
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024


If You’re Going to Blog World Expo [Dan Collins]

be sure to wear antennae in your hair.  If you’re going to Blog World Expo, you’re sure to meet some geeky people there.

Make sure to keep an eye out for Geek Goddess Liz Stephans (and that guy she vlogs with), who will be videoing the proceedings.  You lucky bastard.

27 Replies to “If You’re Going to Blog World Expo [Dan Collins]”

  1. JD says:

    Dan – Liz realizes that she encouraged this, no?

  2. JD says:

    That whole glasses/librarian look is soooooooo…. can’t come up with the appropriate adjective here, but you know what I mean.

  3. JD says:

    Tasty, delectable, delicious, yummy … tantalizing is good too.

    If she is taking requests … plaid skirt with thigh highs? lol

  4. Dan Collins says:

    I think she might be afraid you’re going to ingest her, JD ;-)

  5. JD says:

    Yeah, I’m not touching that one.

  6. JD says:

    And, do you think it is a coincidence that they scheduled this event at the same time that Jeff G. was going to be covering an event in another state? Coincidence, I think not.

  7. happyfeet says:

    Cap’n Ed!!!! LIVE!!!!

  8. Rob Crawford says:

    That whole glasses/librarian look is soooooooo…. can’t come up with the appropriate adjective here, but you know what I mean.

    Yeah. Oh, yeah.

    The lovely woman currently tormenting my soul (in a good way, I hope) is a librarian. Ah, well. I rolled the dice; it’s all up to her now.


  9. Dan Collins says:

    Did you ask whether she minded you checking her out?

    There’s a song in your comment, Rob.

  10. Rob Crawford says:

    There’s a song in your comment, Rob.

    A couple of dozen.

  11. JD says:

    Do any of them have a happy ending ?

  12. Rob Crawford says:

    Do any of them have a happy ending ?

    She’s a librarian, not a masseuse.

  13. Rob Crawford says:


    She didn’t say no. She didn’t say yes, but she didn’t say no.

  14. Dan Collins says:

    Try interlibrary loan.

  15. Swen Swenson says:

    She didn’t say no. She didn’t say yes, but she didn’t say no.

    Did she laugh? That’s usually a bad sign.

    BTW, you blew me away with your sidebar ad for the Cav Store. Used to spend my allowance there most every week.

  16. Rob Crawford says:

    Did she laugh? That’s usually a bad sign.


    Ah, well. It may work out. If not, I’ve at least re-connected with the best friend I’ve ever had.

  17. Dan Collins says:

    Okay, Rob. Now you just have to dish up the whole story.

  18. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Rob: let’s just hope she doesn’t turn up overdue.

    Unless, of course, that’s good for you.

  19. JD says:

    BTW – That is a sweet porn ‘stache on Peter Brady.

  20. Rob Crawford says:

    Okay, Rob. Now you just have to dish up the whole story.

    We met in college, dated for a couple of years, got engaged. Things went south for reasons I’m still not entirely clear on, she broke it off. We went our separate ways; she got married, had kids. I put my head down into my career, haven’t had much of a real life.

    She’d contact me every few years — just a quick, “hey how ya doing”, we’d trade one or two emails, then let it go.

    Three weeks ago, she contacted me again. We talked more than we had before; she’d gotten a divorce since I last heard from her. We traded phone #s; I called her while I was on vacation. Since then, we’ve spent about eight hours on the phone to each other, and have traded dozens of emails.

    Eventually I told her if there’s ANY way we could try again, I’d do what I could to make it work.

    For now we’re going to work on reconnecting as friends. We’ve both had a couple of rough years, and she’s not sure what she wants out of life at the moment.

    But it’s been scary as shit catching up with each other. Despite the years and the different paths, we still have a lot in common, and “click” damned easy.

    Like I said; I’ve reconnected with the best friend I’ve ever had. If it ever turns into more than that, well, I’d probably be so happy I could stand to listen to the alpha-troll babble for hours on end and never have the smile leave my face.

  21. JD says:

    Rob – Congrats. It is rare when chances like that come around a second time.

    I’d probably be so happy I could stand to listen to the alpha-troll babble for hours on end and never have the smile leave my face.

    That simply defies all known laws of science, and man. I maintain that would be a physical impossibility. Nothing could make a man smile that much. Except maybe the armadillo. Or a room full of strippers. And beer. And Kyoto.

  22. Dan Collins says:

    My advice? The hardest thing in the world sometimes is to do nothing, but just given the skeleton facts, that’s what you ought to do. You’ve expressed your interest. It’s up to her.

    We guys like to think that we can exert some kind of control over a situation. We like to have the initiative. Given your background with her, I think that’s something you’ve got to surrender, so that it’s not misinterpreted.

  23. Rob Crawford says:

    That’s pretty much where I am with all this, Dan. It has to be her choice. I’ll be a friend, help out if I can, but it’s all out of my hands.

    JD — no, it wouldn’t be impossible.

  24. JD says:

    In that case, don’t let her get away, and don’t follow Dan’s advise. If she can make you that happy, do everything in your power to make it work. Make sure she knows the depth of your feelings for her. Don’t push, but at the same time, go after your happiness, don’t just hope for it.

    I wish you the best.

    PS – When it comes to matters of the heart, I am a complete imbecile. The above is the exact opposite of my natural inclinations, kind of like that Seinfeld episode where George does everything the opposite of what he thinks.

  25. Dan Collins says:

    don’t follow Dan’s advise

    That’s some great advice, right there.

  26. JD says:

    Actually, great advise is to ignore me in these kinds of matters. I will not bore anyone with the particulars, but I went through something like this once, and regrets suck.

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