
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024


Suicide Bombing Kills Six in Israel

“A suicide bomber sprang from a car and detonated explosives at a bus stop in northern Jerusalem on Wednesday evening, killing at least six people and injuring about 35, according to police and rescue workers,” The AP reports.

“It was the second lethal bombing in Jerusalem in as many days. A Palestinian suicide bomber killed 19 people on a bus in southern Jerusalem on Tuesday morning, the deadliest bombing in the city in six years.”

In Wednesday’s blast, the bomber emerged from a red Audi car, dashed past two policemen and set off the explosive at the bus stop near a busy intersection, according to police.

‘The police chased him to try to stop him, and when he got to the (bus stop), he blew up a large device,’ said Jerusalem police chief Mickey Levy. One of the policemen chasing him was badly hurt, Levy added.

The car sped away, disappearing into Palestinian neighborhoods in east Jerusalem, police said.

The explosion in the French Hill neighborhood blew out the back and the sides of the bus stop shelter, leaving just a concrete bench and the roof. An arm and a leg were among the body parts scattered on the street, which was covered with blood and shards of glass. A baby carriage was overturned, and rescue workers covered it with a black plastic bag.

At least six people were killed, said Avi Zohar, a spokesman for Israel’s rescue services. Several of the wounded were in critical condition, rescue workers said.

Well, the Zionist baby probably had it coming, right Eric? I mean, chances are she would’ve just grown up to support the settlements, anyway.

Provided there was still an Israel, that is.

[update: The death toll has risen to 7, including a 2-year old. Arafat’s Al Aqsa Martyr’s Brigade is taking credit.

update the second: The Israeli military is firing missiles into Gaza, presumably aimed at Hamas braintrust.]
