
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

November 2024



Al Qaeda terrorists with no connection to Iraq killed at least 85 in Iraq on Thursday, prompting Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) to remark to an aide just outside the Senate chambers, “have one of them little negro boys bring me a tuna salad sandwich, y’hear? On wheat, toasted. And some corn chips. And a sodee-pop with lots of ice.”

9 Replies to “Misdirection”

  1. Tman says:

    If you haven’t, everyone should read Wretchard at Belmont Clubs latest post about these attacks.

    Spells it out pretty clearly, and it shows how we need to keep pushing this war to heartland, Iran included…..

  2. Now that was fucking funny. Much better than the talking scissors.

  3. Jeff G says:

    Different strokes and all that, Bill.  Me, I’m a talking scissors fan.

    Also, should I get a gong?  Maybe have you and Jamie Farr send me a signal when I’m missing the mark you set?

  4. Beck says:

    Come on, bang a gong, get it on.

    Perfect Byrd impression.

  5. You sick, sick fuck.

  6. JFH says:

    Funny you should mention Jamie Farr instead of Jaye P Morgan.  Can we assume you have a thing for Lebanese men that have a LPGA event after them… or maybe I got a thing for washed-up ex-singers that show their breasts in bad movies about bad TV shows.

  7. Whatever, scissor-man.

  8. Brooks says:

    Later on, Senator Byrd remarked, “They’re like negroes with camels over there.  Where’s my sandwich?”

  9. Silicon Valley Jim says:

    ’Later on, Senator Byrd remarked, “They’re like negroes with camels over there. Where’s my sandwich?” ‘

    Gotta get the accent right.  The signal to his fellow former KKKers that he’s still on board is to pronounce it “nigras”.

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