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January 2025


Rene Gonzalez:  Looking for Love!

Well now. You never know what you might find by poking around online. Like this personal ad, for instance. Seems when our little commie friend Rene Gonzalez isn’t badmouthing a dead war hero, he’s looking for a little companionship. This image is big (I captured the entire screen), so click the thumbnail below for actual size.

Will you make a Rene Gonzalez love connection?


See? Even sniveling, pampered little commie sympathizers need to get their freak on from time to time! And if we can agree about getting our freak on, there’s still a chance we might all one day live together in peace…


update: Gonzalez: “If American society can’t understand the genius of my critique, I apologize.”

35 Replies to “Rene Gonzalez:  Looking for Love!”

  1. Mahmoud, the Weasel says:

    On the side bar, you clicked off Man searching for Woman.

    I think we have a winner.

  2. Bruce says:

    Awww…he needs a hug.

  3. hatcher says:

    four feet, eight inches?

  4. Tim Worstall says:

    Er, Jeff ? North Vietnamese ?

  5. Jeff G says:

    Rene is not very bright, Tim.

  6. Tim Worstall says:

    Well of course he isn’t, he is as it says, beige.

  7. tom says:

    “Equals, but I’m superior”

    perfect! I love it.

  8. Ricky Vandal says:

    If this extreme left wing Kerry supporting and American soldiers despising Son of a Bitch is allowed to use the internet for love, why am I a Bush supporting conservative mocked when my blog is called I Love Jenna Bush? BIZARRE!!!

  9. Sheer says:

    Nice CHIKLETS!

  10. erp says:

    The sad truth is that Rene does reflect the majority opinion at UMass as well as every other school, college and university in the land and abroad.

    The administration at UMass protesteth too little.  What if it were reversed and little Rene was a hero and a white football hero wrote an article pointing out that the little PR became a ranger to prove he was a good as a white professional football player.  What if he also said that in his neighborhood the little PR would have been called a greaser.

    What are the odds it would have been printed in the school newspaper?  About zero.

    Time to cut Puerto Rico loose and let them fund their own scholars like Rene instead of the U.S. taxpayers paying for scum like this.

  11. Jason says:

    I have a few bottles he can open with those teeth.

  12. Dawn W says:

    Rene is not as smart if he thinks he is.  He wants to share his brilliance and get nasty. 

    If he had aimed higher:  book instead of a column, Bush instead of machismo being the reason for Tillman’s demise—he could have appeared on 60 Minutes, done the network morning shows, and take his best shot with Katie Couric.  Or at the very least ask her if she has any single friends.

  13. debbie says:

    And Ladies, he has not ONE but TWO basket-weaving

    degrees! African American music and Jazz studies!!!Guaranteed to soon be contributing to the tax base of the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts! Line forms to the left…no…further to the left…further..past Kerry,past the International ANSWER asshole, past Guevara, past Uncle Joe, ok stop! Go for it girls!

  14. Rick V. says:

    This has got to be a hack—but it’s a brilliant hack.

    It builds slowly with some tip offs and finishes with a flourish.

    If there were an Oscar for satire this would be in the running.

    I assume it’s yours Jeff.  Congratulations.  It’s great.

  15. Joe says:

    Hey, I wanna make a Rene Gonzalez love connection !

    Of course, by “love” I mean a vigorous and repeated foot massage of Rene’s crotch, and by “connection” I mean my fingers in a tight grip around his scrawny commie throat.

    Can’t wait for our first date, bitch.

  16. tee bee says:

    if there isn’t a Jason Blair award out yet, we have our first nominee and winner. let’s get started!

    the tricky part will be deciding whether to endow him with the lucrative notoriety that was Blair’s reward, or hold the festivities in a dark alley, the first one he walks into, with a more appropriate expression of proper esteem.

    and that pathetic excuse for a disclaimer by the kid’s paper. “we gave him the pulpit, we just don’t support what he says. if it upsets anyone [alumni and supporters], that is.”

  17. Buster says:

    The ladies don’t call him “Speedy” Gonzalez because of his running ability—although I’ll bet the little wimp has a lot of experience running. We would welcome him with open arms (and pocketknives) down here in Redneck Country.

  18. Dario says:

    Monnnnnn chee chee, Mon chee chee, oh so soft and cud-da-ly. With a thumb in his mouth he’s really neat, fun to play with his little feet! Monnnnnn chee chee Mon chee chee…

  19. A fine scotch says:

    Dammit, Dario, now I’m going to have that AWFUL jingle in my head all night…

  20. “No Jewesses, please.”

    …oh, really?

  21. SixFootPole says:

    “If this extreme left wing Kerry supporting and American soldiers despising Son of a Bitch is allowed to use the internet for love, why am I a Bush supporting conservative mocked when my blog is called I Love Jenna Bush? BIZARRE!!!

    Posted by: Ricky Vandal at April 30, 2004 12:15 PM”

    Interesting use of the word “allowed”.  That implies an ultimate authority, giving rights and granting privilages.  Is that how it works?

  22. John Beck says:

    Hyperbolen. A figure of speech in which the expression is an evident exaggeration of the meaning intended to be conveyed, or by which things are represented as much greater or less, better or worse, than they really are; a statement exaggerated fancifully, through excitement, or for effect.

  23. dick says:

    I liked him using I as the object of the preposition.  What a well educated little snot!!

  24. amy says:

    SSSHHHHHaving cream! This is the most creative propaganda I have ever seen. Sign this boy up!

  25. Shimmer128 says:

    The way he describes his “talents” (sucking chrome off a bumper??!!!!) he may be looking for a guy friend, not a girl friend.

  26. Karl says:

    Gonzalez owes more than Tillman’s family an apology.  He owes Noam Chomsky an apology for misrepresenting a truly peaceful and intellectually sound point of view.  This is the consequence of having Chuck D and Rage Against the Machine as the founders of your political agenda.  But, I suppose Rene’s just a kid who needs to jack off and so we should cut him some slack.

  27. Fart Cylinder says:

    “Naughty girls need love too!”

    A bit of advice for him: the ladies LOVE it when you mention wang size…

  28. Greg says:

    Jeez, you guys wouldn’t know sarcasm if it hit you in the face and french kissed you.

    He apologized. He’s young and brash. Give him a break for ______(insert suitable deity) sake.

    Y’all think Bush should apologize for his crusade remark?

  29. Jamie Foxer says:

    Get off Rene’s case.  People have a right to think the wars are wrong, and to also think those participating them are at best deluded, and at worst contributing to something that’s wrong.

    And by the way, the profile is a fake.  Can’t you guys tell?

  30. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Fuck Rene.  The little commie bitch wants to luxuriate in the death of a guy who fought to give him the right to publish his miserable, poorly-articulated, and embarrassingly argued piece of sophistry and anti-US propaganda, he’s just going to have to suck it up and take the criticism.

    And by the way, this post is over a year old.  Or can’t you tell?

  31. Rave Pants says:

    How very interesting…why is this guy a commie? He needs some sweet clothing.

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