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October 2024


But a Whimper [Dan Collins]

Bad news, folks. We’re winning in Iraq.According to a front page story in The Washington Post, “The U.S. military believes it has dealt devastating and perhaps irreversible blows to al Qaeda in Iraq in recent months, leading some generals to advocate a declaration of victory over the group.”

Fortunately, John Cole is keeping our attention fixated on the Mess that Is Iraq, by soliciting 10 Question queries for the GOP candidates from his ingenious audience:

From our thread yesterday, a couple more good questions the rabble-rousers here at Balloon Juice would like to see posed to the GOP candidates.:

1.) “Would you have sex with a man to stop a terrorist attack?”

2.) “If lowering taxes results in increased revenues then would lowering taxes to zero result in infinite revenues?”

3.) “If you had a time machine, would you travel back in time and abort Bin Laden?”

4.) “Would you torture and kill Jesus to ensure mankind’s salvation? And how does that work?”

Keep ‘em coming, as we have a solid mission.

*** Update ***

5.) “If Russia entered Turkey from the rear would Greece help?”

6.) For Rudy specifically: “How many alimony checks does the sanctity of marriage cost?”

‘Cause, see, they’re not obsessed with butt-sex the way we are.

Also, more terrible news from Afghanistan, courtesy of RTO Trainer.

From across the pond: What’s the quintessence of Britness?

38 Replies to “But a Whimper [Dan Collins]”

  1. Randy Rager says:

    Jesus H. Christ. I remember when John Cole was eminently readable. Gawd, but that’s been a long damned time gone.

  2. Mr B says:

    If pot were legalized, would you pay an exorbitant tax to fund the military-industrial-complex?

    This could be kind of fun…..

  3. Mr B says:

    Do you, Mr(s) Democratic candidate, feel that welfare checks should be handed out before or after a week of community service?

  4. McGehee says:

    I remember when John Cole was eminently readable.

    You know, these reminiscences are about to be widely regarded in much the same way as those telling about how TV was only in black-and-white, and public schools actually taught kids worthwhile stuff.

  5. daleyrocks says:

    He definitely has the market cornered on comments by members of Mensa.

  6. alppuccino says:

    8. If John Cole posts and nobody reads it, is it still stupid?

    9. If Hairy Reed auctioned a letter on Ebay about all he’s done to make America a better place – signed by himself and 40 of his Democrat friends, would the bidding go to $2.10 in seven days time?

  7. Jeffersonian says:

    10. If the Fairness Doctrine is revived, will John Cole be forced to let intelligent people guest-blog on BJ?

  8. Semanticleo says:

    “10. If the Fairness Doctrine is revived, will John Cole be forced to let intelligent people guest-blog on BJ?”

    (chuckle) cuz we know that this is what passes for ‘intelligence’ at PW.

    Collins; “Visualize” victory in Iraq with the help of Sartre and Kierkegaard. You and yours have already created your own reality. Your scofflaw Presidunce needs any help you can supply with his own shell game. Thanks for trying.

  9. Darla says:

    Has anyone also noticed how Cole’s new best-bud’s are Andrew Sullivan and Gleen Greenwald. I guess he’s finally come all the way out of the closet, as somewhat suggested by this post of his.

  10. Big Bang (pumping you up.) says:

    – 1.) “Would you have sex with a man to stop a terrorist attack?”
    ans: “Only if the sex in question consisted of shoving Nancy’s head up Harry’s ass.”

    – 2.) “If lowering taxes results in increased revenues then would lowering taxes to zero result in infinite revenues?”
    ans: “No. Lowering taxes to zero would result in all the SecProggs moving to France.”

    – 3.) “If you had a time machine, would you travel back in time and abort Bin Laden?”
    ans: “If you went back in time and aborted Jimmah Cahtah, there wouldn’t be any Bin Ladens.”

    5.) “If Russia entered Turkey from the rear would Greece help?”
    ans: “All the Greece in the world couldn’t get Putins head out of Ahdinajads ass.”

    6.) For Rudy specifically: “How many alimony checks does the sanctity of marriage cost?”
    ans: “How many welfare checks does it take to destroy an economy?”

  11. JHoward says:

    Collins; “Visualize” victory in Iraq with the help of Sartre and Kierkegaard. You and yours have already created your own reality. Your scofflaw Presidunce needs any help you can supply with his own shell game. Thanks for trying.

    Semanticleo, given your great, um, intimacy with the pw way of life, may I ask a favor? Two, actually.

    Kindly go absorb RTO Trainer’s stuff for the last month or so. You know, the longest posts in the place, and all of each of them copy-pastes from reputable news sources, handily linked for your viewing pleasure.

    Just as kindly, then hold forth on the nature of reality.

    (Or, shall you then prefer it, just go STFU.)


  12. BJTexs says:

    Semanticleo’s new slogan:

    Reality! What a concept!

  13. Big Bang (pumping you up.) says:

    “…Visualize” victory in Iraq”

    – As opposed to your gaggle of “Secular Projectionists” who have to visualize defeat in Iraq so you can pretend to be rellevant.

  14. Jeffersonian says:

    (chuckle) cuz we know that this is what passes for ‘intelligence’ at PW.

    Proust is pearls to swine, Cleo. You can have Sartre…Hell really is other people in the circles you run in.

  15. alppuccino says:

    “Presidunce” good one, einstein.

  16. BJTexs says:


    Sentoron Reid, Speakoron Pelosi, semanticlueless.

    I like this game!

  17. Darleen says:

    Ummm… is #5 a followup question to #1?

  18. daleyrocks says:

    Cole is just jealous of the quality of Larry Johnson’s commenters.

  19. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    ““If lowering taxes results in increased revenues then would lowering taxes to zero result in infinite revenues?””

    Nope. If raising taxes results in increased revenues, then would raising taxes to 100$ result in infinite revenues? Nope.

    God, these people are ignorant of mathematics, aren’t they?

    Clearly, lowering taxes to zero would result in zero revenue, and raising them to 100% would also result in zero revenue (’cause no one would bother working, other than at gunpoint. Which may be exactly what they have in mind). There is some tax rate (possibly more than one, depending on the shape of the curve) between zero and 100% which will result in maximum (not “infinite”) revenue. Economists disagree on how you can figure out what this might be (as well as whether maximizing tax revenue should be what the government is all about).

  20. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    That should be 100%, not 100$. Urgh.

  21. Cincinnatus says:

    Jon Stewart asked Dennis Miller “Who would you rather have sex with, Hannity or Colmes?”
    “Hannity, I know he wouldn’t enjoy it.”

  22. Rick says:

    The Balloon Juice list just sparkles with the concentrated wit and sophistication of dullard-in-chief Tim F.

    But Cole is just trying to distract us from the mess of his position on Terri Schiavo, after all.


  23. ThomasD says:

    I don’t care how desperate he is, John Cole should stay the hell off Terri Schiavo. She’s freakin dead.

  24. Big Bang (pumping you up.) says:

    – Note to Progessive math dunces: “Laffer curve for dummies”

    – Hint: just take a piece of paper and draw an upside down “U”, and stare at it for awhile. Common Proggs and Progettes, we know you can do it!!!!!1111one!!1!!

  25. Ted Nugent's Soul Patch says:

    Christ, I know we here at pw enjoy a healthy dose of adolescent humor, but those questions look like something concocted by a pack of sixth-graders. Was Cole really serious about these “inquiries,” or was it just a “ha-ha, look how clever we are” exercise? Either way, its pretty demonstrative of how pathetic that particular community is.

    I don’t think Cole’s stance on Schiavo was unreasonable, but he’s clearly succumbed over time to the middle-school style peer pressure his commenters have employed–witness his point-missing “I agree with Krugman” post. At this stage, I wouldn’t take Cole or his gaggle of intellectual munchkins seriously, and if this post is any indication, neither should you. Why waste bandwidth on someone who so clearly needs to feel like one of the “cool kids”?

  26. ThomasD says:

    Algebra: Google it!

  27. happyfeet says:

    I don’t see how calling for federal involvement in Jena is really a lot different than how the Schiavo case is generally portrayed by the media.

  28. Big Bang (pumping you up.) says:

    – I’ll give you a hint Feets. Terri can’t vote.

  29. happyfeet says:

    Neither can convicted felons, but mostly my only point is that sometimes it’s ok for the federal government to step into places where they have no defined role and sometimes not, depending on if the intervention is advocated by conservatives or liberals.

  30. Big Bang (pumping you up.) says:

    “…depending on if the intervention is advocated by conservatives or liberals…”

    – “….and if there are any possible votes at stake”, Which was the point of the hint. No votes, no “outrage”. Sinple. All is cynical in politics. The Black vote has been slipping recently, so the Left suddenly cares even more. Same with the Hispanic vote, which doubled for Bush in 2004, so suddenly the Left is all about “open borders”. The Left really cares….and what they care mostly about is voter demographics.

  31. happyfeet says:

    oh – got you. Yes.

  32. Patrick Chester says:

    Oh-so-brilliant question:

    “If lowering taxes results in increased revenues then would lowering taxes to zero result in infinite revenues?”

    Is it considered a good idea to answer such questions starting with “No, dumbass…” or similar? If not, then I guess I shouldn’t run for President.

    Spies, Brigands and Pirates: you can have 100% tax in the Civ games! ;)

  33. Big Bang (pumping you up.) says:

    “Is it considered a good idea to answer such questions starting with “No, dumbass…” or similar?

    – If its any random question from a Secular Progressive, its not only a good idea its manditory. Especially if he/she is not washing your car.

  34. happyfeet says:

    When I was little, I thought Kelly LeBrock was the quintessence of Britness. Later I learned that this was not so.

  35. happyfeet says:

    Hah. The Kelly LeBrock Picture Galleries on Geocities “has temporarily exceeded its data transfer limit. Please try again later.”

  36. Aldo says:

    Cato has a neat little deconstruction of the Laffer Curve Strawman that Cole alludes to in his second question.

  37. jdm says:

    > You know, these reminiscences are about to be widely regarded
    > in much the same way as those telling about how TV was only in
    > black-and-white, and public schools actually taught kids
    > worthwhile stuff.

    Sort of like remembering how get to Shell Beach

  38. jdm says:

    > You know, these reminiscences are about to be widely regarded
    > in much the same way as those telling about how TV was only in
    > black-and-white, and public schools actually taught kids
    > worthwhile stuff.

    Sort of like remembering how get to Shell Beach


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