Excitable Andy has a hot news flash on the 2008 campaign:
At least now we know what this race is about: Obama versus the Clintons. Both of them. Their dynasty. Their power. Their methods. Their character. And so the question becomes: does America really want a Restoration?
As previously noted here:
The central dynamic of the Democratic presidential nomination has been known for years. It is a referendum on Sen. Hillary Clinton. It is a race between Clinton and NotClinton. Thus, the only real issue in the campaign would be whether NotClinton could reach critical mass to defeat Clinton. (Emphasis added.)
The idea that Bill and Hillary are a “two for the price of one” candidacy dates back to 1992.
Fortunately for Sullivan, a substantial portion of his readership seems even slower on the uptake, thus ensuring his continued employment.
When did Bill become such a Q-Tip head? That means he was totally Jut For Men-ing it while he was in office.
oh *Just*. I think I was better at this when I was eating actual food.
You still on that Veggie Soup Internment happy? You’re losin’ it man! Fry some squirrel before it’s too late!
But also there’s some marriage to what he doesn’t bring this level of discernment I can’t help noticing.
Today’s the last day then I’m traveling. Whole point was this got me out of buying a new suit, not a vanity thing really. Ok maybe a little.
I hear that.
James Taranto over at Best of the Web noted an even wackier and crazt set of comments by Andi this weekend:
This column generally tries to avoid taking shots at Andrew Sullivan, on the theory that it would be unsporting to do so. But a post over the weekend is so crazy that it’s worth noting. Sullivan–who backs cutting and running from Iraq as fervidly as he once backed intervention there–starts by suggestion that “the whole point of the surge” was to prolong the “occupation” of Iraq indefinitely. That isn’t even the crazy part, this is:
“The key to this strategy is the Clinton Restoration. If the Bush family can get the other dynasty to buy into the occupation, the empire expands–as the republic hollows out from within. With $1 trillion gone, this Mesopotamian province will continue suck $3 billion a week from what’s left of the treasury. . . . If you think the Clintons will withdraw, you probably think they’ve had nothing to do with the slime covering Obama right now. Good times.”
OK… so he agrees with you, but was a whole 2 weeks later in writing about it. Thanks for pointing that out – I guess.
Well see one of them gets paid for being an opinion leader.
It’s Andrew.
I guess I’m thinking criticizing when one doesn’t agree AND when one does agree is sort of pointlessly adversarial and bereft of anything meaningful beyond simple political advocacy… oh wait – just figured it out.
But you’re whining about it steve, so that makes you like meta-pointless. It’s ok, it’s just kind of a curious thing to do.
And what is an “opinion leader”? I know exactly what you mean – I’m not faulting your use of the term. But what an insane world we live in when people need “opinion leaders”. They invariably spout one of two party platforms verbatim masquesrading as thei ‘opinion’.
It’s nothing but marketing – and if you tell everyone that they’re a better person for being a ‘Chevy-Guy’, you can never say anything nice about Ford.
“But you’re whining about it steve, so that makes you like meta-pointless. It’s ok, it’s just kind of a curious thing to do.”
Hopefully #12 fleshed out why I’m “whining” about it.
Isn’t Karl just “whining” about Andrew? Aren’t you just “whining” about me? Can’t I pretty much use that for anything anyone says ever?
I whine promiscuously though. It’s sort of a thing.
“It’s sort of a thing.”
Sort of the difference between complaining and critiquing?
I’m lost. Karl?
I meant that critiquing is a euphemism for complaining – I’m kidding.
Oh. See this is what happens without opinion leaders.
I humbly bow to that bubbly little display of free-form sitcom script-writing you just pulled off in comments 9 – 19.
And steve, nice Gracie too.
Do another one!
happyfeet: “Jut for Men” sounds like a gay porno mag. It would be on the rack next to “Thrust” and “Rawhide”.
Just sayin’.
“Good-night, Gracie!”
Such a good job, here’s a little reward, HF:
Thanks, N.O’ … y’all have a good day I have to go or I would write something kind of more gracious or whatever. I’m hoping Jeff is coming back today so I will check in when I get to my hotel place. It’s one of those ones where you have to bring your own coffee maker or get the room service coffee that makes you look like a princess if you expense it. I got one at Rite-Aid.
yeah, and we(accounting) make p-shops of the worst offenders and put them up on our cubicle walls. heh. i hate expense reports. though the most entertaining I ever saw was years ago, some sales exec took some people to a baseball game so attached to the report is photocopies of the tickets and five twenty dollar bills. cause they used cash at the stadium. bwah ha ha haaaa. you should try that some time, just to see what they do. see, I still tell stories about it.