
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


PW Poll [Dan Collins]

Do you think parsnip is a mendoucheous felcher?

1) Agree strongly
2) Mostly agree
3) Meh
4) Mostly disagree
5) Disagree strongly

One vote for each IP address every 24 hours. Voting ends Sunday at midnight EST.

85 Replies to “PW Poll [Dan Collins]”

  1. Pablo says:


  2. JD says:

    I love you, Dan. And not in the Andrew Sullvan/Gleeeeeens/Larry Craig kind of way. NTTAWWT.

  3. JD says:

    111111111111111111111111111111 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eleventy 111111111

    “Hey, Darnell, could you give me a parsnip?”

    Maybe it is better called a menfelcheous doucher?

  4. lee says:

    I’d have to go with #3.

    Call it a dumb fuck, and be done with it I say.

  5. Pablo says:

    Eastern Standard Time is a Republican conspiracy, wingnut.

  6. When Scarlett O’Hara said as God is her witness, she would never go hungry again, she was surrounded by a field of parsnips she refused to eat. So. yeah, 1111111111!

  7. geoffb says:

    #1, veggie is past sell date.

  8. Sdferr says:

    Unfit company or 1), your choice.

  9. poppa india says:

    1, with a bullet…

  10. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    lim x
    x -> -∞

  11. Slartibartfast says:


  12. JD says:

    To be fair, we should refer to the mendoucheous felcher by all of its names … alphie/sniffles/parsnip. Am I missing any?

  13. happyfeet says:

    I think losing Bush has left a horrible vacuum in alphie. Someone used the phrase phantom Bush pain today or yesterday. I think that’s pretty much the deal mostly but not all of it. I think also he is finding Baracky a lot anticlimactic and maybe just a little embarrassing.

  14. Bob Reed says:


    I realize this is a poll, but was there ever any question?

  15. Ventrueboi says:


  16. mendoucheous felcher says:

    Hey, don’t we have enough problems without you saddling us with parsnip?

    You insult mendoucheous felchers everywhere!

    Good day to you!

  17. I think losing Bush has left a horrible vacuum in alphie.

    among others. if some of my cast mates are any indication, they’re filling part of that void with Palin. I had no idea people thought about her so much. she’s in Alaska for goodness’ sake.

  18. Log Cabin says:

    If Snippy were to learn a great deal more about economics, and develop the social skills to actually have and keep a friend, and recover from it’s sexual dysfunction…

    then, it might aspire to someday improve to the level of mendoucheous felcher!

  19. A fine scotch says:


    Wasn’t parsnip also “monkyboy” of the Balloon Fence fame?

  20. Daryl Herbert says:

    Do you have any links to substantiate the charge of mendouchiousness? I’m not familiar with parsnip.

  21. parsnip says:

    Would this be a “straw” poll?


  22. Abe Froman says:

    I suppose I’d go with #1 but not without expressing some sadness over the fact that the interweb enables someone who we all would have laughed at or ignored in high school, college or anywhere else to use his angry, little man complex to gain attention here. Snippy is clearly not someone you’d bother hating in real life, you’d just give him a wedgie, steal his lunch money and then go to a party.

  23. RIP Ford says:

    Is your life that lonely parsnip that you have to seek attention from those you supposedly dislike? What is it, the 14 cats no longer paying attention like they used to or have the uncomfortable stilted conversations with the newspaper boy just not doing it anymore?

  24. gebrauchshund says:

    “Snippy is clearly not someone you’d bother hating in real life, you’d just give him a wedgie, steal his lunch money and then go to a party.”

    And fuck the girl he’s got a crush on.

  25. Merovign says:

    Oh, geez, now even the posts are about that piddling cockholster.

  26. Joe says:

    We salute you parsnip for being you.

    For laughs, tell Goldstein he needs a trade.

  27. Joe says:

    This is not a vote, but now we know why The Daily Dish and Instapundit don’t have comments.

  28. pledgepolish55 says:


    No redeeming qualities whatsoever.

  29. ironpacker says:

    I don’t think the margin in this case is going to be 52%-48%.

  30. TRHein says:

    I really don’t look forward to discovering what prompted this but I cast 1.

  31. Joe says:

    Is the equation mendacious + douche + felcher = parsnip?

    or is it a*mendacious2 + felcher*mendacious + douche = parsnip? where a ≠ 0.

  32. dicentra says:

    Zero. Seems more appropriate.

  33. Silver Whistle says:

    Parsnip has me wondering what happened to timmyb. And that is not a good sign.

  34. Greg says:

    Uno, por favor.

  35. DCLex says:

    Comment by Merovign on 2/13 @ 12:31 am #

    Ditto. The snotrag’s probably got hisself a wee little woodie cause he has managed to snag yet ANOTHER post aaaaall about him.

    Strange de-trollinator method. Unless that isn’t the goal at all.

  36. B Moe says:

    Snippy is clearly not someone you’d bother hating in real life….

    If he said some of the shit around the office he has said here I would feel the same way about him. Although loathe is probably a more apt descriptor.

    And one.

  37. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    HF nailed it in 13.

    It’s going fucking berserk because the news media aren’t providing it with its daily Two Minutes Bush Hate.

    Maybe it would help if Jeff changed his first name to Emmanuel.

    I expect it to flip on Obama any day now, once it realizes that the free gas and houses aren’t going to be arriving any time soon.

  38. Silver Whistle says:

    You guys do know that it is his ambition to be a mendouchous felcher, by the way? He is a griefer, pure and simple, and his visits here have no other purpose than to cause grief. The only remedies to his grieferness are to either ban him, ignore him, or both.

  39. B Moe says:

    I think also he is finding Baracky a lot anticlimactic and maybe just a little embarrassing.

    I agree, and I want to at least keep the little worm around until the panic sets in. Should be good for a laugh or two.

  40. Rusty says:

    That would be a “1” to win, Alex.

  41. serr8d says:

    Parsnip has me wondering what happened to timmyb.

    I think one swallowed the other, then they swapped.

    Look for snippy stuffed in locker #1.

  42. Roland THTG says:

    SI SE PUEDE!!!!11111 para los poste de teléfono que habla!

  43. JD says:

    Silver Whistle – timmah is trolling over at Patterico’s blog. He has changed not one little bit. Still is kind of stalkerish …

  44. Mikey NTH says:


    And add snactimoniuos hypocritical canting lackwit.

  45. Mikey NTH says:

    err – sanctimonious

  46. serr8d says:

    OT, but after polling, be sure to help a gal pick the right knickers.

    (SFW? Link found at Theo’s, if that tells you anything… )

  47. Mr. Pink says:


  48. Pablo says:

    To be fair, we should refer to the mendoucheous felcher by all of its names … alphie/sniffles/parsnip. Am I missing any?

    Don’t forget Neville Chamberlain, as well as the aforementioned monkyboy.

    Are we missing any, snippy?

  49. thor says:

    I invented felching and the ballpoint pen while making my first billion back in my teens, which is also when I flew the spaceshuttle to Mars.

  50. serr8d says:

    Oh, and thor is Andrew Sullivan.

  51. Joe says:

    Comment by Joe on 2/13 @ 2:18 am #

    Is the equation mendacious + douche + felcher = parsnip?

    or is it a*mendacious2 + felcher*mendacious + douche = parsnip? where a ≠ 0.

    Comment by dicentra on 2/13 @ 2:19 am #

    Zero. Seems more appropriate.

    If you make a=0, That changes it to a linear equation.

  52. Silver Whistle says:

    Silver Whistle – timmah is trolling over at Patterico’s blog. He has changed not one little bit. Still is kind of stalkerish …

    My sincere condolences to Patterico. I hope he doesn’t have a man-crush on the learned counsellor like he had on Jeff. Very undignified.

  53. Wewonsuckit says:

    What you rethuglicans should understand is the failed policies of the past 8 years forced parsnip to become a mendacious douche. It was obvious that opposing the worst president since Hitler was every Americans brave patriotic duty but for some reason, rethuglicans never acknowledged (because of their far rightwingness and religious upbringing) how much Bush was like hitler, except he purposely had innocent Iraqis killed by murdering US troops, instead of jews in ovens. Because of rethuglicans failure to listen to their betters, like Lindsey Graham and Sean Penn, parsnip had no choice but to force you to hear him, crying out like a mendacious douche in the wilderness. If not for people like parsnip, we would be looking at another 8 years of Bush, as he would have changed the constitution to become dictator for life, except for the brave opposition from parsnip and code pink. If it was up to parsnip and me, all of you rethuglicans would be all put on one island, surrounded by a baloon fence and then REAL americans, like Harry Reid and Alec Baldwin, could make this country the utopia it should, no, deserves to be.

    So before you mock parsnip again for his ability to make you listen to him, you must understand (though you won’t because you’re stupid woman hating god botherers) that people like him, and Tim Robbins and Matt Damon, SaVED this country. one day you’ll look back on parsnips body of work, when we’re living the dream in a perfect society, governed by people like val Kilmer and Ben Affleck and say “Hey, you know, parsnip really did have some salient points. Thank you parsnip. Thank you for saving all of us.”

  54. Andrew the Noisy says:


  55. serr8d says:

    53. Comment by Wewonsuckit

    Hey, great parody! Thanks!

  56. alppuccino says:

    Mung’s the word

  57. Charybdis E. Scylla says:

    Comment by DCLex on 2/13 @ 5:09 am #
    Comment by Merovign on 2/13 @ 12:31 am #

    At least by giving snippy his own post, he can’t hijack it like he normally does. This one starts out all about him from the get-go, so it’s almost certain to be light on any parsnip input – only one comment in the first 56. If only that stat held for the other posts…

  58. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    #53 – LOL, very well done. I literally LOL’d.

    I have to second Silver Whistle’s suggestion in #38. It’s looking for attention, pure and simple.

  59. Rob Crawford says:

    Parsnip has me wondering what happened to timmyb. And that is not a good sign.

    Timmah! has been over at Patterico’s. One of the more amusing reflexes he’s developed is to respond to any comment I direct at him with snide remarks about “gnome fetish” (a reference to my domain name) and wargaming. He apparently believes that my life-long hobby somehow makes my opinions irrelevant.

  60. Mikey NTH says:

    He has to try and feel superior to somebody somehow, Rob. God knows he can never get that in real life.

  61. Joe says:

    @#53, this apparently explains this mendouchous idiot:

    “A Republican party that added more than $30 trillion to the future debt in a time of boom has no credible answer but raw partisanship for opposing $800 billion in the swiftest downturn in employment since the Great Depression. That’s the bottom line.”

    Andrew “The Conservative Soul” Sullivan.

    What 30 Trillion dollars is Sullivan talking about? Where did he pull that number from? Id did not care for increases of spendging under Bush and agree the GOP should have done more, but I must have missed the 30 trillion in future debt.

  62. alppuccino says:

    Someone used the phrase phantom Bush pain

    I’m “someone” now? That’s it? I need a publicist.

  63. alppuccino says:

    What 30 Trillion dollars is Sullivan talking about?

    I believe it will be from the 500 million jobs we’re going to lose next week.

  64. JHoward says:

    Joe, the entire national debt of the US is roughly $10T, with about $1T added in the last year alone. There’s another $60T or 70T in unpaid future entitlements (so yes, we’re screwed).

    The bailout, in all its hideous forms extended back also roughly a year, totaled about $10T and counting. How/where this is accounted for I do not know and they’re not saying. One presumes it’s new debt, but you know DC and it’s eternal money tree. Maybe they all chipped in from their raises or something, benevolent as they certainly are.

    As far as I know, Andy is wrong.

  65. Sdferr says:

    At a guess, the $30T is a projection of entitlement spending + all budget deficits + interest payments on same over a very long forward basis, maybe 50 – 75 yrs. Probably doesn’t include Soc. Sec. obligations and some of the prior Medicare/Medicaid obligations (prior, that is to Bush’s Medicare part D thingy), which would balloon the number upward toward $70T.

  66. Sdferr says:

    Oops, JHoward covered it. The refresh button, I remind myself, is my friend. Sorry.

  67. BJTexs says:

    Jeff once called Timmah a “classless little turdlette.” I thought he was way too gentle.

  68. VAHighlander says:

    parsnip brings the bipartisan to this website. It’s helpful to be constantly reminded of what we’re fighting against. Keeps the Outlaws on their toes.

  69. TheGeezer says:

    I simply recall that a parsnip is a vegetable and move on. That way I can cut down on vasodilators.

  70. parsnip says:

    I vote “2.”

  71. Daryl Herbert says:


  72. […] There’s still time to vote Posted by Dan Collins @ 10:49 am | Trackback SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: “Don’t Sit Under […]

  73. DarthRove says:

    I can agree from observation with the “mendoucheous” claim. As to the felching, I claim no direct or indirect knowledge because … ewwwwwwwwwwww.

  74. geoffb says:

    “parsnip brings the bipartisan to this website.”

    I think of more as Biparsnipianshit.

  75. John Cheshire says:

    I think he is a mendoucheous tea-bagging felcher.

  76. nikkolai says:


  77. geoffb says:

    I will say this about parsnip. The attempt to defend Obama by conflating the economic impact of 9/11 with the Obama stimulus bill was genius. Democrat’s vote equal to an Act of War.

    I do believe however that there was no attempt made by parsnip to make it an informative statement. It was simply one of those, “Oh yeah, your daddy is worse than mine” type things.

  78. Spiny Norman says:

    #1 with a bullet.

    /’60s Top 40 radio

  79. SporkLift Driver says:


  80. geoffb says:

    Past 24 hours so, “Once more with Feeling”, #1.

  81. datadave says:

    Hola, thor. Jeesh, these drama queens still making antiliberal comments against someone who has the temerity of making antiRightwing comments on an open forum? What’s new? Since they, the Right wing, doesn’t believe in honest debate no wonder Pajamas and Drama Queen are going down.

    Lock-step, Republicans voted for more poverity, lower incomes and another Great Depression. They are a thousand times worse that Al Qieda (sp?) an insignificant terrorist group compared to the Carlye Group and the engineers of class warfare from above. Now they want to rob the Social Security fund to give bankers more money. (admittedly, some so-called Democrats like Larry Summers are on the “Rethuglian” side and all for looting Social Security next…a fund paid for by lower and middle class types..not the Republican(Democan) elite.)

    Funny, that some of these Repugs are feeling the pain of Ayn Rand’s Virtue of Selfishness. Ronnie Reagan put Alan Greenspan in power…and thus we are in a financial disaster due to 40 years of Conservative Classical Liberal dominance.

  82. Rusty says:

    As if on cue, the room temperture IQ shows up. Weren’t you banned dave? Shouldn’t you be looking for work?

  83. Spiny Norman says:

    talkingpointdave returns! And no less idiotic.

  84. serr8d says:

    24 hours later…snippy still stuffed into Locker #1?


    datadave, you jealous bitch, just wait your turn.

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