
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

November 2024


Kill ‘em all, let Allah sort ‘em out…

At least 7 dead, scores more seriously injured in an attack on the cafeteria at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Hamas has claimed responsibility.

“Witnesses initially said they believed a suicide bomber was responsible, but Israeli police said preliminary evidence suggested that someone planted the bomb,” The Washington Post reports.


11 Replies to “Kill ‘em all, let Allah sort ‘em out…”

  1. fred lapides says:

    And it was at universities such as this that most of the far Left Profs tried to change Israeli policies to be much more accomodating to the Palestinians. Sad fact: all the Palestinans colleges were built with much help from Israel!

    Me? I take the low raod. I would close down Palestinian colleges for the year…collective punishment to match collective murder.

  2. Dr. E says:

    Do the Palestinians not understand that they CANNOT win this way?! Each bombing is like some macabre self-fulfilling prophecy of eternal conflict and mutual destruction. Sadly enough it seems that many Israelis are comfortable with this given their economic and military superiority. Then ofcourse there are shitheals like this Rubinstein guy!?

    Esentially I’m with Fred on this one. Deport the whole fucking lot of them to Chihuahua, Mexico. Ever been there? Geographically similar to Israel and 1000 miles from nowhere. It’d be a lot cheaper and safer in the long run for all of us and maybe Mexico could make some coin giving tours. For once some real savages in the desert.

  3. Gee Jeff, don’t be afraid to tell me what you really think, eh? Anyway, here’s my response to your pseudo-fatwa.

  4. Jeff G says:

    “Pseudo-fatwa”? Are you so completely daft that you’re now willing to equate my comments with a fatwa? You sicken me. I could care less about your response to anything. You have absolutely no credibility so far as I’m concerned. What you “think” is important only insofar as it provides succor to terrorists and weakens support for the real victims of such attacks.

    The debates that take place on this site with regard to the Israel/Palestinian conflict are usually quite reasoned and cordial. But I reserve my respect for those who deserve it—not for knee-jerk shills like you who are on-record as hoping to stir up the “wingnuts” on “the right” with your ‘Not In My Name’ talking points.’

    Dr. E—I’d reserve such treatment as a last resort—and even then, only for the 67% of Palestinians who support the strategy of blowing up Israeli civilians. But I’m flexible.

  5. Dean says:

    Dr. E,

    I’m afraid I’m not nearly so sanguine as you are. At what point will Israelis begin to emigrate, because they are tired of the constant attacks? At what point will concern for their loved ones (their kids, their wives) lead them to emigrate, because of the constant threat of being blown up, at school, in a hotel, at a pizzeria?

    The biggest problem is that there is no end in sight, even if you actually cleared the West Bank. Unless you absolutely forbade ANY Palestinians entry (something that the Israeli government would probably come under great pressure over), there’d always be some threat of another attack. And, iirc, part of the Palestinian strategy is to radicalize the Israeli-Arabs and Israeli-Palestinians, so that there is a de facto fifth column internally.

    I don’t have an answer, and am saddened by that fact, but unless and until the Palestinians choose a different path, I suspect that many of them will ALWAYS believe that just one more atrocity, one more bombing, one more martyr might just tip the balance.

  6. I wonder if the news agencies will keep reporting on the Palestinian celebrations, or if they’ll drop down the memory hole again.

  7. Steve Skubinna says:

    Robert, that depends on whether Arafat’s PA thugs make death threats against the journalists again. But they probably won’t unless there is obvious US outrage at the non-Israeli casualty count.

  8. Bill Herbert says:

    Seen the photos of Kids in Gaza celebrating in the streets?

    Probably more of that 10-year-old footage CNN has lying around.

    I’m trying real hard to maintain some compassion toward “innocent civilians” like these. But to be honest with you, I’m thinking we should have another Geneva Convention to create a new battlefield distinction, to account for combatants who are not YET armed.

  9. Dawn says:


    Far be it from me to venture into such territory, but YR’s post is clearly a cry for attention. As Eric said, “I wonder how long until that douche slinks back into blogger obscurity where he belongs.”

    I guess we all learn the hard way that if you post it, you better fucking believe in it OR Jeff will come down on you like a sledgehammer!!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Jeff, a fatwah is a religious-legal judgement, not the sinister thing you have interpreted it to be.

  11. Jeff G says:

    I know what a fatwah is. And I know what Yuval meant in choosing that particular word. My response was to his intent.

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