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October 2024


Carlin [Dan Collins]

Islamofascist, niggerlover, Kike,
Slant-eye, faggot, towel-head and dyke.

Amerindians, harmony with Gaia,
Jared Diamond slanders all the Maya.

21 Replies to “Carlin [Dan Collins]”

  1. cranky-d says:

    Like so many of his ilk, he used to be funny before he got so damn bitter.

  2. McGehee says:

    When did he escape the balcony on The Muppet Show?

    If trubble had said that here, I’d nominate it for Best in Thread.

  3. Jeffersonian says:

    “Shanna, they bought their tickets, they knew what they were getting into. I say, let ’em crash.”

  4. The Ouroboros says:

    “..the bitter hippie, broken-hearted by the failure of the 60s, whose idealism has since decayed into a cynicism so black and weary that revanchist, schadenfreudean sentiments like this now escape his lips without the slightest stutter..”

    The perfectly describes the largest part of a whole generation… I feel bad for them…

  5. MarkH says:

    “Like so many of his ilk, he used to be funny before he got so damn bitter.”

    Yea, I saw him live a couple times back in the 80s, fun shows. No more. I guess that might be called the “Twain Effect.”

  6. JD says:

    Again, imagine if a conservative comedian/actor/anything said exactly what Carlin said.

  7. plaintiveexpression says:

    Jd, most of our tribe you would then defend the comments. Much like most blogs defended Glen Beck for saying similar things

  8. JD says:

    plaintivexpression – I must have missed where Glen Beck called people niggerlovers, Kikes, slant-eye, faggot, towel-head, and dyke.

  9. psychologizer says:

    Carlin’s a childhood hero of mine, but…

    As a followup to You are all Diseased, his last mostly solid set of material, Carlin had put together a show called I Kind of Like it When a Lot of People Die. It was good, and largely in the vein of his commentary on the SD fires (with the dippy “balance” shit, too, but rendered with man up, pussies Darwin-flavored sarcasm).

    The late-tour filming date for the show fell in fall 2001, and…he didn’t do the set. He did a bunch of crappy, unfunny, totally emo political shit that — while perhaps honest — by his own standards, removed forever his artistic right to talk like this. Safe was always his favorite insult. This isn’t why you guys are pissy at him, I know, but —

    He wouldn’t have said this stuff if it wasn’t safe. He’s proven he’s a fake asshole, a blowhard coward, a TV pussy. The sources and meanings of his knowing it’s safe to say these things might be interesting, but what he says isn’t anymore. Commentary on what a d-bag he is is safe. Why bother?

    (And does “Gaia” officially rhyme with “Maya” now? It didn’t used to.)

  10. Ric Locke says:

    Psychologizer, those of us in the science-fiction fan community refer to the effect as “the Brain Eater”. A prominent example from that genre is Robert A. Heinlein.

    Scientists should investigate. It may be a form of Alzheimer’s.


  11. B Moe says:

    I would like to point out to George that given the assumption the Bible is a work of fiction, it would be fantasy rather than science fiction.

    Just sayin’.

  12. alppuccino says:

    I clicked the link and then I made it through about 40 seconds of Keith O. licking Carlin’s butt. And I’m not talking about cat-tongue lightly on the buttock, but using his hands like a rib-spreader, pulling the cheeks apart to allow for the full Gene Simmons extension directly to the bunghole.

    Then I got to thinking: Carlin was on Countdown. You know, Countdown, with its 249 viewers. It hit me that if an old dried up scrotum goes to a has-been sportscaster’s basement to hang out and help each other feel superior, and I don’t know about it, why do I care? Let those guys jack off together in private. They’re on Countdown. It’s the way God intended.

  13. MarkD says:

    Carlin’s like cheese. OK for a while, but eventually it gets moldy.

  14. Rob B. says:

    Carlin is what happens to brilliant commedians who get money and don’t go “Dave Chappelle.” Some comedians are really just doing lines until they get thier sitcoms, but if you really want to do it your way, when that big money comes in yu either flame out or sale out or both.

    Carlin has done both.

    As for Kieth Oblerman, Dan Patrick always carried you. Always. So go put the bisket in the basket, bitch.

  15. JD says:

    Olberman could not even carry Dan Patrick’s jockstrap.

  16. Vladimir says:

    Carlin is just awful. +1 on the idea that if a Conservative had said what he said, just imagine the outrage.

  17. Kresh says:

    “I clicked the link and then I made it through about 40 seconds of Keith O. licking Carlin’s butt. And I’m not talking about cat-tongue lightly on the buttock, but using his hands like a rib-spreader, pulling the cheeks apart to allow for the full Gene Simmons extension directly to the bunghole.”

    For the love of Pete! How about a “BEVERAGE WARNING” or something if you’re going to post like this. I almost spewed my coffee and breakfast pastry all over my desk!

    Carlin was good until he decided, much like most of those who feel fame makes them giant brains, that we actually cared what he thought outside of his act. He’s a comedian. I expect him to make me laugh. Whatever. He’s old news trying to be new news by being edgy and controversial. /shrug

  18. otcconan says:

    You know, the thing about George is, I probably don’t agree with him on anything, but he has his own opinions, totally apart from traditional liberals or conservatives. At least he’s consistent. To paraphrase R. Lee Ermey, George has no bigotry. Everyone is equally worthless. He hates everyone, despises all. He’s a misanthrope. Which is cool, in a way. In fact, I’m quite certain the only human beings he likes are aborigines. He’s that hermit that in the 1800’s would go and live out in his hut and trap and fish and escape from society. He’s Thoreau with hostility. And I hate to admit it, but it’s kind of cool.

  19. Chairman Me says:

    I’d never actually seen Keith Olbermann before now. It’s good to see that there’s finally an outlet for liberal opinion on television.

  20. Lost Dog says:

    “Like so many of his ilk, he used to be funny before he got so damn bitter.”

    I think it has more to do with a lack of good drugs than anything else. Remember how Richard Pryor got so unfunny as soon as he got sober?

    I hate to say it, but even I was much funnier when I was constantly wasted. I don’t miss the drugs so much as I miss the balls I had to go after anything with hair that moved.

    Well, I guess I really wouldn’t have the energy to do that anymore. And, even stranger, I seem to have developed some kind of conscience since I hopped on the wagon. Boy, does that suck, or what?

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