I think Obama is an empty suit, and I think he campaigns on all the wrong issues, but I am happy to live in a country where he has a chance to advance his idiocy, in parallel with the idiocies of his competitors.
There’s nothing to tell among the various stupidities: they’re all equally, squalidly stupid, regardless of skin color.
But still, at least there’s finally a less-reflective American throwing out stupidity with the best of them.
“But the plan anticipates that Romney could face a serious threat if Newt Gingrich, the former House speaker who is considered one of the GOP’s leading conservative intellectuals, decides to enter the race.”
little young lady got mutilated late last night… Islams of Texas again.
I think Obama is an empty suit, and I think he campaigns on all the wrong issues, but I am happy to live in a country where he has a chance to advance his idiocy, in parallel with the idiocies of his competitors.
There’s nothing to tell among the various stupidities: they’re all equally, squalidly stupid, regardless of skin color.
But still, at least there’s finally a less-reflective American throwing out stupidity with the best of them.
“But the plan anticipates that Romney could face a serious threat if Newt Gingrich, the former House speaker who is considered one of the GOP’s leading conservative intellectuals, decides to enter the race.”
I haven’t sat out a presidential election since before I was old enough to vote — I cared about who won when I was six years old, fercryinnoutloud.
middle aged lady got mutilated late last night…clueless in Iowa again.
I see what you did there; took three related but dispersant stories and contrived them into a unique, um contrivance.
You made me link to the friggin’ GLOBE???…I’ve been avoiding that rag since you were a gleam in your daddys eye.
I’m procalaimin’ a fatwah on yer ass!!!