17. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Anybody got an anvil they’d like to sell? I’m looking for one around 200 pounds, will go down to around 150 pounds, though. Preferably a Peter Wright or a Hay Budden. Otherwise one with a nice face, minimal chipping on edges and a 1″ hardy hole. Did I mention that I’m dirt poor?

  18. ProfShade says:

    You know Gallagher had a heart attack this week and no one in the MSM said a word about it. Nada. As if it didn’t happen. There was no watermellon legistlation introduced in Congress either.

  19. Joe says:

    That is probably because Gallagher is a conservative and he plays venues like Branson, Missouri.

    And even using a watermellon as a prop is inherently raaaaacist. Or maybe Gallagher is homophobic? I can’t keep the left’s list of grievances straight anymore.

  20. LBascom says:

    Sitting on the sun porch drinking my first coffee, I see the vultures found the gopher I nailed the other day. I’m surprised, thought the crows would have got him already. Anyway, there’s about 8 big Turkey Buzzards in a pasture about 100 yards away, some of them sitting on a fence rail. Arguing with each other over who gets the guts, by appearances.

    It was a mighty fine shot too. A good 75 yards with a Daisy Powerline 880 (880fps) pellet gun. Plus, he was hanging low with his nose to me, pretty small target. I did have a nice, solid rest though.

    What? We gotta talk about hair styles and recipes all the time?

  21. ProfShade says:

    LB – well, is a recipe for gopher pie too much to ask? Really…

  22. Joe says:

    LBascom, that is a fine shot with a light pellet gun like that. I would think an 880 would not be that effective or accurate at 75 yards.

  23. Patrick S says:

    mojo posted on 3/16 @ 9:40 am

    Yeah, you! Put that down!

    You’ll put your eye out.

    Mojo, technically in order to put your eye out, you’d have to have the object inside your skull pushing outward. Or prying. Or gouging. But most of the time, it’s putting your eye IN that is more of a concern.

    And most of the time, I’m a two-spaces-after-the-period kinda guy, but I’m trying something new today. So there you go.

  24. LBascom says:

    Yeah Joe, I’ve had it a couple of years now, and it’s pretty damned accurate. I can consistently hit a bottle cap pegged to a tree at 25 yards, with the rifle pumped 8 times. For that shot I pumped it to the max and gave him a couple inches elevation.

  25. Carin says:

    If Debbie Gibson weren’t in the movie, I’d worry that Tiffany had eaten her. Tiffany is huge!

    Have you folks seen Carrie Fisher lately? She’s on some ad for Jenny Craig or something.

    Someone else can make the obvious jabba the hut joke.

  26. LTC John says:

    Looks like this three day disaster planning exercise we have this coming weekend was none too soon… Floods, we can handle. New Madrid Fault goes pow and it will be a lot more of a job.

  27. A fine scotch says:

    Carin, I’m so not googling fat Carrie Fisher. She only exists in that bikini wearing those chains.

  28. Squid says:

    Have you folks seen Carrie Fisher lately?

    She’s on Craig Ferguson’s show fairly often. Last time, she gave him a set of kangaroo balls. Reminds me a lot of a manic version of my mom and her sisters.

  29. John Bradley says:

    So, Birdemic: Shock and Terror

    Bought a copy so as to enjoy the recent RiffTrax’ing of same, expecting a horribly inept version of The Birds. Which it delivered in spades. Unfortunately, no one told he it has a strong Lefty/AGW/Man-as-a-disease-upon-Gaia ‘message’ to it.

    The message is so idiotic that it does their cause a disservice. Or perhaps the auteur was mocking the AGW crowd by voicing their beliefs in the stupidest way imaginable. Hard to say.

    All I know is that it was painful to watch, and I had to skip over several scenes. It’s sort of like when Willie or RD come over here to play — I can’t stare directly at the stupidity (e.g. “read their comments”), merely observe it indirectly (by reading your rebuttals).

  30. Joe says:

    So far no word on Patterico’s alleged C&D letter. The folks at Patterico are even starting to doubt, so they are making excuses and raising red herrings.

  31. A fine scotch says:


    When I posted a link to Mega-Python on Facebook, a friend responded with “Try Birdemic. You have been warned.” Which was cryptic enough to be intriguing. Your description just makes it that much more appealing.

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