
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


What price, unity? (Or: “bitch best have my money!”)

From the AP:

A black delegate for Hillary Rodham Clinton says she was called an “Uncle Tom” by Illinois Senate President Emil Jones, one of Barack Obama’s political mentors.

Chicago political consultant Delmarie Cobb says Jones made the remarks Saturday night while discussing her support for Clinton. She called the remark “fighting words” and unacceptable.

Jones, who also is black, said Monday that he never uttered the slur. He says he referred to Cobb and other Clinton supporters as “doubting Thomases.”

Cobb says that explanation doesn’t make sense because she confronted Jones at the time and he didn’t indicate she’d misunderstood.

A dispute within the Illinois delegation could distract from the unity message Obama is trying to deliver this week.

— Which, whose fault would that be, exactly? I’ll tell you whose fault: Ms Delmarie Cobb’s, that’s who!

Because remember: you can’t have “unity” when some uppity, inauthentic black chick presumes to deviate from the Obamalot message. Which is that this is a post-racial candidacy being run by a post-racial candidate in what will be (should this country’s racist honkies put him in charge, allowing Michelle to let go a single poignant tear of patriotic pride) a post-racial nation.

And any backtalking Hillary ho’ who spoils that unity — and with it, the Hope and the Change that an Obama/Biden ticket promises the world — deserves a nice pimp slap.

Bitch had it coming, frankly.


(h/t Terry Hastings)

253 Replies to “What price, unity? (Or: “bitch best have my money!”)”

  1. Fresh Air says:

    I don’t know, Jeff. Should she have at least been called an “Aunt Tom”? Can’t these people get their slurs right? Do they have to be niggardly with their apostate adjectives?

  2. Huey says:

    What’s with all this “unity” crap? I just got used to “our strength is in our diversity”. Don’t tell me I am going to have to rewrite all the slogans on my underwear.

  3. bigbooner says:

    Maybe she wasn’t well groomed.

  4. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Because, lets face it, given the entire Obamalot nation is based on “perceptions”, once they are in power we will all be rich beyond our dreams as we stand astride that alley cat and piss in his ear after a nutritious lunch from the dumpster.

    – Unless of course you’re a member of one of the protected identity groups, in which case you’ll be getting your gov. check regularly from some Mofo rich prick. We’ll show those greedy bastards.

    – Oh, and universal health stash for everyone. Damn straight.

  5. happyfeet says:

    Emil should say he’s sorry for calling Delmarie a race traitor I think. She doesn’t deserve that, and it was very brave of her to come forward I think.

  6. Salt Lick says:

    Jones, who also is black, said Monday that he never uttered the slur.

    ‘Course, you have to ask why it’s a slur. Growing up in Mississippi, I got called “nigger-lover” plenty for decrying segregation. So when will “Uncle Tom” become mostly a statement about the speaker?

  7. Salt Lick says:

    I mean, why can’t the guy just look past race and call her a feminazi?

  8. mojo says:

    “…not just some of my money, ALL my money!”

  9. BJTexs says:

    The Obamatons: They don’t seem to like them the womyns.

    Good grief, it’s only the end of August. We already have one leftist columnist calling McCain’s advertising “scurrilous character attacks,” a salon writer who has surveyed the landscape and suggests that racism will be the difference if Obama loses, a media kerfuffle over McCain not knowing how many houses he owns when it is more telling that he didn’t know that he owned none, a former Hillary delegate doing a campaign ad for McCain, white girls and phallic visual accusations, Celebrity as the “C-word,” Biden’s racial insensitivity as a “strength” and the ongoing debate that the MSM is more sexist than racist.

    It’s like the Millennial Identity Politics Olympics on Steroids!!!

    BTW: One breathless radio reporter today (female) gushed that this is a “very, very historic convention” because Hillary was speaking on the anniversary of Woman’s Suffrage and Baracky will be orating on the anniversary of MLK’s “dream” speech.

    I swear, I swooned at the transcendent eonic historification of it all!!!

    Open question: On Obama’s endlessly playing TV ad here in PA his opening policy point is “to put the middle class before corporations to grow the economy.” Would somebody, anybody (thor?) be willing to explain how that works? My business school education is tucked in a corner in the fetal position, softly mewling.

  10. McGehee says:

    What’s with all this “unity” crap? I just got used to “our strength is in our diversity”.

    Oh, the Obamarrhoids love diversity — as long as everybody thinks alike.

  11. Pablo says:

    This is shaping up to be the best convention evah!

    LGF has the inimitable Zombie on the scene, Hot Air has Jason Mattera covering the external festivities, and Ms. Malkin is apparently working on an inside job.

    We can only hope, finger willing, for some DNC a la Goldstein. That shit would rock.

  12. happyfeet says:

    Baracky is obsessed with class warfare. I think this is cause his mom didn’t want him around and his daddy wanted nothing to do with him. So he sort of externalized his abandonment issues. Maybe winning the presidency would be a healing thing for him, but I think he would probably still feel kind of empty inside.

  13. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Well, after all, identity group overlap, in a practical sense, is simply unavoidable. Which is all good too if it means more than one check a month. You have to keep you eye on the ball.

    – BTW. So far all the talking heads at the Convention are making it clear that this miniscal 52% of ner’do wells that are saying they don’t support Obama are vastly over rated.

    – So comforting for the Dems to finally clear that up. Now if they can bury the balloting with a straight up voice vote whitewash, and keep all the Feminazi’s off the convention floor.

  14. Semanticleo says:

    “Bitch had it coming, frankly.”

    Yeah. What an ‘uppity’ female.

  15. Sdferr says:

    “They are not my people!”

    Obama’s mom, from his first book.

  16. Carin says:

    I wondered if Zombie was going to be there. I swear, looking at those pictures (at LGF) I just can’t help but wonder WTF is wrong with these people. I wonder how people refrain from just laughing?

  17. happyfeet says:

    Baracky’s woman is going to give a speech tonight. She wants to come off as a good mother that’s Just Like Us is what I heard. But being Baracky’s woman means you are not Just Like Us at all, so she’s either clueless or she thinks we are. It’s kind of confusing. I think she needs to say these things to feel better about how angry she is all the time.

  18. Pablo says:

    Well, yeah, feets. But then Senator Anvilhead is going to suck up all the oxygen and probably the alcohol, so M’chelle may be like the tree falling in the forest. Don’t expect beautiful flowers.

  19. Salt Lick says:

    happy — Wikipedia says “The couple’s first date was to the Spike Lee movie ‘Do the Right Thing.'” So maybe the trouble started then. When I returned from Africa in ’79, my Mexican neighbor said “Roots” was why all our black neighbors were so rude. I dunno. I think Rodney King was right.

  20. urthshu says:

    Its not like he called her a “race traitor” or something like that. Or maybe he did. I can’t keep up on this shit.

  21. Squid says:

    You have to keep you eye on the ball.

    I have to keep an eye on my balls, is more like it.

  22. Salt Lick says:

    You know what would be cool — Obama coming out at the convention with his face painted like a rainbow. I think that would settle a lot of questions.

  23. happyfeet says:

    They have so much emotional baggage, Baracky and his woman. It’s like they use race as a crutch. It’s like those fat people who cling to their fat cause they’ve internalized it to where it’s integral to their identity.

  24. BJTexs says:

    You know what would be cool — Obama coming out at the convention with his face painted like a rainbow. I think that would settle a lot of questions.

    Riding a Unicorn. (*sigh*)

  25. Pablo says:

    Oh, duh. The convention is being called to order. By Howie “Yeeeearrrrh!” Dean.

    This is gonna be awesome.

  26. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – I don’t know Pablo. Awesome is probably the right word for it, but I think it will be more in the nature of a Keystone cop reel with the fire engine guys hanging off the end of the ladder swinging over traffic than the things people anticipate.

    – IOW, more like “Yeeeearrrrh!” moments. They have so many fringe lunatic groups to deal with, and the MSM Press wants to paint the “unity” face on everything, so they’ll downplay the protesters as much as they can.

    – FOX may not even cover the “opposition” that much. Some of their roving reporters got accosted yesterday when they tried doing interviews amid the outside crowd, so they may feel its better to stay on the Convention floor where its safe.

    – Bill Crystal had an interesting idea when he suggested the Hillery supporters should try to put her name on the VP ballot. Would that be a hoot if she beat Biden right off the bat or what.

  27. dre says:

    David Thomson Says:
    August 25th, 2008 at 4:48 PM

    “What do Obama and Osama have in common? Both of them have terrorist friends who bombed the Pentagon.”

  28. B Moe says:

    @11 the Jason Mattera stuff is a hoot. He asked one moral equivalancer when she thought one of those other countries was going to come over here and free us from the evil Bush. The look on her face was priceless.

  29. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    I wonder if this bitch is seen more of as a ho than a trick by the obamorons. The late Stephanie Tubbs Jones, who I was no fan of politically, was accused of being an uncle tom by some of my mensa quality co-workers. Stray but a little and the quest is doomed for failure…

  30. Mikey NTH says:

    These intra-party generational fights are interesting to watch for those of us who are fans of the political game.

    #12 Haps:

    I dunno; I don’t think I want a post-WWII novel about the alienation of youth and the search for parental acceptance played out in the oval office. Seems a little too ‘ripped from today’s headlines’ for my comfort.

  31. B Moe says:

    Stray but a little and the quest is doomed for failure…

    The mobs aggro and link way bad.

  32. JHoward says:

    Comment by Semanticleo on 8/25 @ 2:23 pm #

    Sarcasm eludes ‘clio. And the very stars tumble from the firmament.

    So anyway, if you loudly pointed out to the moonbattery that as a relatively simple matter of civilization you could choose either freedom or benefits — and you had — would that have any impact at all at the DNC? I mean, they have this bigass projection system and the Hollywood production standards and all. So there it is, emblazoned in ten foot letters at about a million lumens. “Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither.” -Franklin.

    You can hear a pin drop. Then a terrible scream issues forth from the projection room and is cut short. And the deafening din resumes, The Messiah at center stage shelling out hope in the form of thousands of foul-smelling little brown bottles…

  33. happyfeet says:

    I don’t think there’s any danger Baracky will win, Mikey, or it would be really kind of scary.

  34. Andrew the Noisy says:

    This all sounds lovely. The popcorn had grown cold.

  35. dre says:

    “I don’t think there’s any danger Baracky will win, ”

    At this point it looks more like Comedy Central. The progs were “Blinded by the Light” to their Laurel and Hardy nominees.

  36. Tman says:

    Hillary’s $24 million campaign debt: “You know, I’m not just some sort of blue dress with a stain on it…You can’t just put me in with the rest of the dry cleaning and expect me to disappear…..I’ll be in this corner, arms folded waiting for one of you punks to come take care of me while you get stoned with those freaks from Boulder.”

  37. Mikey NTH says:

    #32 JHoward:

    I think the quote was “Those who would sacrifice liberty, for a little security, deserve neither liberty nor security.”

    #33 Haps:

    If my parents are any indication (late 70’s, regular voters, Democrats to the core, will not vote for Obama due to the associations with the SDS, etc.) then Obama will not win.*

    The next eight years when my parents and those like them pass from the scene and the next group of regular (senior citizen) voters come onto scene will be interesting. The last big fight of the baby-boomers will be amongst the seventy and eighty year old voters. There we will see whether the old MSM projection will be maintained or whether it will fail under the last real statistical analysis.

    *I saw the folks again this weekend. Mom was pretty vocal. Dad was less emphatic (he was always a fan of political football and likes to work out what it all means) but as we were standing by the grill he said he thought McCain had it wrapped up. And mom and dad are the most sensible people I know, I take what they say seriously. They are a good measure (for me) about what a particular demographic thinks.

  38. dre says:

    Comment by Mikey NTH on 8/25 @ 5:43 pm #

    Same here with my parents here in W. PA.

  39. happyfeet says:

    My sense is the polls spell doom for Baracky already. His marketing peaked too soon, and there’s nothing to be done for it now. I don’t know any sensible people here but what I can tell you anecdotally is that the extent to which Democrats are sensitized to liberal media bias is unprecedented, and they don’t all think it’s cool.

  40. mojo says:

    The quote is Franklin:
    “Those who would sacrifice an essential liberty in order to gain a little temporary security deserve neither liberty nor security.”

  41. Sdferr says:

    Michelle seems to like purple. She looks ok in purple too, much better than that gray baggie thing she wore when she admitted to finding pride in her country for the first time. That thing looked like gym sweats. Purple won’t help Baracky win though. Or keep her children in fresh fruit. Don’t care what Alice says.

  42. Mikey NTH says:

    #39 Haps:

    Advertisement – hype, bally-hoo – is one thing. But when you are dealing with a steady hard-core voter demographic then you have to actually have something. The demographic will change over the next eight years, they will all be baby-boomers as opposed to WWII veterans and their little brothers and sisters. This current group does not, will not, give the office to someone who dislikes the country. They still fly the flag and love the land it represents, and are not politically friendly to anyone who does otherwise*. To them, when John McCain walks by, the flag waves,** they can see faults and places for improvement, but the base – to them – is sound. They love their land.

    *William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright – they do not play well with a voting block like that.
    **I think it was Gerard VanDerLeun who said that, though I could be wrong.

    P.S. – I just got a fifty-cent piece in change! I love those coins, they are so substantial to heft! It’s like you have real money!

    P.P.S. – I am not a Pon Raulian.

  43. The Lost Dog says:

    I think a lot of black Clinton supporters are going to find out what it’s like to be a conservative this week.

    Leave the “accepted narrative” and “you ain’t shit, you stinkin’ oreo!”

    ObamaLamaDingDong is the LORD!

    These leftist/Marxist hammer wielders ARE fascists, and seem to be uninterested in trying to hide it anymore. What was once reserved for Repubs/Conservatives is now being dumped on the head of blacks who are not licking Obama’s butt. DO NOT STRAY FROM THE NARRATIVE!!!, or you will be thumped.

    I fervently hope that this is a wake up call to so many in the black community to the fascism (and racism) that the left endorses, and how it is the left that wants to keep blacks “on the plantation”.

    I love the way the left tells blacks and other minorities that “You ain’t smart enough to make it without us!” And then they call me a racist!

    You guys are twisted – and way fucked up.

    “Give us your vote, and we will ignore the real problems that plague your community, but promise you the riches of Solomon”.


    The Lost (sick of this browbeating “narrative”) Dog.

    Come and get me, thor. You are not smart enough to lick my boots properly.

    And do you know how I know that? You are a lemming, running purely on hubris. (I am so much more caring and smarter than TLD, the poor thing) A lemming who just can’t wait to throw itself off the cliff.

    You may think you are an intellectual, but if you do, that’s the problem. Your concieted claim to intellectualism is just a barbed wire fence to keep reality out of your life.

    I guarantee that if you get what you want, you will be one sorry MoFo.

    And I still wouldn’t mind having a beer with you. You are one of the more civil leftists. I think we could have a great argument without the fisticuffs.

    I can see it now.

    “You’re stupid!”

    No! You’re stupid!”


  44. Darleen says:

    Oh I tried, I really did…

    I turned on the live coverage of the Dem thingy and it was Pelosi speaking … I could take only about 30 seconds of her saying “and two years ago we elected Democratic majorities to make REAL change….” and I had to stop watching or throw the tv out the window.

    What a cuntifiable liar Ms. Botox is…

  45. dre says:

    “Comment by Darleen on 8/25 @ 6:21 pm #

    Oh I tried, I really did…”

    These folks are like Monty Python. A troupe not a duo.

  46. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I thought about watching it, but then I realized that anything good is going to be on YouTube by tomorrow morning anyway.

  47. Mikey NTH says:

    The best thing about having the convention in Denver (The Mile High City) is that it takes fewer drinks to get a delegate drunk.

    So they are saving money right there.

  48. dre says:

    Blow Back My Friends:

    “DENVER, CO (Archdiocese of Denver) – The Bishops of the Archdiocese of Denver, Colorado, site of the Democratic convention, issued a letter directed to the faithful of the Archdiocese of Denver entitled “Separation of Sense and State: A Clarification for the People of the Church in Northern Colorado.We set forth this fine letter for the readers of Catholic Online in its entirety:

    To Catholics of the Archdiocese of Denver:

    Catholic public leaders inconvenienced by the abortion debate tend to take a hard line in talking about the “separation of Church and state.” But their idea of separation often seems to work one way.

    In fact, some officials also seem comfortable in the role of theologian. And that warrants some interest,not as a “political” issue, but as a matter of accuracy and justice.

    Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is a gifted public servant of strong convictions and many professional skills. Regrettably, knowledge of Catholic history and teaching does not seem to be one of them. ”

  49. Sdferr says:

    Yee-ikes! I just saw this transcript of a new Obama ad.:

    ” Barack Obama: I’m Barack Obama and I approved this message.

    ANNCR: With all our problems, why is John McCain talking about the sixties, trying to link Barack Obama to radical Bill Ayers?

    McCain knows Obama denounced Ayers’ crimes, committed when Obama was just eight years old.

    Let’s talk about standing up for America today.

    John McCain wants to spend $10 Billion a month in Iraq, tax breaks for corporations that ship jobs overseas, selling out American workers.

    John McCain, just more of the same.”

    Oh, do please, open the door a little wider Sen. Obama.

  50. The Lost Dog says:

    Comment by Pablo on 8/25 @ 2:10 pm #

    This is shaping up to be the best convention evah!

    LGF has the inimitable Zombie on the scene, Hot Air has Jason Mattera covering the external festivities, and Ms. Malkin is apparently working on an inside job.

    We can only hope, finger willing, for some DNC a la Goldstein. That shit would rock.

    After watching the covrrage of the streets of Denver today, I have to repeat this.

    I wouldn’t go to Denver in any thing less than an M1-A1 Abrahms tank.

    Jeff, if you actually go there, you are a better man than I Gunga Din.

    But it would be way cool if you did. I think you could fit in better if you painted half of your face in green, and the other half in white, and walked around screaming: “Fuck Starbucks!”

    Can’t we just Tase all these people and stick them in Mile High Stadium for Barracky’s (reminiscent of Hitler) acceptance speech?

    That could be amusing…

  51. Darleen says:


    I heard about that letter on Hugh Hewitt this afternoon.

    Nancy “ardent Catholic” really really stepped in it yesterday. Russert would have never let her get away with her lying about Catholic teaching.

    Ditto her line “My Republican colleagues don’t believe in contraception”

    WHAT the fuck is she talking about? Can someone name me a Repub Congresscritter out to ban condoms and The Pill?

  52. McGehee says:

    Out to dinner tonight, at Red Robin where three out of four TV screens we could see were tuned to the Demvention.

    Behind me a “diverse” party at the next booth were talking about Obama, and one said he thought Obama supporters would feel kind of stupid if he, upon becoming president, turned out to be as weird as his background seemed to suggest. I didn’t hear anyone there offering counter-arguments.

    Anecdote is not the signular of data, and this is a particularly red county in a safely red state, but still…

  53. The Lost Dog says:

    Obama is a joke who would never have made dog catcher when I was young. It is scary wgat the Proggs have done to this country.

    But win or lose, O! makes me laugh.

    He is an idiot with no ideas of his own, other than to “Fuck the rich”.

    As far as I can tell, this man has said absolutely nothing, except that he hates America. If he wins, que sera, sera.

    I just don’t think anybody will vote for him once McCain dismantles him in the debate.

    But, on the other hand, I am pretty sure Obama will find a reason NOT to debate McCain, because O! knows that McCain will show what an empty, lying piece of..whatever..O! is.

    Even I understand reality better than O!

    And I haven’t spent that much time in reality myself.

  54. B Moe says:

    Two hours in and CNN analysts are starting to marvel at the lack of substance or message so far.

  55. Darleen says:

    B Moe

    I wonder what “reporting for duty” moment will make it to Youtube tomorrow?

    I heard mention today that this is the first President/VP ticket where neither nominee has any military experience

    in 68 years

  56. dre says:

    “We are all in this together”
    Caroline K

    Monty Python

  57. B Moe says:

    My impressions so far: the Democrats are approaching being a party of pure rhetoric, with no substance to hold them back at all, and that if they want to work the McCain age angle they need to get those walking fucking cadaver Kennedy and Shriver chicks out of camera range.

  58. Pablo says:

    Opening line in the tribute to Senator Anvilhead: “The sea has always been a metaphor for life for me.”

    Mary Jo Kopechne, not so much.

  59. B Moe says:

    Makes me want to re-open my World of Warcraft account and roll a couple of Undead females named Maria and Caroline. Maybe make it three and name another one Mary Jo.

  60. Pablo says:

    sdferr @ 49

    With all our problems, why is John McCain talking about the sixties, trying to link Barack Obama to radical Bill Ayers?

    Radical? Didn’t Baracky tell us Ayers was “mainstream” and “respectable”? I think Ayers just got chucked under the bus.

  61. SevenEleventy says:

    WTF is Teddy talking about? God, it’s like watching Dick Clark doing the New Years Eve special!

  62. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I think Ayers just got chucked under the bus.

    And McCain’s media team is busy scraping up all those stinking, maggot-ridden meat flapjacks in preparation for inserting them through Obama’s mail slot at an opportune time.

  63. dre says:

    “O! will close the book on race”
    T Kennedy

    Yea dude have another took.

  64. happyfeet says:

    Yeah but we should wait and see what Brendan Loy thinks. Cause he’s so interesting.

  65. The Lost Dog says:

    I am laughing.

    This old fat fuck of a murderer is telling us that “change is coming”? Is Marx coming back, you stupid, worthless, murdering fuck?

    Is this the Demvention, or is this a caricature of SNL?

    The people I am seeing trying to boost Obama are the biggest assholes in the Democratic party. “We are reaching out to young Christians”. Hilarious.

    Tax relief!


    Rebuild the economy? How the fuck do you do that when you are pushing as hard as you can to put oil prices through the roof and raise taxes on the “rich”?


    That’s like saying my car runs better with no gas in the gas tank.

    The Democratic convention looks more like a national clown conventiom. Wexler? Give me a break. This man is not only one of the stupidest men I have ever seen in Congress, but probably one of the stupidest people I have ever seen anywhere. It’s amazing how old ladies can be snookered by a moron like this.

    And who is this shill pretending to be a young Christian with an “open mind”?

    I thought this convention would upset me, but so far, it has only made me laugh.

    Go, Dems!!!!!!! Thanks for the laughs!

    Can’t wait for Michelle to tell me how noble and hot her beloved puff fart is…

  66. The Lost Dog says:

    “Mary Jo Kopechne, not so much.”


    I think you meant: “Tidal ponds, not so much”.

    Mary Joe was just erratica to “the Swimmer”. No. I didn’t say “erotica”, though I would not vouch for what “The Swimmer” was thinking – other than begging his aides to take the fall for him.

    It seems the Theodore was more concerned with his suit being wet than he was about Mary Jo’s life.

    I love the compassion of the left, and especially their leadership…

  67. Darleen says:

    Oh lordy, I just heard snakehead Carville say “If this place has any type of message to give, they sure are hidin’ it.”

  68. dre says:


    It is all about the comedy!

  69. happyfeet says:

    NPR is finding messages all over. The concerns about the economy will trump disappointment about Hillary and also Republicans are mean mean mean. They’re so mean. And also they lie.

  70. dre says:

    “Steel plant closings”

    Which ones and where in Chicago?

  71. happyfeet says:

    Actually the NPR coverage has the same tone as when they do their pledge drives where it’s babble babble babble and oh also more vapid babble as long as they keep bringing it back to how orgasmical Baracky is with all the orgasms they’re having. It’s all very sloshy and moist.

  72. JHoward says:

    It is all about the comedy!

    This is staggering. They’re just making this crap up. Who paid this Claire McCaskill clown to say all this apple pie, truck driver nonsense? Tax relief? Barak Obama sees?

  73. lee says:

    I really appreciate you guys (sorta) live blogging this. I guess I have a sensitive gag reflex, and can’t watch first hand.

  74. dre says:

    “Michelle has always reached out to others” by getting Rezko’s firm to get these losers to go down the street. You cheap bastards don’t use MY HOSPITAL. Comedy gold.

  75. JHoward says:

    It’s rubbish, lee. It’s stomach-turning.

  76. B Moe says:

    It is kind of touching watching the Michelle Obama story thing. Interesting that she came from a traditional two parent family where dad had a good job and mom raised the two kids and they both turned out just fine. I’ll bet Michelle really stresses the importance of people keeping their shit together and being responsible parents, and how glorifying irresponsibility is destroying America.

    Yeah, I’ll bet that is what she says.

  77. dre says:

    Didn’t you folks name a “water filtration plant” in SanFranNan’s backyard the George W. Bush plant?

  78. happyfeet says:

    Michelle wants MAJOR points for taking care of her children. She’s really a lot proud of herself. For depriving those little girls of fruit she thinks she’s goddamn mother of the year. Pitiful.

  79. JHoward says:

    Assuming we need a nanny, B Moe. Or they have the right to impose one.

    This is just about Phariseeical. Except for all the middle Americanna, the hot, steaming apple deserts, cherished mothers, adoring daughters, and the utterly genuine invocations to the living God, I mean.

  80. JHoward says:

    Gosh, they really are us. x300,000,000. Imagine that.

    And here she comes, the “impassioned public servant”…

  81. happyfeet says:

    She also wants points for loving her husband. He got her a big fat raise so I should think so.

  82. lee says:

    Remember the days when we thought Hill and Bill were the worst thing that could happen to America?

    It’s true, everything is relative…

    That’s why Jeff, when cleaning his nasty wound tonight, should thank his lucky stars it wasn’t his scrotum that blender attacked.

  83. happyfeet says:

    She sure is a corn poney little thing isn’t she for a yankee.

  84. happyfeet says:

    oh. Whoever wrote her speech was an Angel fan.

  85. happyfeet says:

    That was a show about vampires. Not all of y’all maybe know that one.

  86. dre says:

    Dr. King was a REPUBLICAN!

  87. dre says:

    Michelle my bell you make $300,000/yr Fuck You

  88. dre says:

    Hey M. Obama YOU Fuck all the kids of Chicago DAILY AND AYERS.

  89. JHoward says:

    Well, she just delivered the exclusive morality thing: We know how things should be. We know how the world should be

    I think that’s the end of this candidacy, at least as a serious try at the Oval Office. (Surely it’ll continue to play well in wannabee dependent’s homes for weeks.)

    Or are we really that foolish?

  90. happyfeet says:

    you make $300,000/yr

    It’s public service though you ingrate. She will take a huge paycut to be first lady. And so will we.

  91. thor says:

    Michelle Obama just landed a thunderous uppercut to the r-wing hater-dopes.

    What a knock down speech that was.

    Down goes Reagan! Down goes Reagan!

  92. JHoward says:

    I really liked the giant nose-bending sniff right in the middle of it, thor.


  93. JHoward says:

    Nice prayer, huh thor?

  94. dre says:

    “Down goes Reagan! Down goes Reagan!”

    Comrades! Embrace Communism NOW!

  95. happyfeet says:

    Maybe it was better on tv. It was really vacuous mostly except for the shrill parts I thought. For real she didn’t really sell the part where she described her $300K+ a year job as public service and pretended she was some sort of aw shucks PTA minivan mom. I think that’s easier to believe for people that watch a lot of tv though, so you may have a point maybe. But the degree to which NPR is gushing over her usually means they know she needs a little help.

  96. happyfeet says:

    See this is the part during the Republican convention where NPR will keep emphasizing that it’s staged and orchestrated and all made for tv and conventions used to mean something but not anymore.

  97. dre says:

    the last thought is right on.

  98. B Moe says:

    That speech reminded me of an anarchist chick I was trying to fuck once. She was all into Crime and Punishment and wanted me to read it. I did and told her I thought it was a damn good book, she said she loved most of it but was pissed Dostoevsky sold out at the end to Christianity. She thought the little murderer was completely justified, Christianity sucked, and the ending completely ruined the book.

    I kind of felt the same way about Michelle’s speech. She gave this great personal responsibility speech about hard work and dedication and devotion to family and working for your dreams and not accepting failure… and then ends it with a giant paean to Populism and the Nannystate.

    Cognitive dissonance is these folks natural state I suppose.

  99. thor says:

    While others were feeling the presence of God, BMoe felt Michelle’s hand move him toward the floor.

    Immortal was Michell’s smackdown. What a masterful beating! She left Bmoe a delirious two-legged animal struggling to stand.


  100. B Moe says:

    I was convulsed with laughter when they paraded the children out and had that outrageous conference call with The God Who Dribbles Like A Man.

  101. Sdferr says:

    I couldn’t watch it, Michelle I mean. Made pancakes instead. Did see Teddy K. though, in a rerun background to talking heads talking in foreground. He looked good I thought. Healthy, like he’s been dried out for weeks for the first time in years. And incredibly well shaven.

  102. B Moe says:

    I didn’t mind watching Michelle, she got a fine ass, it was nice to see a Democrat matriarch with some meat on her bones, frankly. Watching her is fine, listening with a straight face was my problem.

  103. Sdferr says:

    It’s odd now-a-days to notice looking at some poobah or poobette on the TV and thinking, wow, jeez, those teeth are bleached, sure enough. Too damned white to be real almost. Wonder what else about that person is a fake? Seems counter to the purpose of the bleaching.

  104. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    The Dimiots were forced to devote an ebtire convention night, trying to patch up the leaks in the Bbama’s image. Thats and expensive deal.

    – Moreso since tomorrow night is Hillerys, and Billery the next night. It remains to be seen if Obama can make his case in a single overblown setting, once again going with the rock star theme. Doubtful.

    – He got no bump from Biden, yet again falling short of expectations. If he gets no bump from the Convention hes going against precidence of no small amount, considering that past Democratic candidates classically needed a 12 to 15 point lead going into the debates to stand much of a chance. Worse because his entire campaign is based on the cult of personality celeb approach, and typically, once a celeb’s meteor flounders, it seldom recovers,

    – My assessment; The Obama’s are good people. The middle America Cleaver Beavers. If they were trying for parts in a new family based sitcom, they’d have the inside track. Him as President based on that, not any way. PONTUS is not Mr. Dobbs goes to Washington.

    – Obama had better make some hay in the next few nights.

  105. Pablo says:

    He looked good I thought. Healthy, like he’s been dried out for weeks for the first time in years.

    Usually, the most obvious outward sign is bloating from the steroids he’s most certainly on. Not a problem for Teddy.

  106. Pablo says:

    While others were feeling the presence of God…

    Oh, yeah. thor’s not insane or anything.

  107. JHoward says:

    when they paraded the children out

    All the gravitas of American Idol it had, the whole pandering, laughable episode.

  108. happyfeet says:

    The Obama’s are way not good people. Good lord. Might as well say you looked into his eye and got a sense of his soul for how much you’ll regret that one if they get in office.

  109. happyfeet says:

    They are bad people that will make you join a corp for social justice and take your monies and give it to unions and trial lawyers is what they’ll do.

  110. happyfeet says:

    Also they hate jews.

  111. JHoward says:

    After that performance, ‘feets, you don’t have much to worry about. This party is amateur hour.

  112. B Moe says:

    I do have to give Maria Shriver props for not just blowing off, but literally laughing in Wolf Blitzer’s face when he asked about the thought process of not vetting Hillary.

  113. Sdferr says:

    She says in her speech tonight, “…what struck me when I first met Barack was that even though he had this funny name, even though he’d grown up all the way across the continent in Hawaii, his family was so much like mine. …”.

    I don’t believe that’s what first struck her at all. That just seems delusional to me. Every following comparison she makes is a stretch to wave away the incongruity.

  114. B Moe says:

    I like the bit about being raised by a single mother. If you plan on reinventing your past like that you probably shouldn’t write so many autobiographies, you dig?

  115. mojo says:

    I’m starting to forsee… an ambassadorship for Hillary… it’s to Equatorial Guinea… Bill is carrying the luggage…

  116. happyfeet says:

    oh. NPR did the McCain plagiarized Solzhenitsyn smear up big today. The guest what helped blogs here.

  117. B Moe says:

    Nobody pointed out that Solzhenitsyn never told that story?

  118. Sdferr says:

    Nice call out on the guy over there with the God-O-Meter, hf. I still really don’t like the NPR. To use one of Darleen’s not nice words, they’re cunts, plain and simple.

  119. lee says:

    – My assessment; The Obama’s are good people.

    Good Lord BBH, have you been using drugs?



    Rev. Wright.

    “Oh, by the way, did I mention he’s black”

    “America is a mean country”

    These people are not good.

  120. Darleen says:


    It wasn’t just delusional, it was false. Michelle and O! are almost Chinese in their efforts to build a fantasy without structure or substance.

    By the time O!’s grandparents were raising him, they weren’t “working class” in the same way as ‘chelle’s. O! was a prep school kid and his typical white grandma was a bank VP.

  121. happyfeet says:

    The NPR I really listen to a lot less of cause it’s not useful for anything anymore. Used to be a sort of overview of contemporary socialist thought but now it’s all a loop of performance-enhancing drugs evil evil evil, gay marriage good good good, climate change scary scary scary and how Baracky makes us have intense shuddering orgasms. Shudder shudder shudder.

  122. happyfeet says:

    And, Katrina.

  123. Darleen says:

    I wish someone would point out that O!’s mom was a leach … I mean, “struggling” to get a masters/phd and using food stamps… nothing like making your neighbors pay for your education because you’re too good and fine to get a job. And a PhD so you can look down your nose at those money-grubbing running dog capitalists that made your PhD possible.

  124. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Alright guys and ga;s. Keep your powder dry. I was spwaking as a family, not in reference to his or her ideology or politics. they are closet Marxists without doubt, and for that reason no one with an once of sense should even entertain the idea of giving them the reins.

    – Thats an entirely different proposition from them as a family. I so despise the very ground the Socialists walk on, I wouldn’t hesitate a heart beat to make them all disappear had I the power. I probably won’t live to see the end of the Socialist movement, but hopefully my youngest son may.

    – Its an insipid cancer that plays on all the worst characteristics of the human state, and that is precisely why it continues to exist. Because that is true, it also contains the seeds of its own failure, as has been shown time after time for hundreds of years and millions of dead.

    – But for all of that, and as smarmy as the whole show/playact was, they do make a nice looking family.

  125. The Lost Dog says:

    Comment by lee on 8/25 @ 8:28 pm #

    I really appreciate you guys (sorta) live blogging this. I guess I have a sensitive gag reflex, and can’t watch first hand.


    I forced myself to watch some of this, fully expecting to gag within a minute.

    But it is a comedy! I can’t believe it! It is really pretty funny.

    I mean how much funnier can you get than to find a candidate’s wife who apparently has just figured out what America has always been about, and thinking that she has stumbled on the secret of the universe?

    It’s insulting, but her “discovery” made me laugh. I’m glad she finally figured it out, but she still needs to master the idea that most Americans will do whatever they can to help anyone in trouble, but the givernment was never meant to stick their greedy little fingers into our lives, and teach so many people that personal responsibility is a waste of time.

    We need a modern day Paul Revere to ride through the countryside yelling: “The children are coming! The children are coming!”

  126. The Lost Dog says:


    “giverment” was not a typo.

  127. The Lost Dog says:

    Well, “giverment” was, but “givernment” wasn’t.

  128. thor says:

    Comment by Darleen on 8/25 @ 10:24 pm #

    I wish someone would point out that O!’s mom was a leach … I mean, “struggling” to get a masters/phd and using food stamps… nothing like making your neighbors pay for your education because you’re too good and fine to get a job. And a PhD so you can look down your nose at those money-grubbing running dog capitalists that made your PhD possible.

    I wish someone would point out that O’s mom was a lecherous slut! I mean, a real “education slut!” who’d rape her neighbors pets to get an education! Using food stamps! And she’s dead! Looking down on others tombstones, eating free cheese, dancing on their graves, slutty, I tell ya! Running down heroine Saint Capitalista, who made the air she breathed possible! Unbelievable! Did I mention Obama’s mom’s a slut?

  129. thor says:

    Hahaha, the seething r-wingers are about to burst! They’re tearing their tits off! Oh the calamity, the horror! That uppity Negress, did you see her ambition, why the!!1seventy11!!1!! We’ll attack Fort Bono at 0100! Take their heads before sunrise! The intense stench may cause us to foam at the mouth! But desperation has us groping in the shadows! Groping, hand-signalling under the dividers!

    Stop them! Eat the Obama children first! Darkness will envelop our nation if we don’t stop them! Put cotton in your ears if they begin to scream! Prepare the guillotines!

    What a bunch of snotting little gropers the r-wingered infected are. The IQ of frogs!

  130. Rob Crawford says:

    Whew. Somebody left a steamer in the middle of the floor.

  131. thor says:

    Bring on the New Renaissance! I know I am Ready! Time to pistol-whip history’s blasphemous hucksters, the frothy foamers who slicken the bleeding steps to hell with their bile and sputum. The time is now for redress, to unmask the stupored and the sluttered and sick at heart. They’re drunk on what they got left in their guts. Pass me the matches!

    What can you do, they’ll all fault God, that’s all they’ll ever do! Coldly slap the faces of nothing! They’ve been jackals at every turn of history. And nothing purifies like a fire! May the smell from the flames bring back memories of all their catastrophes. The inferno of fleas and leeches, capitalists selling death notices, into the pyre! Their world only knows one thing and that’s how to rollover into a grave. Let’s see how alive they really are.

  132. Diana says:

    Had that vasectomy yet, thor? We’re still HOPING!!!!

  133. Rusty says:

    Thor into the ice again?

  134. thor says:

    Look at ’em Repubs lining up for some of their own trickle down. They didn’t know about borrowing money. They’ll be on their knees paying ransoms just to survive. What an unwanted gift they are to their children.

    Do you read a lot?

    Yes. Yes I do.

    Are you the Messiah?

    Yes I am, believe it.

    I save lots of money, as the Messiah, but I lose lot’s of sleep.

    What do you read?

    Architectural Digest, and lot’s of art theory!

    Are you really the Messiah?

    When I want the world I put it in a box and take it home with me.

    Believe it.

  135. I skipped the coverage last night. Instead, I went to bed and clung bitterly to my newly arrived copy of National Review.

  136. And, judging by what it’s done to thor’s brain … looks like I made the right choice.

  137. Rob Crawford says:

    OK, he’s definitely tipped over from “drunk” to “crazy”.

  138. SevenEleventy says:

    thor’s crazy dial(or is it a rheostat) goes to 11!

  139. thor says:

    All in good fun. I’m on the emotive rails again.

    Michelle Obama gave it to Shockley good. Kicked him in the groin until black blood oozed from his male appendage. A little extra dirt on his grave won’t hurt.

    She done good.

  140. […] B Moe, the bestest of the comments… That speech reminded me of an anarchist chick I was trying to fuck once. She was all into Crime and […]

  141. Patrick Chester says:

    The straw… it’s everywhere.

  142. Mikey NTH says:

    #136 Carin:
    thor seems to have a little too much invested in this race, emotionally speaking. Any gainsaying isn’t just political bickering, its a deadly personal insult. whatever happens in November, he will have a very bad four years.

    That’s my theory.

  143. Rob Crawford says:

    WTF does MObama have against the co-inventor of the transistor?

  144. thor says:

    Well, Rob, he was a legendary racist as well as a Noble Prize winner, as you might know.

    She cut into that face he could never save.

  145. N. O'Brain says:

    Here’s a question:

    What the fuck is Michelle running for?

  146. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by thor on 8/26 @ 6:52 am #

    Well, Rob, he was a legendary racist as well as a Noble Prize winner, as you might know.”

    Trust a fascist.

    Pot, meet kettle.

  147. Darleen says:

    thor doesn’t know his history. This country rarely elects a two-fer far left ticket. The Dems are desperate to frame Slow Joe as a moderate, but his rating as a far left voting record is 2nd only to Obamessiah. And there is a wealth of damning audio and votes to show it.

    Thor’s “enthusiasm” is dipped in hysteria because somewhere deep down he knows the odds for O! winning are shrinking by the moment. There was little bounce after the Ech bin Beginner speech and the ten or more point bounce after the convention will fade by October.

  148. thor says:

    That wagering money says Obama’s the winner. And you do believe in money, don’t you?

    The r-wingers desperately rolled out their slime early-on and still can’t catch the man.

    The Man’s too big. The Man’s too strong.

    You’re over.

  149. Mr. Pink says:

    Why is it people think they will win some magical prize if Obama wins the election? Kinda reminds me of the OJ trial where people literally went around cheering and clapping when he was found not guilty like they won the lottery. Like Chris Rock said alot people still around waiting for their OJ prizes to come in the mail.

  150. Mr. Pink says:

    “The r-wingers desperately rolled out their slime early-on and still can’t catch the man.”

    So you classify it as right wing slime that the guy associates with domestic terrorists and sits in a church for 20 years that preaches white people invented AIDS? Is there any negative thing he has done that is not some right wing invention to you?

  151. B Moe says:

    The God Who Dribbles Like A Man can do no wrong.

  152. Mr. Pink says:

    It seemed to me thor’s point was not only could he do no wrong, but any wrong that does is the right wing’s fault. So even if he murders puppies the Republicans made him do it.

  153. thor says:

    Obama’s little girls went on stage to spread some extra flowers on Shockley’s grave. Touching.

    There’s that New Renaissance. Come forth and bring it!

    Obama’s bride burned down the opera house like I said she would. Republicans fell from the balconies into the dust, killed by her Shakespearean touch.

    He’s got a nice family, eh.

  154. Mark A. Flacy says:

    Every thread should be renamed to “It’s all about thor!” since that seems to end up being the topic.I wish you guys would ignore the little shit.

  155. Darleen says:


    Even O! can’t defend the facts, but he is trying to pull a J. Edgar by siccing the Justice Department on an independent group that dared bring his longtime, warm, friendly association with domestic terrorist Ayers to light.

  156. thor says:

    Might you be next, D? The junior Senator from Illinois is directing the FBI and IRS all over America and you, well, you would be high on certain lists, that I’m sure of.

  157. Slartibartfast says:

    Obama’s bride burned down the opera house like I said she would.

    I had no idea. You know, there are doctors that can help out with stuff like that.

  158. Salt Lick says:

    I wonder what Obama’s little girls will remember of Sunday school when they’re grown? My memories are quite vivid in that regard. Love thy neighbor, that kind of stuff.

  159. Pablo says:

    Back in ’04, the wagering money was on President Kerry. When I collected my share, I believed in it and it believed in me.

    Thank you, Mr. Soros. And Diebold!!!

  160. thor says:

    Never close to two-to-one, P-blo.

    America loves its winners like an outhouse spider loves its flies.

    Michelle and Barack are MacDaddy winners. Three cheers for the boy King!

  161. fit says:

    Monday night was Gladys wife and the Pips (Jimmy, Nancy & Teddy)

  162. Slartibartfast says:

    Three cheers for the boy King!

    Frank Herbert had some interesting things to say about how conservatives were stick-in-the-mud nostalgia addicts, while liberals are closet monarchists. Interesting how right he continues to be.

  163. geoffb says:

    “well, you would be high on certain lists, that I’m sure of.”

    One of the high priorities on the Left. Lists of the names of those who will be taken care of when they get absolute power.

  164. JHoward says:

    You do know why McCain’s the obvious choice this time around, don’t you, thor? I mean, who would you choose when selecting between a lying lawyer Marxist married to a lying lawyer, a lying lawyer married to a Marxist, and a war hero married to a curvy bombshell who owns big shares in a beer company?

    You underestimate the sheer acuity of the average rube American. thor.

  165. Mr. Pink says:

    Does anyone else just want this circus to be over?

  166. JHoward says:

    But seriously, folks…

    What the fuck is Michelle running for?

    According to thor, the June Cleaver wholesomeness slash Karl Marx vote.

  167. Salt Lick says:

    Yeah, I’m trying to imagine how I’d feel today if I’d been baptized by a crazy ranter who preached hate. That’d be pretty weird if I could watch the old sermons on video. I’d ask, “What were Mom and Dad thinking? Why’d they take me there?”

    Assuming I’d not taken the “lessons” forward in life with me, of course.

  168. JHoward says:

    Why is it people think they will win some magical prize if Obama wins the election?

    Because they can.

  169. cynn says:

    You pitbulls can let go of the Evil Preacher meme any time now. It doesn’t seem to have profoundly resonated with the population at large.

  170. Salt Lick says:

    ‘Course if anyone attacked my mom or dad, I’d give ’em hell. There’s a certain kind of bonding goes on, ya know.

  171. JHoward says:

    Wrong thread, cynn. As usual.

  172. Salt Lick says:

    Of course it hasn’t, cynn. That’s why Obama polls so far ahead of McCain these days.

  173. Rob Crawford says:

    You pitbulls can let go of the Evil Preacher meme any time now.

    The leftards have never stopped bleating about the “stolen election”. Here’s a legitimate issue — the Democrats’ standard bearer spent 20 years in a race-hatred church — and we’re supposed to MoveOn?

    No wonder Byrd is so comfortable on the left.

  174. Mr. Pink says:

    I think they are so willing to move on from the fact he sat there and clapped for that crap for 20 years because they think they were only hating on white Republicans. Then it’s ok.

  175. cynn says:

    Hard righties wouldn’t vote for Obama under any circumstances. Even Hillary fans couldn’t bang the Wright drum hard enough. If that issue were to really turn the base against him, Obama would have been out on his ass months ago.

  176. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    This isn’t going to be about the “base”, cynn. It’s going to be about that big chunk in the middle that hasn’t been paying much attention to politics before now.

    Wait until the 527s start four-walling excerpts from the Good Reverend’s Greatest Hits DVD.

  177. cynn says:

    and JHoward, what is wrong with you?

  178. BJTexs says:

    If that issue were to really turn the base against him, Obama would have been out on his ass months ago.

    Which says a lot about the quality of Democratic Presidential Candidates, doesn’t it?

  179. cynn says:

    Maybe, Spies. We’ll just have to see how sludge-tolerant the electorate is this time.

  180. Mr. Pink says:

    It won’t turn his base against him. They are too busy looking up at the sky and hoping they will catch a glimpse of O flying above their city with his super hearing waiting for someone to fall off a tall building. Normal people find it repulsive, his base not so much.

  181. Pablo says:

    The base is not the problem, cynn. The squishy (bitter, clingy) middle is. Who do you think O! was talking to in those two speeches he gave on the subject?

  182. cynn says:

    “Which says a lot about the quality of Democratic Presidential Candidates, doesn’t it?”

    No, BJTexas; unfortunately for you, it says a lot more about the base.

  183. cynn says:

    Who is this squishy middle? Are these people completely disenfranchised and alienated from the political process? I think they’re simply disengaged. There is no appealing to them.

  184. BJTexs says:

    Don’t get me wrong, cynn. The quality of Republican Candidates wasn’t exactly Mile High (see what I did there?) and carried the stench of base abandonment with red stained fingers. However, as noted above, the bitter clingers may just remember where Barack and his family worshiped, clapped and supported for 20 years. We’ll see…

  185. Mr. Pink says:

    I think it shows that they hate Bush more than they hate racism or disagree with anything the Rev. said. Which is a sad sad commentary on the current state of their minds. IMHO

  186. thor says:

    I’m the squishy middle. Twinkie filling!

    cynn were you able to get a ticket or did you witness Obama’s beautiful lady by TV.

  187. Mr. Pink says:

    Can anyone honestly believe he could sit there for 20 years and not realize what he was hearing? I know his supporters are so blinded by the Ogasms they have been having to not realize he has told about 4 different versions of what he heard there after those videos came out but normal people can not buy that crap.

  188. Rob Crawford says:

    Who is this squishy middle?

    In rough figures, 30% of the country identifies and votes Democrat, 30% Republican, and 40% don’t identify with either party. Those folks decide the elections, like it or not. Oh, getting out your base helps — is necessary — but if you can’t appeal to the unaligned, you have no chance.

  189. Rob Crawford says:

    Can anyone honestly believe he could sit there for 20 years and not realize what he was hearing?

    Depends on how stupid you think he is.

  190. Mr. Pink says:

    My only point was that thor and cynn are saying his base and the American people do not care about it but they fail to mention why they don’t care. I would care if McCain sat in a church full of white people railing that black people invented AIDS and that the world was run by rich _______(insert minority group). They don’t seem to ever mention they personally have a problem with it, but I can not for the life of me see how any rational person wouldn’t.
    They also willingly swallow every single iteration that he has thrown out about it. First he never heard anything, then he heard things some might consider offensive, then he couldn’t stand the Rev but still loved his church, then oh no I can’t be a part of that church for their own good cause of the media attention that is thrown their way is intrusive. Everyone of those “stories” is Complete B#llshit. They swallow that b#llshit and ask for seconds.

  191. royf says:

    Well thor is this the base you are talking about?


    Angry Democrats Distracted DNC Attendees in Denver

    Obama Maintains the Clintons Are Sincere in Their Support


    KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 26, 2008—

    As he watched the first night of his Democratic National Convention from the cozy living room of local supporters Jim and Alicia Girardeau, Sen. Barack Obama undoubtedly wanted his wife, Michelle Obama, the headline speaker Monday, to be the news-making highlight of the day. But vocal protestors, the media and a few complicated egos directed the public’s attention earlier in the day to his primary rival, Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y.

    As frustrated Democrats converged on Denver yesterday, some began chanting “caucus fraud,” while others shouted the word “sweetie,” a reference to the time Obama called a female reporter by the same name. One Clinton supporter who spoke to ABC News said Obama couldn’t be trusted. Another said, “He’s shifty and untrustworthy.” It was assuredly not the kind of message Obama and his diligently image-conscious team were counting on at the Democratic National Convention.

    These voters are a tad extreme, but they represent a serious concern to the Obama camp — an animus toward Obama among voters he needs to win over.

    A new Gallup poll indicates that less than half of Clinton’s supporters say they definitely will vote for Obama — 47 percent say they’re solidly behind him, 23 percent say they back him but may change their minds, and 30 percent say they will not vote or they will vote for someone else, including Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.



  192. JHoward says:

    and JHoward, what is wrong with you?

    Just because you speak in tongues doesn’t mean I don’t love you, cynn, almost as much as Baraky. So you have all of those going for you. Why so serious?

  193. McGehee says:

    Royf, that might be why the Dems are doing everything they can to avoid letting the bitter Clinton supporters, who still cling to their hope of changing the outcome of the nominating process, cast their votes on the convention floor.

    Seems there may be some people even among the Obamarrhoids who aren’t really sure he’d win the balloting.

  194. cynn says:

    Mr. Pink: For the record, I think Jeremiah Wright is as big a mendacious windbag as Fred Phelps. But I also think that by trying to hogtie Obama with all kinds of accusations about his beliefs and associations (because you know exactly what he thinks!!!), you are engaging in the same kind of crap as Emil Jones with the Uncle Tom crack. It’s the NOT LIKE US label, which is particularly hard to peel off.

  195. Dread Cthulhu says:

    The difference, Cynn, is the question “Can you name me a politician who had Phelps for, what, two decades, as his spiritual advisor?”

  196. happyfeet says:

    Baracky is an opportunistic socialist steeped in the jew-hate, cynn. For real he’s not like us. NOT LIKE US I mean. He’s different, and different is not what we’re looking for.

  197. Mr. Pink says:

    But I also think that by trying to hogtie Obama with all kinds of accusations about his beliefs and associations (because you know exactly what he thinks!!!), you are engaging in the same kind of crap as Emil Jones with the Uncle Tom crack.

    So you see nothing wrong with sitting in a church that preaches racism for 20 years and would not assume that a 20 year member of that congregation would be in fact a racist? Really???????????

  198. Mikey NTH says:

    Umm, cynn. If you voluntarily belong to an institution that is run by a man that says the things Rev. Wright has said, then yes, it is a good indication of what you believe.

  199. Rob Crawford says:

    For the record, I think Jeremiah Wright is as big a mendacious windbag as Fred Phelps.

    Both Democrats.

    But I also think that by trying to hogtie Obama with all kinds of accusations about his beliefs and associations (because you know exactly what he thinks!!!), you are engaging in the same kind of crap as Emil Jones with the Uncle Tom crack. It’s the NOT LIKE US label, which is particularly hard to peel off.

    It’s a legitimate question as to the beliefs of the candidate. He spent twenty years at that church, he pulled the title of one of his books from one of the sermons, he was married there and had his children baptized there. It’s not a matter of who just happened to be near him, it’s who he chose to make a major part of his life. Wright was part of his campaign until people started noticing Wright’s beliefs — then it was time to toss him under the bus, accompanied by some of the lamest excuse-making I’ve ever heard.

    It’s more disturbing to me that Wright wasn’t enough to cost Obama the nomination — it says strongly to me that Democrats are OK with racism, so long as it’s the right kind.

  200. Sdferr says:

    Or granting the possibility that Obama may not actually share Wright’s beliefs (which I’ll bet is what Wright thinks about Obama now), then he must have had another reason to be there.

    Which is my guess at what Obama was up to in attending TUCC. It was about politics. Money. Connections. Gaining street credibility. Favors paid out and favors collected in return. Business deals. A little bit of ordinary sociability must be thrown in the mix, surely, for who doesn’t like the company of like minded fellows of good cheer? The church offered a place for the kids to hang out with other kids for instance. Sunday social dinners are fun. And God fearing bona fides, as Rev. Wright instructed Obama before he joined the church, are good for the community organizer’s future prospects.

  201. Mr. Pink says:

    According to that logic I could join PETA and you would not be able to draw the conclusion that I agreed with them or espoused their views. Hell I could be a 20 year member of the Branch Dividians and noone, according to you, would be able to say I hold any of their beliefs.

    I mean you have to in some way realize how that opinion is just not even a rational opinion? Seriously just come back with “I hate Bush so it’s ok” or something.

  202. Sdferr says:

    Wait a minute though Mr. Pink. Can’t Obama share some of the beliefs and not share others? If so, the question will become which are shared and which are not?

  203. TomB says:

    cynn were you able to get a ticket or did you witness Obama’s beautiful lady by TV.

    Was that on a special channel?

    Pay per view?

    What was it rated?

  204. McGehee says:

    The difference, Cynn, is the question “Can you name me a politician who had Phelps for, what, two decades, as his spiritual advisor?”

    To put it more bluntly, if McCain had been a member of Westboro Baptist (Phelps’ church in Topeka) for 20 years, he would not be the nominee, and probably would be in the process of being hounded from the Senate.


  205. Mr. Pink says:

    It doesn’t seem like anyone is allowed to ask any questions at all honestly. Dissent being the highest form of racism and all that rot.

  206. Mr. Pink says:

    I do not think you would find anyone defending him either McGehee or excusing it.

  207. Dread Cthulhu says:

    Sdferr: “Or granting the possibility that Obama may not actually share Wright’s beliefs (which I’ll bet is what Wright thinks about Obama now), then he must have had another reason to be there. ”

    So we have the choice that Obama is a true believer or just another mendacious opportunist… great choice, there.

    Sdferr: “Can’t Obama share some of the beliefs and not share others? ”

    Mayhap, but he can’t be there twenty years and suddenly claim that “He’s not the Reverand Wright that I know.”

    Sdferr: “If so, the question will become which are shared and which are not?”

    Not really. The question becomes how stupid is he to have believed that his lame attempt to spin Wright, Ayers, Dohrn, Rezko, et. al. and ad nauseum as “not being the people he knew.” It calls into question his judgement and his choice in peers and associates.

    As my sainted grandmother would say, tell me who you walk with and I will tell you who you are. You cannot lie down with the dogs in the street and not wake up with fleas and worse.

  208. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by thor on 8/26 @ 7:31 am #

    Might you be next, D? The junior Senator from Illinois is directing the FBI and IRS all over America and you, well, you would be high on certain lists, that I’m sure of.”

    Scratch a leftist, find the fascist gibbering underneath.

    Comment by cynn on 8/26 @ 10:16 am #

    20 years, cynn, 20 years with nary a peep.

    Maybe O! was there for the music.

  209. Sdferr says:

    Oh, I very much agree with most of your conclusions Dread. And conclusions of mendacity (at least in my experience) want a firm footing, as the accused and his defenders are sure to put up stiff defense. I’d like to see those defenses defeated.

    Barack Obama does not want for defenders, to be sure. I am not one of those, just to be clear. I think the point of any exercise examining Obama’s history at TUCC ought to be to come as near to understanding his motivations, purposes, beliefs, etc. as is possible, given his obvious reluctance to help with such an understanding by being forthcoming himself.

  210. Dread Cthulhu says:

    Sdferr: “I think the point of any exercise examining Obama’s history at TUCC ought to be to come as near to understanding his motivations, purposes, beliefs, etc. as is possible, given his obvious reluctance to help with such an understanding by being forthcoming himself.”

    The simple answer would be that Obama, not being native to Chicago, needed an in. TUCC provided him that in.

    Whether than makes Obama the whore or the john should, however, be left to the observer.

  211. Sdferr says:

    I think I’ve already expressed just those sorts of ideas about Obama’s interests in #200.

    Is he buying or selling (john/whore) in that relationship? Both I think, but buying one sort of thing and selling another, different one.

  212. cynn says:

    Maybe I’m just not worked up enough, but I have no problem with Wright being Obama’s spiritual advisor for 20 years. That seems to me to be a very personal relationship based on, um, spiritual matters, not political polemic.

    As to why Obama never stood up in the middle of a service screaming “Bad Bad Forked-Tongue Black Man Hates the Benevolent Whites!!!!” I don’t know. I’m sure it wasn’t a racist spew 24/7.

  213. Dread Cthulhu says:

    Cynn: “Maybe I’m just not worked up enough, but I have no problem with Wright being Obama’s spiritual advisor for 20 years. That seems to me to be a very personal relationship based on, um, spiritual matters, not political polemic.”

    What is the old saw — If you’re not angry, you haven’t been paying attention…

  214. TomB says:

    Maybe I’m just not worked up enough, but I have no problem with Wright being Obama’s spiritual advisor for 20 years. That seems to me to be a very personal relationship based on, um, spiritual matters, not political polemic.

    The problem with that is that with Wright, the spiritual and political were inseparable.

    As to why Obama never stood up in the middle of a service screaming “Bad Bad Forked-Tongue Black Man Hates the Benevolent Whites!!!!” I don’t know. I’m sure it wasn’t a racist spew 24/7.

    He didn’t have to say a thing. He just needed to not go back and find a new church.

  215. Dread Cthulhu says:

    Sdferr: “Is he buying or selling (john/whore) in that relationship? Both I think, but buying one sort of thing and selling another, different one.”

    If you look at his allies, most of them are Chicago-centric — the sort of people you cultivate to get elected in Hyde Park on the South Side. They don’t play well in Peoria.

    But, then, Obama has never had a hard campaign… and it shows.

  216. happyfeet says:

    cynn, Karl a lot documented that no, Baracky didn’t glom onto Jeremiah cause of spiritual matters it was about cultivating a political identity and exploring the development of a religious form of Marxism but mostly just for black people cause white people were teh suck they thought.

  217. Sdferr says:

    Have you troubled yourself to examine Sen. Obama’s own pronouncements on matters of faith and theology in order to try to figure out where he does stand on such things, cynn? Can you help us with that, rather than worry over what you consider trivialities such as “racist spew 24/7”? Or is the personal (sacred?) parrishoner-pastor relationship, because spiritual and possibly not political (though not necessarily) too murky to admit scrutiny?

    Might we study for instance, Obama’s comments and observations at Rick Warren’s church a week ago? Or remarks made in another forum or speech?

  218. Salt Lick says:

    Me, I’m only concerned about Barack and Michelle’s daughters. I mean, when you’re a church-going kid, Satan is bad enough, but when you got Yakub in there too, even reruns of “Happy Days” probably scare the shit out of you.

  219. Mr. Pink says:

    “Maybe I’m just not worked up enough, but I have no problem with Wright being Obama’s spiritual advisor for 20 years. That seems to me to be a very personal relationship based on, um, spiritual matters, not political polemic.”

    So basically what your saying is that you would sit in a white church, with your wife and kids, that ranted against minorities as the cause of all evil in the world for 20 years. Cynn if you are not going to be intellectually honest then there is no point in responding to anything you say.

    “As to why Obama never stood up in the middle of a service screaming “Bad Bad Forked-Tongue Black Man Hates the Benevolent Whites!!!!” I don’t know. I’m sure it wasn’t a racist spew 24/7.”

    So what could he possibly preach in the other hours of his services that would excuse that? Seriously tell me I would really like to hear it.

  220. Mr. Pink says:

    I mean I am sure David Dukes preacher was a hell of a nice guy when he wasn’t ranting against minorities from the pulpit. The sermons were all about puppies and rainbows and how much God loves us. That really excuses everything honestly.

  221. cynn says:

    Wow, all hell just broke loose in Civic Center Park. Huge number of protesters, mounted police, storm troopers, riot cops. They’re taking them out, Hillary people included.

    Back to your regularly scheduled Obama beatdown.

  222. Sdferr says:

    “But he reminded us that we know what our world should look like. We know
    what fairness and justice and opportunity look like.”

    Michelle Obama, channeling Plato’s theories of the Forms (Eidoi) and Recollection (Anamnesis)

  223. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    ” um, spiritual matters, not political polemic”

    How unbelievably disingenuous of you cynn. BLT is political. That’s what was spewed from those pulpits. Spiritual matters? I’m sure there were. It was a church, of sorts, afterall.

  224. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    “Wow, all hell just broke loose in Civic Center Park. Huge number of protesters, mounted police, storm troopers, riot cops. They’re taking them out, Hillary people included”

    Sweet. More cynn, more.

  225. Dread Cthulhu says:

    Protesters Clash with Police at US Democratic National Convention

  226. Mr. Pink says:

    I personally feel sorry for the people that live there and have to deal with the juvenile rent-a-mob that has descended on their city. I really hope the Poo bomb is a reality and hope to see it in action.

  227. cynn says:

    Karl’s disquisition on Black Liberation Theology was very well done. As an agnostic, perhaps I just don’t understand the dynamic between a spiritual advisor and a parishoner. I don’t consider a church a place of indoctrination.

  228. cynn says:

    Well, the whole mess blew over, and the parades are underway. The rabble had been strangely sparse and quiet the first few days. I knew they were better organized than that; I sure hope they don’t have something big in the works.

  229. urthshu says:

    If Obama can sit in a hate-spewing church for 20 years and that fact is off the table/not prima facie evidence of racism, then all that shit about Reparations for slavery is off the table.

    Because here we have primary evidence of racism versus hearsay.

  230. B Moe says:

    I don’t consider a church a place of indoctrination.

    Boy Howdy! If you are ever down south I will take you to a few that will change that attitude. Some of the churches I was taken to as a kid were nothing but indoctrination centers.

  231. mojo says:

    Well, I watched a bit, I admit it. Not too much – I have a low tolerance for saccharine-flavored bullshit.

  232. urthshu says:

    You don’t have to understand the dynamic vis. spiritual advisors, etc.

    Its like this: If you’re religious or even just have a belief in God, then any church will ask you to utter public statements of faith in the presence of that assembled church, as well as before God.

    If you’re brought up in a particular faith, its possible you haven’t given those statements much thought, but if so, you’re not likely to be amongst the faithful and not attend.

    If you weren’t brought up in any faith, though, you’re looking for a place where those statements won’t make you rebel against them, feeling like a hypocrite and lying to God. Thats serious. One can certainly be a spiritual tourist and attend different churches for a time, but 20 years is a commitment, so you’d better feel at home.

  233. Sdferr says:

    Nothing factual, as far as I know, and a great deal of written matter that is not factual, is off the table (whatever that “off the table” means). People still say an awful lot of stuff on both sides of these issues and no-one is stopping them.

    In the event, facts well established, will lead to the best (if not perfectly complete) understanding of such stuff as Senator Obama’s relationships with TUCC and Revs. Wright, Phleger, et al and the subsequent disruptions to these same.

    I will readily admit I am prejudiced to believe that the closer our understanding comes to that best understanding possible the worse it will be for the political fortunes of Sen. Obama, but I recognize I could be wrong about that. What I don’t want or need are any manifest falsehoods entering into that best account I seek.

  234. Rob Crawford says:

    Maybe I’m just not worked up enough, but I have no problem with Wright being Obama’s spiritual advisor for 20 years. That seems to me to be a very personal relationship based on, um, spiritual matters, not political polemic.

    The professed beliefs of that “church” say the two — politics and religion — are inseperable. And that certain people, based on the color of their skin, are irredeemable.

    But you go ahead and believe what you want. Just don’t expect anyone to take ANY criticism of ANY Republican’s religious associations seriously.

  235. Rob Crawford says:

    Wow, all hell just broke loose in Civic Center Park. Huge number of protesters, mounted police, storm troopers

    Storm troopers? Bad choice — those guys can’t hit anyone unless they’re extras.

  236. McGehee says:

    I don’t consider a church a place of indoctrination.

    Churches are places of religion. Religion involves doctrine.

  237. Dave in SoCal says:


    the ten or more point bounce after the convention will fade by October.

    What bounce? He’s already falling:

    Gallup Daily: No Bounce for Obama in Post-Biden Tracking

    RASMUSSEN: Obama drops three points on start of Democratic Convention

  238. pan says:

    Calling her an Uncle Tom is wrong, if that’s what happened. But the idea that Dems are somehow less allowing of differing opinions than say, Republicans, is nonsense. It’s time for the Hillary people to put their differnces aside becasue there can only be one nominee, which is just a reality of the process.

  239. Dave in SoCal says:

    It’s time for the Hillary people to put their differnces aside becasue there can only be one nominee, which is just a reality of the process.

    Speaking of reality, don’t you think it’s time that the Obamessiah realizes that he’s not somehow magically entitled to the votes of all those Hillary supporters? He’s got to earn them just like he does for all the undecided non-party voters. Maybe it’s that arrogance, telling them all to “just shut up, get over it and fall in line already” that has the PUMAs and the other pro-Hillary folks so pissed off at him.

  240. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by cynn on 8/26 @ 11:21 am #

    Maybe I’m just not worked up enough, but I have no problem with Wright being Obama’s spiritual advisor for 20 years. That seems to me to be a very personal relationship based on, um, spiritual matters, not political polemic.”

    Except that, according to Teh Narrativeâ„¢, the personal IS the political.

  241. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    “But the idea that Dems are somehow less allowing of differing opinions than say, Republicans, is nonsense.”

    I might agree with this sentence as apparatchuks are apparatchuks are apparatchuks. However, replace dems with progs and republicans with conservatives/classical liberals then pan’s statement is seriously flawed and wrong.

    And cynn, maybe it is your agnosticism speaking, as I’ve found that most, notice I said most, agnostics and atheists are better off not commenting on the fundamentals of religion and religious folk. But, BLT is political.

  242. Mikey NTH says:

    I will point back to my early comments on this thread and my conversations last weekend with my mom and dad. That is a demographic group that neither party can afford to lose, and the Democrats have nominated the presidential candidate guaranteed to lose it due to his associations. The choice of Sen. Biden may have been a move to regain that demographic.

    Old people vote, and old people, as a demographic group, do not hate the United States and do not follow – or vote for – those politicians that have voluntarily associated with unrepentant haters of the United States.

    Right now I miss Karl, because he would break-down the polls and show where the guaranteed voters are leaning. And that kind of poll geek-fu is what both parties and campaigns are doing right now. Forget the youth vote – they never vote in numbers sufficient to mean anything.*

    *It was funny (both ha-ha funny and strange funny) and instructive to hear dad break down voting groups based on age and what percent of the actual vote it all means, dad doing it from memory and matching what I have read over the years. The old man is a very canny observor of politics.

  243. Mikey NTH says:

    I’ll just check in with Michael Barone. He is the best professional political analyst, and he is right more often than not. He has that ability to submerge patisan political druthers in his analysis that makes him well-worth reading.

    He calls it as he sees it, not as what he wants it to be.

  244. The Fat Lady says:

    NoBrain, why do you consistently throw everything into reverse?

  245. cynn says:

    Oops, sorry, the above was me.

  246. thor says:

    Comment by Mikey NTH on 8/26 @ 4:19 pm #
    Right now I miss Karl, because he would break-down the polls and show where the guaranteed voters are leaning. And that kind of poll geek-fu is what both parties and campaigns are doing right now. Forget the youth vote – they never vote in numbers sufficient to mean anything.

    Karl doesn’t believe in polls. He personally assured me of that whenever the polls showed him to be dead fuck’n wrong time and again.

    Who was it, by the way, that stated Barack Obama would eventually be more popular post-Wright dust up than before? Who stated that Obama would continue on to victory while Karl was hyperventilating at high speed over Jeremiah the Bullfrog?

    Keen is me, beyotchez.

  247. Pablo says:

    He personally assured me of that whenever the polls showed him to be dead fuck’n wrong time and again.

    Link? Just one, you lying sack of shit.

    Who was it, by the way, that stated Barack Obama would eventually be more popular post-Wright dust up than before?

    So, when is that gonna happen?

  248. Mikey NTH says:

    thor is a liar and a McCarthyite.

  249. thor says:

    Look it up, lazy link beggar.

    Mikey smells of Communism and Lectra Shave.

  250. Pablo says:

    I can’t find what don’t exist, liar. You smell like horseshit.

  251. Dread Cthulhu says:

    thor: “Who was it, by the way, that stated Barack Obama would eventually be more popular post-Wright dust up than before?”

    Uh-huh… which is why he’s desperately trying to silence any comment on his connection to a couple of Weather Underground terrorists?

    Obama is a political neophyte who thinks he’s as good as the Sunday papers say he might be, despite never having had even a tough campaign. The few positions he has taken are divisive. His clumsy lunge to the center is laughable — they’re trying to turn the Obama’s into Huxtables, as if they expect all the old speeches and comments will fall down the memory hole.

  252. Mikey NTH says:

    You’re just a liar and a McCarthyite, thor.
    And you’ll always be one.

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