
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


Putting On Ayers [Dan Collins]

In his Times column, Ayers’s chronology focuses on 1970, the year he co-founded the Weather Underground “after an accidental explosion that claimed the lives of three of our comrades in Greenwich Village.” But this wasn’t some especially radicalizing furnace mishap. On March 6, 1970, three members of a Weatherman cell died when a bomb they were making blew up in their faces. Packed with nails for maximum lethality, it had been intended for a noncommissioned officers’ dance at Fort Dix, N.J.

Only then did the Weatherman faction mutate into the Weather Underground — and begin issuing pre-detonation warnings. Even so, it was still a matter of luck that there were no casualties.

As Todd Gitlin, a former ’60s leftist and a historian of the period, put it: “They planned on being terrorists. Then their bomb blew up and killed several of them and they thought better of it. They were failed terrorists.”

Ayers told me this week that he did not know about the nail bomb in advance — and condemned it afterward. I take him at his word. So why obfuscate in the Times? Editors cut the article, he protested — before conceding that his original version left it out, too.

Sure he condemned it. It ‘sploded his gf, lulz.

191 Replies to “Putting On Ayers [Dan Collins]”

  1. Sdferr says:

    Can haz pithed?

  2. Techie says:

    He did it for the lulz.

  3. Pablo says:

    Nailed his honey, it did.

  4. DarthRove says:

    Guess they got stuck at work.

  5. SarahW says:

    They identified Diana Oughton by a piece of her finger.

    Larry Grathwohl: “The instructions I received from Billy Ayers was that the bombs to be used in Detroit must have shrapnel (fence staples, specifically) and fire potential (propane bottles). The intention was to kill police officers.”

  6. Bob Reed says:

    So by Ayers logic, if O! undertakes any policy that I feel is morally repugnant, I would be completely justified in, you know, blowin’ stuff up…

    Or if I thought that his educational philosophy of emphasizing social justice over actual education was irreperably harming our nation’s youth, would it be OK for me to bomb his house-like he did to the judge in the Black Panther trial?

    As opposed to simply protesting or trying to vote him out of office…I guess that’s too pedestrian, man…

    Funny how guys ike Ayers are all about takin’ it to the man-until they become him…

  7. Barack Obama says:

    Their sacrifice was not in vain.

  8. Barack Obama says:

    They identified Diana Oughton by a piece of her finger.

    Did it have a nail?

  9. Semanticleo says:

    “Their sacrifice was not in vain.”(Bush on ‘How I stopped my fear of battle by sending others to Iraq’.)

    “So by Ayers logic, if O!(BOOOOSH) undertakes any policy that I feel is morally repugnant, I would be completely justified in, you know, blowin’ stuff up…”

    I’ll repeat the question I put to Howie yestiddy.

    Are there mirrors in that cave y’all hang in?

  10. Techie says:

    Too bad Ayers didn’t have the chance to nail her one more time…….

  11. DarthRove says:

    So we should disband the armed forces and “study war no more” because ‘cleo’s a pussy?

    All rightee then.

  12. Roland THTG says:

    “So by Ayers logic, if _________ undertakes any policy that I feel is morally repugnant, I would be completely justified in, you know, blowin’ stuff up…”

    Basically, yes. Just fill in the blank.


  13. Salt Lick says:

    They identified Diana Oughton by a piece of her finger.


  14. Salt Lick says:

    Bush on ‘How I stopped my fear of battle by sending others to Iraq’.

    It’ll all be yours in a month, honey.

    Any idea how many troops Obama will have to send to Afghanistan?

  15. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Sometimes, cleo is stuck on stupid. This is one of those times. That was a fairly non-partisan statement made by Bob.

  16. Dread Cthulhu says:

    DarthRove: “So we should disband the armed forces and “study war no more” because ‘cleo’s a pussy?”

    Bugs, Mr. Rove, Zillions of ’em!!!

  17. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    “Any idea how many troops Obama will have to send to Afghanistan?”

    Small potatoes for the O!. He’s going to bomb nuclear armed Pakistan.

  18. Sdferr says:

    Bomb Pakistan? Good, at least let’s hope he’ll do so anyway, OI. I’d be more trouble if he chooses not to.

  19. Salt Lick says:

    Small potatoes for the O!. He’s going to bomb nuclear armed Pakistan.

    I’m thinking he’ll offer them a bailout, OI.
    Because of the whirled peas.

  20. Sdferr says:

    Yoiks! Troubled was intended, my bad.
    But bomb more, faster, please!

  21. Huey says:

    I wonder how Ayers feels about Timothy McVeigh.

  22. kelly says:


  23. Squid says:

    I’m guessing admiration, tinged with envy.

  24. kelly says:


  25. B Moe says:

    “I did not target them for who they were – but for what they did. What they did was participate in the murder of innocent Vietnamese.”

    “My actions that day were motivated by my recognition that war is murder. Because it is murder, I believe that deadly force is indeed justified in an attempt to stop it. I do not claim this as a right but rather consider it the moral duty to come to the defense of my fellow man when he is under attack. This is an essential concept embedded in Western Civilization – that we are our brother’s keeper.”
    -William Ayers

    How do you feel about that statement, ‘cleo?

  26. Bob Reed says:

    I wonder how Ayers feels about all of the folks murdered in Vietnam and Cambodia after we left..?

    One the, you know, Revolution of the prople had finally succeeded..?

  27. N. O'Brain says:

    “I did not target them for who they were – but for what they did. What they did was participate in the murder of innocent Vietnamese.”

    What he killed Viet Cong and NVA, too?

    Who knew?

  28. N. O'Brain says:

    “Laura Bush killed more people than Bill Ayers.”

    So did Ted “The Swimmer” Kennedy.

  29. B Moe says:

    So how do you feel about the quote @ 25, mari? And do you worry at all about karma when you say shit like that about Laura Bush?

  30. Bob Reed says:

    This is an essential concept embedded in Western Civilization – that we are our brother’s keeper.”
    -William Ayers

    Oh no he di’int…

    I can’t believe he said this. How could he have done anything that might have harmed another if he believed this..?

  31. kelly says:

    Cunning stunt, Mari.

  32. maggie katzen says:

    Karma? That sounds exotic and vaguely anti-American.

    well, it sounds like it’s right up your alley then!

  33. B Moe says:

    Oh no he di’int…

    I can’t believe he said this.

    He didn’t. That is from Eric Rudolph’s Birmingham allocution with some words changed, unborn babies to Vietnamese, abortion to war mostly.

    So you can go ahead and denounce it now, mari. It’s cool.

  34. Slartibartfast says:

    Laura Bush: history’s greatest monster.

    You are dismissed, Mari.

  35. JohnAnnArbor says:

    Funny how the Vietnam War is always portrayed by the left as USA vs. Vietnam. It was USA and South Vietnam (with assists from Thailand, Australia, and South Korea) vs. North Vietnam (with help from USSR, China, and elsewhere). To the left, of course, South Vietnam wasn’t “authentic” since they didn’t hate America and accept Communism, so those folks deserved to die.

  36. Bob Reed says:

    You’re right JAA,
    It was indeed a tag-team match. And the left always thought that the South Vietnamese were perpatratin’

  37. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Ok, who did Laura Bush kill? And only an idiot would think “karma” is un-American. Un-Christian? Yes. Un-American? No. Does mari think that Christianity is the same as American?

  38. B Moe says:

    Ok, who did Laura Bush kill?

    When she was a teenager she was found at fault in an auto accident in which a fellow student was killed. It is a vile charge the most rabid moonbats have been kicking around much to the embarassment of anyone with the least bit of decency. Mari just showed her true colors.

  39. maggie katzen says:

    She swerved into a tree to avoid hitting a porcupine.

    wow. I’ve heard that’s the best way to kill somebody. she’s hardcore.

  40. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Thanks, B. Moe. I honestly didn’t know about that. So this idiot is equating a traffic accident to pre-meditated murder? Pretty fucking stupid. Mental note: Don’t even read what mari types. He/she is in the alphie bin, now.

  41. parsnip says:

    The results are the same OI.

    Just the excuse is different.

  42. B Moe says:

    She swerved into a tree to avoid hitting a porcupine.


    You are really quite ignorant, aren’t you dear? Maliciously so, it would seem.

  43. maggie katzen says:

    let me know when you get my reference…

  44. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    And alphie cements his status as a grade A fucking dumbshit with #44. Oy. That, people, is why you don’t engage it.

  45. B Moe says:

    If this were a theatrical forum, perhaps. But how have I been deceived politically?

  46. Techie says:

    Sorry, mari, that’s Ace’s site.

  47. Bob Reed says:

    Comment by parsnip on 12/11 @ 4:08 pm #

    The results are the same OI.

    Just the excuse is different.”

    So Mari,
    Is Teddy “Lion of the Senate” Kennedy guilty of murder also..?

    Seems so by your logic…

  48. JohnAnnArbor says:

    It’s kind of the same as lefty attitudes towards Israel:

    –Israeli bombs kill nearby Palestinian civilians while killing several guys shooting at Jews? Intentional murder. No amount of evidence showing Israeli attempts at avoiding this will be accepted.

    –Palestinians carefully plotting and hitting a soft target like a school full of Jews? Justifiable “resistance.” Those kids were future soldiers, right? They asked for it.

    –Palestinians who shoot at Israelis, then go hide with their extended families, knowing that Israel won’t strike back? Heroes.

  49. B Moe says:

    B Moe: you take things literally.

    This is why you are so easily deceived.

    You think there is any chance Mari will ever get the irony of that statement in the context of the original topic?

  50. Mossberg500 says:

    Mari’s wearing her “Meat is Murder” t-shirt, which trumps all reason!

  51. kelly says:

    Let me know when you get my reference as well Mari. Cretin.

  52. maggie katzen says:

    You think there is any chance Mari will ever get the irony of that statement in the context of the original topic?

    well no, B Moe, because you are ignoring the “Most Recent Statement Supremacy” rule. Remember? It’s how Obama can be taken seriously when he talks about “diplomacy with preparations”

  53. kelly says:

    It’s #32, Mari. C’mon, you’re a bright girl, go for it.

  54. kelly says:

    So that’s your point, huh? Why don’t you enlighten us as to why we “should just STFU for a while.”

  55. Mossberg500 says:

    My point, “Bob”, is that Republicans–for reasons that are not mysterious–should just STFU for a while.

    Wow, what happened to dissent is the highest form of patriotism? Sounds kinda un-Americany of you, sweetie(I mean that in an O! respectful way)!

  56. Techie says:

    I laugh at your superior intellect, Khan……er….Mari.

  57. Techie says:

    I’m just trying to afflict the comfortable.

  58. kelly says:

    Careful, she could be toying with us. Oops, I might have said too much….

  59. Mossberg500 says:

    I blame George Bush and PMS!

  60. B Moe says:

    So that’s your point, huh? Why don’t you enlighten us as to why we “should just STFU for a while.”

    Because she has no rebuttal for our points, d’uh! Don’t be a moron, kelly!

  61. kelly says:

    But moronicity comes so naturally to me, B Moe. Is it because I didn’t vote for The One?

  62. Mikey NTH says:

    After many years everyone is looking at mr. Ayers again and evaluating his legacy. He isn’t liking that one bit.

  63. Techie says:

    Yes, mari, I too recall the halcyon days of 2000, 2002, and 2004. Why, it was a deafening silence on the Left.

  64. B Moe says:

    Nope, irony is completely lost on this one.

  65. kelly says:

    Zounds! We did?? Why didn’t someone inform me of this?

  66. Mossberg500 says:

    Mari, maybe you should write Jeff and tell him to shut down this blog because he didn’t support Hussein!

  67. parsnip says:


    The Senate Republicans are proving they’d rather lose elections than admit they’re wrong.

    We should encourage behavior like this, not silence it.

  68. N. O'Brain says:

    “My point, “Bob”, is that Republicans–for reasons that are not mysterious–should just STFU for a while.”

    Ah, so you support that whole First Amendment thingy, then.

  69. kelly says:

    Inciteful, root veggie. Inciteful.

  70. N. O'Brain says:

    Um, nenver mind.

  71. kelly says:

    Yes, I made that word up, sue me.

  72. thorichka says:

    Comment by Mari on 12/11 @ 4:42 pm #

    So that’s your point, huh? Why don’t you enlighten us as to why we “should just STFU for a while.”

    Because you got your asses kicked in two successive national elections.

    But it’s the media’s fault!!!elevanty!!11!!!

    Look, it’s snow bunnies!!!11!!!

  73. Mossberg500 says:

    Help! Help! I’m being repressed!

  74. Mossberg500 says:

    There’s some lovely filth down here!

  75. kelly says:

    Come to think of it, does anyone remember all those Senate Democrats admitting they were wrong in 2000 or 2004? Me neither.

  76. kelly says:

    What she lacks in irony, she makes up for with obtuseness. Bravo.

  77. Bob Reed says:

    I’m only applying your train of reasoning…

    But I can see that the only stop on that line is at BDS central station on the Bush Hatred Express…

    That kind of behavior doesn’t encourage a bi-partisan bonhomie between O! supporters and their vanquished political opposition….

    I’m just sayin’

  78. thorichka says:

    Comment by Mari on 12/11 @ 4:56 pm #

    Republicans are going shrink government. They really mean it this time.

    They seem to enjoy shrinking the economy so much that I wouldn’t put any sort of shrinkage past ’em.

  79. Mossberg500 says:

    O!pinion – there can only be O!ne! Racists!!!

  80. JohnAnnArbor says:

    The idea that losing political parties should disappear is SO Venezuela. Or 1933 Germany.

  81. kelly says:

    I mean, really, WTF (if you’ll permit me) does this statement…

    Republicans are going shrink government. They really mean it this time.

    …have anything to do with this one:

    Yes, mari, I too recall the halcyon days of 2000, 2002, and 2004. Why, it was a deafening silence on the Left.

    And you’re calling us morons?

    Don’t you have some Albee to deconstruct or something? Y’know, hegemonic white male and all.

  82. kelly says:

    “They seem to enjoy shrinking the economy so much that I wouldn’t put any sort of shrinkage past ‘em.”

    I’ll defer to your expertise in shrinkage, thor, but tell me, who has held majorities in Congress the last four months again? With your superior intellect and vast, varied life experience can’t you come up with any new material these days? Stale, man, stale.

  83. bill says:

    Actually, Ralph Nader killed the kid in Texas by running an ineffective anti-Corvair campaign. Mari, you spelled your name wrong. It is spelled M-a-r-y. Dumbass.

  84. N. O'Brain says:


    Comment by Mari on 12/11 @ 5:16 pm #

    Sure, BDS.


    Stay the course.”

    Don’t know history, either.

    Oy fucking vey.

  85. Techie says:

    Holy crap, we broke the bots, they’re accessed the 2005 talking points file.

  86. Mari says:

    Ha, morons.

    STFU. You’re all stupid.

    Bush is an idiot.

    I am an original thinker.

  87. thorichka says:

    Comment by Mari on 12/11 @ 5:16 pm #


    Stay the course.

    Bush’s ratings are dropping faster than the YTM on a three-month T-bill.

  88. B Moe says:

    Posting under other people’s names, troll or otherwise is not fucking cool. I wish you clowns would quit.

  89. Mossberg500 says:

    Bush is an idiot.

    I am an original thinker.

    Original thinker? Did you mean original blinker?

  90. Techie says:

    Sigh, why have we let the same three malcontents run every thread off track today?

  91. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Republicans–for reasons that are not mysterious–should just STFU for a while.



    Guess it’s you who’s going to be S’ing TFU for a while. At least from my POV.

  92. parsnip says:

    SBP displaying his wonderful imagination.

    I suppose it must beat reality for the far right.

    Next trollhammer candidate?

    President Obama!

  93. N. O'Brain says:


    Comment by Mari on 12/11 @ 5:33 pm #

    Someone is pretending to be me.

    I’m flattered.”

    I wouldn’t be.

    That comment was stupid, too.

  94. Dan Collins says:

    Mari, Jeff asked me to, just this once, try to keep the comment numbers up.

  95. Mikey NTH says:

    #103 is correct – if you wingnuts would just shut up and go away, the trolls would not be forced to come here.

    Nice little fascists that they are.

  96. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Poor lefties. It’s starting to sink in that Teh Lightworker, Teh One who was Different from All the Rest, Teh One who promised that he wouldn’t cum in their mouths, has left them all with a big ol’ mouthful of spooge, and they’re shitting their collective pants.

    This is going to be a fun administration to watch.

  97. parsnip says:

    Obama just promised he’d crush McCain, which he did, SBP.

    Speaking of campaign promises, Bristol and Levi?

    Tick Tock!

  98. Dan Collins says:

    Wow, that’s wicked, Parsnip. Why, it’s almost as stupid as John Edwards. Not.

  99. Obama just promised he’d crush McCain,

    uh, and that he would meet with the leaders of Iran, Venezuela, North Korea and Cuba without preconditions. but he’s already taken that one back.

  100. also, I was promised change. WTH is the deal with keeping Robert Gates?! huh!?

  101. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Let me guess: snippy said something that was both brutally dishonest and terminally stupid.

    What a pity I won’t see it.

    What’s it going to take, snippy? An actual perp walk?

  102. parsnip says:

    It’s up to Hillary whom she meets with and under what conditions.

    I’m sure she’ll do whatever pisses off the wingnuts the most.

    I think most of you guys will end up voting for Obama in 2012, maggie.

    Could SBP get more infantile?

    Like a child who thinks covering his eyes with his hands makes him invisible.

    It is kinda cute.

  103. I think

    BWAH HA HA HA HAaaaaaa

  104. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    also, I was promised change.

    Don’t forget the free gas.

    The price has come down, but it’s still a long way from free.

  105. B Moe says:

    It’s up to Hillary whom she meets with and under what conditions.

    Unilateral Secretary of State?

  106. OBAMA SAID HE WOULD DO IT!!!! Then he said he wouldn’t even before Hillary came along. What gives?

  107. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    “This is the operative statement. The others are inoperative.”

  108. so many broken promises….

  109. parsnip says:

    Obama has an 80% appoval rating, Maggie.

    Can we assume the 20% who don’t approve of him come from the far right like you?

    Peak-a-boo SBP!

    Got your nose!

  110. so he’s popular!? That let’s him break his promises?

    HEY! We’re all jumping off this cliff! W007! W007!!!

    have fun with that.

  111. they were POPULAR!
    please! it’s all about popular.
    it’s not about aptitude,
    it’s the way you’re viewed,
    so it’s very shrewd to be,
    very very popular like ME!

  112. parsnip says:

    Poor maggie.

    So bitter and sad.

    It’s not like he promised his pet war would pay for itself, you know.

    Maybe Sarah Palin can lend Hillary a few of her $500 scarves for when she calls on Iran?

  113. bitter? sad? not so much. I’m laughin’ my ass off. You’re the sad one. Believing in O!

    oh, I know he lied that one time, but who doesn’t am I right? It’s not like it’s a chronic problem. He really loves you. I know he’ll stop beatin’ ya.

  114. and the bunnies are nice.

  115. Maybe Sarah Palin can lend Hillary a few of her $500 scarves for when she calls on Iran?

    but not Obama. so you’ve just given up on that little promise.

  116. SSG Ratso says:

    I think most of you guys will end up voting for Obama in 2012, maggie.


    Because the Republican’s will nominate who as a worse alternative? Pee Wee Herman?

    No. I’d vote for Pee Wee.

  117. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I’d vote for Gilbert Gottfried first, or even Billy Mays.

  118. thorichka says:

    Comment by maggie katzen on 12/11 @ 7:20 pm #

    and the bunnies are nice.

    Oh look, Maggie, it’s a baby moose!

    Or a pony!

    Maybe a bunny!

    Nah, it’s George Bush’s hairy ass. Worst President in effen American history. Your hero.

  119. oh, and that promise about public funding???


  120. SSG Ratso says:

    Vote for Billy mays and get a $5 off your next Mighty Putty purchase.

  121. uh, how do you know it’s hairy? oh… right.. it’s thor.

  122. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    It’d be a trip to see him hawking Orange Glo on CSPAN, as well as being a more honest way of making the office pay off.

  123. well, thor’s fantasy, anyway.

  124. SSG Ratso says:

    For the last 7 years I’ve been a part of a mission I absolutely, wholeheartedly agree with and have been proud to be a part of.

    What’s that chance that’ll happen under this next administration?

  125. thorichka says:

    Same reason I know your ass is hairy, and fat

  126. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Think about Maj. (P) John, Ratso. There’s a post over on his blog about how Blago will soon be his commander in chief.

    Let’s hope not for long.

  127. What’s that chance that’ll happen under this next administration?

    pretty good, ekshually.

    oh wait, you said be proud of.

    it’ll be like NO all over again, won’t it?

  128. Mikey NTH says:

    Alphie has found his true opponent, one that he can fight against and win. A teenage girl.

    So much for chivalry, so much for tolerance. The left is the land of the scarlet letters.

  129. Same reason I know

    right, so this is in the land where 100 minus 52 equals 45.

  130. SSG Ratso says:

    When, oh, when will we get our troops out of Bosnia? (17 years on, that one)

  131. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Also, Mays hawking Orange Glo would probably improve CSPAN’s ratings quite a bit.

  132. parsnip says:

    Ah, maggie so deluded.

    All Obama had to do to please us was crush McCain, which he did rather nicely.

    If the 20% of Americans who are the Bush deadenders want to spend the next 4 years begging Obama to implement a progressive agreenda, that would just be peachy, too.

    Those of us who voted for him are happy to just sit back and let him do his job as he sees fit.

  133. SSG Ratso says:

    Imagine: 18 month NOLA-type deployments.



  135. SSG Ratso says:

    All Obama had to do to please us was crush McCain…

    Ah. The soft idiocy of low expectations.

    I understand.

  136. thorichka says:

    Comment by maggie katzen on 12/11 @ 7:30 pm #

    right, so this is in the land where 100 minus 52 equals 45.

    Still trying to bend those spoons and numbers, eh.

  137. Ah. The soft idiocy of low expectations.

    I understand.


    he’s only half black.

  138. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by parsnip on 12/11 @ 6:54 pm #

    It’s up to Hillary whom she meets with and under what conditions.”

    Not only are you a loathsome toad, you’re a stupid loathsome toad.

  139. I don’t seem to have a problem realizing that if someone gets 52.whatever percent of the vote that they didn’t get 48.whatever percent of the vote.


  140. happyfeet says:

    I’m so tired of McCain and Baracky both. Farces both of them I think. Symptoms of disease is what they are really.

  141. SSG Ratso says:

    Thor the Mighty Finanshul Jeeneeus dunt ged it that if 52% DID vote for O!, then ALL the rest DID NOT.

    My dad use to work for the Treasury Department–maybe the IRS should be checking Thor’s math, back, say, the last 7 years (2003 in mathormatics).

  142. parsnip says:

    Ah. The soft idiocy of low expectations.

    I understand.

    You must be a Bush fan then, son.

  143. ah, we’re back to home plate.

    sweet, sweet BDS.

  144. SSG Ratso says:

    But McCain is still in the Senate.

    Hey, I know a way for Hillary to pay off those campaign debts–she’s stil GOT a Senate seat….

  145. thorichka says:

    You sure are half-smart Maggie.

    Do you see the BUNNIES!!

  146. happyfeet says:

    Yup, maggie. Baracky sure didn’t win a landslide. He likes to hype things though. It’s like if a dirty socialist piece of Chicago street trash got NPR and MSNBC and Newsweek and other media people to pretend like he was for real presidential material. It’s a lot like that really now that I think on it.

  147. yep, watch still has the right time.

  148. Mikey NTH says:

    Alphie has found a foe he can actually fight. A teenage girl.

    So much for chivalry.

  149. SSG Ratso says:

    You must be a Bush fan then, son.

    You make a lot of assumptions based on samples of evidence that are far too small,… mom.

  150. It’s a lot like that really now that I think on it.

    Yeah, I was pondering today what Helen Thomas’ first question for the new administration will be.

  151. I doubt it will be about why we’re doing Israel’s bidding.

  152. probably, “why are you so dreamy? is it the communist father?”

  153. thorichka says:


    Comment by SSG Ratso on 12/11 @ 7:39 pm #

    Thor the Mighty Finanshul Jeeneeus dunt ged it that if 52% DID vote for O!, then ALL the rest DID NOT.

    My dad use to work for the Treasury Department–maybe the IRS should be checking Thor’s math, back, say, the last 7 years (2003 in mathormatics).

    Actually I just posted a link with the exact figures and Maggie went off her rails and into solo sock puppet land.

    Them real numbers spooked Maggie into ODS stress headaches, or maybe it’s Obama bowel inflammation, who knows.

  154. happyfeet says:

    I haven’t heard whats happened to Helen since she got that nasty colon infection.

  155. Actually I just posted a link with the exact figures and Maggie went off her rails and into solo sock puppet land.

    you were disputing whether or not 48% did not vote for Obama. and FAILED! massively.

  156. N. O'Brain says:

    “sweet, sweet BDS.”

    It’s like brain damage among the reactionary left.

  157. thorichka says:

    OK, Maggie, just slowly put the sock down.

  158. Mikey NTH says:

    Brave Sir Alphie found his foe
    A young girl he could call a ‘ho’
    A girl who was heavy with child
    Upon her he could go wild
    He could cry hypocrisy
    That none would abandon she
    So Brave Sir Alphie gave her his sword
    and went to gather Herod’s reward.
    Rejoicing, Alphie went down his road
    revealed to all as a pathetic toad.

  159. ??? why? cause you can’t do math?

  160. please, thor! show me again how only 52% of Americans voted for Obama!

  161. SSG Ratso says:

    It’s not ODS. It’s ODD.

    A syndrome is a collection of symptoms that occur togetehr without a discernable underlying disease state to cause them.

    Derrangement is an irrational state.

    We know exactly what the underlying cause of our symptoms are and there’s nothing irrational about it.

    The correct term, therefore is Obama Disappointment Disorder.

  162. so again, thor… 100… minus…. 52…. equals…. ???

  163. Mikey NTH says:

    And the moral of our tale?
    Child, let your parents Democrats be
    Or you shall face calumny
    From the Brave Sir Alphie.

  164. that’s not an answer. dumbass.

  165. but you knowz all bouts the conomy.

  166. happyfeet says:

    I sure am disappointed, SSG. It’s like that dream where you’re sleeping and you open your eyes and there’s someone right in your face and it’s who is it oh shit someone’s in my face it’s Hugo Chavez oh god oh wait no it’s Nancy Pelosi oh crap oh crap wait no it’s it’s just that Baracky dirty socialist street trash damn go away I got to get up early can’t you leave me alone ever jeez.

  167. SSG Ratso says:

    It’s mathormaticaly improbable!

  168. It’s mathormaticaly improbable!

    like my fat hairy ass!

  169. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Did you see that the dirty socialists at NPR had to lay off 7% of their staff, happyfeet?

    I thought that would cheer you up.

  170. so, but they’re keeping 93%?

  171. Gotta go gets Peppermint Chocolate Chip Milkshakes. Sees ya after a bit.

  172. parsnip says:

    maggie calling someone a dumbass.

    Now that’s comedy gold!

  173. No no, Maggie, you still can’t subtract good.

    That’s 87%. Mathormatically speaking.

  174. happyfeet says:

    That was almost snoopydance but I wonder for real if they’re looking at Arbitron data or contributions or both. My guess it’s mostly contributions and it’s corporate that’s pulling back but that individuals … it’s like this… what’s the difference anymore between giving to NPR and writing a check to Baracky? And people are Barackyed out giving wise I think.

  175. so parsnip failed math as well. okay.

  176. Slartibartfast says:

    If the 20% of Americans who are the Bush deadenders

    Someone needs to point out to Root-Vegetable Boy that Congress has extraordinarily low approval rating, too. It can’t be just the Republicans, can it? The math just can’t work out if it’s just the Republicans.

    Oh. Data. Dang, I hate it when there’s data for this kind of thing.

  177. public school, am I right?

    Thankfully, Obama won’t be taking that chance with his offspring.

  178. happyfeet says:

    oh. The other thing I noticed was they let the crone Linda and codger Dan keep their jobs while axing their youth-oriented shows (what were failing anyway) … no snoopydance cause I think they want to do a bit of public suffering before hitting up our dirty socialist congress for some serious payback for all their hard propaganda work what they did for Baracky and Mr. Soros.

  179. parsnip says:


    We know karl Rove has ordered the dimmest of Republicans to mistate the election results every chance they get.

    That you are proud to be one of Rove’s Rubes is…to be expected.

  180. Slartibartfast says:

    Rove has also instructed the very dimmest of the dim to make egregious spelling errors when attempting to insult the intelligence of his betters.

    Embarrassing, isn’t it? It’s like mistake and misstate all rolled up into one nonsensical package.

  181. We know karl Rove has ordered…[unsupported blather snipped]

    You know what?

  182. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    “so parsnip failed math as well. okay.”

    maggie, alphie has failed life. And thor, worst president ever? Come on, you’re a dick head but you ain’t stupid. I’m not a fan, but I know of at least 1 president in my lifetime who was worse. Bush had a unique, extremely unique, start to his presidency. Carter had a unique ending.

  183. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    BTW, my apologies to any Canadians out there, but damn, Labatts is truly shitty beer. I know. I know. Taste is subjective and there is no right or wrong answer, but this stuff is insufferable. It’ll teach me to try and go cheap. Time for the Captain and Coke.

  184. Yeah, this is late, but is Mari really indicating that Laura Bush has killed at least 6 people?

  185. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Mari is dumb as shit, SSG Ratso. That is moral equivalency beyond reckoning. And remember, there is a HUGE difference between murdering and killing. The fact that he/she and the dumbass can’t see that is amazing to me. Regardless of political/philosophical ideology.

  186. Sdferr says:

    William C Ayers
    hadn’t half of a care
    For the innocent victim
    Of his “hurray for Che” dictum

  187. Pablo says:

    All Obama had to do to please us was crush McCain,

    That’s because you’re a simp, alphie.

  188. Dread Cthulhu says:

    Parsnip: “If the 20% of Americans who are the Bush deadenders want to spend the next 4 years begging Obama to implement a progressive agreenda, that would just be peachy, too.

    Those of us who voted for him are happy to just sit back and let him do his job as he sees fit.”

    Uh-huh… you don’t get out that much, do you?

  189. We know karl Rove has ordered the dimmest of Republicans to mistate the election results every chance they get.

    That you are proud to be one of Rove’s Rubes is…to be expected.


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