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November 2024


Bend O!ver, America!

insert raw frozen swordfish here


54 Replies to “Bend O!ver, America!”

  1. ed says:


    Plus, why does the “walls” of the comment section get narrower and narrower on the monster comment threads? I tried to post on the “I am retaking my site” post, but the “walls” had gotten so narrow that the post button was gone.

    I’m not on crack, just Windows 2000 Pro and Internet Explorer.

    Any suggestions are appreciated, even ones which involve contortions and body orrifices.

  2. Dan Collins says:

    Ah! This is one of those Yin and Yang posts, right?

    Hey, wait . . . . Where’s the yang?

  3. Dan Collins says:

    Is there Firefox for 2000?

  4. Jeff G. says:

    Ed. Only thing I can tell you is to upgrade to a newer version of IE. That seems to fix things.

  5. alppuccino says:

    I’m not sure what people think the salute means, but what I get is “hey, look through Obama’s hands-hole and narrow your vision. It even blocks out heavenly light rays.”

  6. urthshu says:

    Shouldn’t it rather be an open hand? Like “gimme”, I mean.
    [I think that was the first word spoken by Adam or somebody…]
    Or maybe just a gaping maw.

  7. urthshu says:

    OK, that totally worked…

  8. TheGeezer says:

    It is a symbol of the vagina. It is worshipped by 98% of Democrats.

  9. Ric Locke says:

    FireFox works fine on Win2K. I haven’t tried 3.0.

    If all else fails, go for Opera. It’s bloatware, almost as bad as IE, but it tends not to have that sort of problem.


  10. Rick Smith says:


    Fall back to DOS and call my IT guy. It’ll only cost you two times the cost of a new PC with everything you want bundled, but he will make it sound like a hell of a deal. As far as the new not-secret hand signal for Obamaniacs I believe it to be fitting and well worth the effort to implement. I also believe that OJ is innocent.

  11. alppuccino says:

    Could be a well-inflated tire. Kinda Flintstone-style.

  12. Rick Smith says:


    That’s brilliant and I will forward it to Obamas crack campaign team immediately. I mean the pure audacity, the found hope of the return to stone tires is surely something that they would be all over. It is thinking like this that return America to it’s greatness.

  13. ed says:

    My hat’s off to you, Rick Smith. I read everyone elses comments, got to yours, and busted out laughing.

    No chance of getting an upgrade on IE, Jeff. I’m maxed out as it is with my current OS.

    I guess if I want to try to fix this, I could either try Dan Collins or Ric Locke’s idea of a new browser.

    Or I could just make sure I’m quick enough to comment before the “walls” close in on me like some Indiana Jones or Tomb Raider scene. Yeah, that’s the ticket. More exciting that way. Makes me feel like I’m *living on the edge!*

    Anyway, whatever is causing this glitch is obveously only affecting me, so thanks for the tips.

  14. Rick Smith says:

    Thanks Ed, but with me it’s not particulary funny. I own a company with 50 PC’s in operation and I am constantly being ripped off by nerds with an attitude that are unfortunately way over my head with the equipment I own. Not a comfortable situation. I have a few employees that think they are computer geniuses, but I suspect their smarts are directed to finding the best porn sites.

  15. Dan Collins says:

    Wow, Mr. Smith. Can I come work for you?

  16. David R. Block says:

    On the longer comment threads at work (thou MUST use IE 6!!!), they tend to slant off to the left and you lose the first digits of the numbers in the high 80s and start losing text at about 100. Firefox or Safari or IE 7 at home, no problem. But they are verboten at the office.

  17. David R. Block says:

    And to totally date myself, when I was a kid, if you made that sign with your hands you meant one of two things:

    1) The person whom you were conversing with was an asshole that big.
    2) Come blow me.

    In the case of O!, it could be either.

  18. TmjUtah says:

    It all makes sense if you visualize the arms in a side view with the model included in the picture.

    And yes, since you asked, the model is kneeling

    And here I was thinking the Dems were above subliminal messages.

  19. gail says:

    David, you dated yourself when you were a kid? Did you treat or go dutch?

  20. Rick Smith says:

    Gee Dan-

    What particular skills do you have that I might find useful? I’m an equal opportunity employer if that’s important to you.

  21. Jeff G. says:

    Mona stole this to put up on her blog. In a post about how unimportant I am. Which links to Wolcott’s post of same.

    Tell the lie long enough and maybe one day it’ll become truth, right Mona? You “libertarian” you.

  22. thor says:

    That hand signal is called the Hopefuture hand hoop. When you hear one of your fellow believers say something like, “I wish the election was over already, duuuuude.” Throwing up a Hopefuture hand hoop is the same as replying “one last hoop to jump through, duuuude, one last hoop.” Or say a fellow believer speaks politically, “I wish Mother E would open a believer’s crevice. All the Republicans would fall into it and die.” To deflect this bad zen one could say, “with universal Obama care nobody will die, everyone will be healed, except those who fall on their heads who weren’t wearing a helmet,” or you could simplify that statement by simply throwing up the Hopefuture hand hoop as indication that you believe all life will be whole once we’re in the post-Obama world.

    In summary, the Hopefuture hand hoop indicates the final threshold into the future. One can look into the future by making a Hopefuture hand hoop and looking through it at the world around or one can throw up the Hopefuture sign in response to audio stimulus in need of a reminder that there’s a final hoop we must jump through, or as metaphor to a future zen once through the Hopehole.


  23. Jeff G. says:

    I mean, it’s almost as if she blames me for noticing that Obama wants to leave Americans with assholes the size of Pennsylvania coal mine openings.

    Do these people not take responsibility for anything?

  24. TmjUtah says:

    I bought my wife a new Obameter.

    Not for fuel efficiency, but for racing.

    (How she laughed and laughed…)

  25. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Gee thor, and here I thought it was just a SecProg’s way of telling O!, “here’s my ass, take your time.”

  26. Aldo says:

    I’m guessing that at Kos they just do a straight-arm salute with closed fist.

  27. Silver Whistle says:

    That hand sign reminds me of the punch line to the joke:

    Q.What do you get when you cross a rabbit with an elephant?
    A. A rabbit with an arsehole that wide.

  28. Robert says:

    Holy Crap, it’s the return of Protein Wisdom: The Original Series! With the original Capt. Jeff kicking ass and taking names! No more of this lame Protein Wisdom: The Next Generation or Protein Wisdom: Deep Ass Nine. Go, Capt. Jeff! Violate the Prime Directive!

    (and hopefully it will last for more than a few days, this time)

  29. comrade says:

    Why do Obama’s posters have an Eastern Bloc feel to them?

  30. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by comrade on 8/10 @ 5:24 am #

    Why do Obama’s posters have an Eastern Bloc feel to them?”

    Leftism/fascism. Fascism/leftism.

    ‘Cause Leni Riefenstahl could’ve worked in Moscow without missing a beat.

  31. BJTexs says:

    Why do Obama’s posters have an Eastern Bloc feel to them?

    Because they were designed collectively, silly!

  32. SevenEleventy says:

    I used the same symbol twenty years ago when I worked for a non-profit organization. I called it the “circle of stupidity”, which referred to implementing a department policy without considering the consequences, changing it every couple of days, and finally coming to the conclusion that the original policy prior to the implementation was just fine. You have to justify catering lunch for these meetings.

  33. JHoward says:

    That’s actually a pretty good post, thor, looks like some tumblers lined up. Well done.

  34. SGT Ted says:

    The first time I saw the O! salute, I thought much the same thing, Jeff.

    “Once he’s elected, your asshole will be THIS BIG by the time he’s done with you. You’ll be involved and informed when it’s your turn.”

  35. Flash Bazbo says:

    It means, “Let’s all watch The Wire together.”

  36. B Moe says:

    Isn’t the salute properly performed with your hands over your head? This has to be a coded message about McCain’s limited arm mobility. Playing basketball and some of the other physical activities have been bad enough, but this is over the line. I smell Rove.

    My little kitten just looked up and me, and I could swear she was trying to say, “why does Obama hate the differently abled?” as she wiped a tear from her eye.

  37. I think McCain should start using the Spaceballs salute.

    I’m going to use it anyway.

  38. happyfeet says:

    B Moe just absolutely nails it. The tears on my own cheeks attest to his truth I think.

  39. donald says:

    I worship vaginas. Am I an Obamaniac? The horror, the horror.

  40. Aldo says:


  41. ushie says:

    Ah, the drama’s over and so is the screaming.

    On Insty, it is noted that this is identical to the Space Hippie greeting on Star Trek:TOS. So we now know exactly how professional the Big O’s staff are.


  42. mojo says:

    Got a kind of a Lili Von Schtupp feel to it, don’t it?

    “It’s twue! it’s twue!”

  43. Darleen says:


    the Space Hippie greeting on Star Trek:TOS

    did you click on the orange asterick just under the poster above?

  44. ushie says:

    Clicking on other things frightens me. For instance, I clicked on a thing today and saw a dramatic cat. That’s sure not what I need when I’m drinking cheap sake.

  45. Swen Swenson says:

    The symbolism isn’t complete until you hold it up to your mouth and make kissing and licking motions..

  46. David R. Block says:

    “Date myself” was a figure of speech, meaning that it would show me as an old fart.

  47. Patrick Carroll says:

    This is a goatse thing, isn’t it.

    If it really is, my hat’s off to the joker who got Obama to sign off on it.

  48. The Lost Dog says:

    In summary, the Hopefuture hand hoop indicates the final threshold into the future. One can look into the future by making a Hopefuture hand hoop and looking through it at the world around or one can throw up the Hopefuture sign in response to audio stimulus in need of a reminder that there’s a final hoop we must jump through, or as metaphor to a future zen once through the Hopehole.

    I dunno, thor.

    It looks kinda like something you would see in the mirror if you turned around and spread your ass cheeks, and then lowered your head and looked behind you from between your knees. When I was a kid, if you made that sign and waved the rest of your fingers, it meant “what a flaming asshole”.

    Just sayin’…

    But actually, pretty appropriate.

  49. The Lost Dog says:

    Oh, yeah.

    I made a “hopey-hoop” and looked through it.

    I didn’t see the future, though. All I saw was my window and the yard outside it.

    And it still reminded me of a butthole…

  50. […] Bend “O”ver America? […]

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