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March 2025


"a flabby, pretending, weak-eyed, devil of rapacious and pitiless folly" [Dan Collins]

Some things never change:

The UN has covered up claims that its troops in Democratic Republic of Congo gave arms to militias and smuggled gold and ivory, the BBC has learned.

One Worlders would like to give this organization a global monopoly on military force? Hat tip to Reynolds, who adds that since US forces aren’t involved the story won’t get much play internationally.

34 Replies to “"a flabby, pretending, weak-eyed, devil of rapacious and pitiless folly" [Dan Collins]”

  1. Rob Crawford says:

    Whew. When I read the title, I was worried you’d written a post about me.

  2. Jeffersonian says:

    Is that sound I hear Brian DePalma snapping into action?

  3. McGehee says:

    No, Rob — it’s about Her Inevitableness’ husband.

  4. JD says:

    datadave’s head should explode

  5. BJTexs TW/BP says:

    Fear not! According to Time Magazine, once we start a WWII style war on climate change, peace will break out. Well, at least according to the UN Secretary General who is convinced that winning the war against climate change will cause all of those inconvenient droughts in places like Darfur to magically disappear and we’ll all walk hand in hand in multicultural diversitistic revelry.

    Well, except for the rape, and the slavery and the arms running and …

    In other news the UN announced plans to fly wings of flying unicorns over third world countries to distract them from the impending war on climate change which will deny them an industrial base and any opportunity to raise themselves above mega poverty levels.

    Yuppo, I’m bitter! I condemn myself.

  6. happyfeet says:

    Poor little elephants.

  7. The Apologist says:

    Not trying to be a prick here Dan…but doesn’t the fact that the story is a BBC World Service exclusive pretty much ensure international reportage on a scale that any other media outlet in the world would envy?

    Just sayin’, they’ve been reporting it every half hour for the last twelve hours so far as I’m aware and have at least once run a half hour radio special on the story in place of other programming. I’m not a big fan of the BBC usually and I’m certainly not a fan of the UN, but having listened to the report overnight I can tell you the BBC has been kicking the UN’s ass for several hours now and that’s no small thing for the BBC or their worldwide radio audience.

  8. McGehee says:

    once we start a WWII style war on climate change, peace will break out.

    Cool! I’ll run right out and join the Army Air Corps and sign up to fly one of them P-51 Mustangs!

    Die, climate-changing Nazis!!!

  9. Scrapiron says:

    The U.N. has a higher percentage of criminals than any prison. In prison you could most likely find one innocent person, no so at the U.N. Time to close the den down.

  10. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Cool! I’ll run right out and join the Army Air Corps and sign up to fly one of them P-51 Mustangs!

    Me, I figure that if the “global warming” thing pans out we can just set off a bunch of nukes and bring on that “nuclear winter” scenario that the hippies were screeching about back in the 80s.

    That’d qualify as a WWII-style response, right?

  11. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    The U.N. has a higher percentage of criminals than any prison.


  12. BJTexs TW/BP says:

    Cool! I’ll run right out and join the Army Air Corps and sign up to fly one of them P-51 Mustangs!

    Die, climate-changing Nazis!!!

    Yippee and here’s the best part! You will be declaring war on …


    You, of course, being part of the climate frying pestilence that is humanity.


  13. Dan Collins says:

    I get your point, Apologist, but I still don’t think you’re going to see anyone picketing the fucking UN.

  14. alppuccino says:

    I still don’t think you’re going to see anyone picketing the fucking UN.

    Not without kevlar. They sound like some stone-cold peacekeepin’ mofo’s.

  15. The Lost Dog says:

    For crying out loud!

    Why are we paying to keep these morons in Turtle Bay?

    The UN should be renamed as the “UM”. United Morons. Or maybe the “USFMATWCT” – “United Stupid Fucking Morons And Third World Criminal Thugs”.

    There. I feeel better now.

  16. Rob Crawford says:

    datadave’s head should explode

    Nah. He’ll claim he’s never heard any “right-wing” news source like CBS talk about it, then blame it on capitalism and go on and on about how his Republican septic tank guy said “the darkies deserved it”.

    He finds that a heck of a lot easier than, you know, actually thinking.

  17. The Apologist says:

    Comment by Dan Collins on 4/28 @ 9:01 am

    I concur. And even if they did the only person who’d report it is that one guy at FoxNews that’s always givin’ em what for (Eric Shawn?) and Claudia Rosett.

  18. ushie says:

    Seriously, why is it we can’t kick the UN on outta here?

  19. N. O'Brain says:

    The P-51 had a piston engine.

    A great honkin’ powered Packard V-1650-3, a two-stage two-speed supercharged 12-cylinder Packard-built version of the legendary Rolls-Royce Merlin engine.

  20. Trafficking arms, gold, and ivory? ‘Smatter, did they run out of under-aged girls?

  21. McGehee says:

    datadave’s head should explode

    Actually, the reason this will never happen is, a vacuum implodes.

  22. Squid says:

    I’m reading “should explode” as a matter of justice, not physics.

  23. rhodan says:

    That’s like the hip hop drug dealers in Street Kings, played by hip hop rappers;
    who were actually rogue undercover L.A. deputies (sorry I gave that plot point,
    but it’s Ellroy, so at has to be that
    screwed up)

  24. Merovign says:

    The UN is nothing but a dictator’s “good old boy” club. When you think about it, the very concept of some kind of vaguely equal organization of national leaders is idiotic when the average nation is run by a thug.

    The original “high concept” of the UN was some kind of Saturday-morning-cartoon version of colonialism, where the European honkeys would somehow lift up all those brown thugs and, by holding cocktail parties with them, all those thugocracies would magically transform into representative paradises with lots of fountains and gardens.

    When that didn’t work out, there really wasn’t any time for anything but rent-seeking and graft.

  25. McGehee says:

    a matter of justice, not physics.

    Oh, let’s just not go there. It may be my Catholic upbringing, but the thought of justice ever paying a visit to this world, it frightens me no end.

  26. buzz says:

    What is wrong with you people? Do you not know that ONLY the UN has the moral authority to traffic in arms, gold,ivory? Or to have sex slaves? Well, time to fax the UN and see what I should have for dinner tonight.

  27. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    If you want a baby starved shot or sodomized, send the UN.

    If you want that baby saved, send the US, Australia and maybe India.

  28. Jamie says:

    And to think that in my foolish youth I looked with derision on the homemade signs in farmers’ and small town residents’ yards saying “US out of the UN!”… and that I was a proud representative of… um… Ghana, if I recall, to the Model UN in high school. Seems to me we “passed” a bunch of resolutions denouncing South Africa in the last days of apartheid. Even under the circumstances (that is, we were all 15-18-year-olds in The Hague), I spent the most useful hours illicitly visiting Dutch bars.

  29. Cowboy says:

    …and to think, this was the august body to which we were to supplicate in order to pursue a monster guilty of horrendous crimes.

    Irony, dripping…

  30. Phoenix says:

    Joy is prayer – Joy is strength – Joy is love – Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.

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