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October 2024


Men Are From Mars [Dan Collins]

Kucinich is from . . . damned if I know.

In a quest for an “electable,” “not insane” presidential candidate, you are willfully overlooking the candidate who actually comes closest to representing the things in which you really believe: justice and peace and the basic freedoms that should be afforded to every American, regardless of race, class, religion, gender, sexual orientation or galactic origin. In an effort to distance yourself from the squish of the Birkenstock and the stench of the patchouli, you have convinced yourself that compromise and pragmatism light the path to the White House. And you are correct. But still, before walking listlessly down the aisle toward our impending union with tepid centrism, let’s rip our clothes off for one final, ill-advised fling with ideological honesty.


Unrelated: Hitler analogy holed up in bunker

41 Replies to “Men Are From Mars [Dan Collins]”

  1. McGehee says:

    This surge of support for Kucinich worries me. He could beat Ron Paul.

  2. JD says:

    I would freaking love it if Kucinich became a mainstream candidate on the Left. Since women are from Venus, where in the world are the moonbats from ?

  3. Spiny Norman says:

    Oh come on now, Dan, you KNOW Hitler analogies only apply for US Republicans. Sheesh. Get with the program!

  4. JD says:

    Logan wrote that whole article and did not mention the American Left calling the other side of the aisle Nazis/Hitler/etc … ? Good Allah.

  5. N. O'Brain says:

    And I liked this one:

    “…and risk numbing the American people to the since-unrivaled consolidation of power and evil under the Nazi party in Germany.”

    Never heard of the KGB, cupcake?

  6. Cowboy says:

    Couldn’t we simply replace the Hitler references with Gazoo references? He was a kind of totalitarian figure in the Bedrock community–in a pesky alien kinda way….

  7. BJTexs says:

    New announcement from the Kucinich camp.

    He had declared himself to be the space time continuum.

    Because, you know, space is the place.

  8. SarahW says:

    Well, there you go, this thread has been Gazooed.

  9. JD says:

    Space is the place with the helpful hardware man. Or something like that, no?

    If he gets to be the whole continuum, where does that leave everyone else? My existence, it is shaking.

  10. Spiny Norman says:

    #5 N. O’Brain

    Never heard of the KGB, cupcake?

    In Justin’s world, the KGB were the good guys.

    OTOH, I wonder if he’s old enough to even remember…

  11. Cowboy says:

    Bushgazoochimp? Rethuglicans are Neo-Gazooites? Greenshirts?

  12. Mikey NTH says:

    Foreign guy; moustache; mystical belief system; wants to kill all the Jews…

    Nope; I can’t see a Hitler analogy there at all!

  13. alppuccino says:

    “For Iran to make a play at dominating a continent, let alone the globe, the leadership would have to be quite literally insane. Yet no evidence has been offered to support this thesis.”

    I know that when I see the Iranian military marching in the formation of an American Flag (with the Stars and Stripes replaced with a swastika) and another group of Iranian soldiers marching in the formation of a big old Iranian sword, and then the sword cuts the flag in half and also splits another formation of the Star of David in half, I think to myself, “Those guys don’t want to harm anyone. They just love to march in formation.”

    I also love to watch dominos.

  14. Spiny Norman says:


    Justin Logan is associate director of foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute.

    I know they’re hardcore Libertarian, but aren’t they usually attacked by the Left as “wingnuts”? Is Logan their pet Ron Paulian?

    As Jeffrey Record of the Air War College observed in his book The Specter of Munich, “no post-1945 foreign dictatorship bears genuine comparison to the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler.” Record argues that “the problem with the Munich analogy is that it reinforces the presidential tendency since 1945 to overstate threats for the purpose of rallying public and congressional opinion, and overstated threats encourage resort to force in circumstances where nonuse of force might better serve long-term U.S. security interests.”

    If petty dictators model themselves and their governments after Hitler and the Nazis, as Saddam did, in an age where nuclear weapons may very soon be available to them, I’d say the Munich analogy is still apt.

    It is unfortunate that Hitler seems to be the only historical analogy that Americans understand. (For many, the name Franz Ferdinand more readily conjures an indie rock band than a key figure at the center of one of history’s great tragedies.) But the ultimate danger of rolling out the Hitler analogy over and over again is that if another Hitler should ever emerge, we may be so sick of hearing about the next Hitler that he just might be ignored.

    Ah, no Justin, there isn’t much chance of that. An isolationist foreign policy might encourage plenty of imitators, though.

    Oh, by the way, I happen to know who Franz Ferdinand was, and why he’s a tragic figure. I don’t think I’d ever heard of an indie rock band called “Franz Ferdinand” before, though. Thanks. I learned something new today…

  15. JD says:

    Yet no evidence has been offered to support this thesis.

    Really? No evidence. Apparently, they have never listened to one of his speeches. How about that one at Columbia? We don’t have any of those gays ring a bell? How about wiping Israel off the face of the earth? They claim a lack of evidence, but it is simply due to them ignoring the evidence that is right there in front of him.

  16. alppuccino says:

    “Justin Logan is associate director of foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute.”

    That might be the institute that holds its meetings in the guest house of the OJ Simpson compound in Brentwood.

  17. Old Dad says:

    You don’t have to be insane to be a Congressman, but it helps.

  18. psychologizer says:

    It is funny, Logan straining away from making his point: There are disturbing parallels! between Hitler analogies and Hitler!

    (Funny like Hitler!)

  19. At this moment the House is voting to table (ie., kill ) Kucinich’s resolution of impeachment of the vice president. It is hilarious because it is a 15 minute vote that the House democratic leadership have kept open for more than an hour trying to get Democrats to change their vote in favor of killing the resolution ( it is currently 170 to 242 as I write this ).

    The Democrats do not want to actually debate and vote on Kucinich’s silly resolution but they can’t get the herd to vote with them. Republicans are voting against the motion to table basically saying, bring it on.

  20. JD says:

    I have said all along, that the best thing that could happen to the Republicans would be for the Left to start impeachment against President Bush or VP Cheney.

  21. Alec Leamas says:

    “Comment by Mikey NTH on 11/6 @ 1:19 pm #

    Foreign guy; moustache; mystical belief system; wants to kill all the Jews…

    Nope; I can’t see a Hitler analogy there at all!”

    You forgot “teetotaler.”

  22. It is still hilarious because the Democrat Majority leader can’t get his parliamentary procedure correct.

  23. JD says:

    Robin – I suspect that pretty soon, given the Dems propensity for making up the rules as they go, the guy in the Chair will just say, “Fuck it. I am tabling it.”

  24. Squid says:

    At which point, we’ll be obliged to compare him to Hitler.

  25. Andrew says:

    I say we go back to American home front propaganda and start calling the Little Moustache Schickelgruber again. Mostly because I want to see people trying to keep a straight face while comparing Bush to Shickelgruber.

  26. Pablo says:

    You’ve got to give Kucinich one thing: he is honest. Batshit crazy, yeah, but at least he’s honest about it.

  27. marcus says:

    I’ve left the same comment 3x and it hasn’t shown up. What’s going on?

  28. marcus says:

    There I am. I tried to leave a link in my previous comments; I guess the link killed them.


  29. SteveG says:

    I heard Kuchinich saw the UFO at Shirley MacLaine’s house.
    It’d be more shocking if he had not seen one while there

  30. JD says:

    Schickelgruber – Outstanding !

  31. JHoward says:

    …the things in which you really believe: justice and peace and the basic freedoms that should be afforded to every American, regardless of race, class, religion, gender, sexual orientation or galactic origin.

    Code for asking not what your country can (really) do for you, but what you can (really) do for your country.

    I’ll bet.

  32. JHoward says:

    By the way, does little ‘Becca really believe in little Denny’s really believing in Syria? And speaking (squeaking?) of Birkenstocks, ‘Becca, doesn’t Denny’s teenaged spousal unit really smoke patchouli while they’re really getting it on?

  33. mojo says:

    Never criticize someone until you’ve walked a mike in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them you’re a mile away, and you have their shoes.
    — John Handey


  34. Matt, Esq. says:

    &You’ve got to give Kucinich one thing: he is honest. Batshit crazy, yeah, but at least he’s honest about it.*

    Well yeah but then he should be fitted for a padded straight jacket and put away somewhere comfy, where he can’t hurt himself or the American people.

  35. Swen Swenson says:

    Since women are from Venus, where in the world are the moonbats from ?

    Mostly New York and California.

    Well yeah but then he should be fitted for a padded straight jacket and put away somewhere comfy, where he can’t hurt himself or the American people.

    I hear they tried the straight jacket bit but couldn’t find one in extra small.

  36. Sean M. says:

    But still, before walking listlessly down the aisle toward our impending union with tepid centrism, let’s rip our clothes off for one final, ill-advised fling with ideological honesty.

    Avoid the brown acid, though. Bad trip, maaaaaaaan.

  37. Alec Leamas says:

    Has Ernie Keebler been informed that Kucinich has snuck away from the Magic Tree and is ravaging tall redheads, running for Human President of the United States, and diminishing the “happy elf” brand?

  38. McGehee says:

    Actually Alec, I don’t think he’s an elf. I think he’s what Smeagol would’ve looked like if he hadn’t killed Deagol for the One Ring.

  39. Swen Swenson says:

    And speaking (squeaking?) of Birkenstocks, ‘Becca, doesn’t Denny’s teenaged spousal unit really smoke patchouli while they’re really getting it on?

    You don’t smoke patchouli, you bathe in it. Or so it seems..

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