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December 2024


Barack Obama Announces Bid for Supreme Being [Dan Collins]

Breaking: Bored by the lack of challenge he has found in his present position as Leader of the Free World, Barack Obama has announced his intention to seek Highest Office by running for Supreme Being of the Universe. Cabinet appointees were stunned, but President Obama’s spokespeople stress that he is committed to the business of the American people in his present role, and intends to leave the position in reliable hands should he be fortunate enough to achieve Deity, from which position he feels it is more likely that he can achieve his objectives. (h/t Ric Locke in comments)

35 Replies to “Barack Obama Announces Bid for Supreme Being [Dan Collins]”

  1. alppuccino says:

    No way.

  2. BJTexs says:

    I thought he had already been anointed “The Lightbringer.” Is anointment not enough? Does he need the additional empowerment of election? Who does the electing, the Elders of Zion along with the White Council of Wizards?

    These higher power electoral kerfuffles always confuse me until I recognize the transcendent fantasy that surrounds Teh !O!

  3. Go_Fish says:

    What cabinet appointees?

  4. Abe Froman says:

    So now we know:

    He only got the gig because the conservatives threw their weight behind him due to his being the only lefty who “seemed” to listen to them.

    He didn’t write squat.

    He didn’t do much of anything else.

    Annenberg Challenge = Epic. Fail.

    His so-called time as an inernational business consultant was really copy editor work where he’s take business articles written by others and put them into his company’s format to be distributed to parties interested about the business climate in a particular part of the world.

    He got asbestos removed from a housing project through the art of teh mau mau.

    Oh, and TWO MEMOIRS!

    Is the universe large enough?

  5. kelly says:

    Transfiguration For Dummies.

  6. davis,br says:

    I’m suspicious …did anyone run this through before they posted? I thought not.

  7. Dan Collins says:

    You just wait until those Transfiguration Galas!

  8. JD says:

    Teh One, Teh Messiah, Teh Lightworker snuck this anointment in the Omnibus Spending Hoo-ha of ’09. It was included in one of the non-earmark earmarks that he had no choice but to sign for the good of all mankind.

  9. bryan says:

    IIRC, didn’t his famous law professor say that BHO got special assignments while at Harvard because he was just so “special”? I’ll have to check the intertubes.

  10. bryan says:

    If I could just remember the flipping name (Tribe? Sumner?)

  11. George Orwell says:

    It’s more and more clear that we’re living through a palimpsest of the novel “Being There.” Except that Chauncey Gardiner was actually sort of charming. Lord Unicorn, not so much.

  12. BJTexs says:

    Oh, wait a minute! Why wasn’t I thinking of this? Of course he’s already evolved into a higher being by the very understanding of his “giant movement” headness.

    THE LIGHTBRINGER!! (writ large)

    Thus I expect Gordon Brown’s 24 DVD’s to be transsubstantiated into Ike’s private papers detailing what an awesome guy General Montgomery was along with an expensive pair of sunglasses. And Mrs. Brown’s boys? REAL MARINE ONE HELICOPTERS!! (retired)

    Then Iceland’s debt will be transsubstantiated into a big assed glacier to cover Greenland. Polar bears are transformed into furry angels smiting teh evil carbon from the air!

    Then Timmy Geithner is smote on the forehead and receives a personality.

    !O! (ooooooooooooooooooo)

  13. George Orwell says:

    I mean, seriously… This is the same guy who lectured an Oregon audience about how we can’t set our thermostats to 72 degrees, drive our SUVs, and eat whatever, whenever we like. Yet he’s flying a taxpayer-owned and financed passenger jet to Chicago or elsewhere, to take his wife/upholstered sofa on a “date,” with legions of expensive staff and security, and holding Wednesday White House cocktail parties on your and my dime? It’s absolutely surreal. This seems not to bother a single person who voted for His Hooves, the Unicorn Douchestocking.

    He must already be the supreme deity. No other explanation could account for the purely irrational judgment of 52%. So, if he’s the supreme deity, I have an idea about whom we should become…

    Outlaw? Let’s add…

  14. Spiny Norman says:

    I thought David Warner was the Supreme Being.

  15. paisana in Atlanta says:

    Maybe he misunderstands The Assumption? Maybe he’s the Light Bearer —a sort of luceferro kind of guy?

  16. George Orwell says:

    Oh crap… I just had a vision. A mass in progress at a Church of Reason. Imagine Gordon Brown, dressed in an Anglican chausible, at an altar with an effigy of His Hooves on the cross. Brown raises his chalice to bless the wafer… the sacred DVD of manna, sent to Man by the Holy Unicorn Obama. Bishop Brown intones, “And Barack said, ‘Take, eat. This is my booty, this is my bluff, which is broken unto your for the forgiveness of your carbon footprint.”

  17. paisana in Atlanta says:

    And James Carville sprouts dreadlocks.

  18. Spiny Norman says:

    Crap. Try again:

    I thought Ralph Richardson was the Supreme Being.


  19. Stephen M says:

    NEW YORK TIMES Published: February 6, 1990

    First Black Elected to Head Harvard’s Law Review

    The new president of the Review is Barack Obama, a 28-year-old graduate of Columbia University who spent four years heading a community development program for poor blacks on Chicago’s South Side before enrolling in law school.

    Change in Selection System

    Mr. Obama was elected after a meeting of the review’s 80 editors that convened Sunday and lasted until early this morning, a participant said.

    Until the 1970’s the editors were picked on the basis of grades, and the president of the Law Review was the student with the highest academic rank. Among these were Elliot L. Richardson, the former Attorney General, and Irwin Griswold, a dean of the Harvard Law School and Solicitor General under Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard M. Nixon.

    That system came under attack in the 1970’s and was replaced by a program in which about half the editors are chosen for their grades and the other half are chosen by fellow students after a special writing competition. The new system, disputed when it began, was meant to help insure that minority students became editors of The Law Review.

  20. George Orwell says:

    It’s confirmed. B. Hussein O’Unicorn. The first Affirmative Action President. Rules for the “special writing competition”:

    1. You must be non-white.
    2. You must be clean, articulate and well-spoken. Or have voted for a Democrat Senator from Delaware.
    3. Number 2 is optional.

  21. Sdferr says:

    Did anyone listen to the audio of Carol Platt Liebau linked at SDM? If so, was it worth the time to listen to or did you think not? Thanks in advance for any response.

  22. pdbuttons says:

    keep ur arms out
    like ur a lil kid playing-i’m an aeroplane
    makes it harder for them to throw a net around you

  23. Sdferr says:

    Er, sorry, sda, not “SDM”.

  24. dicentra says:

    I’m suspicious …did anyone run this through before they posted? I thought not.

    Either you left off the sarc tags, or you don’t know that Carol Platt Liebau is a reliable source. She frequently subs for Hugh Hewitt, and he interviews her often. During the campaign, she was pretty circumspect, but this latest description confirms my suspicions that Obama is a malignant narcissist with emphasis on grandiosity as an end in itself.

  25. davis,br says:

    it wasn’t obvious it was sarc???

  26. it wasn’t obvious it was sarc???

    as the saying goes, “They parody themselves” it’s so hard to judge anymore. sowwy.

  27. Given his previous political pattern of abandoning his job halfway through to seek higher office combined with the man’s inconceivably grand ego, this would not surprise me at all.

  28. geoffb says:

    “running for Supreme Being of the Universe”

    According to the way these things work on the far Left, “Supreme Being of the Universe” is a self-appointed position. No running is needed until you prove to be less than the “All Wise Perfect Master”. Then running is a survival mechanism.

  29. Abe Froman says:

    “Given his previous political pattern of abandoning his job halfway through to seek higher office combined with the man’s inconceivably grand ego, this would not surprise me at all.”

    Seriously. But the thing is that all the truly brilliant people I know compensate for a perceived lack of career challenge by creating them for themselves by, for instance, being self-destructive. Nothing about Obama suggests he’s ever been above the tasks he’s faced. Actually nothing suggests he’s even been equal to them. It’s more like he’s been coddled as the “numinous negro” for so long that at this point he’s driven by an inexhaustible sense of entitlement.

  30. geoffb says:

    “an inexhaustible sense of entitlement.”

    If he feels entitled to these woes then I say let him own them.

  31. dicentra says:

    Sorry davis,br. I was not familiar enough with your handle to know if you were a friendly.

  32. Rusty says:

    This will not end well.

  33. Carin says:

    I, for one, am shocked.

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