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November 2024


Hillaretards Threaten Obama [Dan Collins]

at Larry the Legend’s No Quarter:


This does NOT apply to 99% of you, however, a couple of lost souls have posted threats against Barack Obama on this blog. Be forewarned, I will turn all threats over to the Secret Service (they are investigating two at this moment). While I don’t believe Barack is qualified to be President, nothing justifies or warrants a death threat. Please play nice.

The Pfleger-Axelrod connection. (h/t MayBee)

17 Replies to “Hillaretards Threaten Obama [Dan Collins]”

  1. MayBee says:

    Where are Larry’s friends that killed Pablo Escobar when you need them, eh?
    Apparently he only wants to sic them on anti-Plame commenters.

  2. MayBee says:

    Look what Lynne Sweet just reported:
    Pfleger is the subject of a documentary being made by Chicago-based David Axelrod, Obama’s top strategist. On Friday, Axelrod told me in an e-mail that the film project has “been dormant for much of the last two years due to other commitments.”

  3. serr8d says:

    …a couple of lost souls have posted threats…

    Now they’re saying Democrats have souls?

    Is that part of teh Narrative?

  4. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    “…On Friday, Axelrod told me in an e-mail that the film project has “been dormant for much of the last two years due to other commitments.”

    – So what is Obama’s lap dog saying, that they had a deal with pflagel-lips to tone it down during the primaries and they’d with hold publishing the film but the bastard double crossed them?

    – Never mind, we all know the answer to that one.

    – Better question, whats the “mysterious holdup” thats suddenly delaying the reconvening of the DNC hearings? What did the DNC weasels do, decide over lunch to just say the hell with it, and let it go to a floor fight at the convention.

    – The DNC. The gift that keeps on giving. (to the RNC)

  5. Salt Lick says:

    “…for now the DNC would agree to seat Florida’s entire 211-member delegation at the Democratic National Convention in Denver this August, though all the delegates …would have their vote count as half a delegate…”

    Only half a delegate? If Hillary were a black man they’d count for at least three-fifths.

  6. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    “Only half a delegate? If Hillary were a black man they’d count for at least three-fifths.”

    – Nuh-uh. Affirmative action would demand at least 5/3rd’s of a candidate.

    – They still haven’t reconvened. I’m picturing the screaming matches going on right now under the big tent.

  7. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Somewhere two legal teams are standing by for “teh phone call”.

  8. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – FOX is reporting that sources have said that the Obama camp is posed to announce that Obama is going to leave the membership of Trinity, effective immediately. Stay tuned sports fans.

    = Maybe by the time the convention rolls around, Barakey will have morphed into a candidate that vaguely resembles the press hype and party theories about him.

  9. TmjUtah says:

    Only half a delegate? If Hillary were a black man they’d count for at least three-fifths.

    That’s priceless.

  10. Roboc says:

    Hillaretards are nuttier than squirrel turds!!!

  11. JimK says:

    What’s the long and short on BHO throwing Axelrod under the bus before November?

  12. troy mcclure says:

    The answer is William Wagner, the afore mentioned station chief; now at Berg &
    Associates/Paladin; really hasn’t said anything since his signing on to that petition. Now that operation was due to
    the cooperation with los PEPES; a faction allied to the Cali Cartel and
    private paramilitary urban counter insurgency associates (what the left calls death squads)

  13. thor says:

    Hillary’s Quaffing Vag Platoons versus the New Black Panthers.

    Man-o-man, Denver could be a frickin’ riot.

  14. docweasel says:

    “quaffing”? did you mean queefing?
    /goes off to quaff a tankard of ale

  15. thor says:

    Well, as a matter of fact, I did mean queefing. Thanks for pointing that out.

  16. B Moe says:

    Denver could be a frickin’ riot.

    Recreate ’68!

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