
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


Advice from an OUTLAW

Were it me running the Republican party, I’d give up on being pragmatic and cut the 3 Senatorial defectors loose.

Because if they’re willing to vote for this travesty of a “stimulus” package, they are not in any way committed to free enterprise, personal responsibility, or personal freedom — and so letting them dangle as independents, or even join with Democrats, is preferable to watching them provide a veneer of bipartisanship to what are essentially socialist trojan horse policies whenever Obamaco needs a couple swing votes.

In short, kick them to the curb. Immediately. If you are going to lose, at least stick to your principles.

— And, if for some reason the Republican leadership is too timorous to do what needs to be done, maybe they can hire Roger Simon to send Arlen and the girls a nice form letter…


197 Replies to “Advice from an OUTLAW”

  1. Dan Collins says:

    You can do that over the internets, now. I mean the form letter thing. The kicking to the curb thing is best done in person.

  2. Sdferr says:

    Arlen and the girls is a nice touch.

  3. Dan Collins says:

    I get why Gregg didn’t vote, but why didn’t Cornyn?

  4. Joe says:

    They might as well. Why give a shit about this filbuster number if these three will sell you out every time. Sure they lose these seats, but if they do it right they can position themselves for greater gains in the future.

    But this is not about tactics for tactics sake. This is about core principals and doing what is right. This pork-a-palooza is a very bad bill. If you believe that then you should act accordingly.

  5. Sdferr says:

    Here you go on Cornyn Dan. He read the tea leaves and figured he wouldn’t waste time. According to this, he went out to raise money instead.

  6. Joe says:

    Maybe Arlen and the girls could moonlight on Pajamas TV, you know like the other Goldstein used to do. And no I am not referring to these Senators engaging in Al’s former cable trade, per se, I am thinking they could hawk catering packages on PJM TV. Because we know this stimulus is going to create a lot of demand for catering services, and the economy is going to pick right up! A rising tide raises all boats, even if your boat is full of pickels and a pastrami sandwich.

  7. geoffb says:

    “I get why Gregg didn’t vote, but why didn’t Cornyn?”

    I figured it was one of those vote swap things only intra-party. Didn’t effect the outcome. Gregg doesn’t have to embarrass himself further. Everybody knows Cornyn’s position.

  8. geoffb says:

    Thanks Sdferr.

  9. Hrothgar says:

    When your party has had no demonstrable principles or core values for lo these many years, it is going to be hard to give a traitor RINO even a slap on the wrist let alone an invitation to leave the party before the party leaves.
    If these three cannot see how they have sold out the American citizenry and their children and grand-children and recant immediately, they should actively be the target of scorn for all of us who remember what this country used to be.
    When even Johnny McCain won’t reach across the aisle to sell us out, you know it must a stinker of a bill.

  10. happyfeet says:

    Michael Steele needs to have a man to eunuch talk with Mitch McConnell I think.

  11. Dan Collins says:

    Yes, Sdferr, thanks.

  12. geoffb says:

    Jeff G.

    Great idea.

    Can Steele ask for their resignations next? Spring house cleaning and all.

  13. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I’m thinking about earmarking my “stimulus” check (assuming we actually get those) for the primary opponents of those three, if any. If there are no opponents in the primary, I’m considering giving it to whoever runs against them in the general election, even if the opponent is a Communist, Nazi, or Scientologist.

  14. ruddiger says:

    Oh thank God someone else is saying it. I caught a small bit of hell from someone for saying that. Maybe I need new friends.

    I see the parties as 2 sides of the same shitty coin; only difference is the Dems have balls.

  15. happyfeet says:

    What would be helpful I think would be to pause for a Porkbusters update. Man. That movement is on fire!

  16. Hrothgar says:

    “America has a two party system: an evil party and a stupid party. The one unassailable political fact is that whenever both parties agree on anything, it is guaranteed to be both evil and stupid!”
    Paraphrase of Ron Smith commentary

  17. Dan Collins says:

    The Party of Lincoln has become a Party of Bacon.

  18. dicentra says:


    The GOP has a bad habit of bringing seltzer bottles to a gun fight. If I could dismantle one concept among the Senate, it’s the value they place on “collegiality.”

    And the next one after that would be Term Limits, including a Test Phase of 6 months, after which your constituents can toss you out post-haste and put the runner-up from the same party in that seat.

    These guys need a fire lit under their seats or they’ll never shape up. They’re too accustomed of suffering No Consequences for their stupidity.

  19. If you are going to lose, at least stick to your principles.

    Principles? Oh, I thought we were talking about Congressional Republicans.

  20. dicentra says:


    That would explain why the Spendulus bill is Pure Evil.

  21. Hrothgar says:

    Voter’s Remorse version of Buyer’s Remorse–sounds good. Unfortunately the very same incumbents that have their hand in the till would have to risk working for a living if that got approved.

  22. Crimso says:

    Go all “Kent Williams” on ’em. Google it if you must, but to cut down on the irrelevant hits include “Tennessee” and “GOP” as well.

  23. Hrothgar says:

    and stupid (witness the DJI for today)

  24. C Smith says:

    As a parting gift, the Three Doritos should each be given 30 pieces of silver and a bit of rope.

  25. Mr. Pink says:

    Well if you think about it, when outlaws go to parties they hang out in the corner acting cool and let the chicks come to them. These three are like the bitches at parties that drink 2 beers then act retardedly drunk on purpose for attention. Meanwhile they do not know that the next day everyone, even the guys that hooked up with them while they were drunk, is calling them dumb whores.

    Excuse my language but I had a couple beers tonight.

  26. parsnip says:

    Aren’t Arlen and the girls the real Outlaws?

  27. McGehee says:

    Arlen and the girls

    Why single Arlen out? I know she’s ugly but she’s no Helen Thomas.

  28. ruddiger says:

    #16 “A republican stands up in congress and says ‘I GOT A REALLY BAD IDEA!!’ and the democrat stands up after him and says ‘AND I CAN MAKE IT SHITTIER!!'”
    — Lewis Black

  29. Bob Reed says:

    If you are going to lose, at least stick to your principles.”

    The only core principles these three have are to be elected, by any means necessary…

    If it sounds familiar, it should; it’s one of the axioms of the Democrats…

    Maybe that why all of their liberal constituents continue to vote for them!

    And, I especially love how Specter did the, “I didn’t know about the health care provsion; you know what?, maybe we should of held more debate on this bill…”, on Faux news today…

    Kick them to the curb!, and like CSmith noted above, give them their 30 pieces of silver, a bit of rope, and send them on their way

  30. router says:

    mark levin is hammering this here 2/9/09:


  31. router says:

    “the leftist use of language”

  32. Log Cabin says:

    Instead of Arlen and the girls, how about: “The Skanks?”.

    I know it’s in use now, but most people probably haven’t met Parsnip’s mother and grandmother.

  33. router says:


    Comment by parsnip on 2/10 @ 8:11 pm #

    Aren’t Arlen and the girls the real Outlaws?”


  34. Jeffersonian says:

    Aren’t Arlen and the girls the real Outlaws?

    Having sided with naked plunder, it’s hard to disagree.

  35. B Moe says:

    Aren’t Arlen and the girls the real Outlaws?

    Have you considered going to night school, taking some Conversational English, maybe, tube?
    Couldn’t hurt, you could probably even find some stimulus money to help pay for it.

  36. router says:


  37. geoffb says:

    Arlen and his “Big Love” welfare family.

  38. Bob Reed says:

    Yeah parsnip, these three, Obama, and the whole lot of Democrats in Congress are the real outlaws…

    ‘Cuz I feel like they’re robbing me, my family, and all our children, more and more every day!

    Outlaws, not in the hip, cool, or modern meaning; but in the literal one…

    Just like if I exclaim, “Shut Up”, to you, it’s not the trendy Manhattan equivalent of, “YOu don’t say…”; I mean I’m tired of your talking point recitations want you to…

  39. Pablo says:


    Can Steele ask for their resignations next? Spring house cleaning and all.

    That would be pointless, but focusing on credible primary opponents wouldn’t be. Arlen’s up first, next year.

    Hell, at this point, I’d rather have a Dem take him out. He’s worse than useless.

  40. Makewi says:

    Outlaws? No those three are more like collaborators. If I was as much as a fuckstick as parsnip was the last 8 years, I might call ’em Vichy.

  41. AJB says:

    free enterprise, personal responsibility, or personal freedom

    Most Republicans are opposed to all of these things anyway.

  42. ruddiger says:

    dicentra, collegiality sounds like bipartisanship’s roommate. Not that bipartisanship is possible or even desireable, but if it happened it would effectively be one party rule.

    God, I just pissed myself off more. I’m still pissed about the healthcare “reform” contained in the “stimulus” bill that I read about this morning.

    *sigh* Honestly, sometimes I’m glad I’m closer to the end than the beginning. I just learned about 5-HTP — I need to place my order.

  43. ruddiger says:

    I vote incompetent. I’m not the brightest thinker here but he has me wondering ‘what the fuck?” a lot.

    Either that or he just doesn’t care.

  44. happyfeet says:

    I think Arlen was bought off years ago really. Definitely venal. But also he’s not a smart man. That would be unfair to accuse him of being terribly bright I think. He’s sure not smart enough to be too embarrassed to pull down his pants in front of the entire nation and moon everybody with his dirty socialist anti-American ass.

  45. thor says:

    It’s all to no avail. All you have to do to turn a Republican vote is dangle a little pork fat.

    The curbists are curbed.

  46. happyfeet says:

    We don’t need no water…

  47. Joe says:

    Comment by thor on 2/10 @ 8:41 pm #

    It’s all to no avail. All you have to do to turn a Republican vote is dangle a little pork fat.

    The curbists are curbed.

    That is not exactly true. I doubt Specter, Collins or Snowe were turned by a pork stimulus, what turned them is being on the side of The One. It is Tiger Beat time for these three.

  48. Bob Reed says:

    Comment by AJB on 2/10 @ 8:28 pm #

    free enterprise, personal responsibility, or personal freedom

    MostRINO Republicans are opposed to all of these things anyway; just like all Democrats are.”

    FTFY AJB; no charge, it’s on Obama…

  49. Pablo says:

    Oh look, it’s drive by idiocy from AJB. Again.

  50. parsnip says:

    Having sided with naked plunder, it’s hard to disagree.

    Don’t forget Republican Charlie Crist, who gave Obama such a gracious intro today.

    And applauded along with the crowd of real Americans when Obama announce 61 Senators had done their patriotic duty.

    Where is Darleen to advocate her loyalty oaths when you need her?

  51. Mr. Pink says:

    Parsnips do you really believe anyone is takin anything you say seriously when it is so obvious you are not?

  52. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by parsnip on 2/10 @ 8:11 pm #

    Aren’t Arlen and the girls the real Outlaws?”

    Um, no, alpo.

    You, on the other hand, are a retarded marmoset.

  53. thor says:

    Do you think anyone gives a fuck what you say, Pinkly? I imagine you do, but…

    Parsnip, did you see Obama plant one on the cheek of that nice homeless lady? He’s so the fuckin’ man. His cognizance of the moment is something you can’t teach.

  54. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by AJB on 2/10 @ 8:28 pm #

    free enterprise, personal responsibility, or personal freedom

    Most Republicans are opposed to all of these things anyway.”


  55. Jeff G. says:

    I really don’t think this is any of your concern, parsnip. I should think if anything you’d be diggin’ the full-proof majority such a move would offer you.

    So why protest so much?

    Pablo —

    I think sending a message on something this egregious — which, as a piece of irreversible legislation, will be the next incremental step toward moving us into a Euro style soft socialist democracy — is proper and important.

    And I’m not even a Republican party booster.

  56. parsnip says:


    Somehow, I think that woman and her son are going to get some help today.

    And the Republicans in Congress just look that more out of touch.

  57. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by thor on 2/10 @ 8:41 pm #

    It’s all to no avail. All you have to do to turn a Republican vote is dangle a little pork fat.

    The curbists are curbed.”


  58. Daryl Herbert says:

    I agree 100% with ejecting them from the party and came to that conclusion independently.

    The only thing they accomplish is providing cover for Barack Obama and his trillion-dollar socialist machine politics. Out. Out. OUT!

  59. Jeff G. says:

    I think thor missed that there were, between the House and Senate, precisely, what, 3 Congressional Republicans who voted for this thing?

  60. N. O'Brain says:

    Comment by thor on 2/10 @ 9:21 pm #


  61. Jeff G. says:

    But look at parsnip and thor celebrate a photo op. They appreciate that it was slick even as they know it will do precisely nothing to help the economy.


  62. parsnip says:


    Do you really think the Republican Senators are going to try to filibuster every.single.bill?

    After they made such a fuss about a couple Democratic filibusters not so long ago?

    Is anyone that hypocritical?

  63. Bob Reed says:

    That’s right Jeff G.

    It had bi-partisan support! Just like Obama wanted [drool]

  64. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by parsnip on 2/10 @ 9:27 pm #


    Do you really think the Republican Senators are going to try to filibuster every.single.bill?”

    They fuckin’ well better.

  65. Jeff G. says:

    Anyway, time for the OUTLAW to tune out the *giggles* that, from where I’m sitting, seem forced and rather uncomfortable. He has tv to watch and a depression to prepare for.

  66. N. O'Brain says:

    “Is anyone that hypocritical?”

    The Democrats. Of course they are. It’s all they got.

  67. thor says:

    Would any other politician think to do that? I’m telling ya he’s got some Oscar Romero in him.

    P’brain, you silly, fat gassing asshole, go lay on your back and piss up into your eyes and get you some pH burn.

  68. Pablo says:

    I think sending a message on something this egregious — which, as a piece of irreversible legislation, will be the next incremental step toward moving us into a Euro style soft socialist democracy — is proper and important.

    I agree. And if you’re referring to my suggestion that asking Snowe and Collins to resign is pointless, I stand by that. Which is not to say it shouldn’t be done, but it isn’t going to be effective. These people need to be taken out and asking them to leave is not a viable mechanism for making that happen. Plus, you’d be guaranteed Dem replacements for both. Better to beat their asses with some electoral hardball.

    I’m reminded of the RNC that backed Lincoln Chaffee, the RINO who lost anyway, instead of Steve Laffey, an actual conservative. I wanna see that change.

  69. Jeffersonian says:

    Don’t forget Republican Charlie Crist, who gave Obama such a gracious intro today.

    Crist sees the writing on the wall: To prosper in Obama’s America, you gotta kowtow to the chief. Everyone needs to have a Man in Washington these days.

  70. N. O'Brain says:

    “The reason any conservative’s failing is always major news is that it allows liberals to engage in their very favorite taunt: Hypocrisy! Hypocrisy is the only sin that really inflames them. Inasmuch as liberals have no morals, they can sit back and criticize other people for failing to meet the standards that liberals simply renounce. It’s an intriguing strategy. By openly admitting to being philanderers, draft dodgers, liars, weasels and cowards, liberals avoid ever being hypocrites.”

    -Ann Coulter

  71. Jeff G. says:

    Do you really think the Republican Senators are going to try to filibuster every.single.bill?


  72. N. O'Brain says:

    Comment by thor on 2/10 @ 9:29 pm #

    That’s nice whore. Now go OD on your meds and have a nice long dirt nap.

  73. Jeff G. says:

    I still say ask them to step down. They just voted for socialism. Is that something you’d want to be attached to, even by a few in your party?

    Not me. Let the seats be filled by Dems until the next election cycle. Better than selling your soul.

  74. Mr. Pink says:

    “Do you really think the Republican Senators are going to try to filibuster every.single.bill?”

    Considering the number of actual Republicans is 37, I do not think they could even filibuster if they want to.

  75. Bob Reed says:

    Comment by parsnip on 2/10 @ 9:24 pm #


    Somehow, I think that woman and her son are going to get some help today.”

    They sure will, because Oprah will probably have hem on her show, have a good cry and a hand-wring over their dilemma, and commence to give her a lot of stuff. And of course, get a lot of great publicity out of the deal; ‘cuz celebs are all quid-pro-quo like that…

    And it won’t help the economy at large a but…

    Heck, Oprah could stimulate the economy herself; Why’s she so greedy to take all of that salary? She should give everything above the forst 500k to the treasury, instead of being an evil CEO

    You know, because of the hypocrisy…

  76. Joe says:

    Jeff–Seriously you may need a trade (a secondary one) after the fallout of this bill comes down. And no, wearing a dinner jacket and mixing drinks like Stephen Green won’t cut it.

    I think gunsmithing would be a good thing to barter with in the new economy. I am going to sign up for that correspondence course.

  77. Mr. Pink says:

    Nah Government contracting. My field is not shrinking at all only expanding. If Jeff gets a TS with poly he can pack boxes in a warehouse and make at least 60 a year. I have no clue what he makes now but that can provide for a family if times get rough.

  78. Pablo says:

    I still say ask them to step down. They just voted for socialism. Is that something you’d want to be attached to, even by a few in your party?

    Excommunication isn’t an option. Asking them to leave the party might feel good, but it isn’t going to accomplish anything. Asking them to resign is going to be just as ineffective. All three have had thousands of people screaming at them for days and they voted for this shit sandwich anyway. You wanna send a message? Take them the fuck out. There’s only one way for the RNC to do that.

  79. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Let me guess: the trolls still haven’t explained how this bill is going to fix the economy.

  80. parsnip says:

    Considering the number of actual Republicans is 37

    Throwing Cornyn under the bus just because he took his family to New York City for a vacation instead of standing up against Porkulus?

    That’s harsh.

  81. Bob Reed says:

    Mr Pink,

    What’s a TS?

  82. Mr. Pink says:

    Top Secret clearance.

  83. Pablo says:

    If you haven’t seen Arlen’s act, you need to. Just keep your “Serenity Now!” chant handy.

  84. thor says:

    TS is the password to get in pinkle’s treehouse.

  85. Sam Hall says:

    Funny how the lefty trolls here are giggling as if they will be immune to the misery that is now coming.

    Far from it. And I for one will be here to kick them when they are down.

  86. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by meya on 2/10 @ 9:45 pm #

    “In short, kick them to the curb”

    5-some years ago a republican house and senate passed a medicare drug benefit costing like a trillion dollars”

    Find someone around here who defended it.

  87. Joe says:

    Camille Paglia on the pork-u-lus:

    Why in the cosmos would the new administration, smoothly sailing out of Obama’s classy inauguration, repeat the embarrassing blunders of Bill Clinton’s first term? By foolishly promising a complete overhaul of healthcare within 100 days (and by putting his secretive, ill-prepared wife in charge of it), Clinton made himself look naive and incompetent and set healthcare reform back for more than 15 years.

    President Obama was ill-served by his advisors (shall we thump that checkered piñata, Rahm Emanuel?), who evidently did not help him to produce a strong, focused, coherent bill that he could have explained and defended to the nation before it was set upon by partisan wolves. To defer to the House of Representatives and let the bill be thrown together by cacophonous mob rule made the president seem passive and behind the curve.

  88. Mr. Pink says:

    “5-some years ago a republican house and senate passed a medicare drug benefit costing like a trillion dollars. But now you want to kick 3 republicans to the curb. Better deal i guess — now you’re not all that many of htem.”

    You got a freakin point there.

    You are forgetting the hated Boooooosh though. So now you like him spending a trillion dollars or what? See the difference between the people labled trolls on here and the regular commentators that I have seen is that their principles do not change when politicians have a D or an R in front of their name.

  89. N. O'Brain says:

    “…made the president seem passive and behind the curve.”


    Gotta love a Philly broad.

  90. parsnip says:

    Once upon a time, I had a little money.
    Government burglars took it long
    before I could mail it to you, but
    You are the only one.
    Now I can’t let it slip away.
    So if the man with the ticker tape,
    tries to take it,
    this is what I’m gonna say.

    Blame it on Cain.
    Don’t blame it on me.
    Oh, oh, it’s nobody’s fault,
    but we need somebody to burn

  91. N. O'Brain says:

    “but we need somebody to burn”

    The mask slips yet again and the gibbering fascist underneath is revealed.

  92. Jeff G. says:

    I believe I’ve been making the same argument for years now. Hell, I even told NPR that if we’re going to have a socialist government, I’d much rather it be stamped with a big fat D.

    No one should be giving this cover — and that includes the centrist Democrats who are probably horrified by this but are afraid to cross the ONE.

  93. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Camille is a lefty, but one that I agree with surprisingly often.

    I saw her speak about 6 or 7 years ago. She’s a dynamic lecturer.

    A group of feminazis showed up to protest her talk, and she shut them down without ever even raising her voice. They just sort of slunk out of the auditorium.

  94. N. O'Brain says:

    Comment by Spies, Brigands, and Pirates on 2/10 @ 9:54 pm #

    See my 94….


  95. happyfeet says:

    They should be shunned and also they should be scorned. By John McCain, mostly, I think. He fancies himself a leader I hear. Won’t happen though. He’s been busy spending all week lambasting the consequences of his own cowardly fecklessness, securely ensconced in the warm safety of his own impotence. Even drooping diseased Arlen is something of a giant among men juxtaposed with McCain I think. I really do.

  96. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Nipply, haven’t you killed yourself yet? It’s for The Good of The People that old bastards like you not consume scarce medical resources.


  97. Jeff G. says:

    Utopianism through bellbottoms. Ah, memories. Enjoy.

  98. Mr. Pink says:

    See if you go back in time on here, since Jeff’s website allows you to actually look at the comments sections again, you can see the people labled trolls attack Bush’s huge spending bills. They criticise the debt Bush racked up.

    Now look at them, defending debt and defending the government mortgaging our future like a TGI Friday’s waiter putting his Super Bowl sunday tips down on a new car thinking he is going to make that much money every weekend.

  99. happyfeet says:

    oh. Mom had this Mac Davis thing. He didn’t make the jump to cd I don’t think. Also someone named Charlie Pride.

  100. N. O'Brain says:

    Jeff, that was awful.

    In my bell botom days I listened to Cream, Zappa, Dylan and Bach.

  101. N. O'Brain says:

    Mozart and Beethovan, too.

  102. N. O'Brain says:


  103. cranky-d says:

    Can they be kicked out of the party? I have no idea if there are rules for that sort of thing. No matter. This could be Steele’s first major act as party leader.

    I wonder where the AARP is on this thing? That provision limiting healthcare for the elderly should have brought their scrutiny by now.

  104. happyfeet says:

    that includes the centrist Democrats who are probably horrified by this but are afraid

    Things are really bad, aren’t they?

  105. meya says:

    “Find someone around here who defended it.”

    This isn’t about defense. Its about kicking to the curb.

    “You are forgetting the hated Boooooosh though. So now you like him spending a trillion dollars or what?”

    I thought the way it was set up was a waste of money. It didn’t put me in a curb-kicking or stomping mood.

    Y’all been Liebermaned. Good luck. Its a tough fight. I said it before and I’ll say it again. Obama is gonna bring this country togetherL R’s are gonna know how D’s have felt for the last 8 years. And vice versa.

  106. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I said it before and I’ll say it again.

    No one really cares what you say, meya.

    Sorry about that.

  107. happyfeet says:

    Hyperinflation is a lot ecumenical.

  108. Sam Hall says:

    No worries, happy. Unicorn dollars are inflation proof.

  109. Old Texas Turkey says:

    Obama is gonna bring this country together in a collective horror of realization that he’s a weasely leftist twit.


  110. happyfeet says:

    ok. No worries. But not today but someday I think we need to discuss the practical accommodations one makes when one by chance finds oneself living in a corrupt dirty socialist backwater. Trade tips and stuff.

  111. N. O'Brain says:

    ” R’s are gonna know how D’s have felt for the last 8 years.”

    I don’t think you’ll see the supernova hot, mindless, teeth clenching, gibberish generating levels of hatred toward O!bama that the reactionary left felt for President Bush.

  112. Pablo says:

    Can they be kicked out of the party?

    No. They could be kicked out of the caucus, technically. But if you think Johnny Mac, his dog Lindsay, Orrin Hatch and George fucking Voinovich are gonna make that happen, well, I’ve got some Arizona beachfront property you might be interested in.

  113. Mr. Pink says:

    “R’s are gonna know how D’s have felt for the last 8 years.”

    Thank you for perfectly illustrating what is the driving force behind leftist support of wasting a trillion dollars of our taxes.

  114. Sam Hall says:


    Look no further than Detroit, and how the citizens responded to its decay over the last 50 years.

  115. happyfeet says:

    Detroit The Model

  116. Pablo says:

    Obama is gonna bring this country together

    Don’t you mean Arlen Specter, meya?

  117. Squid says:

    You gotta admit — as a means for getting banks to invest again, there’s little better stimulus than making their cash worthless.

  118. Sam Hall says:

    Inflation is also a great way to get people spending again. Use it or lose it.

  119. Sam Hall says:

    But banks don’t like to loan much during inflationary periods. They loan out big fat dollars, and get skinny little dollars back. Look for interest rates to reflect this fact.

  120. happyfeet says:

    All the people what say the most dire and pessimistic and despairing things are entirely correct. The people what say optimistic, hopeful or even we’ll see type things sound extraordinarily loony, not just normal loony. Surrealistically daft. Some, a few, of the Baracky people already know we’re in big big trouble, but don’t want to talk about it. It’s the gratingly loony la la la la la ones that are making this dirty socialist ascendancy really unpleasant I think.

  121. cranky-d says:

    Remember in the late 70s when interest rates for home mortgages were over 12%? Good times.

  122. happyfeet says:

    see what I mean? That has the ring of truth.

  123. cranky-d says:

    Once the economy has been destroyed, our fearless leader can turn to matters of state. I wonder what the equivalent of the Iranian hostage crisis will be? It’s so exciting to think about the possibilities.

  124. Jeff G. says:

    I can’t wait to see him bitch slap a river bunny.

  125. geoffb says:

    ” Can they be kicked out of the party?

    No. They could be kicked out of the caucus, technically. But if you think Johnny Mac, his dog Lindsay, Orrin Hatch and George fucking Voinovich are gonna make that happen,”

    So what in the heck does it mean to be/say you are a Republican or Democrat for that matter? Is it a self selected identification that no one else has any control over?

    Anyone can run for office and just put an R or D by their name on the ballot. No rules, no criteria, no standards to meet.

    Sounds like an invite to be infiltrated and backstabbed by those who look upon politics as war not a friendly sandlot game.

  126. Sam Hall says:

    I suspect that when Obama said “this is the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression”, he wasn’t making an assessment.

    He was making a forecast.

  127. happyfeet says:

    wow. NYT fell over 10% today. A new low. They wanted a recession so so bad. I am very happy for them.

  128. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Remember in the late 70s when interest rates for home mortgages were over 12%? Good times.

    Close to 20% at one point, I do believe.

  129. Pablo says:

    Anyone can run for office and just put an R or D by their name on the ballot. No rules, no criteria, no standards to meet.

    Yup. Getting party backing is another matter, but that’s about the size of it.

  130. cranky-d says:

    SBP, I thought that was the case, but I didn’t want to be caught exaggerating. I was born in 1964, so I only had a peripheral view of the situation.

  131. Joe says:

    Jimmah didn’t even slap it, he slapped at it with his paddle. Of course the legend has grown over time to this.

    I am expecting Barack, however, to be bit by his daughters’ new dog. I would say attacked by an ever tormented Hillary, but I suspect the Secret Service is anticipating that.

  132. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Looks like slighly above 20 at one point.

    Of course, inflation was running 10-13% during those same years. 13.58% during the last year of Jimmuh.

    I wonder if Barky can top those numbers?

  133. Sam Hall says:

    Yes he can!

  134. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Whoops, misread the chart. The prime was above 20%. The mortgage rate was slightly above 18, as geoffb said.

  135. cranky-d says:

    I’m confident that with the amount of spending going on that it’s possible to beat that record for mortgage rates. Yes we can!

  136. cranky-d says:

    Great minds, Sam.

  137. happyfeet says:


    More than 49 million Americans watched President Barack Obama’s first White House news conference on broadcast and cable television, according to ratings figures released on Tuesday.

    That figure was much lower than the 64.3 million Americans who watched President Bill Clinton’s 1993 post-inauguration news conference on the economy, Nielsen said.*

  138. cranky-d says:

    And Spies, too.

  139. cranky-d says:

    With those Nielsen numbers the dirty socialist media is going to have to work extra hard to keep Obama looking popular. I have confidence in them, they have a track record to prove it.

  140. happyfeet says:

    yes – keep in mind that Clinton pulled that number over 15 years ago … so Baracky’s people are definitely aware they still need their media to play ball

  141. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I think that all the glued-on glitter is falling off Plastic Jesus Unicorn Bunny for real, hf.

    Now the question is how do we vacuum it all out of the carpet.

  142. cranky-d says:

    Before he took office, I was hoping he wouldn’t govern like the dirty socialist he is. Mea Culpa.

  143. geoffb says:

    They seem to be working on it, inflation. I guess it will be the cure for the national debt. A few years and they can start printing those $100,000,000,000.00 bills like Mugabe is doing. They might just get there through the same route.

    Mugabe has to keep printing more money to pay his supporters to support him. More printing, more inflation, so more printing. Change you can count on.

  144. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Putting Michella De Vil on the cover of Vogue isn’t going to help much, I’m thinking.

    She’s just going to make people think she wants to skin their puppies.

  145. cranky-d says:

    BTW, hf, I don’t mean to co-opt your “dirty socialist” thing. It just seemed so appropriate.

  146. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    hf does have a way with words, cranky. I’ve been using it too.

  147. cranky-d says:

    Well, if they keep printing money and let inflation run wild, but don’t adjust the bond rates to match, pretty soon we’ll have enough money to pay off all the debt. It’s magic!

  148. happyfeet says:

    not at all I don’t mind. G’night. You know what the worst most scary thought is? Baracky has no concern about his legacy. I really think that might be the case. He either takes it for granted or is apathetic.

  149. Jeff G. says:

    His legacy is secured, being the first President of color.

    Now it’s time to pay back all those he had to use to secure it. Which is easier when he doesn’t have to use his own money.

  150. mojo says:

    Tea, anyone?

  151. geoffb says:

    I’ve done all I can do to protect my family financially against what may well come. 30 year fixed mortgage for my place and my son is ready to close on one in the next couple of weeks. Maxed out on all the I bonds we are allowed to get. Just going to hold on and pray about the stuff invested in the market. Good companies, should come back some-year.

    Strangely my job and company may do well as it did so in the 70’s. Cheap entertainment and booze go well in a recession. Socialism and cheap alcohol go hand in hand.

  152. Jeff G. says:

    I’m building a still.

    I mean, what the fuck, right? I’ve already started dressing like Burt Reynolds in Gator, anyhow. May as well learn a trade.

  153. geoffb says:

    Gator was the sequel. White Lighting was better. But that’s just my opinion.

  154. Joe says:

    That is a good trade. Then you can give your hootch to Green and he can apply his mixology skills to it.

  155. My husband suggests that we all send every penny we can to any semi-respectable Republicans who have actual conservative streaks and might be running in PA or ME.

  156. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I’m building a still.

    Here you go, Jeff.

  157. JHoward says:

    I said it before and I’ll say it again. Obama is gonna bring this country together

    Dems are losing ground to the tune of ten points a quarter. So good luck with that. O!’s numbers are down about a dozen in a month.

    L R’s are gonna know how D’s have felt for the last 8 years. And vice versa.

    That’s what you meant to say, so next time just say what you meant. Pathetic. Next, just tell us how you won; that always carries great weight. Really states a case. Makes folks think and really consider your considered stance there, athwart welfare yelling more.

    The difference? The difference is you have no discernible, identifiable, justifiable political principles. For that reason I’ll never in my life know how you felt. And you, I.

  158. Carin says:

    Obama is gonna bring this country togetherL R’s are gonna know how D’s have felt for the last 8 years. And vice versa.

    WHAT? He’s bringing the country together but R’s are gonna know how D’s felt for the last 8 years? That doesn’t seem very … unifying.

    Does it makes sense to you Meya?

    Regardless, hows about you stop talking in platitudes. I know I would appreciate it.

  159. JHoward says:

    Doesn’t need to make sense, Carin, for it expunges meya’s soul of unhappy indigestion, which is, after all, an unprincipled, partisan, exclusionary, envious and thieving government’s Real Aim and why s/he hangs around with classical liberals, hearing them talking about what was and should be American government’s historical aim because they’ve clearly grasped it, grasped it based on history and actual theory codified into ways and means.

    Because being a liberal it feels right. Like one can only assume lampreys are happy little fishies. Being liberal means never having to say you’re sorry for taking other peoples stuff in natural and expected proportion to the amount of freedom-robbing you’re subjecting them to.

    meya say’s s/he’s against Porlukus buy meya can’t begin to articulate — excluding the BDR, I’m guessing, assuming that’s somehow articulate — why s/he’s hoorahing the Debtocrat Socialists and peeing on classical liberals and liberalism.

  160. Carin says:

    Anyone hear that bit about the McDonald’s worker who wants Baracky to find him a new job. Is there a picture of Baracky kissing that guy? I want to feel inspired.

  161. LTC John says:

    “I’m building a still.

    I mean, what the fuck, right? I’ve already started dressing like Burt Reynolds in Gator, anyhow. May as well learn a trade.”

    For some reason that comment really made me brighten up this morning. Thanks, Jeff, for the humorous start to the day… must have been the ‘Burt Reynolds in Gator’ part, I think.

  162. meya says:

    “Dems are losing ground to the tune of ten points a quarter. So good luck with that. O!’s numbers are down about a dozen in a month.”

    That is true. He is down from his high. I think in ’10 and ’12, he won’t be judged on how popular he is now, but on what ’10 and ’12 look like.

    “The difference? The difference is you have no discernible, identifiable, justifiable political principles. For that reason I’ll never in my life know how you felt. And you, I.”

    Another thing i’ve said before: you’re quite incomprehensible, if somewhat predictable. No matter how much I google ron paul, it still doesn’t make sense. Its up to you whether its because you’re a genius or a moron.

    “WHAT? He’s bringing the country together but R’s are gonna know how D’s felt for the last 8 years? That doesn’t seem very … unifying. ”

    That’s the togetherness — we’re gonna be so understanding of each other.

    “meya say’s s/he’s against Porlukus buy meya can’t begin to articulate — excluding the BDR, I’m guessing, assuming that’s somehow articulate — why s/he’s hoorahing the Debtocrat Socialists and peeing on classical liberals and liberalism.”

    In that other thread where you extolled the CBO I added a link to a CBO piece explaining fiscal stimulus. Go read that.

  163. happyfeet says:

    oh. I forgot about the black thing legacy-wise. Good point.

  164. Carin says:

    WHAT? He’s bringing the country together but R’s are gonna know how D’s felt for the last 8 years? That doesn’t seem very … unifying. ”

    That’s the togetherness — we’re gonna be so understanding of each other.

    Well, let me get started on my papeir mache puppet of Baracky now … fair warning, I’m going to go with Happy’s “Dirty Socialist” theme.

    All kidding aside, I could never know how “D”s felt unless I could somehow totally lose my grasp of reality. I may get mad. I may lose my house. But, I will always have my ability to reason.

  165. Carin says:

    Plus, if I lose my house, I figger alls I have to do is ask Baracky. It will make a loverly photo opp, what with all my kids and a handicapped father. I’m getting tingles just thinking about it.

  166. JHoward says:

    meya, you simply can’t comprehend words on a page. IOW, I already exploded whatever meandering feel-good crap you were lathering all over in the Porkulus thread.

    You make my case: You simply don’t know, or care, how things work. You operate on emotion, seeking out parallel views (half-baked or otherwise) and then you prop these snippets up for scrutiny, relying on how Dems feel when they fail to say what you think they say.

  167. JHoward says:

    And meya, you just proved you have no idea what I think about Ron Paul. Nor I why you brought him up.

  168. Mr. Pink says:

    Meya do you realize how stupid your comparison of R’s and D’s is considering the moron conventions that have taken place in the last 8 years?

  169. Mr. Pink says:

    I mean do you honestly think you are going to see massive amounts of R voters in the street burning flags and holding signs telling troops to shoot their officers?

  170. Dan Collins says:

    Off the community organizers! Civility NOW!!!

  171. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    You simply don’t know, or care, how things work. You operate on emotion

    Yes. The sad thing is that she probably thinks she got an education in college.

    You know those student loans you were complaining about, meya?

    Well, you got ripped off.

    It’s a pity you didn’t take any courses that required that you think, rather than emote and regurgitate.

  172. JHoward says:

    “IOW, I already exploded whatever meandering feel-good crap you were lathering all over in the Porkulus thread.”

    Hey don’t put it on me bro. Its the CBO you gotta blow up.

    I’ll damn well put the folly of your assertions in that thread on you, meya. And the CBO, for what it’s worth, takes some significant exception to the bill that just passed, giving the Democrat Socialists their reparations. Yes, it was all pork, all partisanship, all the time.

    Don’t lecture me on fiscal spending when you can’t grasp what’s going on in monetary policy these days and why. To wit:

    “I may lose my house. But, I will always have my ability to reason.”

    So you’re perfectly safe then.

    Uh, no.

    Again: You simply do not grasp how things work. You do not, apparently, see that this era is a stage on a path, and not just D v R in neat little 4 and 8 year struggles that leave the country unchanged when they’ve passed. You are about to witness failure, meya. That that failure does not register in its lineage, cause, and in its destination is the issue I have with increasing numbers of my fellows. Around here, fellows led by you and a few other trolls.

    I suggest you lay out the case for modern liberalism, meya. Can you?

  173. Pablo says:

    Anyone hear that bit about the McDonald’s worker who wants Baracky to find him a new job.

    Was that the clown who was having an O!gasm while stepping up to the mike in Ft. Myers?

  174. Pablo says:

    He looked like the sort who’d be pissed because they wouldn’t let him work the Fryolator.

  175. JHoward says:

    Ft. Myers is a dump. Only welfare will save it.

  176. This business proves one thing…

    I would not want to be stuck in a lifeboat with Arlen Spector.

    Cookies get eaten, you know. even peanut butter cookies will get eaten in a lifeboat.

  177. alppuccino says:

    Is Obama going to travel to hospitals and kiss elderly white ladies on the cheek after they are told that the government feels that they’ve lived a full life, and the government also feels that the cost of the surgery they need would be better spent buying a homeless ladies fridges?

    That sounds like Obama.

  178. Carin says:

    That lady was in her 60’s right? I’m just saying, we should be figuring the cost of the house and kitchen against how many years she has left. Wouldn’t the money be better spent if we gave the McDonalds idiot a house?

  179. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Yes, why should an old lady have a house when there are so many gangbangers out there who still have to live with their moms?

  180. Rob Crawford says:

    I suspect that when Obama said “this is the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression”, he wasn’t making an assessment.

    He was making a forecast.

    Much like declarations that “Iraq will be another Vietnam!”

  181. Pablo says:

    I’m just saying, we should be figuring the cost of the house and kitchen against how many years she has left.

    Make that how many years she should have left. You can’t have outliers fucking up your model. Get in line or get lost, I say.

  182. geoffb says:

    “Much like declarations that “Iraq will be another Vietnam!””

    The left, if their leader says it, it must and will be made into the truth. Reality be damned, Captain Obama said “Make it so”.

  183. MarkD says:

    I wouldn’t mind being stuck in a lifeboat with Arlen. It’d be interesting seeing how well he can swim. He’s old, and it’s his duty to shuffle off and leave the peanut butter cookies for me. Think of it as health care rationing.

  184. steveaz says:

    I spoke with an acquaintance in Minnesota – he’s a lecturer on “sustainability” at a St. Paul university – and he poo-poo’ed my fears about the stock market losses, the down-turn in Afghanistan and the devisiveness of the “stimulus” debate.

    A typical urban socialite with his head stuck up the state’s ass, he denigrated individual investors for being in the market in the first place (they deserved it), and stated that the “greedy Wall-Street CEO’s” got us into this mess – completely ignoring the real, inconvenient roots of the crisis.

    From this delivery I gathered two things: 1. he gets his news from MSNBC and CNN and local urban rags, and 2. his unthinking faith in Global Warming (and the need for government action to curtail it) is selfish, derived as it is from his personal economic interest, which requires that he pitch “Green” from his podium.

    His autonomy (ie. freedom of thought) has been coopted by a convenient constellation of media-tropes, daily, urban peer-pressure, and real employee-constraints. He is as unfree as they come: a zombie slave in a machine.

    This coopted mental state appears to afflict too many Americans these days. Snowe, Specter, et al. are under this affliction’s duress, and are not of sound mind and body as a result.

  185. Dan Collins says:

    Huh. Wonder what his pension’s looking like.

  186. Squid says:

    I live in St. Paul. Far too many people around here still live under the delusion that government does well by doing good.

    Ah, well. At least it’s a blissful place.

  187. Rusty says:

    You mean ,maya, where the CBO says the stimulus is going to be harmful over the long haul? I got news for you maya, it’s going to rough over the short haul as well. The CBO wouldn’t have an agenda, would it?

  188. Seth Williams says:

    Hell yeah kick them to the curb. Them and everyone who has the taint of ethical transgressions.

    It’s time to demand a better class of politician, and a more informed and responsible kind of governance.

  189. lee says:

    Hear, hear!!

  190. Rusty says:

    No maya. What they are doing is looking at the situation through the eyes of a beaureaucrat, not an economist.No matter how you paint it maya, we’er fucked. You have what you wanted. The people who advised the most corrupt mayor and governor in the US are running the White House. And you voted for him. What a sap.

  191. […] Jeff Goldstein at protein wisdom makes the same points, but in better prose, about all three Republican apostates: Were it me running the Republican party, I’d give up on being pragmatic and cut the 3 Senatorial defectors loose. […]

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