
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


For What Are You Giving Thanks? [Dan Collins]

Among the many things that I’m thankful for, and pretty close to the top of the list, when I really think about it, is not being abducted by Satanists, as was this poor man. Knock on wood.

Also, that my daughter’s not making me take her to see the Salzberg Marionettes perform The Sound of Music.

It was a wonderful life. Rings.

If I were headed home, I might be here, now.

Guys like this. And this. If you’ve got a camcorder, you might want to share some of yours with them.

16 Replies to “For What Are You Giving Thanks? [Dan Collins]”

  1. N. O'Brain says:

    Happy BIRDday, everyone!

    What am I thankful for?

    My daughter is home from college.

    My oldest son is doing well in his new job.

    My second son is somewhere in the Persian Gulf, on board the USS Kearsarge, protecting your freedom.

    And the fact that my wife is alive.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Carin says:

    Not to sound petty, but I’m really thankful that I finally got a (new) washer and dryer. I’ve been going to the laundrymat for … 6 weeks? With five kids, that means (about) a trip every other day.

    And, I’m thankful that my BIL got to spend last night at our new house. THAT was a lot of fun; chit-chatting (mostly politics) until midnight.

  3. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    And the fact that my wife is alive.

    Same here, which wasn’t at all certain at the beginning of this year. She’s in the kitchen rounding up all the dormant turkey-related cooking gear and cleaning off any dust/ other scunge which might’ve collected on it during a year of storage. Once the proper tools are assembled I will cook the bird.

    I’m also thankful that spammers, as annoying as they are, occasionally produce inadvertent gems like the one in the “Recent comments” sidebar as I type: “Lesbian Anal Strapon Amateur Dommes on Former teen idol Leif Garrett”

    Please convey my thanks to your son. I suspect he already knows that the vast majority of us are grateful, no matter what he might hear in the MSM.

  4. Major John says:

    I am thankful for 4 day passes, so I can come home from Fort Riley and be with those who I miss most.

  5. BJTexs says:

    I’m thankful for people like Major John and wishbone who allow me complete flexibility to be thankful for a free country.

    Godspeed and thanks to all of the heroes who serve.

  6. happyfeet says:

    I am thankful that the New York Times is getting the shit kicked out of it not just a little but really emphatically because that way I know this is a just world and things taste better.

  7. happyfeet says:

    I am also thankful that Ricardo Sanchez’s teeth are not in proximity to my foot cause of the part where they would put me in jail and it would just kill my Mom.

  8. thor says:

    I’m grateful to all the protons, neutrons and electrons that are out there tirelessly doing good things.

  9. The Ouroboros says:

    Hey Dan.. Satanists got nothin on anal probing aliens (the extraterrestrial kind.. not Mexican migrants..) Be thankful they didn’t catch you out on the road on the way to Thanksgiving dinner.. I know I am.

  10. Dan Collins says:

    Amen, Ouroboros. That, too.
    And thor, thank God someone’s working today.

  11. happyfeet says:

    Again just for fun you can see all the Thanksgiving terrorisms. My favorite this year is a mystery rash in Australia.

  12. JimmyG17 says:

    I’m thankful for Jerry Glanville.

  13. otcconan says:

    I am giving thanks that my father is with God, and went peacefully in his sleep.

  14. ccs says:

    I’m thankful that proggs aren’t smarter.

    “Although the trip will release about a half ton of carbon we’ll be saving about 34 1/2 tons because were using boidiesel.”

    No! you aren’t saving anything, the trip is showboating. You don’t need to make the trip at all.

  15. ccs says:

    Oh, and my son is home from college.

  16. ccs says:

    Oops, my comment at #14 has to do with another vid I watched while I was at the Liz, uh Breitbart site. Truck Driving to Timbukto Runs on Chocolate

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