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October 2024


Holy Sh*t! [Dan Collins]

A day after the explosions that killed well over a hundred in Pakistan, we are confronted with this news?

China’s surplus of sons: A geopolitical time bomb

“Bare Branches,” surplus male populations in a region often result in violence – through banditry, rioting, or militarization. The 6 to 5 male-female ratio in China means there are a lot of men who will not be able to start families. If history is any guide, they will either find less savory things to occupy their time, or find women through equally unsavory means.

19 Replies to “Holy Sh*t! [Dan Collins]”

  1. TheGeezer says:

    The fundamental right to life exists regardless of one’s gender.

    Where’s teh outrage from NOW? If womyns are being ripped out of wombs after the formation of recognizable genitalia, and merely because of what the genitalia mean, doesn’t that i>compel at least incendiary irascibility from womyn’s groups everywhere?

  2. RiverC says:

    Monogamy: Stop Questioning the Jesus!

    Seriously, folks.

  3. RiverC says:

    Though of course, this is more of a
    Abortion: You can’t disinvent clothes hangers, but can you get China to stop withdrawing samples of baby brains?

    The men of the world will thank you, really.

  4. JD says:

    I would bet that the rates of carpal tunnel syndrome in the males far exceeds the global averages.

  5. BJTexs says:


    Where is teh outrage from NOW for Islamic Theocracies’ ongoing oppression of the womyns folks? Actus’ explanation several months ago was that NOW was concentrating on “national womyn’s issues.”

    Ideological agreement with Bushitler causes NOW to vear from denouncing Muslims. Economic real politique p[robably does the same for Now and China.

    but, hey, the Supreme Court HATES TEH WOMYN!

  6. Nick Byram says:

    And what is odd is that there are still a good many unwnated girl babies in orphanges over there, that wealthier Americans adopt.

  7. Squid says:

    Ah, I can see it now: the Chinese Unrest is all Bush’s fault, for allowing thousands of Americans to STEAL Chinese baby girls during his Administration.

    The headline writes itself!

  8. Nick Byram says:

    “Ah, I can see it now: the Chinese Unrest is all Bush’s fault, for allowing thousands of Americans to STEAL Chinese baby girls during his Administration.

    The headline writes itself!”

    Squid: Oh my, you ARE good. The Leftists no doubt will be claiming that two decades from now. (pardon typos in original)

  9. Pablo says:

    This has been going on for years in India.

  10. happyfeet says:

    I don’t think the Olympics are a great opportunity to address the One Child policy. I really don’t see how that tracks. I don’t see people after the Olympics looking back and saying we sure missed a great opportunity to help the Chinese learn from the past to avoid demographic catastrophe and geopolitical instability in their future. Michael Fragoso is just being a bit opportunistic cause it’s his job. I would sure hate for the next Olympics in the U.S. to be a great opportunity for the world to address something. I already think the Olympics are cheesy and dumb, but I don’t dread them yet. Michael Fragoso’s schemes could hasten that day I think. The most important part of the Olympic Games is that nobody gets hurt, after that nothing really matters very much really unless we all get together and pretend really hard.

  11. Sticky B says:

    If history is any guide, they will either find less savory things to occupy their time,

    History’s ass!!

    All you have to do is look at the other end of Asia to find out what young men do when they lack access to women. If the Chinese can provide a semi-convincing case that there might be virgins on the other side of life, they’ll have suicide bombers and kamikaze soldiers out the wazoo.

  12. Dan Collins says:

    I’m mostly with you, happyfeet, but I was thinking maybe they could host that giant brothel that the German’s don’t seem to want anymore.

  13. Nick Byram says:

    “All you have to do is look at the other end of Asia to find out what young men do when they lack access to women. If the Chinese can provide a semi-convincing case that there might be virgins on the other side of life, they’ll have suicide bombers and kamikaze soldiers out the wazoo.”

    If we can just get the angry Red Chinese single men to wipe out the Islaminazis and take their women. Two birds, one stone!

  14. psychologizer says:

    I can’t chase a source right now — there’s a boozin’ to get doin’ — but there’s still, worldwide, a statistical man-shortage hangover (which, yes doctor, I just typoed “nagover”) from the several bajillions of us who got disproportionately (!) offed in the last century’s wars.

    Hasn’t helped.


  15. Big Dan says:

    > And what is odd is that there are still a
    > good many unwnated girl babies in orphanges
    > over there, that wealthier Americans adopt.

    You can only adopt GIRL children from China, boys are almost completely unavailable, unless they have severe special needs.

  16. Slartibartfast says:

    I’ve only been pointing this little bit of information out for about five years, now. What do you suppose China is going to do with all of these excess men, hm?

    I’m guessing a pointless war with some other country that ends in a draw, that incidentally kills off a few hundred thousand men. But something else could happen, like the sudden onset of polygamous relationships ruled by women. Or a whole bunch of tiny anvils might drop out of space and wipe out the whole country.

  17. Slartibartfast says:

    You can only adopt GIRL children from China, boys are almost completely unavailable, unless they have severe special needs.

    Untrue, Big Dan. Unless you consider “severe” things like clubfoot (operable) or cleft palate (also operable). I’ve known people who adopted boys from China that had no visible defects at all. You might make a case that boys are substantially less available than girls, and I’d have no quarrel.

  18. Carmen says:

    happyfeet missed the point. Societies that are overwhelmingly male tend to be more violent — look it up. What’s clever is that Michael Fragoso reminds us that history can repeat itself if we forget it. Instead of the “rape of the Sabine women” there may be “the rape of the [Burmese, Vietnamese, Korean, take your pick] women”. I would advise happyfeet not take his wife and daughters(if any) to the Bejing Olympics.

  19. happyfeet says:

    I don’t even watch them on the tv. I think personally the Olympics are gay and a seen one seen em all thing. They’re sure useful for selling stuff though.

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