
Jeff's Wish List

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March 2025


Now that newsbusters has said it…

…maybe it’ll get some play.

I’ve always been a bit ahead of my time. Like the Plasmatics, or Crack the Sky.

update: See also, Mark Levin.

54 Replies to “Now that newsbusters has said it…”

  1. happyfeet says:

    Charlie Gibson must be too old to care anymore what people think of him. Sort of like Dan Schorr I guess.

  2. Mr. Pink says:

    If ABC deleting the misquote by Gibson didn’t get any airplay I doubt this will. It is beginning to feel like a futile effort bitching about media advocacy anymore. It is not like they are going to stop until after Nov 4 anyway.

  3. geoffb (JARAIP) says:

    Too bad there isn’t a video of the whole thing that McCain could put on Youtube.

  4. happyfeet says:

    But I think he’s a tool all the same.

  5. Mr. Pink says:

    Two quick questions, has ABC ever issued a retraction of Gibson’s misquote and has NBC given a statement as to how they could have aired President Bush speaking without the crowdshots or applause lines so he looked like a total idiot?

  6. Glenn Reynolds suggests that candidates shoot their own video of interviews. I agree.

  7. Jeff G. says:

    Indeed. Heh. Indeed. Heh.

  8. Russ says:

    hf, there’s no tool like an old tool.

  9. Darleen says:

    The editing was so hamhanded, I kept thinking “are you seeing this? is everyone seeing this?”

    BTW, Palin is next going to be interviewed by Hannity. Maybe some of these edits will be brought up by him.

  10. Bob Reed says:

    I am shocked, Shocked! , that the MSM would bowdlerize a taped interview…

    Wonder if they’d do it to Obama?

  11. Carin says:

    Did someone say Tool?!?

  12. Sdferr says:

    Has anybody run into audience size measurements? How big was the initial audience, and did ABC suffer significant drop-offs due to their strategy of stringing the interview out over days and four different programs?

    Did ABC get out of the interview the things it expected to get or has their mishandling actually turned around to bite them in the pocketbook or in permanent loss of what little credibility they could still have claimed prior to the showing?

  13. Dan Collins says:

    I don’t see why the McCain Campaign can’t request the entire thing from ABC.

  14. happyfeet says:

    This is fraud though. It’s wrong.

  15. happyfeet says:

    Charlie Gibson needs to say I’m sorry, America. And also I am sorry, Governor Palin. About the fraud I did. I’m a sham. Just a tool for Baracky and I don’t know what I was thinking and I am very ashamed.

  16. I defecate in PBS tote bags says:

    Bringing their own camera runs the risk of coming off as paranoia. On the other hand, having as a precondition that the interview air unedited – on the premise that the American people have the right to determine for themselves what is or isn’t pertinent – would have served the same purpose. I wonder why they didn’t do that?

  17. commander0 says:

    Crack the Sky, Goldstein. First we have the same Guidry model glove and now this. Robots For Ronnie.

  18. Darleen says:


    I don’t think any of the MSM would agree to that. Then they’d turn around and loudly complain that the McCain campaign “refuses” to be interviewed.

  19. Crack The Sky?
    That’s like saying you saw Gentle Giant at Rainbow Music Hall.

  20. commander0 says:

    Not Rainbow but Kleinhan’s and The Century Theater. Yep. Several times.

  21. serr8d says:

    Glenn Reynolds suggests that candidates shoot their own video of interviews.

    You mean they don’t?

    At the very least, they should walk out of the interview with a copy on a floppy. Or a stick, or whatever the newest recording phenom is today. As cheap and easy as digital video recording is now, there’s no excuse not to.

  22. You mean they don’t?

    I’ve never heard of such. Yeah, it’s pretty odd. Hell, I carry a Flip camera with me everywhere I go. It’s a long way from broadcast quality, of course, but perfectly adequate for documentary purposes(also plenty good enough for YouTube).

  23. Sdferr says:

    Are there news-y insiders lurking here who might step forward to speak to the symbiosis involved in high-profile (high risk/reward?) interviews made by the MSM and our political leaders?

    Does the media organization have concerns over the exposure of the “behind the scenes” doings in the interview milieu? What goes on in the pre-interview negotiations? What goes on in the pre-interview interview? Who makes the decisions as to what the camera angles will be, what the lighting, what the physical positioning of the interlocutors, what the final cut of questions? Is the media organization concerned whether, even, these very events and decisions themselves may be exposed to the public gaze and is therefore insistent on precluding in negotiations the self-taping by the candidate or public figure under examination?

    I’d like to hear.

  24. Jeffersonian says:

    From what we can see in this Newsbusters post, having one’s own camera recording the proceedings doesn’t seem paranoid or even imprudent, but sensible. After all, if the MSM considers itself the guardian of our fair democracy, they won’t object to someone guarding the guards, will they?

  25. geoffb (JARAIP) says:

    I can’t find it now, but I seem to recall a recent story about an interview with a politician where they did multiple takes of a question until the politician in question “got it right”.

    IIRC it was a democrat and they wanted to have him come off well. Also I think his campaign people were the ones that called for the extra takes and chose which one would air.

    Tried Google and others but have come up empty so this maybe a false memory.

  26. mojo says:

    Crack the Sky? Dude.

    Cold Blood. Lydia Pense.

  27. Pablo says:

    I saw most of that in the first broadcast, so I assume these edits were from later time zones.

    And yes, I wouldn’t trust these weasels to have free hand with an interview. It isn’t paranoia if they’re out to get you, and they are. Common sense dictates that all parties should have access to a complete record of such proceedings. They should, at minimum, be taking audio recordings.

  28. Sdferr says:

    Dude, Google is a false memory.

  29. Puck says:

    The most comforting poll I’ve seen recently is the one showing that a significant majority of the American people think the media are in the tank for Obama and are clearly out to get Palin.

    As long as we keep banging the drum about the things they’re doing to make him look good and her look bad, the media-manufactured “gaffes” should be taken by the public with a grain of salt.

  30. geoffb (JARAIP) says:


    It was edited both before the first broadcast, which is what the transcript shows, and edited more for later showings.

  31. geoffb (JARAIP) says:

    “Dude, Google is a false memory.”

    Even though I always try multiple search engines, I do understand exactly what you are saying about Google especially.

  32. The Monster says:

    In another one of Charlie’s attempted gotchas, he asked if Palin had met any foreign heads of state. That was followed by some back-and-forth edited out of the interview, concluding with this line

    GIBSON: I’m talking about somebody who’s a head of state, who can negotiate for that country. Ever met one?

    Here, Gibson betrays a horrible lack of understanding how government works, and it’s just a shame that Palin didn’t nail him on it. In fact, it feeds into the common perception that people in the US don’t understand other countries well. The US is exceptional in combining the roles of Head of State and Head of Government in the same office (POTUS).

    Note to Charlie: Heads of State (acting in that capacity) can’t negotiate with other nations. That is something that Heads of Government do, and even then the agreements they reach usually require ratification by a body such as the US Senate.

    But let’s concede for the nonce that he meant “Head of Government”. It isn’t really appropriate for a state governor, or member of the US congress, to be engaging in direct negotiations with foreign leaders. That’s what our State Department is supposed to do, acting on behalf of the President in his role as Head of Government.

    That Gov. Palin has chosen to limit her overseas trips to visiting her own AKNG troops in Kuwait and Germany, and refused to take time out from them to get a photo-op with Nasser Al-Mohammed Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah or Angela Merkel, merely indicates that she’s more interested in doing the job she has than campaigning for the job she wants.

  33. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Repost – because we care.

    – Ike coverage is giving the Obama clown car bunch some cover, and its the weekend, but by Monday I expect another shit storm over the two latest MSM “fuck the duck” brain melt downs, GibsonGate, and InternetGate.

    – FOX should do a Palin interview with Brit Hume, in which he takes her step by step back over the ABC interview, all the “versions”, and “edits”, and subsequent disappearing ink, letting her correct the record, and just leave all the answers to a series of damning questions laying out there like a half eaten pizza after a three weeks in an Arizona dumpster.

  34. Sdferr says:


    I left this in Palin-mpsest this morning: Nedra Pickler, AP –“Obama planned to open with a request that the audience keep the Texas victims in their thoughts and prayers, the campaign said, then follow with a discussion of the “quiet storms” that people face in their everyday lives.”

    It is gone in the same article now.

  35. Sdferr says:

    Replaced by: “Obama didn’t put aside his differences with Republican rival John McCain. In an outdoor rally attended by thousands, he discussed the “quiet storms that are taking place throughout America” as people lose their jobs, health care and pensions, and he argued that McCain is out of touch with those struggles.”

    Much better struggley, I think.

  36. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Obama’s campaign has come down to just one knob to twist.

    “Vote for me and I’ll give you free stuff”

  37. jc says:

    I am thinking boycott, but it can’t be toothless. Any suggestions?

  38. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – The legacy media is already being boycotted….circulation in every case is down across the board. They’re hoping if they can get him elected they can re-establish themselves. If not, a lot of journo’s are going to be looking for jobs. So they figure theres nothing to lose.

  39. jc says:

    Big Bang — I agree with you. I am just impatient. I want to look into the eyes of the MSM as they die and I want them to know I had a hand in their death no matter how small my contribution might be.

  40. Darleen says:

    Gibson betrays a horrible lack of understanding how government works, and it’s just a shame that Palin didn’t nail him on it.

    Monster, not Palin’s fault. She was acting in good faith that this was, you know, an interview — a way for the audience to actually learn about Palin. All the while Gibson and ABC were deliberately trying to humiliate her. Gibson so he could later gather with his media pals and have them slap him on the back and congratulate him “You got her, Charlie! You really GOT HER!”


  41. ushie says:

    The Plasmatics…I remember Wendy O and her black electrician’s tape over her nips and the chainsaw and the shotgun and all the rest of it. I denounce my own memory for watching/hearing the Plasmatics.

  42. Merovign says:

    How do you get news that discredits the Gatekeepers past the Gatekeepers? Most people just aren’t going to know this, or any of the hundreds of thousands of other times they’ve been lied to by these scumbag newsreaders.

  43. Mikey NTH says:

    It would be worse if it wasn’t so obvious. Charlie probably got advice from Dan Rather and actually used it.

  44. RR Ryan says:

    Ushie-I’m glad someone remembers Wendy. I met her not too long after the first album and she was delightful. She was polite, thoughtful and considerate, much like a lot of punks at the time. As Elvis Costello said much later: the deep, dark secret of punk was that they all loved ABBA.

  45. Most people just aren’t going to know this

    Merovign: They know.

  46. Merovign says:

    SBP – people get the general idea, but my “this” was the specific case… after specific case… after specific case.

    Not without reason, people’s natural inclination is to accept information that’s delivered publicly, especially by multiple sources. Now, you can sit at home and have the “big three” tell you the same lie. And then not mention it afterward, leaving anyone who doesn’t do their own research to either believe it’s true or just have a vague impression that they were lied to.

    Even people with that vague impression sometimes just accept (in the back of their heads) the propaganda because it’s all they heard, even if they don’t really trust the source.

    The biggest problem is that the MSM sources don’t really go after each other – it’s too much “old boys club” and not enough cannibalism in journalism.

  47. Merovign says:

    On the other hand, I just read that UPI (has-been though they may be) just smacked ABC over that interview – if we could get a little more of that, the so-far non-existent self-policing of the MSM could get a little defibrillator action on the fourth estate.

  48. MAJ (P) John says:

    I always thought Joe Jackson was rather advanced for his time. And Jeff too.

  49. […] None of those questions, apparently, is about the way ABC edited the material or about the differences between how Gibson treated Palin versus Obama.  It’s also a bit funny that the writer is concerned that Palin hasn’t been asked enough about domestic issues. […]

  50. Slartibartfast says:

    I’d never heard of Crack the Sky until just now. My music-trivia bonafides are officially toast.

    I wonder if Democrats are going to jump all over Obama for using a national disaster as a campaign device? I’m guessing probably not, because he could only have the purest of motives.

  51. ushie says:

    RR Ryan said: “the deep, dark secret of punk was that they all loved ABBA.”

    Great. Now I have to go all fetal and cry.

  52. lee says:

    So, book banning bad, but jeez, we can’t let the people hear all THIS1

  53. Velociman says:

    I’m pretty sure Wendy O. Williams spit on me. Not adamant, mind you, but at any rate I haven’t washed my face in 26 years. Just in case.

  54. kvnmnnng says:

    crack the sky?? did you grow up in Baltimore?

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