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November 2024


Disappointment [Dan Collins]

December 21, 2012 probably not the end of the world according to pre-Columbian Mayans.

Screws up my party plans.

19 Replies to “Disappointment [Dan Collins]”

  1. DarthRove says:

    I did that date converter thingy at the bottom of the page, and that 12 Bak’tun glyph looks disturbingly like my ass.

    But a cool link. Got it bookmarked to read later, this is good stuff!

  2. kelly says:

    Upon being informed of this, David Axelrod said, “At no time did anyone in President Obama’s administration contact any pre-Columbian Mayans with offers of possible cabinet positions for his second term.”

  3. ginsocal says:

    Well, crap. My birthday is the 22nd, so they need to figure out if it’s the 21st, or the 23rd. I need to order pizza.

  4. Bob Reed says:

    Bu-Bu-But, Being such a holistic society that was soooooo much more in touch with nature and therefore knew soooooo much more about the universe, in the-you know-romanticized noble savage kind of way; I find it impossible to believe that their predictions could be wrong…

    Oh, that’s right, this fellow is saying our interpretations are wrong…

    They need a real devotee of intentionalism to look into this, stat!

    I wonder what Jeff G is doing for the next few years…

  5. DarthRove says:

    I don’t know about the Mayans’ other predictions, but they sure missed the whole “Spanish Conquistadores are gonna come over here and kill most of you” thing.

  6. Techie says:

    Maya were the Aztec’s idea of a light snack.

  7. McGehee says:

    Guys, somebody just screwed up on the date conversion. The end of the world as we know it isn’t Dec. 21, 2012, it’s…


    Nov. 4, 2008.

  8. mojo says:

    Geeze, guys. All it is is the date that the Maya needed to recalculate their calendar. They knew the limits of their math, which was impressive but hardly perfect…

  9. MarkD says:

    It’s probably correct. I had to buy Christmas presents, but didn’t get to open any yet. I’ve got two weeks off, between holidays and vacation, starting then. With my luck, my ticket in the Mega drawing for the 22nd would have been the winner.

    Sounds about right to me.

  10. dicentra says:

    Mayans weren’t around when Cortez came to call. Just sayin’

  11. JohnAnnArbor says:

    They were around, dicentra, just not in cities.

  12. dicentra says:

    And there goes about half of George Noory’s material for the next four years.

  13. cranky-d says:

    Crap. I’ve been using this as a talking point for a few years now to worry and annoy people. Well, I’ll do the same thing as a lefty and ignore the truth in favor of continuing to select my own evidence.

  14. Fred Stone says:

    It’s the end of the world…again!

  15. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    My favorite bit of Maya trivia:

    When they noticed that they kept losing to the Spaniards, they decided that maybe they should try to buy off this strange new god.

    So… they started crucifying the victims before throwing them into the sacred well.

    Just hedging their bets, y’know?

  16. SDN says:

    You mean Shadowrun wasn’t accurate future history?

  17. slackjawedyokel says:

    Damn, this means I’ll have to pay off my credit cards after all — I am so screwed.

    Thanks a friggin lot, Mayans!

  18. TheGeezer says:

    I’m relieved. My life insurance dividends reach the point of premium self-pay on Dec. 11 that year, and when I first heard about the Mayan doom plan, I was pissed.

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