Fee Fi Foer offers a special retraction on Beauchamp, due to TNR’s inability to meet in this case its famously stringent standards of proof regarding the material it chooses to publish. Confederate Yankee likens it to a particular strategy in poker.  How they managed to keep a straight face that long is anybody’s guess.  While that microwaves, since ridicule is a dish best served hot, you may wish to visit the Pub, where there is LOLdeBATS in UR WIzDUM!ÂÂ
Fee Fi Foer Fumbles! Not to mention proving that he’s somewhat less than a giant among men. It’s Beauchamp’s fault! It’s Beauchamp’s wife’s fault! It’s the Army’s fault! It’s the fault of the nasty rightwing bloggers! It’s.. It’s… well just about everyone’s fault except Foer’s. What a guy!
He does show all the finest traits of leadership, doesn’t he? “It’s everyone else’s fault even though I am in charge here!”
So, Frankie Foer essentially tells his version of the “truth” for 13 pages and a paragraph defending Beauchamp, and then admits in the final paragraph that they cannot stand behind the stories any longer.
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