
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


Been ferociously sick all weekend

Hope to be back Monday, once the projectile vomiting (hopefully) subsides.

If Dan or Darleen, et al, are reading this and would like to post on the mainpage today they have my blessing.

Meantime, let the deconstruction begin.

96 Replies to “Been ferociously sick all weekend”

  1. Snooper says:


    Get well soon.

  2. BJTexs says:

    I’ve been sick for five days now, but chest and head. Intestinal based crud sucks the big one. My advice is curl up on the fetal position with a wastebasket and yell repeatedly at your wife and son to leave you alone.

    Well … worked for me …

  3. serr8d says:

    Tequila shots. Always the answer.

  4. Rusty says:

    Dude! Isotopes. No.Seriously. Get your pillow and your blankie and curl up on the bathroom floor. The bathroom has a lot of recepticles and is easier to clean up when you start erupting from every orifice.

    As for the article; David and Kevin didn’t pay attention in stat class.

  5. geoffb (JARAIP) says:

    What BJTexs said, I concur. Same sickness here but not as bad as yours.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  6. serr8d says:

    The CRA was the first guiding light, a lighthouse if you will, steering overladen lenders in a direction that finally led to their crash.

    Visualize Fannie/Freddie as a supertanker (call it the Valdez or something) just off the Maine shoreline. Oh, and there’s a line of those supertankers bunched-up within seconds of each other. A government-run lighthouse on wheels is moving farther and farther inland (why, yes, that’s to the left!) until finally Fannie/Valdez breaks up on the rocks.

    Instead of oil, we see our portfolios and retirement funds (401-K’s, say) disappearing before our very eyes.

    A good thing, there’s absolutely no residue washing up on the pristine beaches. Just cardboard boxes full of squatters near the soup lines, for as far as you can see.

  7. geoffb (JARAIP) says:

    “Just cardboard boxes full of squatters near the soup lines”

    Thankfully O! has pie.

  8. Ric Locke says:

    Do get well. My folk-nostrum for those symptoms is lots and lots of water, which is then expelled — eventually there’s nothing there, therefore nothing to make you sick — followed by chemical puddings, the kind that come in a package of three little wells. Warm reboot of the digestive system, so to speak.

    The article is more or less predictable, a ferocious defense against charges not made while ignoring the charges that were made; The Press at its most typical, these days. The headline writer should be fed to alligators, though.


  9. 1. Please get well soon.
    2. Jesus we know, and Forbes we know, but this “Goldstein and Hall” guys we don’t know.
    3. And if it isn’t Fannie and Freddie, then can we blame it on the price of oil?

  10. Michael Smith says:

    Here is an excellent review of the causes of the mortgage meltdown:

    This mess is only the latest in a long string of economic messes caused by government controls and regulations — not by freedom. It is a failure brought about by the use of those controls to pursue the socialistic notion that people have a right to home ownership, regardless of credit worthiness, regardless of work ethic, regardless of earnings and regardless of savings. This mess is socialism at work — not capitalism.

    The unfree market has failed. It is time to give the free market a chance.

  11. BJTexs says:

    I’m blaming it on derivatives. I don’t know what they are but it’s a menacing word and must be guilty.

  12. Dan Collins says:

    Water? I used to drink that as a kid.

  13. sashal says:

    vodka shot, sprinkled with a few drops of black pepper. Let it stand for half an hour, then take a shot- into the bed with worm blanket…

  14. Cave Bear says:

    I think that’s “warm” blanket, comrade…:) But I digress…

    I don’t have any folk remedies, other than drinking as much water as you can so as to keep yourself hydrated. That’s the problem with going around doctor’s offices and hospitals; you pick up the worst sort of viruses and bacteria there.

    In any case, hang in there and we in the Bear Cave hope you get to feeling better soon.

    As for that bit of McClatchy dezinformatsia…er “news article”, Goebbels would have been proud.

  15. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by Cave Bear on 10/12 @ 7:39 am #

    I think that’s “warm” blanket, comrade”

    Worm blankets are all the Russians can afford.

  16. urthshu says:

    Projectile vomiting? My folk remedy: Exorcist.

    Get well soon.

    Everybody will eventually get a worm blanket, but not now, Jeff. That would be sad.

  17. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Liquids. Lots of liquids.

    If you’re throwing up that much, some of that PediaLyte stuff might not be a bad idea.

  18. sashal says:

    Don’t you think English people should have come up with the better distinction between words long time ago?
    That confusion almost never happens in other languages.
    You spell it just like you hear it, most of the time( besides french, I think).

  19. ThomasD says:

    The headline writer should be fed to alligators, though.

    That was about my thoughts upon first glance. Having read the article I’m inclined to give the headline writer a pass. I mean, look what he had to work with. The main gist of the article boils down to the notion that Fannie and Freddie are blameless because they don’t actually lend money to home buyers.

  20. ThomasD says:

    need coffee, and HTML tag skillz.

  21. sashal says:

    Does anybody else have similar feelings?
    Every time I see Palin or hear her speak, I recall the movie “Cabaret” the episode in the roadside restaurant when the gorgeous youthful blond was singing beautiful folk song?

  22. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I recall the movie “Cabaret” the episode in the roadside restaurant

    Funny, that’s what I recall when I see this or this.

    Leni Riefenstahl without the talent.

  23. Mikey NTH says:

    Definitely lots of water, as Ric says. It at least gives you something to throw. The dry heaves are to be avoided at all costs.

  24. Mikey NTH says:

    #18 sashal:

    English is composed of different languages – German and French being the main ones. And English has no problem borrowing words from all over and adding them.

    So it is a bit of a melting pot.

  25. ThomasD says:

    Does anybody else have similar feelings?

    To you? No.

  26. geoffb (JARAIP) says:

    “And English has no problem borrowing words from all over and adding them.”

    As Japanese does also to my surprise.

  27. Carin says:

    You know what feeling “I” had when listening to a Barack performance yesterday? Someone, get ready to call me a racist …

    But he has the cadence of black preachers … and the audience was doing the verbal response at every pause.

    Which I find like REALLY FREAKIN ironic. The dems see evil Christian influence at the slightest whiff on the right, yet no one seems to notice they Barack is holding revival meetings?

  28. Darleen says:

    Good lord, JeffG, it would appear that something nasty is going around and it got you too! Stay warm and get well.

    I’m only suffering from allergies right now, but I am scheduled for a flu shot next week.

    Get your flu shots, people!

  29. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    “That confusion almost never happens in other languages.”

    – You know sashal, your ability to bring “the stoopid” on almost every thread is quickly becoming legendary in a blazing saddles sort of way.

    – A very great many languages are replete with homonyms, to the point, as in say South Korean for instance, if you are not native born, your chances of carrying on a complete conversation without making multiple errors in both pronunciation and tense, is practically nil.

    – Do you ever do your homework before you issue a comment, or do you just start hammering your keyboard, and let ‘er rip?

    – And Jeff – the thing to maintain is your Electrolytes. Reduced Electrolytes (and fluids) is the condition that causes that over-hot sensation through your entire body, in conjunction with the scattered aches and pains. The collateral damage done to the subsystems of the bod, endocrine, immune, cardio, etc, is the real bad guy in most respiratory illnesses. Yeh – think Pedialyte, or even some of the right sports drinks. Very important.

  30. ccoffer says:

    Getting drunk always works for me.

  31. ThomasD says:

    Thanks for that Time link, now we have two examples of utter stupidity and misinformation masquerading as journalism.

    Anyone else want to give their link(s)?

  32. Mikey NTH says:

    I did not know that, geoffb (JARAIP).

  33. Darleen says:


    Baraky changes his voice before different audiences…just as Hillary does. The MSM just ignores it, but if a Republican did that it would be “cynical pandering”.

    A couple people get angry at a McCain rally (and might be possible mobys considering how many Obama people make sure to get in to these things to try and disrupt it) and it makes the news cycle as “mob hatred rising” … but the nasty leftists out stomping vets or torching McCain signs… well, that’s not worth more than a mention on the back pages, if at all.

  34. Mikey NTH says:

    In most instances bad news is released in Friday so that it really doesn’t make an impact. The fact this report was issued on a Friday indicates that it is a big nothing-burger, a dud round.

  35. Ric Locke says:

    All languages are syncretic to some extent. Everybody’s got neighbors, and everybody borrows words from the folks next door.

    English is a little different. H. Beam Piper once described it as the result of Roman soldiers trying to chat up Anglo-Saxon barmaids, and about as legitimate as the other results… but I know a fellow called James Nichol who has a different attitude. English, he says, doesn’t borrow; it chases other languages into dark alleys, mugs them, and rifles their pockets for vocabulary.

    Which makes English the perfect European language. European culture is what it is because Europeans were so stupidly violent for so many centuries that they managed to totally wipe out almost all traces of their basic tribal cultures and were forced to find forms of organization that didn’t depend on tribal values. (The Chinese did much the same thing, but much longer ago, and the present generation is having trouble with tribalism because they’ve forgotten how it happened; present-day Europeans are in denial, revolted at the level of violence necessary to do that and unwilling to admit the necessity.) Those organizations were jerry-built out of the bits and pieces remaining from the incessant wars over a millenium and a half — and so is English.


  36. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Try as you may, you and your army of brownshirt MSM water boys could not find any meat on the rumor-mill bones, so now you’re reduced to “amateurish”.

    – Do you have a clue as to just how desperate and ridiculously feckless you and your Komrad lackies look Semi-dork?

  37. Darleen says:


    You might want to read what a lawyer has to say instead of an organ of the Obama Campaign.

    She didn’t do anything illegal. Period. And she herself didn’t do anything unethical. The best that “get Palin” single investigator can point to is supposedly Sarah didn’t CONTROL HER HUSBAND.


    One very glaring omission? The testimony of the member of Palin’s security team who INSTRUCTED Todd to talk to Monegan because of the security threat that Wooten presented.

    This is the Obama’s camps desperate attempt to continue to deflect from his connections to ACORN.

  38. urthshu says:

    The stuff you gotta watch out for in English isn’t the homonyms but the doublespeak, like ‘social justice’ = ‘terrorism’. There’s another word for this but its escaping me now, so I must drink teh coffee

  39. Darleen says:

    What also is really telling about that investigator…despite Wooten’s tasering of his own 10 y/o step son, his drunk on duty, his drinking in his patrol car, his racism against Todd, his threats of wanting to kill members of the Palin family… the investigator concludes that any fear of Wooten by the Palins WAS NOT LEGITIMATE.

    That’s not a report.

  40. thor says:

    Sarah Palin got a good thorough booing at the Flyers game. Public humiliation is her future.

  41. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    “This is the Obama’s camps desperate attempt to continue to deflect from his connections to ACORN.”

    – Actually to deflect from the list of befarious, possib;y downright anti-American activities in the Obama bio.

    – They better run faster. The facts are finally starting to catch up with WonderBoy. Two point drop already in the last two days.

    – Brady is banging on the wall.

  42. ThomasD says:

    Roman soldiers trying to chat up Anglo-Saxon barmaids

    Shades of Restaraunt at the End of the Universe.

    But, those would have had to be some really old soldiers since the Angles and Saxons didn’t really arrive in Old Blighty until after the Romans had departed.

  43. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    “Public humiliation is her future.”

    – As the next VP, I’m sure she’ll be able to easily handle the asshole Progressive hecklers in the crowd.

  44. RC says:

    There are actually 3 parts to the Japanese language One of which is hirigana which is almost exclusively words that have been borrowed from other languages

  45. Darleen says:


    That crowd booed Santa Clause.

    Amoral leftists, so what else is new?

  46. J. Peden says:

    As for that bit of McClatchy dezinformatsia…er “news article”, Goebbels would have been proud.

    Almost made me cry. At risk of giving the article too much credit: poor Fanny and Freddie, just innocent victims of Capitalism while valiantly struggling to “help”, almost like a gigantic vacuum cleaner which creates its own garbage, and to also thereby attain a market share of “bad paper” large enough to give value to their shareholders. While we rich-enough-to-pay-taxes are left holding the bag, as we deserve. And nearly everyone’s worse off from the contamination.

    Yet, “Ah so do loves muh Communist Model.” Retch.

  47. now we have two examples of utter stupidity and misinformation masquerading as journalism.

    What the Hell, let’s make it a Trifecta: MoDo goes Roman.

  48. B Moe says:

    A man who claims he was assaulted, and two young men arrested.

    It’s a freakin’ outrage……….

    Did you really expect Cleo to get upset by a domestic firebombing, Darleen?

  49. B Moe says:

    Talis Colberg, called Monegan and had to be reminded that the call was putting both men in legal jeopardy, should Wooten decide to sue. The governor’s chief of staff met with Monegan and had to be reminded by Monegan that, “This conversation is discoverable … You don’t want Wooten to own your house, do you?”

    So how is Wooten’s lawsuit coming, Cleo?

  50. J. Peden says:

    Public humiliation is her future.

    Well, you seem to enjoy it very much, O’ little ball-peened one.

  51. urthshu says:

    MoDo: I don’t even need to write in english anymore, suckers.

  52. Dash Rendar says:

    I think that Sarah Palin is absolutely squeaky clean is what infuriates the leftists. They know it and will do/say whatever.

  53. urthshu says:

    >>“Avoid whatever is approved of by the mob, and things that are the gift of chance. Whenever circumstance brings some welcome thing your way, stop in suspicion and alarm …They are snares. … we think these things are ours when in fact it is we who are caught. That track leads to precipices; life on that giddy level ends in a fall.” – from MoDo

    Could more easily apply to Baracky than McCain/Palin. Don’t they keep shoving favorable O! polls down our throats, after all?

  54. SDN says:

    Cleo doesn’t get upset at any firebombing as long as her fellow Copperheads aren’t on the receiving end.

  55. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by Semanticleo on 10/12 @ 8:30 am #

    The TrooperGate dope was put out Friday night”

    Nobody. Fucking. Cares.

  56. sashal says:

    Who is JoshuaTrevino ?

  57. N. O'Brain says:

    “- As the next VP, I’m sure she’ll be able to easily handle the asshole Progressive hecklers in the crowd.”

    Sarah Palin. Turning, looking thor in the eye and saying, “Well bless your little heart, you really are and jerkoff, aren’t you?”

  58. thor says:

    Comment by Dash Rendar on 10/12 @ 9:34 am #

    I think that Sarah Palin is absolutely squeaky clean is what infuriates the leftists. They know it and will do/say whatever.

    Needed a little touch-up is all.

  59. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by Darleen on 10/12 @ 9:03 am #


    That crowd booed Santa Clause.”

    Now, now, that was at anEagles game, not the Flyers.

  60. N. O'Brain says:

    Comment by Semanticleo on 10/12 @ 10:02 am #

    Do you speak English?

  61. thor says:


    Comment by N. O’Brain on 10/12 @ 10:01 am #

    “- As the next VP, I’m sure she’ll be able to easily handle the asshole Progressive hecklers in the crowd.”

    Sarah Palin. Turning, looking thor in the eye and saying, “Well bless your little heart, you really are and jerkoff, aren’t you?”

    Alaska is too far to travel to heckle pissy little Sarah Palin.

  62. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by Semanticleo on 10/12 @ 10:02 am #


    General Theory of gullibility……………”

    An even more interesting question: do you have a working relationship with reality?

  63. N. O'Brain says:

    “Alaska is too far to travel to heckle pissy little Sarah Palin.”

    Don’t worry, fucknozzle. she’ll be coming to a town near you.

    As Vice-President.

  64. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Semanti-colon-cleaner-nomics:

    “From each, according to their gullibility, too each, according to their sloth.”

  65. B Moe says:

    Comment by Semanticleo on 10/12 @ 9:55 am
    Comment by Semanticleo on 10/12 @ 9:56 am

    That is the same story JG linked in the post, moron.

  66. Darleen says:


    Have you any clue what Fannie and Freddie do?

    Rhetorical question because this

    “More than 84 percent of the subprime mortgages in 2006 were issued by private lending institutions”

    proves the mendacity of the article.


  67. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Darleen

    – Since the facts are unimportant to the douchenozzles of the Left, (more pointedly, facts in general destroy their entire imbecilic narrative), sourcing for any of their garbage is either non-existent, or shamelessly revised to fit the screed.

  68. N. O'Brain says:


    See my comment #72

  69. Rusty says:

    Might want to reread that article there sparky. Get back to us when the light bulb goes on.

  70. Silver Whistle says:

    Who is Joshua Trevino ?

     I’m guessing Lee Trevino’s younger, dumber brother.

  71. happyfeet says:

    I didn’t cause it and I’m a Republican.

  72. happyfeet says:

    you’re welcome

  73. sashal says:

    was he one of the founders of Red State?

  74. sashal says:

    clueless BBH, when did fact ever play any role in your biased judgements?

  75. Ric Locke says:

    #49 ThomasD: I know that, and so, I am sure, did Piper, who was one of the better of the amateur historians who infest the science fiction writing business. It’s a jocularity that illuminates, not an historically accurate analysis.


  76. JimK says:

    Just another “root causes” type argument, sort of like they explain Islamic Terrorism.

  77. Tim P says:

    Hope your back in the pink soon.
    Meanwhile, here’s an interesting article in plain English about how we arrived at this mess. Truth is that there’s plenty of blame to go around and basically we can attribute much of our problems to greed, which last time I looked transcended party lines.

  78. Tim P says:

    Sorry, heres the link…

  79. geoffb (JARAIP) says:

    “There are actually 3 parts to the Japanese language One of which is hirigana which is almost exclusively words that have been borrowed from other languages”

    Ah, hirigana is not the one. Katakana is used to write “loan words”, words from other languages. Kanji are the “Chinese” type characters. Hirigana is used for the endings of verbs, nouns, adjectives.

    Japanese is another language like English that can be played with extensively, puns etc.

  80. thor says:

    Comment by Darleen on 10/12 @ 10:18 am #



    You haven’t one clue, DD.

  81. ThomasD says:

    I have been told that, oddly enough, Japanese and Turkish are quite similar, both being subject-object-verb languages, as well as highly agglutinizing and lacking in dipthongs.

  82. ThomasD says:


    Thus spreading the disease it created.

    Perhaps you should explain that to the clueless author

    Between 2004 and 2006, when subprime lending was exploding, Fannie and Freddie went from holding a high of 48 percent of the subprime loans that were sold into the secondary market to holding about 24 percent

  83. lee says:

    I’m guessing Lee Trevino’s younger, dumber brother

    Younger brothers are always smarter.

    You would know that if you weren’t an older brother. :D

  84. N. O'Brain says:


  85. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Ric, I think Piper actually said that about Norman soldiers and Anglo-Saxon barmaids.

  86. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    And yes, Piper was awesome. I doubt that his writing style would impress a critic, but his ideas were profound.

  87. Salt Lick says:

    This fellow MClatchy reporter, David Goldstein, is very objective. E.g.,

    Q: When is the press going to subject Obama and Biden to the same sort of scrutiny they’re subjecting Palin (and her family!) to? Or is there a double standard?

    Submitted by TJ from Overland Park, KS

    A: There’s no double standard. Ever since Obama got into the presidential race in Feb. 2007, he’s been X-rayed by the news media. His life story, his parents, his grandparents, his wife, his education, his jobs, his record in the Illinois legislation and in the Senate have all been scrutinized and continue to be.

  88. happyfeet says:

    David Goldstein should be more subtle about his propaganda I think. Only loser propagandists outright lie like that. He should listen to NPR for tips.

  89. ThomasD says:

    Piper was awesome.

    Never having actually read his works I went looking and found that much of it is now in the publice domain and available online. I’m currently working through the story ‘A Slave Is A Slave’ and have come to this exchange between to characters involved in the annexation of a planet into their empire who have come to find that the planet consists of a large slave class being ruled by a small minority.

    “But technology always drives out slavery; that’s a fundamental law of
    socio-economics. Slavery is economically unsound; it cannot compete with
    power-industry, let alone cybernetics and robotics.”

    He was tempted to remind young Obray of Erskyll that there were no such
    things as fundamental laws of socio-economics; merely usually reliable
    generalized statements of what can more or less be depended upon to
    happen under most circumstances. He resisted the temptation. Count
    Erskyll had had enough shocks, today, without adding to them by
    gratuitous blasphemy.

    “In this case, Obray, it worked in reverse. The Space Vikings enslaved
    the Adityans to hold them in subjugation. That was a politico-military
    necessity. Then, being committed to slavery, with a slave population who
    had to be made to earn their keep, they found cybernetics and robotics
    economically unsound.

    emphasis added.

    Certainly goes a ways towards explaining the left’s penchant for neo-luddism and the associated global warming insanity.

  90. Rusty says:

    It bundles the bad debt and then tells the banks if it wants more good loans guaranteed it must take some of the bundled bad loans. I’m OK with poor people owning homes, just not with my money.

    Who is in charge of freddie and fannie anyway?

  91. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Certainly goes a ways towards explaining the left’s penchant for neo-luddism

    Yes. Remember Baracky saying that he’d institute his policies even if it made the economy worse off? Because it would be “fair”?

  92. MC says:

    Feel better friend. Hey, you might try Milingo if all else fails.

  93. Swen Swenson says:

    The nose puking it sux. Get well or else!!

  94. TmjUtah says:

    Put me down for “drink water, you’ll feel better when you clean it all out”.

    And for a “get well”, too.

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