Some 75,000 people turned out in Portland on Sunday to hear Barack Obama preach change, hope and malaise to the masses.
I was reminded of a recent comment from Michael Burleigh — the acclaimed author of books like The Third Reich: A New History, Earthly Powers and Sacred Causes, and Blood & Rage: A Cultural History of Terrorism — in an interview with London’s Guardian:
“Historians have widely ignored the impact of man’s need for something to believe in, and how that can be manipulated,” he explains. “People want a simple narrative; they want a magic young prince to save them. You can see this with Barack Obama in the US: if you actually look at what he’s about, it’s just make believe. The idea that he could persuade the leaders of Iran and Syria to sit down at the same conference table is absurd.”
Iran might be willing to sit down with Obama, if the Mullahs agreed with Hamas about Obama’s vision to change America.
I thought the poster was subtle parody, but the “artist” is serious.
All kneel and cast down your eyes in the presense of the larger Obamessiah, including you furries. And don’t forget your Black Power salute.
Is that Jughead from Archie kneeling stage left? He really is a uniter!
I can’t wait to see what name you settle on for Obama. Obamitlermullahssiah? Obamabinladinitler? Islamobamahitler?
That’s, btw, the most depressing “hope” poster I’ve ever seen.
Perhaps the gloomy palette is intentional…with that one little bit of color popping out of Pandora’a box there.
We can all imagine the little rainbow hopey-sprite at the bottom?
And the effect of excessive atmospheric pressure is very convincing. Cheezit, Is that a furrie in the lower left hand corner?
Lisa, I personally prefer Hobama Chi Minh.
How about “Obadart”.
I still vote for Happtyfeet’s “Baracky”
Karl, what if Obama turns out to be a good president?
Or O!bamessiah.
That would mean we have defined the presidency down a lot I think.
I can’t wait to see what name you settle on for Obama
How about “defeated” on Nov 4th?
Is it ok to copy “Baracky”? Because I would but it seemed like stealing.
Darleen FTW. Eleventy.
Why does that pressed-down-upon girl have a stripey tail?
If O! turns out to be a good President, Lisa, I suspect that we will all be greatly relieved. If he is good for the country, and somehow manages to restrain himself from full-on socialism, we will be happy. I cannot imagine any of us complaining if he turns out to be the exact opposite of what we exect.
Most people what want to be president develop what I like to call “president skills” – meaning they sort of spend a little time gaining the sorts of experience that will help them govern more better. Maybe read a book or vote “yay” or “nay” instead of “present” just to sort of get the feel for this governing thing. Or like if they’re in the Congress they could like pass some meaningful legislation or something. President skills. This is different from “branding skills.” No, really.
It looks like the pidgies straining upwards are sort of destined for the pavement. Mightily they struggle. Bonk.
Iagree with # 16.
Unfortunately or fortunately for some our recent history knows different examples…
Baracky is public domain. He’s like Britney like that but without the successful track record.
See that’s a full-frontal assault on the idea of a market economy. Which just happens to be the economy of the country Baracky thinks he’s fired up fired up ready to go ready to go to lead. Well it’s fucking hot in my apartment and he can kiss my ass.
“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times.â€Â
Nannystatism in a nutshell.
Oh. JD. Pineapple-apricot for my breakfast smoothie thinger today. I did one last night and it rocked, so thank you. I’d never actually bought a pineapple before. They look like they require skills but for real you just cut em up. Who knew?
The people in that piece of “art” are fucking praying to him.
If that doesn’t give you the willies, nothing will.
Did you use fresh or dried apricot?
The furries are praying.
Better than spraying, I guess.
We can’t be free anymore. People act in their own interest when that happens.
They’re fresh. I haven’t really got those before either so I’m not sure how much you’re supposed to pay for them.
Good lord look at the size of his hands! Hulk smash!
That poster is nothing but creepy.
Lisa, if Baracky turns out to be a good president … well, shit, people think Bill Clinton was a good president … some even think Carter is a great man.
This is so bogus. It isn’t fascism, people. In Portland there was killer tunes (lots of Marley and Nirvana, not exactly a brass marching band people), everyone was cool. Some of us went back and got so baked at a party after we saw him speak (the speech was Un. Be. Lev. Ab. Le. for everyone to be there thinking and feeling the same thing with Obama up there on the stage. I was pretty close and when I saw him I got so excited I kind of went out of myself (hard to explain) just thinking about how much hope there is now for a new country. It’s like you weren’t just yourself anymore but part of something bigger thanks to Barak (and Michelle, got to give props to the women). But I guess you fascists wouldn’t understand stuff like that.
Plus Barak is nice people. Um, last time I checked fascism can’t be nice.
I would echo JD’s comment regarding if Obama turns out to be a good president (assuming he wins, natch). During the Clinton era, I was one of those who was always willing to note my points of agreement with ol’ Bill (trade, reduction of cap gains taxes, welfare reform [however reluctant he ultimately was], etc.) And though perjuring oneself badly before a Grand Jury is a very serious matter, I thought his actions regarding proliferation of nuclear and missile tech was worse — and said so to people before I had a blog platform.
That all being said, if the “16-year cycle” plays out per usual, a Pres. Obama would be likely to have difficulty passing anything major, even through a Democratic Congress, much like JFK, Carter and Clinton.
Oh. Not at all. When I feel empty and sad I turn to the government too. It’s the unconditional love I crave mostly I think. That and also free shit and purposeyness. I was gonna get my own purpose but why buy the cow and all that?
Excellent parody, Jim.
Huh … usually I have an overwhelming urge to get baked before he speaks but, hey, whatever burns your buds, so to speak. :-D
Jim? Parody or not? I mean, I want it to be real SO BAD …
I’m really hoping it’s parody, Carin.
e. I was pretty close and when I saw him I got so excited I kind of went on myself …
Fixed that for you.
That poster is nothing but creepy.
I have some Vietnamese propaganda posters that look just like that, stylistically.
The blue is the same color I saw in the Vietnam and Cambodia are one nation! posters.
Ack. I shoulda clicked the orangeyness.
Sadly, in this age of Beyond Parodiness, it’s damn near impossible to tell…
This fellow keeps a photostream of hopeyness. I didnt like the Munk bus shelter on page 2 at all.
People, we can not have shiny tricycles made of polar-bear sinking steel, for our 3-year olds anymore. Give them a stick and tell them it is a pony. And those streamers? What is wrong with you people that you can not think outside of your own skin. The green guard can supply you with pine tags.
Fooled me. But a friend of mine was in Portland last week and he said it was disturbing and he’s a liberal, so I kinda had that in my head.
We are evil, we are footprints, we are trampling the garden, and we’ve got to turn ourselves back into carbon.
I’m lobbying for “O!” — in contrast to the unpunctuated “O” for Oprah — because it pretty much says exactly as much of substance about him as he ever says about our future under his administration if he’s elected.
I’ve stated in various places that if O! becomes president he will be my president, because I’m sick and tired of the “he’s not my president” pattern we’ve gotten into over the last couple of decades.
Though, if I as a white guy am talking about a black guy as “my president,” is that racist?
In spirit I’m with you McGehee.
“The” president of the nation is what I always say though. He’s not the boss of me!
I don’t know if he’ll be my president for real. I can do other stuff. Way after Bill left office I had to go back and look up what all that mess in Yugoslavia was all about cause it just hadn’t been on my radar. It would be kinda nice to have an excuse to read more Variety and less WaPo I think.
And also treating Baracky like he’s a for real president would be kind of patronizing I think. I mean, bless his heart.
happyfeet #22 – De nada, mi amigo. Try mango, it is pretty versatile too.
That poster, as the kids like to say these days, “creeps me out”. And yes, it does look like the characters surrounding The Great Leader Obama are praying to him.
And what is even creepier is that it’s “for real”. That is not some parody thing. That LA gangbanger “artist” is selling those posters to raise money for Baracky’s campaign.
Mango. That’s fun to say. I’ve been mixing mango horchata mix in I got at Target. I’ll see if Ralph’s has real ones. But I was also thinking that Baracky will be plenty president without me. Him can be president for Justin Timberlake and Sumner Redstone and Cher’s ass cheek tattoo and various woodland creatures. No need to go overboard I don’t think.
I have some Vietnamese propaganda posters that look just like that, stylistically.
If you folks think that one’s creepy, have a look at this one.
The only term that comes to mind for this style is “neo-fascist”.
SPB – that flickr photostream I linked at #42 shows some walls all paved with that poster. The creepy factor is up there.
I want to know more about the 72 degrees.
Is that too cold in the summer? Too hot in the winter? Where are we supposed to set our thermostats, Barack?
Some of us went back and got so baked at a party after we saw him speak
Just don’t give into the munchies, or you’ll be hearing complaints from Denmark.
“Where are we supposed to set our thermostats, Barack”
If it feels comfortable, you are doing it wrong.
I know, sashal, but I just couldn’t resist. I’m straining to keep up with happyfeet’s stream of consciousness while trying not to ruin another keyboard.
“woodland animals” Hah!
I agree. I am tired of this “he is not my president” shit too. Our president is our president. Period. Unless you want to renounce your citizenship. Then have at it, dummy – have fun in Canada ya dope.
Now, I feel it is my right – perhaps even my duty – to call my president a fuckhead, a fool, or a capering jackass.
This is so bogus. It isn’t fascism, people.
Sure it isn’t, Bill. Or are you Ted? Or maybe we should just call you “Dude”.
I understand that Herr Hitler put on a bitchin’ rally, too.
All full of hope and change. Cool music, too.
It’s like you weren’t just yourself anymore but part of something bigger
Yeah, that’s how it works.
Obama will be the uncomfortable president.
No, wait, we’ll be uncomfortable, you understand … shivering or sweating, walking and biking … and working, OH GOSH THE WORK WE WILL DO!
Get off of your hammock, asshole!
and smile…
All your comforts are belong to him!
Arbeit macht frei!
Barack should be happy with me. Our air con broke yesterday and it was 102 degrees. We were definitely not comfortable.
Ya know, I really don’t blame Obama for the creepy factor. I do wonder, though, if he’s aware he’s riding a tiger.
(Doubt it, though. He doesn’t strike me as someone all that aware of history.)
Hey, this is kinda fun!
I like to keep the liguistic ambiguity implying the President of the United States Congress and Commander in Chief of the military, is president of me, out of my speech. Though I know you mean the other thing by it, that he’s president of our country, and therefor “our”s, as in belonging to us. There is a difference between the two things.
Now should I condemn myself for the !FASCIST RACISM! or for the !RACIAL FASCISM! (?)
Oh, whichever I’m comfortable with!
#65: Oh I think he is.
“Linguistic” is an unfortunate word to misspell.
I was disappointed in who Obama turned out to be. I wonder about the “creepy” and Obama’s perceptions about all that messianic fervor. I think its possible he is buying into it instead of merely leveraging it.
“We are the God We have been waiting For”
Obama 08
Thing is, Lisa, that makes him even creepier.
#71: I am not. I think he is pretty swell. So is McCain – though I hope McCain doesn’t win. I don’t see any reason to demonize the opponent of my preferred candidate, it is utterly silly and immature….giving the impression that you don’t understand anyone unless they are defined in Superman and Lex Luthor terms. But that is just me.
Besides, Obama hasn’t done anything horrible. (Except be discovered to have hung out with black people….maybe even some really blackity black people – and a smattering of weirdos). And as far as experience? Who has presidential experience when running for president?
#5: LMAO!!! Oh that is good. I do, however, denounce you.
How about Obamespierre?
Dan, #44? Must you bring them up? Haven’t you heard shaming has gone out of style?
#71: When I say ‘you’ I don’t mean ‘you’ specifically, Sarah (since you only expressed a sense of disappointment). I am talking about the sort of building, bilious hatred that is the flip side of the messianic obamaworship idiocy.
Yeah. I’m just suddenly uncomfortable with the possessive connotation of thinking of him as “my” president. Like he’s my property or something.
I can’t quite put my finger on why that’s bothering me in this particular instance…
Lisa, nice strawman there.
I have a multitude of reasons why O! isn’t my candidate, and not a one of them has to do with his blackitudeness. Or, lack there of.
But, I do have a problem with his coziness with radicals and commies. Sure, I could be friends with a commie, but I’d prolly laugh at them a lots behind their back. It would make really fun dinner-table talk.
And, for nicknames I’m with O! or Baracky.
And as far as experience? Who has presidential experience when running for president?
Well, I don’t normally think of the Presidency as an entry-level job, but that’s just me. I understand that the Dems view these things differently, as when Bobby Kennedy made his first-ever appearance in court as the Attorney General of the United States.
McCain: Many terms in the Senate. Decades of Washington experience.
Clinton: Two-term Senator, decades of Washington experience going back to the Watergate era, including eight years in the White House as a fairly active and involved First Lady.
Obama: a partial term as a junior Senator.
I really don’t think you want to hit on the “experience” thing too much.
Everybody who wants to use O! to describe Obama, be ready for the suit from Cirque du Soleil show in Las Vegas
“Obama: a partial term as a junior Senator”
Hey he was a community organizer.
Honestly, what the heck does this mean?
It sounds like he’s leaning toward that one-world government kind of stuff. “That’s not going to happen?” What is he going to do?
Carin: So if you can have commie friends (to laugh at), why can’t he have any commie friends?
nice strawman there
Yeah you are right. That was a strawman. But it was a clever, snarky little strawman.
#81: Actually it was meant to be an entry level position. No elected office is the official domain of Washington insiders. But I guess that is just me, Brigands.
(I mean to say the “exclusive” domain of Washington insiders)
Actually it was meant to be an entry level position.
Cool. So why don’t we just have a lottery? Maybe we’ll get that clerk at the local cookie shop who can’t count change even with the help of the cash register.
Lisa, you don’t even believe that yourself. Don’t expect the rest of us to believe it.
I’m with education guy. Those hands, they are…enormous.
I wonder if his feet are that big.
Incidentally, I think it about time to break out a series of Obama posters based around the concept of hope and change tied directly to the O face.
Shivering burns calories.
Obama considers himself black. If he were not black, he would not be Obama. He’d be a really ugly John Edwards – without that dreamy far off look.
Well, no. Baracky is really a very very bad thing. The reason they tell you he’s unitey I think is cause he’s not unitey. They’re clever like that. Baracky is incidentally black but that’s a huge bonus cause it obscures his white trashy Euro-socialism. It’s all very much a George Soros wish-fulfillment exercise. What people here forget about Europeans socialists is that top of mind with them isn’t our thermostats or our SUVs. They’re obsessed with this idea that the U.S. is racially balkanized and destined for crippling racial strifeyness.
Baracky will be the catalyst for this they’re hoping a lot I think. This is a pivot point where he’s not incidentally black but really quite black and also not-white especially. Who doesn’t think Baracky’s media will cast political opposition to Baracky in as racially polarizing terms as possible? Duh. And it doesn’t take but a bit of money to get astro-turfed ethnic tension going on like they did with the LA immigration protesty thing.
Yup. I think it’s foreshadowed in that article Karl linked yesterday…
They need to jump out there and lay the groundwork I think so people will understand that the Republicans are horribly racist and even some Democrats are horribly racist too but they’re just the inauthentic Southern ones.
NPR for sure yearns for some rank bigotry to call out. Baracky is a lot fired up and ready to go to deliver for them I think.
Oh. *European* socialists. They’re really really pissed at us by the way. It’s a visceral hate thing. Especially the elitey ones.
Dan: “We are evil, we are footprints, we are trampling the garden, and we’ve got to turn ourselves back into carbon.”
Don’t forget to get your carbon sequestration permit– Save the Polar Bears!
I agree with Lisa that it does not necessarily require Washington experience, but at the same time, he is about to be the head of the largest and most powerful organization in the world. It would be nice if he had a resume to support that.
“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times.â€Â
I’ll bet Prince Charming doesn’t say this to Al “Big Ol’ Carbon Footprint” Gore or John “20,000 Square Foot House” Edwards.
And who does Obama mean by “we?” Speak for your own damn self, Nature Boy.
#88: Okay now I must pass on the “nice strawman” to you. You are conflating experience with intelligence and acuity – which is just ridicoulous. There is a difference. Experience presidenting? Not necessary. Intelligence and understanding of the duties of the office? Necessary. (And really, if you voted for Bush, you should probably retire that argument altogether, as he is clearly both an idiot AND inexperienced).
“It sounds like he’s leaning toward that one-world government kind of stuff. “That’s not going to happen?†What is he going to do?”
He is being an INTERNATIONAL community organizer.
Carin: So if you can have commie friends (to laugh at), why can’t he have any commie friends?
Well, first, I don’t actually have any commie friends. It would be neat to know one – from work or something -so I could bait him/her into debate. But I couldn’t actually be “friends” with them because -let’s face it- they would be idiots. I know some people who were really into the commune kinda lifestyle, but they were in it for themself and didn’t preach. And, they honestly did walk-the-walk.
And, I certainly wouldn’t have a commie priest (RC, that I am) – because you’re not supposed to laugh in church. Or yell dissent. That stuff is generally frowned upon during the homily.
Way to go too far Lisa.
Here’s a rawhide chew-toy for you. I listened to Jeff Goldberg talking about an phone interview he’d had with Obama. He was most impressed with how, after much thought about it, Obama’s position on unconditional talks with terrorists had evolved since his moronic YouTube debate answer. So your genius is forming his policies while campaigning. Not a huge confidence builder, but excellent fodder for ridicule.
#94: It would be nice. But again, it is not necessary. Sometimes it is not even preferable. Many times, a person who has been around the block too many times in Washington stinks of insiderism. I don’t think it is the case with McCain. But it is kind of the case with Clinton.
I agree with Lisa that it does not necessarily require Washington experience
I would too, actually. There are certainly some other things that I’d count as relevant experience.
1) Multi-term governor of a state.
2) Long-term CEO of a successful company
3) Successful military officer
“Incidentally, I think it about time to break out a series of Obama posters based around the concept of hope and change tied directly to the O face.”
Will you be seeking inspiration from Riefenstahl, Eisenstein or D’Annunzio? Any ideas about shirt colors? Brown and black are spoken for – a nice Dem blue might work. Doves, of course. Maybe a UN flag shown higher than the US flag?
Emphasis on BHO’s “Arbeit macht frei.” message would be a necessity but there has to be something else to reinforce the concept of “citizen as property of the state”.
A nice collar?
LOL, dre.
I’ve been meaning to fit this in, but Detroit shows how community organizing is done.
So “community organizers” get $200 an HOUR? How do I sign up for a grant?
You are conflating experience with intelligence and acuity – which is just ridicoulous. There is a difference.
Sure there is. Experience is just one of many factors involved.
Too bad Obama is a Man of Mystery on all of the other factors as well.
#99: Yeah and no one does that, right? They all know EXACTLY what they are going to do on day one when they declare their candidacy.
Mmmhmm. Sure. Got it.
#104: Too bad Obama is a Man of Mystery on all of the other factors as well.
That would be International Man of Mystery, thank you very much Mr. Brigands (a nod to, you know, a One World Government and stuff).
The worst thing is realizing how our money is squanderd through these bullshit “Grants.” They “spent” $250,000 on a community performing arts program. They were going to perform at a church and a school (both of which I assume would be cost-free) … so … where did teh $250,000 go in a few short months? Costumes? WTF. Crooks, all of ’em.
Lisa: Tell me one concrete thing that Obama is planning to do.
“Comment by Lisa on 5/19 @ 10:18 am #
Besides, Obama hasn’t done anything horrible. ”
Ummm, what’s he DONE, period?
That would be International Man of Mystery
He’ll get us back to being most popular, for sure. Just like how everybody loved us in the aftermath of 9/11.
Besides surrender in Iraq, I mean. I know about that one.
I’m sensing the discovery of a previously unknown Dr. Seuss book, Oh, the Work We Will Do!
#107Okay you may hate this one (but it is concrete): He plans to cover all uninsured Americans with a plan similar the FEHBP for federal employees. It will cost about 56 billion clams a year. He plans to pay for it by raising taxes (he calls it “letting some tax cuts expire” – which is raising taxes).
Concrete. Abhorrend and vile, in your conservative, beady little small-government loving eyes. But it is concrete nonetheless.
The outsider label Obama is going for is a marketing ploy only. He knows damn well that you don’t accomplish anything in DC unless you know how to make deals, and the deal making is easier from the inside. On the other hand, if his hands really are that big he may easily be able to “convince” others to work with him.
#111: He will stop by France to burn a few American flags (and get gay married to Ahmadinejad) before nipping off to Iraq to surrender.
He plans to cover all uninsured Americans with a plan similar the FEHBP for federal employees.
And I’m planning to become Tsar of All The Russias.
By the way, Lisa: I’m not now, nor have I ever been, a “conservative”.
At least you didn’t call me a fascist.
He plans to cover all uninsured Americans with a plan similar the FEHBP for federal employees. It will cost about 56 billion clams a year. He plans to pay for it by raising taxes (he calls it “letting some tax cuts expire†– which is raising taxes).
Part of his plans to pay for it (at one time, at least) involved asking people to buy the coverage. So he isn’t planning on covering all uninsured Americans at all.
Seriously–what’s with the stripey furry in Baracky’s audience?
And who keeps their birds and butterflies in the same drawer?
Have I ever told you of
Barry O II?
He will bring us great hope
With the work that we’ll do!
We will learn to eat tofu!
We will learn to be cold!
We will all share our pie
We will do what we’re told.
Oh the mountains we’ll climb
When we work for Barack
We will all become equal
with the bric and the brac.
#117: You didnt ask whether it was feasable or even desirable, just whether he had a concrete plan. So you see, he is not all hopey changey fuzzy talk. He is also full of mildly alarming socialist plans.
#115 – If Obama can convince Ahmadinejad to gay marry him, he will have my vote.
Is it a concrete plan if he has no real plan to pay for it, to make people pay for it, or to make people actually do it? Is it a concrete plan if he tries to call it supporting universal health care?
You didnt ask whether it was feasable or even desirable, just whether he had a concrete plan.
Got it. So his “plans” can be summarized as “free lunches for everybody!”, regardless of whether such lunches are likely to ever put in a physical appearance.
Panem et circenses, plebeii!
No one will be allowed to be comfortable, sitting around without health coverage, even if they are wrapped in a blanket and eating a salad.
We will be his comfort bitches.
“…we can’t eat as much as we want…”
So he’s going to expect us to work, but the food will be rationed while he’s taking away some people’s pie. This is sounding grim.
Concrete — he just said in Montana that he’ll give a $4000 dollar grant to any kid who wants to attend college. Remedial reading adjunct faculty — polish your resumes.
#125: LOL.
(Je vous dénonce!!)
we can’t eat as much as we want
It just occurred to me to wonder whether or not this includes arguala.
Whoops, “arugula”.
Well, we know it includes pie.
Senator Obama’s ads in Oregon are all along the same lines: everything sucks, government is corrupt and we can fix it all, except by “we” he actually means “I” but he doesn’t bother explaining how this will work. Get this: he also has an ad claiming Senator McCain is a big spender and implies that Senator Obama is not. Of all the things I have against McCain big spending isn’t one of them. The same ad suggests that Obama is opposed to CFR, noting that he never voted for it, although he wasn’t in congress at the time and has hardly voted for anything because he’s so busy doing other stuff.
Lisa: Tell me one concrete thing that Obama is planning to do.
Surrender in Iraq immediately.
Christopher – Voting (other than present) is for the little people.
(Je vous dénonce!!)
I denounce myself for posting panem et circenses, since Obama has already told us there won’t be enough panem to go around. I’d definitely put my money on plenty of circenses, though.
#123: LOL! That would be impressive, wouldn’t it? They could be Teh First Gays in Iran! Woot woot!
107Okay you may hate this one (but it is concrete): He plans to cover all uninsured Americans, and anyone who can sneak across the border, with a plan similar the FEHBP for federal employees. It will cost about 56 billion clams a year. He plans to pay for it by raising taxes (he calls it “letting some tax cuts expire†– which is raising taxes).
56 billion? Like every Gov program, it will be 10 times that in 5 years.
No! No! No! I pay for my families healthcare. We have a good plan–I don’t wanna go to some fucking government clinic!
Name for Obama? “Al Hussein” Like they used to call The Great Saddam in Iraq.
“Obama al Hussein” works for me.
#136: I would have to agree with you on that…the clowns are already in place and ready for action.
If Baracky or that meanie wife of his even thinks about touching my pie, we are going to have issues.
Le grand Baracky àoreilles meilleur de ne pas penser àvoler mon pâté en croûte de moi.
Obama on his pending loss in Kentucky:
“What it says is that I’m not very well known in that part of the country,” Obama said. “Sen. Clinton, I think, is much better known, coming from a nearby state of Arkansas. So it’s not surprising that she would have an advantage in some of those states in the middle.”
“some of those states in the middle.”
Fuck you Al Hussein. Fuck you.
Wait. Doesn’t Illinios actually touch Kentucky?
So Huckabee still has a shot for Sec. of HHS…
#140: LMFAO!!
I will personally kick some ass if Barack of the big ears thinks of taking your meat pie, JD.
Doing all the stuff to bring on the hopeful changey unitedness takes time, dammit. Do you think the bunnies and puppies and kittens can feed themselves? Cut the Obamessiah some slack.
Illinois does, in fact, border Kentucky.
Illinois only borders Kentucky on the old maps, before we had 57 states.
Illinois does, in fact, border Kentucky.
He’s not well known in that part of the country–y’know, some of those ‘middle states’. Hillary has an advantage ‘cuz she’s from Arkansas.
What is he really trying to say?
“Kentucky has hicks clinging to guns and religion like Arkansas and “those other states in the middle”.”
Fuck him.
That’s right. Everything south of Joliet is part of Jesusland now, isn’t it?
I forgot.
But … while Illinois may border> Kentucky, can anybody really say whether or not it actually touches Kentucky.
Nuance, people! Nuance.
#149: Giggles. The rich, horsey Lexington people can touch the Lake Shore people, of course. Gun clingy Kentuckians and gun clingy South Chicagoans? Ne’er the twain shall meet.
I’m starting to feel like a participant in one of those ‘conformity tests’:
“Obama is not great. He sucks. That line is not longer, screw you. No, that color is more red than blue. Obama is not a uniter, he divides. And the earth is not warming.
What is wrong with people in here?”
And then I just get sullen and start yelling “Hey, fuck you!” anytime anyone tries to ask me a question or talk to me.
Conformity scale rating: “indomitable”.
#147: Of course he means to demean you. He is uppity like that, Gray.
Lisa, playing the race card is starting to get a little old.
#147: Of course he means to demean you.
So he’s stupid and effete, but not malicious?
You’re not really going to try and defend him, are you?
The folks in Cairo, Metropolis, and Paducah would likely be surprised that the state they thought was on the other side of the river was not IL/KY. Having grown up in southern Illinois, it is not the least bit surprising that someone from Chicagoland is unfamiliar with the geography south of 80/94.
#154: Yes, I am laughing hard at your uber-offendedness. You sound like an overwrought lunatic of the first order.
#153: Right. When I make those kind of jokes I am “playing the race card”. I wonder why that is…
Yawn. Yet another tired old canard.
#155: I imagine you are right, JD. I used to meet people in Los Angeles that thought Sacramento was in Oregon.
No. I’m telling you the truth. Baracky’s hopeychangey vagueyness means his brand is easily defined by others. Not Republicans so much cause they suck at that sort of thing, but there’s all sorts on the left /media that can co-opt a Baracky victory and tell you what it means. After he’s in office they will tell you it means things you don’t like because you’re racist bitter and clingy. It’s gonna a lot suck and mostly I think I’ll just say I told you so. Cause I did.
That’s OK. I grew up in Massachusetts and most people I know think it’s in France.
#154: Yes, I am laughing hard at your uber-offendedness. You sound like an overwrought lunatic of the first order.
Wait. It’s my fault I don’t fall in line ‘cuz he said something blitheringly stupid and offensive?
If I’m incorrect in being offended, Lisa, can you tell me what Obama meant when he said:
“What it says is that I’m not very well known in that part of the country,†Obama said. “Sen. Clinton, I think, is much better known, coming from a nearby state of Arkansas. So it’s not surprising that she would have an advantage in some of those states in the middle.â€Â
What do you think he meant, Lisa?
Yeah, but to know that, Obama would have to campaign south of I-74.
#153: Right. When I make those kind of jokes I am “playing the race cardâ€Â. I wonder why that is…
Yeah, I do wonder why that is. Why is that?
I think it’s nice that you worked with the retarded.
I guess this is really our sides fault: But I notice people are quick to roll out the “Well Hitler was popular too” or “heh, his supporters are like the Nazis” memes. Does anyone find it disturbing that we are so quick to brand people we don’t like (but who are not even close to being a fascist mass murderer) as “like Hitler”. I remember being disturbed at the labeling of Bush supporters as brownshirts. How can you label some fatty in his SUV and a pair of Dockers as a brownshirt because he is a loyal republican? That dumbing down of fascism is a bit nervous-making. If everyone is a fascist, then what do we now call the brutal authoritarians who rule by force, militarism, and wild-eyed nationalism? Fascism seems a bit inadequate, since Bush, Barack Obama, dirty little dudes running around in Afghanistan blowing up shit, liberals (especially vegans), chubby Republican SUV drivers with yellow magnets, and pretty much everyone else are now fascists?
#160: I don’t give a shit.
I was so curious about what that furrie girl was doing in that poster, I had to go looking for the explanation.
Turns out, for artist Sam Flores, pained and glum or grieved grimacing ectomorphs, symbolic “chest” drawers with things creeping/flying/growing out of them. enormous hands, and young people in animal costumes are his deal. This lovely website called fecal-face visited his studio for an interview. The visitor observes:
Apparently well-heeled types buy spendy cut-outs like
these (so cheery) for their childrens bedrooms
Sam Flores has a website here
and a blogspot blog here
This is some majory bunny inertia: There is gravity fu on these bunnies. Someone broke the hearts of these bunnies.
Lisa, the Obama-centric cult of personality doesn’t have to reach the level of fascism to be dangerous.
I think making Hitlers is kind of time consuming and for real we don’t have the patience to even make a half-assed one. This is why incrementalism.
Well, Gray, what you might do is hang around a bit and see how the conversation flows. We tend to agree that we’re all “liberals” around here, but we differ on what the definition of that word is. Part of that is joking around, and you really shouldn’t try to respond to the in-jokes until you’re, you know, in. Which doesn’t take much, but that little effort is necessary.
“If you folks think that one’s creepy, have a look at this one.”
S,B&P –
Holy Commies, Batman!
That is one scary piece of “art”. What is that style called? Nightmare-esque?
If everyone is a fascist, then what do we now call the brutal authoritarians who rule by force, militarism, and wild-eyed nationalism?
Al Hussein.
chubby Republican SUV drivers with yellow magnets, and pretty much everyone else are now fascists?
As opposed to scrawny bearded Volvo drivers with a “darwin fish” sticker.
That’s a weird stereotype you’ve got there: All the Republicans I know are ranchers, pilots, general contractors and military. They all look like extras from “300”….
(But they do all drive SUVs and pickup trucks–we need those things out here in ‘those middle states’.)
“Where are we supposed to set our thermostats, Barack?”
Don’t worry about it, MayBee.
The thermostat police will be around shortly to tell you. They’ve been just itching for action since Jimmuh left office.
Part of that is joking around, and you really shouldn’t try to respond to the in-jokes until you’re, you know, in. Which doesn’t take much, but that little effort is necessary.
Yeah, I’ve only been reading and posting around here for about a year…..
Wow, that was dickish.
#160: I don’t give a shit.
No? You don’t give a shit what Obama meant when he said: “What it says is that I’m not very well known in that part of the country,†Obama said. “Sen. Clinton, I think, is much better known, coming from a nearby state of Arkansas. So it’s not surprising that she would have an advantage in some of those states in the middle.â€Â
If you don’t know, or care what it means, then how could you fault me for finding it offensive?
Now who’s overwrought?
The thermostat police will be around shortly to tell you.
In California they don’t want to have to bother to come around in person.
Yeah Gray get with the program.
Sweaters and malaise for everyone! Again!
Yeah Gray get with the program.
No, HF–get with the pogrom
#166: That is indeed creepy. I don’t like those big, evil looking hands. If people are buying them for their kids rooms, they better put some money aside for future therapy. That might really unhinge someone. Thanks for the links.
I prefer my paper-mâché hooker.
Baracky talk always goes to the darkest places. Why do you think that is?
“Now, I feel it is my right – perhaps even my duty – to call my president a fuckhead, a fool, or a capering jackass.”
After eight years of Clinton bashing, eight years of exponentially worse Bush bashing, I would not be eager to be the next president.
After the honeymoon, his head is going to be stomped like a rotten tomato. I’ve already shined up my jackboots.
Can’t sleep…clown will eat me.
That will be totally awesome because I have sweaters I never wear and now I can wear them and fit in.
I’m looking forward to 18% interest rates on home loans. Woohoo!!
“Now should I condemn myself for the !FASCIST RACISM! or for the !RACIAL FASCISM! (?)”
BJ –
Although I am somewhat concerned about FACISM!, I am actually much more worried about my conversion to FATTISM!
#175: Holy. Mother. Fucking. Shit!!!!!!
Now that is shocking even for my moonbattish self. Wait, I don’t know why I am shocked. This is the state where I was raised! Where they built a bridge ove the freeway for frogs (publicly funded, of course), and where you can’t even smoke walking down the street in the City of Davis.
#181: LMAO!!
Don’t worry about the FATTISM, Lost Dog, Baracky’s got you covered. After all, you can’t eat all you want.
I can’t help but remember President Carter’s answer to the energy crisis: wear sweaters and turn the thermostat down. How oddly similar these two candidates are.
I believe that there was a burst of sanity in the Republic of Californistan and enough “WTF!!!!!!!” style outcry that the remotew thermostat proposal has been withdrawn.
Although Big Dude would like to know how many miles you drive.
Plus ca change, plus ca meme chose. (my French sucks.)
Kentucky touches Illinois, but Baracky will make them stop.
Bad touch. Very bad. Right there.
I grew up in Cali and visit my father there as often as I can. I will not move back there, though. They are completely ruining the place.
. “(And really, if you voted for Bush, you should probably retire that argument altogether, as he is clearly both an idiot AND inexperienced).”
Bzzzzt! I think you need to get “behind the scenes” and understand just how much you have been beaten over the head with the Drive By’s absolute hatred of Bush. For almost eight years they have been frothing at the mouth and strafing the American public with innuendo and outright lies about Bush and how stupid he is. And you eat it up.
No wonder you are an O’BaMessiahist. Talk about stupidity!. I don’t think you are qualified to judge Bush’s intelligence. Consensus of a lying, spiteful and hateful media does not a fact make, no matter how many years they try to beat your brains in with their drivel.
Vehemently dsiagreeing with Bush is one thing, but calling Bush “stupid” just shows how the media and the far left have turned your brain to mush.
The facts (FACTS. Not the poop smeared in your face by the left and the media) of the last seven years speak against you. But, then again, the O’BaMessiah is going to save you and nurture you, just like the rest of his “children”.
And even though I have issues with Bush too, he is neither stupid nor inexperienced. Those that make the argument that Bush is stupid are, in actualliy, the stupid ones.
If Bush is so stupid, why is it that he has kicked the Democrat’s asses EACH AND EVERY TIME THEY HAVE TRIED TO CONFRONT HIM? Face to face, the Dem’s have come out losers EVERY time.
I think you are looking on the wrong side of the aisle for “stupid”, “sweetie”.
OOPS! Sorry. I couldn’t resist that little dig. I’ll be calling you later to apologize, and you can record it and then give it to my “reps” to distrubute to the media. Might even be a few dollars in it for you, too.
Was’nt the russian revolution,
about “Change” too?
It occurs to me that the Sam Flores depictions of his young folk are really sort of reminiscent of the somatosenory and motor cortex homunculi in my neurology books.
What, Sarah, you mean some of them are furries, too?
“Well, Gray, what you might do is hang around a bit and see how the conversation flows. We tend to agree that we’re all “liberals†around here, but we differ on what the definition of that word is. Part of that is joking around, and you really shouldn’t try to respond to the in-jokes until you’re, you know, in. Which doesn’t take much, but that little effort is necessary.
Gray –
Ummm… Ric is sort of like a mascot here, and is only rarely taken seriously. I don’t have a problem with him, but some think he is way weird.
I think your posts are hilarious, and would like to be the first to welcome you aboard (even though it’s not my blog, and you might possibly be a new name for an old face).
I am so glad that you have brought the “Fuck everybody” issue out into the light of day. I have been saying, for quite a while now: “fUCK YOU, FUCK ME, FUCK EVERYBODY!”
it really does soothe me…
Hey, Lisa –
Where can i get one of those paper mache “hookers?
And how do you clean them when you’re…ahhhh…done?
Sean, no doubt.
But artists brains are so wierd. They are often wired up funny.
There are situations for any of us, and in some medical conditions perceptual distortions of the human body image: a body part like a thumb or hands may seem to be big.
You’ve probably seen that represented by catoonists depicitons of, say, a thumb getting hit with a hammer. Local Anaesthesia of body parts can cause perceptual distorions, pain, or a blow….
sometimes brain seizures can cause significant distorions in the relative size of body parts…
Ok, I’ll stop now, I’m just curious about it.
Um. Actually for real Ric is the smartest one a lot really.
“…sometimes brain seizures can cause significant distorions in the relative size of body parts…”
As in Ted Kennedy? I don’t know if you’ve seen that picture of him in that boat in Hyannisport, but maybe you have just explained it.
Holy shit! If I ever had to define the word “grotesque”, I would not hesitate to google that picture.
hf – I don’t dispute that at all. He is just sometimes a little goofy – unlike my own self.
Ric just seems to be all over the lot, sometimes.
And, Ric, no disrespect intended. You are as enjoyable as everyone else here, usually moreso. It’s just that sometimes I see you as a “puzzle moment”. I think that’s a compliment…
And now, Ric, do you know of any good surgeons who can get both of my feet out of my mouth?
Oh. Ric though I think has a lot of that gravitas thing. I really do. Gravitas is really harder than it looks, too. Ric makes it seem easy, but not to where I get fooled into trying it myself.
Not to worry, Lost Dog. I’m sufficiently
egotisticalcentered that I’m pretty hard to insult.And, after all, I really am a broken-toothed redneck living in a tin-roofed shack well outside of a small town, with real genuine automobile carcasses littering the front yard. No dogs on the porch, but only because the kittycats ran ’em all off. Given that, most dissing just leaves me to say, “Ah. And your point is?”
#96 then #105.
I stand corrected. You obviously really know idiots.
Careful. Don’t get a paper cut. Ouch.
Guns are illegal in the city of Chicago.
#197: Someone bought me that piece of art on my 25th birthday. She has the Dia de Los Muertos face, so that might be a bit of a mood killer. But she has on a hot pink sparkly mini skirt and heels, so if it is dark and you have on your beer goggles…
TLD… what was up last Sat. Night? I got confused.
What the hell? because the Governor of Texas is merely a figurehead?? This is one of those rare times we’ll get a Congresscritter for President and there’s probably a reason for that.
#197: Someone bought me that piece of art on my 25th birthday. She has the Dia de Los Muertos face, so that might be a bit of a mood killer. But she has on a hot pink sparkly mini skirt and heels, so if it is dark and you have on your beer goggles…
That’s not a papier mache hooker. That’s Nuestra Santa Muerte!
She’s really not going to be happy you called her a hooker. You should really apologize, with candles, cerveza and a nice meal for her.
I thought you dems not in ‘those middle states’ were more multi-cultural than this….
Speaking of ‘those middle states’, what do you think Obama meant by that statement?
#209: She’s really not going to be happy you called her a hooker. You should really apologize, with candles, cerveza and a nice meal for her.
No, I have the more “entrepreneurial” sister of Santa Muerte.
Speaking of ‘those middle states’, what do you think Obama meant by that statement?
Not sure. Probably nothing. Now if he had said “Those cracka-assed middle states” that would be controversial.
Now if he had said “Those cracka-assed middle states†that would be controversial.
OK! That was funny. You’re a sport, and that counts for a lot.
Bullshit! I say we fill her with candy and then beat the shit out of her.
So “community organizers†get $200 an HOUR? How do I sign up for a grant?
This blog community could use some organizin’. I’m thinking virtual block party…everyone bring something to pass.
I accept PayPal.
[…] “likeable enough.” On a grander scale, there is the hubris inherent in the idea that Obama will bend Iran, its allies and ours to his will through direct talks with the Islamic […]