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November 2024


Sick Furvert Harasses Goldstein and Son [Dan Collins]

Don’t worry, though. He’s proud to be an incontinent sheep.

I’ve got to work today, so I thought I’d just package this up in a title that might get some RSS action. I’d feel sorry for this piece of work, if he weren’t such a POS. The conversation about the Bitter Critter and some good sleuthing on behalf of the commenters can be found here.

Karl and Darleen will have to supply the newsier stuff today. Apple’s also replacing my computer, so I may not be able to contribute much for the next couple of days.

22 Replies to “Sick Furvert Harasses Goldstein and Son [Dan Collins]”

  1. Carin says:

    Yes, news please. Saturday was bad and Sunday was disturbing, I’m ready to wash my brain with some good, old-fashioned, political mud slinging.

  2. serr8d says:

    News, you say? “Attached to a bathroom door of cloth were signs reading: “Human petting zoo…”

    Yes, revert to mundane issues such as the coming of teh Obamalord. At least he doesn’t wear diapers.

  3. JHoward says:

    What Carin said. At some point it devolves into pig-wrestling, Dan. So to put it.

  4. See? This is what comes of teaching people that they’re no better than animals. They start to believe it.

    But let me just channel Jeff’s inner Elephant Man: I am NOT an animal!

    ‘sides. I’m a pirate.

  5. urthshu says:

    >>I am NOT an animal!

    “Yes. Yes you are.” [insert Riccardo Montalban voice]

  6. Chef Mojo says:

    When y’all get hold of this guy, maybe you should ship him to Afghanistan, care of the Taliban. The Taliban like fucking sheep. And Mr. Brown likes being one. Win-win. Everyone goes away happy.

    Although, the diaper thing could be a sticking point. Even Talibani sheep fuckers have their pride…

  7. mojo says:

    Threatened by a furrie? Has the entire world gone mad?

    I say muleing is the answer.

  8. Mr. Pink says:

    Life is great when you can blame your dementia on others.

  9. SevenEleventy says:

    I say muleing is the answer.

    I guess I’m unclear about lamb cannon. Did it like to have sex, or just wear shitty diapers on its head while deeply inhaling? I could only read so much of what SarahW linked to.

  10. JD says:

    This is all a bit icky and disturbing.

  11. Carin says:

    7/11 – I would say the answer is; You don’t want to know. Needless to say, he’s a pussy who is only able to contribute to internet dialogue by leaving a bunch of drive-by turds scattered aimlessly around everywhere. I’m sure there is some sort of psych profile for the type.

  12. SevenEleventy says:

    This is all a bit icky and disturbing.

    Nexium didn’t help. Maybe eye bleach and a mental scrub would work.

  13. SarahW says:

    He has more than one suit. I think I like the one without horns better.

    You know there is a cache of images out there that need to be nuked from orbit.

  14. Dan Collins says:

    I hope Jeff gives him another.

  15. SarahW says:

    Or some kind of warrant.

    BTW, Mr. B. nuked his Flickr. Not that there was anything public on it yesterday.

  16. Education Guy says:

    Life can be horrible, but death offers no respite for some.

  17. mojo says:

    Or, as Kinison put it:
    “You mean life can fuck you in the ass even after you’re dead?”

  18. SevenEleventy says:

    Life can be horrible, but death offers no respite for some.

    Who said they no longer have vocational classes in public schools?

  19. Cave Bear says:

    “It’s the only way to be sure.”

  20. Cave Bear says:

    First Jeff is leaving us, and now this? Christ Almighty, I’ve long known there are some sick twisted motherfuckers out there, but this Lamb Cannon character is beyond the pale.

    Good thing for him I’m not Jeff. For if I were, I’d just say fuck it, zip up there to Renfrew, PA, knock on that douchenozzle’s door and proceed to stomp his (pre-emptively denouncing myself here) faggot ass into the ground like a nail into a pine plank. You don’t mess with a man’s kids, period.

    However, considering how thoroughly “Internet outed” this limpdick is, I’d bet long odds he’s hidden away in his mommy’s basement, scared out of what little mind he has left, whimpering like a little girl, with a big yellow wet spot in front.

    Something tells me no one will hear from him for a while at least…

  21. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    whimpering like a little girl, with a big yellow wet spot in front.

    Or as he would describe it, “A good time”.

  22. Slartibartfast says:

    Possibly he’s feeling a little sheepish just now.

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