Hillary Clinton cited the June 1968 assassination of Robert F. Kennedy to explain why she was still in the persidential race, with the resulting flap getting plastered all over the mediasphere. She quickly apologized for the implication that she was sticking around in case Obama got shot.
The irony here is that in case after case after case after case after case after case after case after case after case, it has been Obama, his staff, his supporters and his friends in the media who have raised the morbid, Kennedy-esque spectre of Obamartyrdom.
Clinton should have known better, of course. She is, after all, from Arkansas.
Update: Allah-lanche!
ROTFLMAO! (without any guilt)
What a lying, racist piece of Marxist-paranoia crap you are. What’s next, are you going to start in on Obama’s daughters being nappy-headed hoz? You’ll get a few laughs from Appalachia if you do. That’s what’s important.
I’m glad African-Americans are proud to be African-American. I’m certainly proud to be British. And thank God they won’t and don’t forget what certain racist assholes, like you, put them through during most of their history here. Martin Luther King took one to the head! Does that make you chuckle like a retard with a balloon?
You’re just another asshole. Period.
thor needs to untie his panties.
Oh, no you di’int. You know better. YOU CANNOT SAY THIS! Not in this America.
You’re fired. And denounced. Racist.
Karl come on and yuk it up, dude, get down here and laugh at flying pieces of the dead Kennedys and what if! What if they get a clean shot off on Obama! Woohoo! Karl, we;d have to kill a backyard pig! Fuck yeah dude, and the Obama campaign, if you believe really retarded bullshit, predicted Obama’s death the whole time! Knee-slapper, ain’t it!
You’re just an asshole. Period.
Here’s your severence, thor. Now clean out your desk.
Good DAY, sir.
Thor’s hitting the sauce a bit early by the looks of it. Rather pathetic, really.
thor drinks and lies. And donates to O! It’s a thor thing; you wouldn’t understand.
Karl … I thought the period was more appropriate.
My love for Obama has grown and blossomed into something very special indeed.
Barack Obama is an amazing politician. He farts self-confidence. If his is a confidence-man act then it’s worth the price of a ticket. Mark my words, there is very little luck involved in his rapid rise. You may never see a one-man show like this cat in your lifetime.
Wow, did I miss something?
Hmmm… Hillary giving a valid argument with a distasteful example… What would Vince Foster have said about all of this?
Meanwhile, if Obama’s gaffe’s can’t sink him, what makes the Clintons think the media wouldn’t just press for Michelle to “carry on his legacy”?
“I don’t lose sleep over it because the realities are that . . . as a black man . . . Barack can get shot going to the gas station,†Michelle Obama said in the interview, set to air Sunday night. “You can’t make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen.â€Â
Good lord, who saltpetered thor’s Wheaties this morning?
Barry’s minions have pushed the O! assassination porn almost from he beginning … just another narrative to drive people to vote for him out of weird quilt or sympathy.
RFK was assassinated on my birthday and I remember the aftermath pretty well for a kid in jr. high. Most people today have no clue about RFK outside of the assassination (ie his association with Joseph McCarthy, his wiretapping of MLK, his attempt to use the mafia to assassinate Fidel Castro and the real bitterness of the ’68 primary campaign).
And as far as never seeing such an amazingly confident man on the campaign trail in our lifetimes … sorry, but Barry is but lint on Reagan’s pantleg.
Geritol versus Red Bull.
Accomplishments vs smoke-n-mirrors
[…] question via Karl: It must feel weird for Obama supporters to see someone outside their own camp broaching this […]
[…] question via Karl: It must feel weird for Obama supporters to see someone outside their own camp broaching this […]
The Michelle Obama shot-at-the-gas-station story is from February 11, 2007, btw.
She quickly apologized for the implication that she was sticking around in case Obama got shot.
There may have been an inference by some listeners. But there was no “implication” by Clinton.
Intent matters quite a bit around these parts, doesn’t it?
Geritol versus Red Bull.
More like patriotism versus Red bullshit.
Give it a rest thor! The Democrats are getting what they deserve. They deal in identity politics, i.e., rich vs poor, whites vs minorities, etc. Now their venom is aimed at each other because their candidates happen to be a white woman and a black man. Supposedly, they are the party of inclusion and tolerance. Save your vitriole for the media, as they are the bad actors in this. I’m surprised you didn’t blame George Bush. Who was the party who ran the ad about James Bird, the black man dragged to his death in Texas? Since I’m neither a Democrat nor a Republican, I could care less where the fingers are pointed.
And where in the article does it mention anything about Marxism? Color me shocked that a socialist loving limey would take a cheap shot at a free endeavor such as a conservative blog.
And what’s with the racist garbage? Did you bother to read all five sentences in the blog? What’s the matter, couldn’t get an appointment in your managed healthcare system? No emergency psychiatric care? Are prescriptions managed too? It seems they’d make an exception for some valium for you.
You can’t win the race if you aren’t still moving toward the finish line. I don’t think Hillary needs to apologize beyond what she already has. There ain’t no “there”; she referenced a significant historical fact that has nothing to do with Baraky that hasn’t been beaten to a pulp by the Chosen One’s own camp AND wife.
Hell, she’s a Democrat. I’m surprised that media looked once, much less ran with the story.
How’s them apples, Ms. Pantsuit? How does it feel to be scrutinized? *laughing to the cookout*.
Who was the party who ran the ad about James Bird, the black man dragged to his death in Texas?
While, of course, failing to mention that two of the three attackers got the death penalty and the third got a life sentence. All in BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH’s Texas, no less.
If I remember right, the commercial was bashing Bush for not supporting “hate crime” legislation, though it was unstated just how the sentences involved could’ve been more severe.
Billary is shocked at being taken out of context. Welcome to the jungle. Your triangulation politics has failed your sorry asses! Can’t win an election with just “soccer moms”, or “waitress moms”, or some other made-up demogrphic whose pain Billary feels this moment. Obummer feels it more, and he has his wife to prove it. The “iron my shirt” plan didn’t gain enough of the sexism momentum to propel Billary to victory. Why not bring up the fact that some racist will pull a “James Earl Ray” before the convention?
Why not tell the Hispanics you’ll let them have Aztlan Billary, if they’ll only vote for you? Oh yeah, if you can’t tell which way the wind is blowing on giving illegal aliens drivers licenses in NY, how are you going to pander to the right national demographic to get elect president?
Even if Obama was shot and killed (god forbid), HIllary would still have to wait the requisite 3 days to claim the nomination, to ensure Obama does not rise from the dead.
– The irony of all of this, aside from all the other ironies the Dems can’t escape every waking moment, is that someone apparently agreed with her as early as last year because hes had assigned secret service sooner than any other new candidate in history.
– Its just that you’re not allowed to say it, (unless of course it will benefit Yomamma somehow.). O!
Hillary says hey Bobby Kennedy got shot in June. It’s still only May.
Baracky says Hillary you need to get your racist bitch ass out of the race.
Hillary says what I meant was I’m not getting out of the race because things happen.
Baracky says only thing that’s gonna happen is you’re gonna get your racist bitch ass out of the race.
Hillary says I’m sorry I didn’t mean it.
Baracky says hey Ted Kennedy got cancer in May. When is McCain’s next checkup?
3. Comment by thor on 5/24 @ 6:28 am #
I’m glad African-Americans are proud to be African-American. I’m certainly proud to be British. And thank God they won’t and don’t forget what certain racist assholes, like you, put them through during most of their history here. Martin Luther King took one to the head! Does that make you chuckle like a retard with a balloon?
What does the MLK hit have to do with an RFK comment, other than that being stuck between Dem Identity Lines prevents RFK’s assassin from being projected onto Typical White People, so pull up a straw man.
Malcolm X took one to the head, too. Think his trigger man’s the lead story during Black History Month?
Will there be a British Pride afterparty at the forthcoming Bobby Sands film premiere?
I’m certainly proud to be British.
Yeah, well good luck selling that in shitkickerville.
Bobby Sands? Wasn’t he the author of the “IRA diet”?
What about Jean Charles de Menezes? “Until the shooting of de Menezes, few British citizens were aware that there are now, under a policy instituted in 2001 by the Association of Chief Police Officers and Lord John Stevens, the former police commissioner, hundreds of armed plainclothes policemen on the streets of London who are permitted to shoot dead, without any warning, anyone whom they suspect to be a suicide bomber.”-Salon.com. Must have been George Bush’s fault for winning the 2004 Presidential election, even though the British wanted John Kerry.
I must have missed the “Sanctimonious Tolerance Day Parade” in London this year!
Excuse me? Framed in the context of assassination, Barack Obama isn’t a Democrat. He’s an American. He’s a father, a son, and a husband. True he’s a man with the potential to be President of the United States of America, and Barack Obama does, whether anyone likes it or not, symbolically embody the political hopes and dreams of many good citizens of this nation. But you can go and Fuck your stupid political parties. What seperates America from the rest of the shit coutries on this planet is that persons like Barack Obama can become President and that Barack Obama and all other citizens can freely speak their mind politically without being shot. If not for the aforementioned freedom then remind me again what we, even today, we’re fighting and dieing for these ideals. Shit, we could just avoid a lot of bloodshed and apply to be part of the gutless EU otherwise.
Maybe one day you’ll grow the fuck up. I don’t find one thing you state to be agreeable. To me you just another grip-less idiot, like Karl, lost in party-identity politics.
Keep on joshing it up. See if I go away.
You’re absolutely right thor. Any fool can spout anything he or she desires. That’s their absolute right. They can even run for president. And I ,equally,have the same right to make fun of them. CAN I GET A WITNESS!!
Husband? Father? Potential President?
Fuck all that. He’s the Messiah! He is Hope! He is the future! He’s the fearless one. He’s the shit.
Trudat, Pablomey.
Barack Obama and all other citizens can freely speak their mind politically without being shot.
Exactly. Baracky should put up more Che posters in his campaign offices so people remember this more better.
I am SAVED!!!
–“I am SAVED!!!
– Well….uuummmm…..no…..not exactly. You see Pablo, you, we, are even higher on the list of “People that need to be silenced or shot a lot list”. Even higher than thor because hes still a useful idiot for shouting out at rallys. The brownshirt gaggle will be kept around for campaign agitation, and moved out once the real elites are in power. A man has to know his limitations. O!
Hillary Assassinates Her Campaign
Knowing how vindictive Hillary Clinton is, could this have also been payback for The Kennedy’s endorsement of Barack Obama? Ted Kennedy was recently diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor and emotions have to be running very high in the Kennedy famil…
Did you know he can take ordinary human urine and change it into 100 octane racing fuel? It’s true!
I forgot to mention
re: #6 — shouldn’t you be apologizing for raising the possibility that Obama might be shot? Or should I just add #6 to the cases in the initial post?
He is The Way, The Truth, The Light. You can kill him, but 3 days later, he’ll be back!
There is no God but Obama and thor is his messenger!
Keep your eyes on your coaster and I’ll do a bartender’s card trick for ya. Look at what’s behind your ear, it’s a shiny satire bunny.
Gee, I guess you didn’t get my sarcasm regarding the Hillary remark, thor. I’m not hung up on identity politic, the Democrats are. If you vote for Hillary you’re a racist, and if you vote for Barack you’re a sexist. That’s identity politics. And as I stated before, I’m neither a Democrat nor a Republican. In America one can be an Independent. Obama chose to be a Democrat, and has liberal policies(at least that’s been his voting record). You’ll learn to believe a politician by his actions, not by how well he states a position. Idealogues like yourself need to mature prior to advising anyone else to grow up.
I was a Democrat for the first 25 years I could vote, and then I learned that the only thing they truly believed in was power and money. Unfortunately, the Republicans offered nothing better. Obama offers nothing new, different or better;it’s just rhetoric.
BTW, 1968 was probably the darkest year in my lifetime. No one’s advocating assassination in this blog, we just find it amuzing that the party who professes to be tolerant and diverse, is neither, and the MSM is finally airing it.
Bunnies of martyrdom! But I was thinking if someone shoots Baracky or even if he chokes on a waffle or something Hillary is sure gonna look savvy.
chew, chew, chew your food
a little at a time.
chew it slow, chew it well
chew it to this rhyme
thor admits he is a parody of himself. Interesting.