
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024


Nothing quite says “Thanksgiving is just a few short days away” more than an interview with Fred Thompson

Well, except maybe rumridden apple cider. Or cans of pumpkin pie filling clogging up the pantry.

And of course, those Durkee’s onion straws in the cylindrical can.

But other than that

16 Replies to “Nothing quite says “Thanksgiving is just a few short days away” more than an interview with Fred Thompson”

  1. wishbone says:

    “Clogging Up The Pantry” would be a cool name for a rock band.

    If there were still rock bands.

  2. JohnAnnArbor says:

    “Salt Shaker and the Pantry Cans”

  3. The Ouroboros says:

    Hey, OT but there’s no movie post at the moment to put this on.. I know you’re a David Lynch fan.. Did you ever see HBO’s Carnivale ? Not Lynch but does kinda remind me of Twin Peaks.. If youve seen it what did you think of it?

  4. happyfeet says:

    I thought Carnivale was brilliant and the opening credits were amazing (I have an opening credits thing) and the music and also you know that Father Coughlin guy? You should look him up on IMDB cause that guy has a very interesting story. The ending, meaning the last 15 minutes – that felt off, but it was very worth the time. And Adrienne Barbeau!!!

  5. The Ouroboros says:

    I’m with you, HF.. Brilliant.. The music.. The characters.. The grittiness of the times.. The scope of the story.. The production values.. Too bad such great work doesnt make the the money that a Jerry Springer Show or Flavor of Love does… 2 years just wasnt long enough..

  6. happyfeet says:

    Yes – and also the settings – Oklahoma – Nebraska – Texas – that’s notably uncommon and they were so respectful about it. It was weird cause those are where my peoples is from.

    Also I like Bob’s accent, just to stay on topic.

  7. happyfeet says:

    that guy has a very interesting story

    I mean the actor guy. He is so not Joe Hollywood. Well educated, and his dad and grandfather were Ohio congressmen of notable tenure. Republican ones.

  8. The Ouroboros says:

    My father migrated to California in the 30’s along with the rest of my family.. poor dirt farmers looking to feed their families by working the fields in California.. They were ‘Okies’, looked down upon by the “respectable” California natives.. They live in what amounted to refugee camps and were treated like the wetbacks of their time.. I was impressed that Carnivale didn’t water that down or make light of it…

    Clancy Brown sure is an interesting fellow.. Really surprising.. He’s the voice of Mr Krabs on SpongeBob Squarepants.. Hahhaha

  9. BJTexs says:

    By all that is holy and Fred: LOOK AT THE SIZE OF HIS HEAD!!!

    Man that steroidal melon could double as a wrecking ball!

  10. Slartibartfast says:

    By dint of melon-headedness, he might just be able to garner some D votes from Massachusetts.

    I mean, there’s got to be some explanation for Teddy getting reelected; maybe it’s head girth.

  11. RMN says:

    Fred Thompson is the King of Platitude.

    and poor bob. he still looks crestfallen over the loss of his grill.

  12. happyfeet says:

    I like Fred very much. I definitely think he would be a better leader for our country than Hillary Clinton would be. I’ve thought about this a lot.

  13. RMN says:

    Here are some other folks thinking a lot about Fred Thompson.

  14. happyfeet says:

    That’s cause Fred is neat-o mosquito!

  15. JD says:

    I am a long long way from deciding which Republican candidate I would vote for, but I am certain that I will be taking into account how crazy a candidate makes the moonbats act. Fred is the hands down winner in that department.

  16. Serr8d says:

    I was in Pulaski, TN, Friday, and one of Fred’s cousins gave me a handful of bumper stickers.

    I’ve the best one planted right next to the NRA sticker…it looks like it’s there for a while.

    I’ll post a picture of it after I wash the van.

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