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November 2024


Obstreperous Infidel Endorses [Dan Collins]

The candidate on the left.

14 Replies to “Obstreperous Infidel Endorses [Dan Collins]”

  1. keninnorcal says:

    Nice “Master and Commander” reference (although I’m sure it’s been done elsewhere, too).

  2. dicentra says:

    No, I’d say the one that’s the second from the left is the least of the four. Half its length is that sucking mouthpart. [insert joke here]

    Which, by the way, makes weevils true bugs, all others being just insects.

  3. Jeffersonian says:

    Don’t blame me, I voted for “a”

  4. N. O'Brain says:


    Darn you!

    Darn you to heck!

  5. Slartibartfast says:

    Doctor Weevil shows up in 3…2…1…

  6. Dr. Weevil says:

    Did someone mention my name?

    Actually, weevils are not ‘true bugs’ (Hemiptera) with sucking moutparts, they are beetles (Coleoptera) with chewing mouthparts at the end of their snouts. The other three weevils depicted here may well have equally long snouts, but they curve downwards, so a top view may leave them only partially visible (#1) or entirely invisible (#3 and #4). The weevil family, Curculionidae, is the largest in the animal kingdom, with anywhere from 40,000 to 100,000 species, depending on who’s doing the estimate: hence some entomologist’s remark about God having “an inordinate fondness for beetles”.

    The illustrations on my website will tell you who is the lesser of two weevils. A male nut weevil named Exoterica is depicted at the top of the right column, and the female (Esoterica) further down. Weevils average around 1/4″ long and have shy and retiring dispositions, which is why you will generally see no weevil and hear no weevil. And they use their moutparts to drill holes in fruits and nuts and nibble out the contents without ever stepping inside, so they are classified among the boring insects, though I (needless to say) find them quite fascinating.

  7. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    LOL…Well, they’re more like maggots in my estimation, but the lesser of two *aggots didn’t quite make as much sense. I don’t even look at democratic challengers for the presidency. I will never vote for a democrat for that office again. Clinton in 92 was my only time. I think it was a combination of too much alcohol and a reactionary act to the first president Bush. But, I’ve learned to vote for the platform (or as much as I agree with it) rather than the phoney the party has put in.

    OT- I’m also a little sullen as my Buckeyes were exposed again. This is an object lesson for the Big 10. Step into the 21st century in regards to offensive game planning, get another quality team in there, extend the season and have a Championship game. Oh yeah, and make sure your non-conference cupcakes aren’t such obvious cupcakes. Congrats to LSU and the SEC.

  8. TaiChiWawa says:

    Weevil Overcome . . .

  9. McGehee says:

    Weevil lot to talk about.

  10. dicentra says:

    Actually, weevils are not ‘true bugs’ (Hemiptera) with sucking moutparts, they are beetles (Coleoptera) with chewing mouthparts at the end of their snouts.

    Wow. I could SO have sworn that weevils sucked.

    Though I’m pretty sure that the weevils we’re to choose amongst do, and like a Hoover.

  11. JD! JD! turn your TV on. Edwards is telling stories again!

  12. mojo says:

    Alabama’s Boll Weevil Monument

  13. JD says:

    Thanks, maggie. I really do loathe that fucker. Can I find a plaintiff attorney to represent me in a suit against Silky for consistently and intentionally ruining my day? I will even let my counsel channel my dead dog.

  14. JD says:

    Infidel – Did you see the JaMarcus Russell interview at halftime. If he managed to stay eligible at LSU, it is either a crime, or the worst example of college education that one could imagine. The reporter interviewing him did not understand one thing that he said. At time, it sounded like English, briefly.

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