No, she’s the kind of girl you dream of. Me, I like a chick with a little more stuffing in the pillow. Hell, give me a beanbag chair with a tongue, I’m easy…
for Bruce
“Easy Lover,” Phil Collins and Philip Bailey
No, she’s the kind of girl you dream of. Me, I like a chick with a little more stuffing in the pillow. Hell, give me a beanbag chair with a tongue, I’m easy…
for Bruce
“Easy Lover,” Phil Collins and Philip Bailey
“The bigger the cushion…”
heh heh
Perhaps I haven’t quite got the coffee through the veins (but please understand reading you and drinking my coffee is a slow process to avoid pain and ruined keyboards), but this is truly stumping me.
Pretty simple really. If you follow the link above, you’ll see he is replying to my “Crappy 80’s Song of the Week” with his “Talking Back to 80’s Music” post.
Said crappy 80’s song being “Easy Lover” by Phil Collins and Philip Bailey
I did, but there were several songs listed and I decided that unless the coffe cup has been drained and refilled a few times, the genius, wit, and sometimes beautifully enigmatic style of Jeff’s writing is just going to allude me sometimes. Call me an idiot.
Oh, and I must agree with you Bruce (that choice in your post I can understand)- very crappy song!
And here I thought it was Bram Tchaikovsky.
Why do you think that is the best way?