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November 2024


“Meghan McCain: Rep. Bachmann is a ‘poor man’s Sarah Palin,’ slams her State of the Union rebuttal”


Hey, Meghan. I realize you fancy yourself a relevant, common-sense Republican — a pragmatist, if you will, and something of a GOP maverick, in the sense that, like your father, you spend much of your time proposing statism and cheering on Dems — but what you really are is a kind of silly mascot the left trots out when they want to try to pre-condition the tweens to champion the progressive social agenda. That is, you’re like the political equivalent of a Miley Cyrus video.

Or, if you prefer, a poor man’s Demi Lovato. After a binge of Snowballs and Pepsi Max.

27 Replies to ““Meghan McCain: Rep. Bachmann is a ‘poor man’s Sarah Palin,’ slams her State of the Union rebuttal””

  1. Shaitan says:

    Meghan McCain is the journalistic equivalent of a thread troll– nothing relevant to contribute to the conversation, but throws enough bombs to makes sure people are talking about her.

  2. Alec Leamas says:

    See, I always thought that Meghan McCain was a poor man’s Jessica Simpson.

  3. bh says:

    Way too nice.

    Poor man’s Dom Deluise.

  4. alppuccino says:

    It’ll be interesting to see where Megaham stands on Nasa’s discovery of this new oldest galaxy. Because it’s really old. I mean way old.

  5. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Is she that tits thing with a head?

  6. Silver Whistle says:

    She’s the punchline to every blond joke I’ve ever heard.

    I should have gone to Columbia.

  7. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Meghan McCain makes Jessica Simpson seem like Stephen Hawking in comparison.

  8. Silver Whistle says:

    If you want to know what noted Second Amendment scholar McCain thinks about gun rights, you can fast forward the video to the 5:12 mark. O’Donnell sets her up with the “Responsible Republicans” gambit, and the maroon falls right in.

  9. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    Rommel Meghan…I read your book!!!

    Best. Book review. Ever.

    Seriously, get popcorn going before reading.

  10. Bordo says:

    Is she that tits thing with a head?

    No exaggeration: this is the funniest comment I’ve ever read.


  11. Slartibartfast says:

    So, what? Palin is a rich man’s Palin?

    And here I thought she was just a chillbilly caribou hunter.

  12. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Poor man’s Dom Deluise.

    Except for the talent thing, bh.

  13. Pablo says:

    Best. Book review. Ever.

    Yes. That poor bastard deserves a medal.

  14. alppuccino says:

    I like Megaham. Well, not so much like her, but I like the idea of her. Because she’s obviously an idiot and the media keeps putting her out there as some kind of genius/expert.

    Does that remind anyone of anyone?

  15. Joe says:

    I was hoping for a Happyfeets kick boxing fest on young Meghan.

    Oh, oh–I am using inflamitory hate language again.

  16. JHoward says:

    Does that remind anyone of anyone?

    Trying to break the Internet, al?

  17. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    Trying to break the Internet, al?

    Jesus. That’s like dividing by zero.

    I’ve been stop-drop-cover under my desk for 10 minutes!

  18. bh says:

    Is she that tits thing with a head?

    No exaggeration: this is the funniest comment I’ve ever read.

    He’s also punched a horse, Bordo. OI is one of a kind.

  19. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Matter of fact, the horse had tits, also. Two, just like Meghan.

  20. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Are you sure you didn’t in fact punch Meghan then?

    I mean c’mon, it’s an easy mistake to make!

  21. Bob Reed says:

    Seriously though, does anyone really listen to her? Besides the meme-builders, that is, rubbing their hands together in glee?

    The woman is an imbecile. Anyone that would pose for a photo with, “No H8”, in that friggin brain dead “leet speak”, written on herself has proven beyond all doubt that they are an idiot; regardless of whether the MFM celebrates their idiocy or not.

  22. Old Texas Turkey says:

    I eagerly anticipate the “McCain/McCarthy” moment on some Sunday talk show.

    “You do realize you are nothing more than a useful idiot for the left? Have you no shame, madam?”

  23. Matt says:

    How long till she runs for office? We could Senator Keith Olberman and Senator Megan McCain! OmG bliss.

  24. Nolanimrod says:

    A richer, better-looking, and slightly less pathetic Cindy Sheehan. Is there a Camp Maverick in her future?

  25. SteveG says:

    I think she calls them snowbags

  26. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Ernst, I’ve often thought that same thing. Except the horse’s sire isn’t a worthless pragmatist. He’s a freaking quarter horse stud.

  27. donald says:

    Something about flour.

    Just sayin.

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