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November 2024


Explaining Andrew Sullivan’s readership [Karl]

An increasingly infrequent reader writes:

Excitable Andy,

You seem surprised (if not fully gobsmacked) by the Atlantic’s survey of your readers:

The ideological mix: 2.5 percent of you describe yourselves as very conservative; 9.6 percent as conservative; 33.3 percent as moderate; 38.1 percent as liberal; and 16.5 percent as very liberal. I’m, not sure whether this is a function of my Obama love, or what.

Andy, your 54.6% liberal audience (and just between you and me, some of those self-identifying moderates are likely operationally liberal) is not a function of your Obama love, which borders on worship.  Your liberal audience and your Obama love are both symptomatic of the fact that — despite your self-identification as a conservative — your writing appeals primarily to the left.

Oddly enough, someone who considered voting for Al Gore in 2000, endorsed John Kerry in 2004 and is admittedly in the throes of a mancrush on the candidate who is the most liberal member of the Senate is not seen by most people as conservative.  Throw in the anti-Bush hysteria that has been a staple of your blog since Pres. Bush decided to support the Federal Marriage Amendment (pure coincidence, of course), and you end up with a disproportionately left-liberal audience.  You are Keith Olbermann with an accent.

There was no category for libertarian, alas, which might mean something.

On the other hand, The Atlantic also had no category for conspiracy theorist, so it probably balances out in the end.

Update: Allah-lanche!

29 Replies to “Explaining Andrew Sullivan’s readership [Karl]”

  1. Dan Collins says:

    Agreed, Karl. But what could that possibly have to do with Greenwald, Mona, Henley and John Cole?

  2. Dan Collins says:

    You are Keith Olbermann with an accent.

    Whoa, man. Uh . . . geez.

  3. Ric Locke says:

    And either stupid or really, really defensive.

    The man never quite figured out that George Bush derailed the FMA with one of the neatest bits of political jiu-jitsu seen in quite some time. Either that, or he did figure it out and has been covering up his mistake with dishonest bluster.

    Sullivan’s still on my bloglist, with the tagline “the portrait on the $3 bill”. That’s just because I’d have to edit the thing and transfer it to five different computers. The link hasn’t been red in years.


  4. baldilocks says:

    A gay guy doesn’t have a mancrush. Just sayin’.

  5. happyfeet says:

    One day I spent like a really long time googling “silly git” to figure out for sure what git meant and I think I finally decided it was like Irish or Scottish or whatever slang for a little girl. Does that help?

  6. guinsPen says:

    It’s ashame none of our Universities teach History or Geography anymore.

  7. psycho... says:

    33.3 percent as moderate

    Sully fans: 1/3 liars.

    So they’re the what in the glutes of the pie chart?

    Okay, no. That’s unpleasant.

  8. JD says:

    What do Gobsmacking Andy, all of the Gleens, Cole, Joshua Michael, and Mona have in common ?

  9. guinsPen says:

    The High-Schools quit, long ago.

  10. guinsPen says:

    Or are they just trying to get rid of their students because they’re so thick?

  11. Dan Collins says:

    You got an Allahlanche, Karl.

  12. guinsPen says:

    hf, I refer to Atlantic Monthly.

  13. thor says:

    “You are Keith Olbermann with an accent.”

    Karl’s knee caught Sully looking away on a full bladder. Tremendous ball shot. Accept my applause, Karl.

  14. guinsPen says:

    IT’S IN THE HOLE !!!

  15. JD says:

    I love that ! Sully fans 1/3 liars, but that may be short changing them.

  16. JD says:

    You are Keith Olberman with an accent. Fucking priceless, Karl.

  17. SteveMG says:

    You are Keith Olberman with an accent. Fucking priceless, Karl.

    ‘Course, Olbermann insists he’s not a liberal either.

    He’s just, he insists, a straight (er), objective news anchor with no agenda whatsoever.

  18. JohnAnnArbor says:

    Hell hath no fury…

  19. Rosetta says:

    Oof. Direct shot to the mangina. Nice one Karl.

  20. Heh, funneh, there’s nothing like watching the PW team smack down St. Andrew. I always find it hilarious that Mr. “Politics of Doubt” has a fervent, yet blind messianic faith in Barack Obama. It shows what an utter bullshit artist he is, its all raw emotion, masked by a good vocabulary and references, and even that mask is showing some serious cracks.

  21. Pablo says:

    It shows what an utter bullshit artist

    fool he is, its all raw emotion, masked by a good vocabulary and references, and even that mask is showing some serious cracks.

    There. Fixed that for you.

    Karl, Grade A, USDA Prime smack. I salute you.

  22. Sean M. says:

    Oddly enough, someone who considered voting for Al Gore in 2000, endorsed John Kerry in 2004 and is admittedly in the throes of a mancrush on the candidate who is the most liberal member of the Senate is not seen by most people as conservative.

    Any day now, I’m sure we’ll be seeing the column explaining how Barack Obama is “the right choice for conservatives.”

    It is to laugh.

  23. gartrip says:

    I’ll bet Sully was up ALL night worried about the sudden exposure. He’s been OUTED! Readers should be prepared for multiple references to his silly book detailing how conservative his soul is, or whatever it was about. Seems that the only person who DIDN’T know that Andrew was a lib was…well.. Andrew!

  24. Liberal Blogger Surprised His Readers Are Liberal

    I just prised the results of a recent reader survey out of the live hands of the At…
    Popularity: unranked [?]…

  25. Sameer says:

    Hm, I suspect that his readership consists primarily of liberals who think that they are open-minded because they read a “conservative” blog.

  26. […] explains things to The Only True Conservative left in Amerikkka: Andy, your 54.6% liberal audience (and just […]

  27. thor says:

    Comment by Sameer on 2/28 @ 11:20 am #

    Hm, I suspect that his readership consists primarily of liberals who think that they are open-minded because they read a “conservative” blog.

    Liberals who think they are open-minded… Hey Sameer, is Sameer your middle name? Then start making sense, Ishtar, or we’ll force you to eat corn-fed red meat, wear twill Dockers and drive an SUV.

  28. […] recently referred to Andrew Sullivan as “Keith Olbermann with an accent.”  That may have been unfair to Olbermann. Posted by Karl @ 2:39 pm | Trackback Share […]

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