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October 2024


Trig Troofer Speaks [Dan Collins]

proves Bristol Palin’s vagina is the Holy Grail. Knights Templars. Bilderbergers. Palin vaginas.

Connect the dots. He’s crazy as shit.

114 Replies to “Trig Troofer Speaks [Dan Collins]”

  1. Techie says:

    Could someone summarize it? I refuse to give that site any visitors.

  2. Dan Collins says:

    There’s nothing to summarize. According to him, the story of Bristol’s naming is as unreasonable as Hillary’s. Ergot, she’s Trig’s biological mother, all other evidence aside.

  3. happyfeet says:

    Andy needs unicorns and rainbows in the worst way.

  4. Techie says:

    You know, for someone who’s supposedly as gay as the springtime, he sure does have this weird fixation with Sarah Palin’s reproductive system….

    Only half-jokingly I ask, I wonder when she’ll consider getting a restraining order.

  5. Dan Collins says:

    There aren’t enough Starbucks to support Andrew’s travelling up there, but if he did, he might just be shot from a helicopter.

  6. Techie says:

    The other explanation is that Sullivan started tripping during the episode of Desperate Housewives that put this idea into every dumbass leftie bloggers head (Season 4: “Something’s Coming”)(google-fu!), and he’s no longer capable of distinguishing reality from dramatic fiction.

  7. N. O'Brain says:

    That man is as crazy as thor.

  8. Dan Collins says:

    He’s the guy who put the fist in fistula.

  9. geoffb says:

    Andy Sullivan Sock Clown bait. Trolling for trolls.

    Hook’m Dano.

  10. Bob Reed says:


    [Correction: I should have read the full Esquire excerpt rather than the Courant summary of it. In the actual interview, she gives all three reasons for Bristol’s name. So no contradiction. My bad.]

    [Update: on the other hand, many readers have written to say that Palin was highly unlikely to have known of ESPN in high school. It was only founded in 1979 and became widely known only in 1982.]

    What an asshat…

    Palin worked as a sports reporter for KTUU-TV and KTVA-TV in Anchorage, in 1988
    It would occur to me that a TV sports reporter would be aware of a network that they were most likely recieving feeds from…

    Sullivan must be OCD…Or the debauchery that is his life, which would embarrass Caligula, has begun to drive him mad…

    You know, being perpetually gobsmacked and all

  11. Techie says:

    I’m starting to think “gobsmacked” was meant to be taken literal. As in “My gob is full of smack”. It would explain a lot.

  12. router says:

    anal retentive he

  13. Carin says:

    Oh for fuck’s sake. What a looney.

  14. N. O'Brain says:

    “#Comment by router on 2/6 @ 7:05 pm #

    anal retentive he”

    Now I have to go bleach my brain.

  15. Ed Flinn says:

    That’s good: “He’s crazy as a shithouse rat”, while more evocative, might be seen as a homophobic attack on his hobby/calling. “crazy as shit” no reasonable reader can object to.

  16. router says:

    “might be seen as a homophobic attack”

    might be seen as calling a spade a spade but that would be racist.

  17. Mikey NTH says:


    His obsession has revealed his truth – he’s barmy. And not in the fun-type, in the seriously creepy-type.

  18. slowgin says:

    Are Sullivan’s dogs named Ace and Steve? I don’t suppose he could name them ’10-inch’ and ‘Reach Around’, since that’s what he’s always wanted…

  19. fmfnavydoc says:

    He’s too much like Portland, OR’s mayor…Sam Adams, the pedophile…dude needs to get a life.

    Portland…where a 17 year old can have a Sam Adams….

  20. Dan Collins says:

    fmnavydoc, any port in a storm.

  21. router says:

    Fascism Comes Alive:

    February 06, 2009
    Categories: White House
    Reporter restrained after Panetta hearing

    Following Leon Panetta’s confirmation hearing Thursday, several reporters approached the CIA director-designate in the hallway outside room G-50 in the Dirksen Building.

    There, CongressDaily reporter Chris Strohm — upon asking a question — was physically restrained by a man who accompanied Panetta at hearings both days.

    Strohm, when reached by phone Friday, said he was unsure of the man’s role.

    “I felt this hand grab my right arm and push me aside,” Strohm said.

    By his account, Strohm told the man, “Please don’t touch me” more than once. Eventually, the man let him go.

    Tim Starks, a reporter for Congressional Quarterly, said he witnessed Strohm approach Panetta and ask a question, just before the man began “grabbing him by the arm and moving him away.”

    “I said to the guy, ‘That’s not the way you do it,’” recalled Starks.

    Starks said that he’s covered the CIA for years and had never seen a reporter strong-armed that way before, adding that the agency is typically respectful of journalists.

    My Page Name

  22. parsnip says:


    Just looks like he caught that poor ditzy loser Sarah Palin in yet another lie or two.

  23. Dan Collins says:

    Hope, change, transparency, access.

  24. Dan Collins says:

    He’s fucking nutz, not to be too technical about it, snippy. But don’t let the truth bother you.

  25. parsnip says:

    He’s the future of the Republican party, Dan.

  26. Pablo says:

    Off the top of my head, I’d say Palin was a senior in HS in 1982. I was and she’s just a litle older than I am.

    This fool can’t even get being wrong right.

  27. Dan Collins says:

    Sure, he is, snippy. When they give beagles the franchise.

  28. Techie says:

    Seriously, Jeff’s paying for you to up the thread counts, right? I’d like to think that someone with the density of a neutron star and the personality of a rabid chinchilla would have issue turning on a computer, much less log on onto the Internet.

  29. parsnip says:

    Haha, Dan, you really think you right wing extremists have a future in the Republican party?

    You guys had your shot…and stunk up the joint.

    Learn from Randy Andy:

    It is your density!

  30. Techie says:

    It must be hurting you to see your god-king bleed these past few weeks, alphie. I recommend bathtub gin.

  31. Joe says:

    You know, I almost feel sorry for him and figure, it was a hard fought election and he went “full partisan”–so what. May I should give the balding little bantam a break. I mean, he just has a man crush on Obama.

    As for Sarah Palin’s qualifications–I liked her before McCain picked her and personally I think she is more qualified than Biden and more stable, but that is me. Others I respect disagree (Krauthammer comes to mind). But in hindsight I think she was sent out the debutante ball one election cycle too soon (or rather was not given the luxury of having six months to a year to prepare for the press onslaught).

    And then Sully pulls another one on Palin and her kids. He is truly insanely obsessed with her vagina and her kids. I do not go after Obama’s kids or for that matter any politicians’ kids with venom and I do not like it when pundits do that (right or left). Sully thinks it is his God given right. This is bullshit.

  32. Dan Collins says:

    Wait. Explain how I’m an extremist, please, snippy.

  33. parsnip says:

    Poor little right wingers, projecting your misery onto the happy-as-clams Obama fans.

    Does it help?


    I didn’t think so.

    Didn’t work for the Gore supporters, either.

  34. router says:

    A dildo was just found in the Senate.

  35. Dan Collins says:

    Sorry, couldn’t hear you. Music too loud. How am I an extremist, Mr. Clam?

  36. router says:

    the dildo was in the shape of a color deficient carrot.

  37. Dan Collins says:

    You’re either 1) a coward; 2) an idiot or; 3) a liar, snippy. To tell you the truth, I’m not interested. See you guys tomorrow.

  38. BumperStickerist says:

    What bugs me about Sullivan is the relentless, facile stupidity he evinces.

    To wit:

    His point about ESPN not being well known in the late 70s.

    Well, let’s think about that shall we?

    ESPN started out as a satellite station. The founder discovered it was cheaper to buy satellite time rather than blocks of cable-access time, so ESPN started out as a national show on satellite.

    Wasilla, Alaska was pretty fucking far removed from most cable-access stations in the late 1970s.

    My *hunch* is that somebody in Wasilla had a big-ass satellite dish and Sarah probably watched ESPN from Bristol Connecticut because – fuck it – it’s Alaska, the local news doesn’t change much.

    I’d also guess that, while she couldn’t name two Supreme Court decisions with which she disagreed, Sarah could likely name three Mexican Midget Wrestlers from the late 70s, tell you what color jacket ARF referees wear, and what viscosity grease you needed to lube the tracking gear on a C-channel satellite in winter.

    Just sayin’ – Andrew Sullivan, not particularly “reality-based”

  39. Stephen M says:

    @ #38 Comment by BumperStickerist

    And Palin was was a jockette. So again, not “highly unlikely” at all.

  40. takeshi kovacs says:

    She did fine, Joe, would it have really mattered that she be in office for another year, not to the deciders.
    Frankly she made me wonder why exactly we wasted our time in the primaries with Huckabee, Paul, and ended up with McCain. Is it her fault that truly deranged individuals like Sullivan and
    creepy “Mean Girl” shrews like Katie Couric and Tina Fey, latched on to her like remoras, with varying degrees of success. That the media threw up the greatest quantity of lies, ever seem in one campaign, No. If she were such a non entity the likes of thor-snip, excitable Andy wouldn’t be so persistent in trying to tear her down.
    And that is my great reservation about this, all this unfocused rage and spite, may ultimately find a target,

  41. guinsPen says:

    The Happy-As-Clams Obama Fans

    Featuring ‘nip on delusion and thor on foghorn.

  42. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    “the happy-as-clams Obama fans.”

    Oh. My. God.


  43. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    Look at snippy trying the “double space.”

    Doesn’t so much work for you.

    Take out your safety pencil and circle of paper and try again.

    Short bus leaves at 9:00. Get moving.

  44. parsnip says:

    Well Dan,

    The positions you espouse are usually only shared by 1%(Obama’s speech) to 20%(Obama’s approval rating) of Americans.

    If that’s not an extremist, what is?

  45. guinsPen says:


  46. guinsPen says:

    tax cheat?

  47. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    “If that’s not an extremist, what is?”

    *raises hand*

    Oh, oh! I know what it is Mr. Snip! It’s…

    …aw shit. I dropped my sugar cube in my absinthe. What was the question again?

    Oh wait, is the answer Code Pink? No? How bout International Answer? No?


    Che Guevara?

  48. Buffoon says:

    Well, they are better than Frank or Pelosi vagina’s

  49. router says:

    “(Obama’s speech) to 20%(Obama’s approval rating) of Americans.”

    miserable failure

  50. router says:

    why is the O! waterboarding? Leon doesn’t say

  51. why is the O! waterboarding?

    well, He is from Hawaii.

  52. parsnip says:

    Hey, Lamont…err, happyfeet!

    What say you dig into your box of rejected sit-com spec scripts and give us a reading?

  53. Lamontyoubigdummy says:


  54. Jeffersonian says:

    Snippy’s getting a little, well, snippy now that the unicorns are back in the stable and O! is getting bitchslapped by the porkmeisters in Congress.

  55. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I see that Plastic Jesus’s numbers are down 10-12 points in the last week — and this is a Kos poll.

    Maybe a Certified Math Jeenius like thor or nipply can put that in context, given that Obama received an overwhelming 52% of the vote back in Novemeber.

  56. happyfeet says:

    god he’s weird sometimes. Y’all want you can listen to General Public with me but not alphie. Helios814 is cool but not alphie and I don’t think he wants just anyone clicking.

  57. happyfeet says:

    words like conviction can turn into a sentence

    that’s just brilliant really

  58. Jeffersonian says:

    I see that Plastic Jesus’s numbers are down 10-12 points in the last week — and this is a Kos poll.

    Did he finally drop below 100?

  59. Y’all want you can listen to General Public with me

    but then I would have to get up and turn the ipod off. and that would disturb the kittehs.

  60. Rusty says:

    Sometimes I wish that my life were so devoid of meaning, my intellect so shallow of reflection that I could devote the hours of my life, like Andrew Sullivan does, on such absolutely inconsequential shit that is the parentage of the child of the child of an Alaskan governor.

  61. Jeffersonian says:

    Y’all want you can listen to General Public with me but not alphie.

    Not a GP fan, but I loved The English Beat. Caught them in 1983 at Oberlin College with a grungy, unknown Georgia band opening for them: REM.

  62. parsnip says:

    Haha, SBP, look at the numbers for Boner and Droopy Dawg:



    No wonder they grabbed their ankles on the stimulus bill.

  63. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    “long day, LYBD?”

    My boss did ask me to help him lift a big refrigerator-size box into his pick-up bed today. Not sure what was in it, but it was friggin’ crazy heavy. There was a fork lift and all…I guess it could have been a Sub-Zero Fridge (said so on the box).

    Driving home and thinking about it, I’m pretty sure it was a couple of dead bodies.

    I’m in Dallas, so look for me as witness on an up coming “The First 48.”

  64. happyfeet says:

    they’re there too … I like them too but next thing you know you’re opening a bottle of wine and listening to Squeeze and wondering how your life went so terribly terribly wrong

  65. parsnip says:

    This will cheer you up, happy/lamont:

  66. Rusty says:

    Hmmm. Texas. Refrigerator box. Pickup truck?

    Nope. He’s carrying his gun safe home. Don’t want to advertise what yer packin’.

  67. thor says:


    Comment by guinsPen on 2/6 @ 8:53 pm #

    The Happy-As-Clams Obama Fans

    Featuring ‘nip on delusion and thor on foghorn.

    Is guinsPen on opiesEm or HarrowsEn?

    Or just humor challenged?

  68. Topsecretk9 says:

    Hey Spies…the shine is wearing off

    Virginia has had a Democrat in the Governor’s Mansion for the past 8 years. And last November, Obama turned the state blue for the first time in more than 40 years. And all the world loves a Democrat . . . right?

    Perhaps not.

    Virginia has statewide elections in off-years and will elect a new governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general in November. With the elections taking place the year after the presidential election, Virginia is a natural bellwether for how the prevailing president and his party are doing during the first year of his term.

    So if the Democrats are doing such a great job in Washington, why is a lowly Republican leading all Democrat challengers in the Old Dominion?

    Rassmussen says the trend since December has been all in the Republican’s direction.

  69. happyfeet says:

    ok I’m listening to that. I’ve never seen that movie. This isn’t doing a lot for me and the I swear by my tattoo thing I don’t get. It’s not particularly cheering and I bubbled up like molten lava is not something you want to hear Michael Douglas’s dad sing out loud I don’t think. oh. I just remembered how stupid that movie The Game was.

  70. parsnip says:

    Sorry about that happy,

    Try this one:

  71. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    Come on Rusty. I’ve got a half ton Browning safe in my great room. I know what’s what. The fridge box wasn’t that heavy. I’m pretty sure my boss was transporting stiffs.

    And I’m fine with that as long as it was a Bounty Hunter/Han Solo-shoots first kinda situation.

    Screw ’em. Hope they voted for Obama.

  72. happyfeet says:

    i like that one. I don’t think I ever saw a video for it.

  73. happyfeet says:

    she’s kind of adorable with her lolly I think

  74. Phil says:

    Is it fair to say Excitable Andy is officially nutty yet?

    I mean, not in a, he’s my political opponent and I think he sucks and thus I’m going to call him crazy sort of way, but as in a, dude maybe you should check into the local psych ward sort of crazy?

    I’ve never seen a gay man so obsessed with a woman’s vagina before. It’s sort of creepy actually. Maybe he’s reconsidering the Power Glute Shuffle thing.

  75. guinsPen says:

    Comment by thor on 2/6 @ 10:10 pm


  76. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    No Phil you’re on point.

    Andy grew up with, “It puts the lotion in the basket, or it gets the hose again.”

  77. I loved the English Beat. They were the perfect antidote to Def Leppard and Van Halen. My sister saw the Police in Rockford, IL in 1983 and The Beat were one of the opening bands. Lucky bitch.
    The Producers had a bigger impact on her though. One of life’s unexplained mysteries.

  78. Kirk Douglas and that no-name Swedish band? Not so much.

  79. Bob Reed says:

    Andy should be made to eat a little Humble Pie…

    But that’s right; he prefers tubesteak smthered in underwear
    This song says what he should get for this story…

    But, he might like that too…

  80. thor says:

    Obama is a big man. Maybe if Sister Sarah names her next baby Ayers he might send her some of that pork she’s always begging for.

  81. It’s infrastructure, the other white meat.

  82. Rusty says:

    You mean , sort of like, pre-disposable homeless people?

    If I had a gun safe, which I don’t, I wouldn’t be able to stuff another firearm in the damn thing. If I even owned firearms, that is. Which I don’t. How about them Bulls?

  83. happyfeet says:

    Who else has a fixation with Palin is that Allahpundit person I think. She’s simply not that fraught with import. There’s dirty socialists afoot what are big and actively hurtful to our little country and Governor Palin? She is little and she is in Alaska and she is impotent against the depredations of Baracky and his dirty socialist cult what features bonus treasonous whores from Maine. Why can’t anybody keep their eye on the ball these days?

  84. Carin says:

    I don’t think Allah likes conservative women, outside of Malkin.

  85. Carin says:

    I mean … *issues*.

  86. happyfeet says:

    Palin must’ve been awfully disorienting for him I guess. I’ll give him time to work through it, but really, there’s medications.

  87. Carin says:

    I dunno. HIs female issues seem to have only gotten more intense with the passing of time. His beta male issue, well …I just as soon listen to puppy plender go off on nano tech.

  88. Carin says:

    Hey – anyone else see that piece where Baracky has decided to interrupt our previously scheduled program THREE times in Feb? Two Mondays (during “House” for those keeping track at home) and one two hour block for a SOTU address, even though new prezzes don’t normaly do that. HOPE AND CHANGE.

    Networks are irked ’cause they’re going to lose millions.

    And, honetly – who the hell is going to watch?

  89. Carin says:

    I think he misses the adoration of the masses that came w/o his actually doing something. Pining for happier days, I’m sure.

  90. donald says:

    Tenderness is an increbile songe, brings me back to Elysian feels in Athens, 1983, head in my baby’s lab, stone to the bejeesus.

  91. donald says:

    Um, Eleysian Fields.

  92. Pablo says:

    Who else has a fixation with Palin is that Allahpundit person I think.

    Allah likes traffic, therefore, Allah likes Palin. And religion topics.

  93. donald says:

    I’m obviously illiterate or unable to type this morning.

  94. alppuccino says:

    head in my baby’s lab

    This is the one that really got me donald. Sure, the way to a woman’s heart can be through her dog, but I think that means something like Beggin’ Strips.

  95. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by Lamontyoubigdummy on 2/6 @ 8:55 pm #

    “the happy-as-clams Obama fans.”

    Oh. My. God.


    Parsnip thinks Simple Green is people.

  96. donald says:

    Yeah, that looks pretty bad AL. I blame on the Paxal.

  97. donald says:

    Fuck, I blame IT, my inability to communicate today on the Paxal.

  98. happyfeet says:

    They don’t call him Baracky Chavez for nothing Carin. This might be why he was so concerned about the DTV thing cause hims needs to keep the hopey fresh and sparkly most especially among people that are transition-challenged. Piss-ant dirty socialist demagogue on mah tv.

  99. Dan Collins says:

    His bizarre obsession would be unseemly even if he were not gay, and batshit crazy, assclown.

  100. donald says:

    The gay has rotted his brain. What with all the ass pounding and all.

  101. donald says:

    Cause you know Andrew Sullivan believes in a healthy sexual appetite, such as it is.

  102. donald says:

    As a great man once said…”How can a man, look at another man’s hairy ass and see love”? Of course, Sam didn’t know about the coming shaving the body thing, so there’s that.

  103. happyfeet says:

    This should go in the pub but I have to get busy on the Kellerman report again so I put it here for you to read. This is just emblematic of how phony Baracky’s dirty socialist “stimulus” is even if NPR says it’s not cause you can’t believe NPR. Dirty propagandistic socialists the whole parasitic lot of them. But I digress.

    Baracky is demanding $650 million for to help teh people watch the tv… Well guess what? Key players in the economy Baracky thinks his dipshit socialist ass is gonna stimulate think they actually know how to run their businesses more better than him…

    But hundreds of stations will likely go digital on Feb. 17 regardless, which may cause the FCC to step in. In implementing the rules, the FCC has said that while stations may still ask to pull the plug on Feb. 17, the commission may deny the request if it feels it is not in the public interest — for example, if all the stations in a market with high analog-only penetration want to make the switch early.

    So, while the date move was billed as voluntary for stations, in practice it may not be.

    And why come the tv stations don’t want to play Baracky’s dirty socialist games? Cause it wastes a ton of money and a lot threatens their profitability is why…

    While some broadcasters have already scheduled crews to move antennas, others don’t want to continue to pay for delivering dual signals at an energy cost that one Republican estimated could be $140 million nationwide. The commission said it will try to be accommodating, but it will have to perform its balancing act quickly: Broadcasters have until Feb. 9 to inform the FCC of their plans.

    No worries cause Baracky’s dirty socialist regime knows how to manage teh tv stations even more better than Hugo!

    Acting FCC Chairman Michael Copps said last week that ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC and Telemundo have pledged to keep their analog signals running through June 12, while Gannett and Hearst-Argyle said the vast majority of their stations would do so. McDowell added that the FCC would need to balance the public interest in maintaining analog with the needs of stations that might have to decide between keeping analog and cutting staffers in a withering economy.

    oh. Public interest. We loves the public interest! Um. What is the public interest of which these dirty socialists speak? Good question!

    Democrats countered that moving the date would buy time to ensure that the 6.5 million TV households Nielsen predicted were unready for the switch would now be prepared.

    6.5 million households without tv! That would be eerily like the shared sacrifice Baracky and his woman yearn for you might think. But not so fast.

    The Nielsen number was reduced, the day after the bill was passed, to 5.8 million. That translates to 5.1% of U.S. households being unready, meaning without cable or satellite, a DTV set, or a converter box hooked up — though Nielsen conceded that some of those houses counted might have boxes sitting in the closet.

    oh. 5.8 million households without tv except some of them might have the ready stuff in their closet! That would be eerily like the shared sacrifice Baracky and his woman yearn for you might think.

    But that’s not the true horror. 5.8 million households would not just be without the delightful and thought-provoking shows that the broadcast network television shows to them… they would lose their LIFELINE for dirty socialist christ’s sake!

    Democrats also argued that, according to the FCC, few first responders would make immediate use of reclaimed analog TV spectrum, and that the greater pubic safety threat would have been to allow millions of analog-only viewers to lose their lifeline to TV service. Boucher also said that the two largest bidders for spectrum, AT&T and Verizon, had supported moving the date, as did the major networks and some public safety organizations.

    oh. And look what the dirty socialist Democrats slip in there at the end. Hah. They’ve been bought off by influential telemarketer AT&T what needs more time to get its digital television package to market. Not the free market, mind you. It’s Baracky’s centrally planned redistributionist market now and we’re just living in it I think.

  104. happyfeet says:

    oops. link

  105. Joe says:

    Andrew Sullivan’s motivations in engaging in the politics of destruction are purely partisan. Palin is a threat, so she must be destroyed. Sullivan portrays her as a cipher Christianist backwoods rube. Hardly. But Sully and his fellow Leftist are not taking any chances. They can deal with Newt, Romney, and the other Republicans, but Palin is differnt.

    Hence the reason Sullivan is engaged in smearing her kids and family and anything else that can destroy her. The ends justify the means.

  106. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    allow millions of analog-only viewers to lose their lifeline to TV service.

    “Lifeline”? “Lifeline“?

    Umm… ok.

  107. Mikey NTH says:


    Save it for later.

  108. Pete Townsend does a great solo version of that song. I can’t remember what album it’s on.

  109. ushie says:

    Ah, Bush was a really stupid evil Christian criminal genius and his family was also an evil Nazi cabal, so OBVIOUSLY Sarah Palin is also a really stupid evil Christian criminal genius deja vu blah blah blah yadda yadda.

    thor, snippster, PLEASE call rewrite for an update on the script.

  110. mcgruder says:

    what a dick. i was in an elevator with him several weeks ago. i wish id said something. my bad. what a surpassing dick.

  111. Dan Collins says:

    I wish you’d said something kind of visceral, with your fist.

  112. […] I can say is that had this been available, RAWMUSCLSGLUTES might not be writing nonsense like this. Posted by Dan Collins @ 9:44 am | Trackback SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: “What Would We Catholics […]

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