
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


Thanks, Glenn! [Dan Collins]

Liz Stephans with free t-shirts at Blog World Expo, courtesy of Instapundit. Look closely and you’ll see her famous handbag in the photo. The handbag that hangs from her shoulder. O, fortunate handbag!

43 Replies to “Thanks, Glenn! [Dan Collins]”

  1. BJTexs says:

    Heh! I’m going to take a wild guess and say: Silk purse in a room of sow’s ears. Liz, that is.

    Dan: At what moment does your sighing over Liz become creepy? Just askin’…

  2. Dan Collins says:

    Probably 3 or 4 posts ago, BJ.

  3. Dan Collins says:

    Actually, I asked Glenn to keep an eye out for the Breitbart crew at the Expo, so I consider that a favor. And it’s nice that they’ll get some exposure on the blogs by covering the event.

    I’m just hoping that someday when they’re a big blog presence, they’ll still have a soft spot in their hearts for those loveable goofballs at PW.

  4. Dan Collins says:

    By which I mean “loveable fascist racist-apologizing homophobic homoerotic misogynist child haters.”

  5. Pablo says:

    How can you not love us? And why won’t she respond to my telepathic communiques?

  6. Dan Collins says:

    There are all kinds of crazy, twisted people in this world, Pablo, but I’m certain Liz isn’t one of them.

  7. JD says:

    I saw that last night Dan, and knew there would be a post on it when I pulled up PW this morning.

  8. JD says:

    Like a soft gentle rose in a field full of briars.

  9. Dan Collins says:

    Thanks, JD. I got directed there due to your comment.

  10. JD says:

    Dan, when does RayV go live over there. The contest to make Liz spew coffee live is going to be a blast.

  11. Dan Collins says:

    I think it goes live after they’re able to roll out the Mac version, which should be a couple of weeks (barring bugs), but I’m not sure.

  12. JD says:

    Once they go live, I predict that BJ will be the first to make her spew coffee …

  13. Old Texas Turkey says:

    handbag, feh! would rather be the name tag … oh lucky plastic name tag.

  14. Dan Collins says:

    Or maybe Old Texas Turkey. But you’re right: we should have a snort pool.

  15. BJTexs says:

    Thanks, JD, but my vote is either Dan or Alpuccino, with a nod to happyfeet. I’ll do my best, however!

  16. Dan Collins says:

    Heck, it could even be that Goldstein fellow.

  17. JD says:

    I forgot about alpuccino, sorry BJ. We need to have Liz comment more around here, so we can get to know her sense of humor better.

  18. Liz Stephans says:

    Do I get to make a wager? :) We should start rolling out interactive elements in early December, so you have some time to develop your strategy.

    When Glenn took that picture, I didn’t think it’d end up in its full glory on Instapundit ha. Yes, me with all my loot. Free is good, and having a gigantic purse to put the free loot in (Très observant, Dan) was a plus. Free t-shirt, anyone?

    Managed to get a webcast up yesterday, but hoping to grab interviews on the floor with people today. Giving the Flip Camera a go, so we’ll see how it does.

  19. JD says:

    Yes, you could even handicap the race for us. I suspect that Dan is the frontrunner, due to his puppy-dog blog crush ;-)

  20. JD says:

    Liz – Before Sarkozy was elected, hearing you use the word “tres” (I cannot figure out how to use that little apostrophe thingie) would have made me vomit a little bit in the back of my mouth, unless you were saying “Oh, JD, tres magnifique!”. Now that the adults are in charge over there, it is surprisingly endearing ;-)

  21. Liz Stephans says:

    I have to say, Old Texas Turkey’s name tag comment was almost enough to make me snort. But I need to hang around and read more before placing any bets.

  22. Dan Collins says:

    Geez, it seems like she always drops in when I’m busy. With “work.”

  23. JD says:

    Liz – FWIW, wearing you hair up like that is nice. It appears as though you are steering away from the hot sexy librarian look ;-)

  24. Liz Stephans says:

    Thanks! Gotta keep people guessing [aka “I didn’t feel like worrying about my hair yesterday”] :) The glasses will make a return appearance.

  25. Dan Collins says:

    Whatever you do, don’t wash your contacts in one of those hotel glasses, Liz.

  26. Liz Stephans says:

    I have not used a hotel glass since getting here! No joke. That report ruined me for hotel glasses everywhere.

  27. JD says:

    I am kind of OCD about cleanliness, and hotel glasses (and sheets – ew) are about the pinnacle of disgusting for me.

  28. Dan Collins says:

    I think I will start just toting around a little clothes steaming device when I have to use hotels, so I can disinfect stuff.

  29. McGehee says:

    We PW’ers ought to take to wearing matching t-shirts when we go looking for Liz to tell her, “Yew shore are purty.”

  30. Dan Collins says:

    True. And if Jeff would be good enough as to spend a little time updating his Cafe Press stuff before the holidays, that might be possible.

  31. Liz Stephans says:

    Awww. Flattery will get you everywhere!

  32. BJTexs says:

    I think it’s quite sweet that Liz came to PW to find pithy political opinion and sardonic humor but instead found a middle school boys gym class.

    Dodgeball, anyone? :-)

  33. JD says:

    BJ – Her eyes as just so damn pretty. And, when OTT made a reference to body parts, she thought it was funny. And, librarian look. And, she laughs at people’s humor. Deadly combination.

    Dodge ball was one of my all-time favorite games. The local YMCA has an adult male dodge ball league.

  34. JD says:

    Dan – They need one of those “About Us” tabs on their website, so we can make our attempts at evoking snorts from the lovely Liz topical to their experiences.

  35. The Lost Dog says:

    “Comment by BJTexs on 11/9 @ 12:17 pm #

    I think it’s quite sweet that Liz came to PW to find pithy political opinion and sardonic humor but instead found a middle school boys gym class.

    Dodgeball, anyone? :-)”

    I think you have hit the nail on the head. I have always wondered why I feel so comfortable here.

    Unfortunately, my middle school gym class was “back before Nixon lied to us all on T.V.”.

    I’m not quite sure how it happened that I had to take down all the mirrors in my house, because I am still more than capable of acting like an eighth grader. I just can’t move anywhere near as quickly as they do.

    And I can’t believe what my drivers license says next to “age”.

  36. dr kill says:

    Oh, the pain is almost too great to bear. Isn’t anyone going to identify the crest covering those breasts? Let’s go, people!

  37. BJTexs says:

    Dan’s alma mater Dartmouth, dr. kill. Liz has been given the the golden aura of the Ivy League.

  38. dr kill says:

    Nice try, Mr. Texas, but no cigar. If Ms. Stephans earned that shirt(and I can’t think of anyone who would wear it if they didn’t), she and I both know it isn’t one of the free ones.

  39. Davyd Bowen says:

    My question is what’s the story with the guy in the background wearing the Mona Lisa smile and a dead racoon around his neck?

    Never mind, I forgot its Vegas. Sorry, my mistake.

  40. Major John says:

    “I am kind of OCD about cleanliness, and hotel glasses (and sheets – ew) are about the pinnacle of disgusting for me.”

    Remember to stay OFF the Shomali Plain, or any villages in northeastern Parwan Province in or around August – a perfect storm of heat, human and animal waste, mouldering garbage and what little humidity comes by. The only thing I ever smelled that was worse was post-Katrina New Orleans…

  41. B Moe says:

    “Nice try, Mr. Texas, but no cigar. If Ms. Stephans earned that shirt(and I can’t think of anyone who would wear it if they didn’t), she and I both know it isn’t one of the free ones.”

    It’s a photoshop, Einstien. Look at the original in the link above and it is a plain black shirt.

  42. thor says:

    I’m such a dick. I can’t keep the carnal thoughts out of my head.

    Dan, you’re still my hero.

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