
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024


Happy Valentine’s Day [Dan Collins]

God, it’s good not to work at Vermont Teddy Bear anymore.

If you’ve got good Valentine’s Day tales to tell, here would be the place to tell them.

19 Replies to “Happy Valentine’s Day [Dan Collins]”

  1. happyfeet says:

    Vermont Teddy Bear peoples was the ones what sponsored NPR. Gack. When I heard that I knew with a surpassing certainty that never would I ever cuddle a Vermont Teddy Bear. Not even in jest. They repulse me.

  2. Sdferr says:

    I’ve got a Mourning Dove (male, I presume) sitting on a wire directly outside my window at this moment. He’s cooing this, swelling his chest in display by around 50% on each repetition. I’m cooing it back at him to the best of my abilities, well enough it seems, since he has been sitting and responding for about 15 min now. I’ve no clue whether he thinks I’m a rival male or a potential mate but it’s an interesting exercise to run either way. In a sense, I think we’re all sex machines this way, running programs we haven’t got the first clue about as they go.

  3. Yo, happyfeet – they also advertise heavily on Fox News. I think that makes them merely interested in covering as many demographics as possible.

    Me, this is #28 in a row alone. I’m going for a record.

  4. BumperStickerist says:

    Taking a cue from television, I installed two clawfoot tubs on the deck.

    The Valentine’s Day plan is for each of us to sit in our own tub until my erection has lasted for four hours. At which point we’ll seek medical attention.

    Should be fun.

  5. happyfeet says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day, Russ. I still think giving money to the dirty socialists at NPR is a foolhardy thing to do for a little company what has a vested enterprise in the continuance of free enterprise in our little country. NPR is an unattractive collective of collectivists what collectively piss on American values on a daily basis.

  6. I was wondering if you had had anything to do with the VTB commercials on CNBC. I thought you had moved on, but I wasn’t sure.

    If you did have anything to do with them I was going to hunt you down and strangle you.

    Those commercials are almost, but not quite, up to the semi-porn of that sleeping pill commercial.

  7. dicentra says:

    Vermont Teddy Bears also advertise with Glenn Beck.

    I notice that this very short thread contains very few V-Day tales. Not that I’m surprised: at my workplace, only a few people have actual sweeties, and we pretty much ignore the holiday when possible.

    Except for sdferr’s comment about the Mourning Dove. I’ve got tons of those by my house, too. They don’t come to my feeders very often, but when they do, they’re the last to fly off when I approach. They must have the instincts of Chukkar partridges and other fowl who wait until the last second as you approach, then explode into the sky, startling the potential predator.

    Me, I bought myself a potted daffodil and stuck it in the windowsill at work.

    Well, gotta go. I’m going to inventory my food and supply storage and see what I need to add.

  8. here you can see what a cheeseball RTO is. didn’t really see him much today, though, he had to work and I had a show tonight. and then we had dinner with my mom and her sisters. heh.

  9. NC says:

    Hi Maggie. Hope this message finds you well.

  10. Hi, NC! yes, I’m doing well. Are you still traveling?

  11. NC says:

    Iam and I must say that I am having a heck of a time. I’m on the gulf coast of Florida right now. About to surprise my brother with a visit.

  12. cool. my mom is visiting from Florida (they live on the Atlantic side). and it got cold, like it usually does when my parents come out here.

  13. NC says:

    I would lay money on the fact that they don’t care about the weather. They just want to see their baby. God bless them. Tell them I said hello.

  14. I would lay money on the fact that they don’t care about the weather.

    oh probably, but we still laugh at them while they shiver.

  15. happyfeet says:

    oh. I said vested enterprise instead of vested interest didn’t I? yup.

  16. anyhoo, I gots to get a good night’s sleep so I can make through the matinee without embarrassing myself too much. Hope you have fun with your brother and stay safe on the road.

  17. NC says:

    I’ll have to see your show when I get back that way. Good night Maggie.

  18. Carin says:

    Cool gift Maggie. That was awfully sweet of RTO.

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