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October 2024


Stroke: Women Hardest Hit [Dan Collins]

What does new research do? It suggests.

Among stroke survivors, women seem to be at greater risk of poor physical and emotional well-being than men are, new research suggests.

In a study of nearly 1,300 stroke survivors, researchers found that women tended to report poorer quality of life than men did six months after the stroke. The reasons are not completely clear, but factors such as age and stroke severity did not explain the difference, the investigators report in the medical journal Stroke.

Strokes occur when blood flow to the brain is suddenly disrupted, most commonly by a blood clot. Depending on how severely the brain is damaged from the resulting lack of oxygen, a stroke can cause mild to serious long-term disabilities — including physical limitations, problems with thinking and communicating and emotional difficulties; depression is not uncommon.

Well, sure they do. Women have all kinds of expectations at ages in which men are happy to hang around watching TV and drinking beer. Also, women continue to like communicating long after men are over the whole thing. Moreover, they have emotions.

Also in the news: N.Y. musician gets 15 years for backing al Qaeda

Geez. Wonder what the frontman got. *rimshot*


“Britney loves her kids from the pit of her soul,” she says.

Britney Spears’ mother takes the blame for her daughter’s troubles
Okay. Only I don’t see the taking the blame part.

What would Mukasey say?
Hot Cookies, Paddle and Urine Used in Torture of 19-Year-Old

I can understand the waterboarding thing, but I think this is taking research too far. Honestly, though, mental illness sucks.

Heh. Bloggers are calling him Mr. Clean. There’s a new program that you non-Mac-users can check out. Sounds pretty cool:

Mac version is due out in a few weeks — we’re excited, too, because we are all on Macs! Until then, on-demand versions are available here, although daily shows are delayed because it takes a while to upload the hour-long show. People ask why to download — in the next few weeks, we’ll rolling out interactive features. And the RayV plug-in allows us to interact with viewers in real time. If the show is on a delay, it’s not possible to have a real-time convo back and forth with a guest/viewer/etc. So, RayV is set to afford us the chance to do it, which is what we think will set the broadcast apart. It won’t be a one-way dialogue any longer. Thanks for checking it out and stay tuned, because the really exciting things are yet to come. (Including soundproofing of the room ha) P.S. The RayV plug-in IS NOT SPYWARE. Check out RayV FAQs here.

Yikes. The thought of communicating with Liz in real time makes me a little dizzy.

34 Replies to “Stroke: Women Hardest Hit [Dan Collins]”

  1. JHoward says:

    Somebody should do something.

  2. JD says:

    “from the pit of her soul”

    The pit of her soul is where she is hanging out these days. Sad.

    That whole stroke thing … maybe all of the really bad strokes killed the men, and the women were tough enough to survive.

  3. happyfeet says:

    The cookies were “too hot to touch but not too hot to injure.”

  4. happyfeet says:

    “That sounds like a bad situation from the start which never should have happened um so I mean whatever happened after that shouldn’t… I mean it shouldn’t never happened in the first place.”

  5. JD says:

    Does anyone wonder why these guys just happened to have a bottle of uring laying around ?

  6. JD says:

    or urine …

  7. JD says:

    Britney’s mother is far more attractive than the skank bag …

  8. Kresh says:

    “A New York jazz musician was sentenced to 15 years in prison on Wednesday for agreeing to help train al Qaeda fighters in hand-to-hand combat in a case that centered on an oath he took before an undercover FBI agent.

    Tarik Shah, 44, a martial arts instructor raised in New York, received the maximum sentence in Manhattan federal court under a plea agreement with U.S. prosecutors.”

    So which was he? A musician or a martial arts instructor? Sheesh, it was in court with documents and all that. How hard is it to get the facts straight? /snarcasm

  9. happyfeet says:

    So late tomorrow or early Friday is the big day, huh. I’m very excited I guess but trepidative in that this event is one that I don’t think I would personally embrace cause of the… call it a high Student Council factor. My brother and sister were big Student Council people. They baked cookies for the announcers at football games. I watched them do it. Later I would ask them if the announcers enjoyed the cookies and they would tell me to shut up.

  10. Boss429 says:

    Moreover, they have emotions.

    If only I could find a young’en with big tits that had a stroke that impacted her ability to speak, preferably with cerebral palsy.

    Forget purgatory, I’m going straight to hell for that.

  11. JD says:

    Yeah, B Moe, hell awaits you …

  12. JD says:

    Dan – The idea that you, or any of us, will be able to communicate with Liz in real time should cause a certain amount of apprehension on Liz’s part, no?

  13. Dan Collins says:

    Yes. Yes, it probably should. But she’s young, bright, beautiful and fearless, and that’s part of her immense charm.

    The first one to cause her to snort a beverage through her nose wins.

  14. happyfeet says:

    You saw that Liz commented the other day yes? I though that was neat, and I don’t think the furry teacup reference was an accident.


    The first one to cause her to snort a beverage through her nose wins.

    This could be epic.

    Do you think we ought to warn her about this?

    Liz – If you happen to be reading this, whatever happens, it is Dan’s fault.

  16. happyfeet says:

    Also, feel free to go back and delete that one comment from a few days ago if you remember what I’m talking about. I’d feel better.

  17. JD says:

    happyfeet – Next time I am out in LA, could my better half and I buy you a beer?

  18. Swen Swenson says:

    … at ages in which men are happy to hang around watching TV and drinking beer.”

    You mean, like, from birth?

  19. happyfeet says:

    absolutely – 07 looks trashed though, but 08 will be a whole different deal – you just let me know when.

  20. JD says:

    I will not be out that way in ’07, and with the baby due around March, it would probably be after that. I usually stay in Pasadena, but sometimes out in Malibu at one of our friends places. I had tentatively planned to ride my Harley out there in early May, but the little one is likely going to take precedence.

  21. Liz Stephans says:

    Now, I always have a beverage on hand during the show. Usually, hot coffee. I might have to switch to iced coffee because the idea of snorting scalding hot coffee out of my nose, while entertaining to the masses..not so much for me. :)

  22. JD says:

    This is kind of spooky, Dan. She actually is paying attention.

    Liz – Just remember, this was Dan’s idea, so it will be Dan’s fault.

  23. Liz Stephans says:

    JD: If I am encouraging all of you (and yes, I know I am playing with fire here), I need to at least keep an eye on you!

  24. happyfeet says:

    That timing is perfect really, JD – and Pasadena is really easy for me.

    Also, I am really going to have to learn to self-censor more better.

  25. JD says:

    Liz – We are a harmless lot. We do tend to lack that internal filter that keeps most people from saying exactly what they think. A bit potty mouthed at times, sure, but in a fun way. I say that only as a preface to the fact that when one of us makes you honk hot coffee out of your nose live, that we did it with the best of intentions – a good laugh for all.

    Tell the camera person to focus directly on you more often. That guy that sits to your left, he is holding you back. Get rid of him.

  26. JD says:

    which comment should be deleted, happyfeet?

  27. happyfeet says:

    I think he is a nice foil, and he seems genuinely affable. I couldn’t watch the whole thing today cause the first story creeped me out cause last time I was in NY I tried this instant coffee + hot water experiment one morning cause the hotel I usually stay at only does the $21 room service coffee thing and I’m pretty sure it’s a mafia deal where the restaurant tail is wagging the hotel dog so I used the bathroom glasses. Instant coffee is stupid and even the hottest tap water isn’t that hot. It did the trick but I bought a mini-coffeemaker for next time at Rite-Aid.

    JD – otnay elpinghay

  28. algore says:

    How sad is it that it took me a moment to figure out what that said?

  29. JD says:

    Because, algore, you are an idiot.

  30. happyfeet says:

    That’s a line from Heathers.

  31. happyfeet says:

    How sad is that that that immediately popped into my head?

  32. JD says:

    Now, Heathers is a classic. It ranks up there with Better Off Dead in my older movies that I still get a kick out of.

  33. Paper Boy says:

    I want my two dollars!

  34. Slartibartfast says:

    Now, that’s a waste of a perfectly good white boy.

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