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October 2024


Put Down Your Coffee [Dan Collins]

I will not be responsible for any keyboard damage:

John Edwards‘ presidential campaign Friday played what it considers a trump card: the belief that he’s more electable than any other Democrat. In a conference call organized by the campaign, 10 party leaders from across the country said Edwards has the best chance not only of beating a Republican but of ensuring the election of other Democrats.

The fact that he couldn’t carry his home state in ’04 notwithstanding.

11 Replies to “Put Down Your Coffee [Dan Collins]”

  1. McGehee says:

    The fact that he couldn’t carry his home state in ‘04 notwithstanding.

    But, he did! In that other America.

  2. Tregonsee says:

    The fact that someone who makes Dan Qualye look like Winston Churchill was even considered for VP, and is still in the race now is truly, truly amazing.

  3. SteveG says:

    “makes Dan Quayle look like Winston Churchill”

    That gonna leave a mark

  4. Jeffersonian says:

    Did some nice men in white coats wrestle Mr. Edwards to the floor immediately following these remarks?

  5. Dan Collins says:

    It was a conference call with ten party leaders from across the country!

  6. fretless says:

    The likability of Hillary!, without all that Chineese money holding him back.

  7. Synova says:

    I can see where they got the idea. Except for a few Breck Girl and Pretty Pony comments (which most people are too mature to indulge in) Edwards doesn’t get much criticism.

    That isn’t the same as liking him… but if they decide that he’s a better chance to win than Hillary or Obama… I’m good with that.

    I’d sorta like to see Rudy vs. John.

  8. Synova says:

    In other words… he’s *boring*.

  9. McGehee says:

    Except for a few Breck Girl and Pretty Pony comments (which most people are too mature to indulge in) Edwards doesn’t get much criticism.

    I’ve noticed neither does Dennis Kucinich. I’m not so sure there aren’t similar reasons.

  10. happyfeet says:

    Edwards described the stakes of the presidential race in stark terms, asking the crowd if they want to live in a country made up of “a few rich people and everybody else.”


  11. The Monster says:

    John Edwards’ campaign should be using John Edward to arrange its conference calls any day now.

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