10. 4 Arby’s “Big Beef and Cheddar” Sandwiches – ennedy.
9. Nepotism Nepotism Nepotism – ennedy.
8. Enormo-skulled uber-liberal – ennedy.
7. Glenfiddich – ennedy.
6. Not your brother 1. Not your brother 2. Not your brother 3 – ennedy.
5. Rose’s little secret – ennedy.
4. “Are you gonna finish that cheeseburger?” – ennedy.
3. “Last call my ass — do you have any idea who I am…?” – ennedy.
2. John Kerry’s 400 lb. Senate pimp – ennedy.
1. Mary Jo Kopechne.
Waitress sandwich – ennedy
http://www.newyorkmetro.com/nymetro/news/ politics/national/features/2165/
No-pants Drunkocrat – ennedy
Ode o’er Teddy (an Irish jig):
OOOOhhh ;
mebrotherisdead and
mefatherisdead and
mebrotherisdead and
mewifegivesbadhead and
I’ve been reading for for a couple of weeks and at first i thought you were off the edge and into the abyss. but now i’m starting to see that you are on the edge with a very interesting perspective and a very unusual slap down wit. I like it. We think alike. I don’t feel so alone.
Oh, I assure you I’m off the edge, into the abyss, and back up again through the other side, where I emerged in James Cameron’s bathroom.
Who needs gold toilets, by the way. And soap made from veal fat? Decadent Hollywood jerk, that Cameron.
Cameron was pretty funny on that show with Alan Thicke, though.
…And in those Left Behind movies. Christ, isn’t Jesus funny?
Joe, you were close. The jig goes like this:
I remember some comedian in the 90’s saying that Ted’s head had swollen into a Jack-O-Lantern. He went on to say that Ted’s daughter probably requested him not to wait up for her, and to definitely not be looking out the window- she didn’t want her date to be scared off.
Ever since, I laugh harder when I see him.
I think I’ll stick with my version – it’s more insulting. I mean, you can’t help it if your son’s a gimp, but there’s just no excuse for bad head.
I forget who said this, might have been Dennis Miller (paraphrased):
“Look at Ted Kennedy’s head. The thing’s enormous. It looks like a container FOR a head.”
…or something like that.
Ongoing note to self: Move.
Yeah, come to New York, home of non-self-serving, non-publicity-hound, caring and rational senators.
I once met Max Kennedy. Not really sure whose scion he is (an RFK offshoot I think). He decked a guy who was a student for the priesthood. Really. I saw it. Would have only been more cliche if he had A) punched a nun, B) kicked a puppy, or C) fucked a goat.
Driving drunk, oops
“Would have only been more cliche if he had A) punched a nun”
I saw a nun punch another nun, once. It was Times Square, August, I don’t need to explain further, right?
Of course, it could have been a couple of stage nuns, I suppose…
When Kleagle Byrd and Teddy Kennedy lecture people responsible for getting rid of the Taliban and Saddam, irony has moved beyond postmodernism into uncharted territory.
Oh. I was going to say, when the cast of Nunsense is laying the smackdown in Times Square, irony has moved beyond postmodernism into uncharted territory.
But your way works too.
Jeremy – I checked the HRC link from one of your posts. Her head looks enormous, also. Has she been eating at the Compound? Maybe it’s the water.