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October 2024


News from Lake Wobegon Never Covers This [Dan Collins]

Shirwa Ahmed, the first known suicide bomber with U.S. citizenship, apparently was indoctrinated in Minnesota.

FBI Director Robert Mueller said Monday in Washington, D.C., that a Somali-American man from Minnesota who was one of several suicide bombers in a terrorist attack in Somalia had apparently been indoctrinated into his extremist beliefs while living in Minneapolis.

The FBI director, who spoke at a meeting of the Council on Foreign Relations, declined to be more specific, and did not mention the Abubakar As-Saddique Islamic Center, a Minneapolis mosque that some of the young men, including Ahmed, attended, and which some local Somali families have suggested is linked to their disappearance.

Late Monday, an Abubakar spokesman said again that the mosque had nothing to do with the men’s disappearances.

Ahmed was driving a vehicle laden with explosives that blew up in northern Somalia in an attack that killed as many 30 people in October, according to news reports. His body was returned to Minnesota with the help of the FBI.

“It appears that this individual was radicalized in his hometown in Minnesota,” Mueller said.

I’m just saying, it would make for an interesting subplot.

Meanwhile, apart from Fox, the legacy media’s not covering this:

Two members of Joe Biden’s family were in business with accused mega-crook, R. Allen Stanford, suspected of swindling $8 billion. Biden’s son Hunter and his brother James actually received $2.7 million from the accused swindler. According to Fox News:

A fund of hedge funds run by two members of Vice President Joe Biden’s family was marketed exclusively by companies controlled by Texas financier R. Allen Stanford, who is facing Securities and Exchange Commission accusations of engaging in an $8 billion fraud.

The $50 million fund was jointly branded between the Bidens’ Paradigm Global Advisors LLC and a Stanford Financial Group entity and was known as the Paradigm Stanford Capital Management Core Alternative Fund. Stanford-related companies marketed the fund to investors and also invested about $2.7 million of their own money in the fund, according to a lawyer for Paradigm. Paradigm Global Advisors is owned through a holding company by the vice president’s son, Hunter, and Joe Biden’s brother, James.

The fund has offered to turn over the $2.7 million investment it received from Mr. Stanford’s firm in 2007 to a court-appointed receiver in the SEC’s civil fraud case involving Mr. Stanford, according to Paradigm’s attorney, Marc X. LoPresti.

Fortunately enough for Biden, his son Beau, for whom Biden’s senate seat if being held in friendly hands, was not involved in the scheme.

33 Replies to “News from Lake Wobegon Never Covers This [Dan Collins]”

  1. Gordon says:

    I’m thinking a 24 plot twist. The Somali was actually working for a shadowy white guy with connections. James Lileks comes to mind.

  2. Pablo says:

    The only sensible thing to do is to close Minnesota.

  3. Kirk says:

    Ah, yet another crime against Islam.

  4. Mr. Pink says:

    If only O! would have given his apology on arab TV a couple years ago all of this could have been avoided.

  5. Bob Reed says:

    Just like with Canada, the UK, and much of Europe we are seeing the fruits of the multi-culti proggressive ideology in vignettes just like this…

    When nations don’t protect their basic culture, and insist that immigrants assimilate to those norms, at least in the public realm, then this is an example of what can ensue. This country became strong because as a nation we chose what traits, customs, and cultural affectations of immigrant groups to amalgamate into our national culture; not what is happening today…

    Next some Muslim civic leader will be tellin’ Pawlenty that if he defies his will, then he’ll have 10,000 people rioting at the state house the next day; just like when the British politician successfully intimidated the UK government a few weeks back…

  6. Mikey NTH says:

    They did elect Jesse Ventura governor, and may send Al Franken to the Senate. So right there are two pieces of proof that Minnesotans are cold, soulless beings who will stop at nothing – nothing! – to further their plots.

  7. JD says:

    I have been calling for the US to give Minnesota to the French-Canadians, for some time now.

  8. geoffb says:

    Mikey NTH,

    I don’t think we from Michigan should go there, (Ol’ Professer Levin, Stab-u-now, Gov. Jenny). JD will call for us to be part of Ontario.

    The fishing would be nice though.

  9. happyfeet says:

    There should be a task force to study ways the FBI can be even more neutered and useless I think. Not that they don’t excel already but I think it’s time to raise the bar.

  10. geoffb says:

    Jamie Gorelick could head it up. She has the credentials.

  11. MarkD says:

    geoffb, With the auto industry in the tank, and free Canadian health care, it’d be a win-win. Well, except for the Canadians.

  12. JD says:

    geoffb – I was born in MI, and despite the jackasses currently running the State, I would not give my birthplace away to those filthy infidels up north.

  13. Joe says:

    Was this douchebag one of the Somali airport cabbies who refused to take passengers with duty free alcohol?

  14. Joe says:

    geoffb–you left Minnesota didn’t you?

  15. Joe says:

    As for Biden, come on he is a scrappy poor kid from Scraton. Being in the Senate does not pay enough.

  16. alppuccino says:

    I think the real question is “Why didn’t a suicide bomber drive up into Arlen Specter’s ass?”

  17. happyfeet says:

    I think Arlen Specter would make a marvelous victim of something.

  18. geoffb says:

    “you left Minnesota didn’t you?”

    Never been there. Born, raised, and live in “The Mitten”.

  19. Techie says:

    Beau Biden? Don’t know anything about the guy, but I’m willing to bet he got picked on cause of that name. Great job, Joe.

  20. JD says:

    Let’s just imagine, for a moment, what the media coverage of this, Stanford, or Madoff would have been had the connection been to the Republican party, or even worse, had Gov. Palin been connected to same.

  21. Mikey NTH says:

    JD – 24 hours with big bold graphics. “Crisis of Corruption – 2009”. Something like that. Plenty of in-depth coverage.
    On-the-spot-reporter: “Chris – we have just learned that Gov. Palin’s dentist doesn’t seperate his recyclables.”
    Chris: “The fiends. Is the frozen hussy still ice-walling us?”

  22. JD says:

    Mikey – Though I agree, I think you underestimate the breathless coverage that would ensue.

  23. cranky-d says:

    I get tired of the anti-Minnesota talk. It’s a nice place to live, really.

  24. happyfeet says:

    I like Minnesota. Minneapolis is on my maybe list if I ever want to leave Los Angeles. Not as a forever thing, but I’d like to spend more time in that part of the country.

  25. cranky-d says:

    It does get quite cold here, but once the nerve endings in your face die off it’s easier to take. I only had to wear a ski mask my first winter. After that I didn’t feel as cold any more.

  26. geoffb says:

    Sounds kinda UP-ish.

  27. Squid says:

    The cold keeps out the riff-raff. It’s our best defense against Californication, really.

  28. Swen Swenson says:

    Hey, c’mon. If you’d ever spent a winter in Minnesota you’d understand that blowing up a bunch of innocents and spending eternity in a hot place doesn’t sound so bad.

    Re the fishing, my experience has been that Minnesota is the “Land of 10,000 Lakes” and 5000 fish..

  29. Dave E. says:

    The Somali community in Minneapolis is the source of the cabbie issue, among others. People here are outwardly pretty tolerant about a lot of things, but there’s a limit. The cabbie problem was smacked down pretty quickly. A “10,000 people rioting at the state house the next day” would generate a giant “fuck off” immediately. Heck, some of my liberal friends would probably help build the new prisons.

    And Swen-I’d be happy to teach you how to fish someday.

  30. jon says:

    I’m sure the FBI will get to the Islamists in Minnesota as soon as they quash the radical Lutherans, disable the terrorist lukefisk industry, color the Metrodome roof, and finally figure out just what the hell Guy Lertzema did to make himself semi-famous.

  31. jon says:

    Actually, it’s Bob Lurtzema they have to investigate. Damn faulty thirty-year-old memories. Next I’ll forget the name of Thundarr the Barbarian’s lumpy friend. And I have. Damnit, more googling….

  32. pdbuttons says:

    kirby ur dog
    puckett ur smootch
    ahhh…one lake down…how many to go?
    99 bottles of beer on the wall
    99 bottls of…!
    10,ooo lakes!
    many rivers to cross…

  33. Dave E. says:

    Benchwarmer Bob was just the logical marketing extension of the Pet Rock. It was the 1970s, enough said. Don’t tell anyone, but the lutefisk is really just to distract the Islamists. Our actual threat to them is the hotdish.

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